Find Me | {GLENN RHEE}

By greeneballoons

5.2K 162 47

It started with a car crash. And then Glenn couldn't remember who he was. [Short Story] More

1 | Begin
3 | Best Behaivior
4 | Learn
5 | Remember (END)

2 | Forgetful

967 33 6
By greeneballoons

"Are you serious?" Maggie asked, dumbfounded.


"Glenn you're not joking?"


Maggie stared at her husband in disbelief.
"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I ate dinner with my family and then I went to sleep- wait, am I dreaming?"
Glenn said, sitting up in the cot.

"No.. You're... Oh my fucking god... Just stay here," Maggie ran out of the tent and straight into Rick.

"Oops, sorr-"

"Glenn lost his memory!"

Rick squinted.
"Like, from where?"

"Before everything, he still thinks his family's alive, he doesn't know me, he didn't know his own name, I... I don't know what to do!" Maggie cried frantically.

"Woah, calm down, let's go work this out, okay?"

She sighed, an turned back around for the entrance of the tent.

"Who's that guy?" Glenn asked.

"I'm Rick. Um, Glenn, we need to talk-"

"Where's my family? What did you do with them?" he sounded to be on the verge of tears.

"Glenn, we didn't do anything-"

"Where are they?" he tried to stand up, but when he did he only doubled over in pain.

"Glenn!" Maggie cried and helped him back up.

"Why does my head hurt so much?" he asked them all when he was back in the cot.
The whole group was gathered around in the small room, some laughing, some just blown away. The Glenn that they knew, well, most of them (Maggie, Rick, Carol, Daryl, and Carl recognized this side of Glenn because they'd been with him from the beginning) knew, was gone.

"Glenn, we're gonna sit here and explain to you what happened and what's going on, okay?"

He nodded.

"Okay. About six hours ago you were driving with your friends Tara, Rosita and Jason and you got in an accident. You were unconscious and you just woke up about a half hour ago. You've lost your memory, but the doctors think it's only temporary. A week at most,"

"We have to deal with this for a week?" Daryl interrupted.

"Oh," was all Glenn said.

"Let's start off with some basic things to remember," Rick looked at Maggie, "Glenn, this is Maggie, your wife,"

Glenn's eyes grew to be about the size of the moon at that statement.

"What?" he started to laugh, "that's impossible. How could a guy like me end up with an amazing, beautiful girl like that?" Glenn truly couldn't have ever even dreamt up a wife like this, it couldn't be real.

"Well believe it, because it's true," Maggie held his hand, looked into his eyes, and a part of him just knew that she wasn't lying to him. She couldn't lie to him.

"Can I stand up?"

"Yeah," Maggie helped him, as he walked over to the mirror in the corner.

"Holy shit, when the fuck did this happen?" Glenn mumbled under his breath.

Everyone laughed at that.

It's like I went through puberty... Again! Glenn thought.

He felt the stubble on his face and his grown out hair, and he thought he looked a lot more attractive, but still didn't know how he even got a chance with Maggie.

"Where's my family?"

Rick looked at the ground.

"About two years ago, um, there was an outbreak in the U.S. It was a virus. Once infected you uh... You die-"

"My family got infected?"

"Or eaten. Once you die from the infection, the virus takes over and you come back to life, and your soul purpose is to kill people and eat them," Rick said.

"That sounds like it's from a tv show or a video game or something," Glenn shook his head.

"Come see," Maggie told him.

She lead him outside, and out of the gates with Rick and some others. They waited for a while before he first heard the groans. Then it made its way out of the woods and closer to them, snarling and biting. He smelt the rotten flesh, he saw the rotting corpse, walking like it was alive.

"Can I... Kill it?"

Rick hesitantly gave him his knife, knowing he could overpower Glenn if he tried anything.
Glenn slowly approached it, bringing the knife up to its head and burying it inside of its eye.

"How'd you know to aim for the head?"
Maggie asked.

"I... I don't k-know," he answered honestly, it was like it was just one motion that was a part of him.

"Maybe there's still some of you left inside," Maggie whispered to herself.

After they answered all of his questions and made him feel somewhat at ease, he sighed and lowered himself back onto the cot.

"Rick's gonna go back to Alexandria but Abe, Tara, Rosita and Aaron are staying here to help me keep an eye on you," she said as she walked in, talking off her jacket and pants, so she was in a
t-shirt and underwear.

Glenn wasn't expecting this.
Honestly, if this was a dream, he wasn't sure he wanted it to end.
She lay next to him, letting her head fall on his shoulder.
This feeling came over him. He didn't know what it was or why it was happening, but it told him to wrap an arm around her and pull her closer. He'd never remembered doing this with anyone before, and was surprising himself.
Isn't that pathetic? I never even remember cuddling with a girl and all of a sudden I'm married to one and sleeping with her.

"I forgot to tell you that um, I'm pregnant,"

"H-um, w-okay," his words were jumbled up by astonishment.

"Just thought you should know."

And then on instinct, another feeling came over him telling him to rub her stomach.

So he did, and he saw Maggie smile.

"Tell me about it," he said.

"About what?"

"Us. Everything about us. How we met, how you fell in love with me, if you did even fall in love with me-"

"Glenn? You're the one person in my life who I've fallen for the most, who I've fallen the furthest for, who I'll keep falling for until the day I die. I love you and your dorky side and your sexy serious side, and your smile, and your voice, and your laugh, and your personality. You're the one thing most precious to me in this world,"

Glenn smiled.
"Even though I just met you like an hour ago, I can already see why we're married,"

They lay in quiet for a while.

"I'm sorry I broke that promise," he said.

"It's okay. Sometimes you break promises even when you don't choose to,"


"Wait, Glenn?"


"Which promise are you talking about?"

"I said I wouldn't get hurt, but I did,"

"How'd you remember you promised me that?"

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