The Dark World (book 2)

Por the_a_initiative

33.1K 1.4K 990

ONGOING (book #2) Tessa Stark has defeated S.H.I.E.L.D. after their attempt to murder her. She's left everyo... Más

before reading...


1.1K 44 41
Por the_a_initiative

QOTC: trains or buses?

I dont know trains are more aesthetically pleasing for me and Ive never had a bad experience on one unlike a bus (ahem, Ed Sheeran concert) :) so I like trains more

Also trains are just cool asf

(Hey guys. I haven't edited this since August 2nd, so I'm going to give you a little story. I started high school, blah, blah. I literally have all PRE AP classes, and I'm struggling to stay in volleyball because as of now I have a D in Biology. Tonight I actually had a night off because there's no school tomorrow due to parent teacher conferences. Also, I've been thinking a lot about how I'd like to branch this series, especially this chapter. It's kind of hard for me to write, but I will get through it! Enjoy reading this, guys. I love you!!)

* * * * *

Tessa's P.O.V.

"HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN since you've slept?" Loki questioned, the ship immediately slowing down.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you look terrible."


"Do you want me to go to sleep now or something?" I asked.


"I'm sorry Tessa, but you can't. We need to discuss this plan we need for Jane to be safe."

"Who said Azeli was going to do anything?" Loki asked.

My hands moved to the surrender position. "I thought I was just going to observe and act like the victim or something."

"That is unsafe," Thor stated. "For you and us. You should probably be the villain,"

"I'm not complaining because villains are cool, but why do I have to be the villain?"

I felt like I was pretending like I used to do when I was little. You know, with playing house and dressing up and acting like a princess. How could I possibly act like a villain?

"We sound like we're children, guys. This is a stupid plan. You really think Malekith is going to believe someone like me being the villain?"

"No, but he will believe that you are on Loki's side," Thor nodded.

"I'm going to take a nap. I'm just gonna wing it. Wake me up in fifteen." I murmured, laying down on the bench.

* * *

My eyes slowly opened to the awkward silence between Thor and Loki. Thor was covering Jane up with a blanket, and-

Where did he get a blanket?

Loki sighed.

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins."

I grimaced at his words. "You said the same thing about me."

"It would consume you," Thor interjected.

"She's holding up alright," Loki started, "-for now."

"She's strong in ways you wouldn't even know." Thor argued.

Jane is a touchy subject for me. I don't know her well enough to judge her on anything she is done, because that would be wrong of me, but you know what? Screw it.

I don't like Jane. I feel like if she wasn't love drunk for Thor, Frigga would still be alive, I would be on Earth with Tony, and Loki would the dungeons.


Was Frigga's death a greater sacrifice? Was that the better option? It coming down to Loki and Frigga?

"Say goodbye," Loki teased, voice soft.

"Not this day." Thor choked quietly.

Does Thor deserve better than Jane?

"This day, the next, a hundred years- it's nothing!" Loki stood up, glaring at Thor. My weary eyes followed his movement, too tired to physically follow. "It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready..."

Is he speaking from experience?

"The only woman who's love you prized will be snatched from yo-" Loki rambled.

"And will that satisfy you?!" Thor interrupted, his face turning a little red.

I rubbed my eyes. I could feel the tension, and I know I'd have to stop whatever was coming.

"Satisfaction's not in my nature-"

"Surrender's not in mine." Thor seethed, death glaring at Loki.

"The son of Odin-" Loki teased, smirking a little.

"No, not just of Odin!" Thor boomed, standing up to confront Loki. "You think you alone were loved of mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust!"

"Trust? Was that her last expression?! Trust?! When you let her die-!"

"Well, what help were you in your cell?!" Thor pushed.

"Who put me there?" Loki murmured. "Who put me there?!"

Thor pushed Loki backwards, causing Loki to lean against the ledge of the ship. "You know damn well! You know damn well who!" Thor lifted his fist to punch Loki, but I quickly jumped up and shrieked. I pulled at Thor's arm, and surprisingly, I was strong enough to pull him away from Loki.

"She wouldn't want us to fight!" Thor exclaimed, trying to push past me.

"Well then don't!" I pushed hard at his chest, making him stumble back a little.

"Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked..." Loki murmured, standing up straight.

Heaving and breathless, I turned to look at Loki, then back at Thor. "You guys are pathetic. You know, you aren't the only ones who lost your mother, okay? I've had mine gone for over three years! I watched her slowly die every day until she did. So don't give me any of that bullshit! Loki, you didn't even see her die! I was the one who let her die because I couldn't do anything! She tricked me so that I couldn't save her and let them take Jane instead. She tricked me..." I lowered my arms, my eyes shifting down to the ground.

"And-and I wasn't quick enough to do anything! And Malekith KNEW I couldn't do anything, so he killed her right before my eyes. There had to be a reason. Why did he do that?! He didn't know I was close to Frigga, and he doesn't even know who I am..."

"Maybe he does," Thor suggested, brushing off the fact that I said I'd let them take Jane instead. "Maybe Malekith somehow found out that your mother served in the Dark War, and he was somehow trying to get back at you for what your mother did-"

"Azeli, make sure you aren't distracted by anything in this fight." Loki interrupted. "Malekith is a Dark Elf, he specializes in magic and will try to distract you from fighting him and most likely kill you because of what your mother possibly did in this Dark War. Stay focused, and for Heimdall's sake, put on some armor."

I thought for a moment, and my body shimmered lightly.

I was instantly wearing armor; the whole piece. My cape and dress were nowhere to be seen (thank God) and I had on some metal, yet comfortable, boots.

"Okay, um... don't you think that's a bit too much?"

I looked down at it. "Nah."

* * *

After going over the plan a few times, I think I had gotten it.

I'd be playing a villain, and if the plan went wrong, we'd fight.

"This is a lot of rubble," I said, looking around at all of the parts of destroyed ships.

"I suppose this is all from the Dark War, since Malekith didn't awake until a few days ago." Thor mentioned.

"How long ago was the Dark War?" I asked.

"Thousands of years ago. It was before Odin, I can say for sure. Your mother was young, grandfather explained her as if she looked to be a few years younger than you are now. Very young, apparently. Too young for a war, but, your mother supposedly killed the first Kursed to ever exist. Malekith had great plans, and your mother and my grandfather destroyed them all. I'm thinking that Malekith doesn't even care about the Aether as of now. He just wants to kill us three, then he will be fine."

A few moments of silence passed.

"Do you ever think that I could be thousands of years old?"

"Malekith..." Jane murmured, leaning over the edge of the ship. She looked at us before pointing to a small figure in the sky.

It was one of their ships.

"Okay, let's this, guys!"

Loki gracefully stopped the ship. We all hopped out and pulled the heavy boat to the ground.

The wind was starting to really act up and my hair was starting to get in my face. I pulled the hair tie I had on my wrist around what hair was left into a small, but tight bun.

Dark, gloomy clouds hung over us, yellow attempting to shine through. The four of us stood over the edge of a cliff and watched Malekith's ship noisily land, dozens of Dark Elves instantly flowing out of the opened door.

Lastly, Malekith and the Kursed strode out, looking up at us from our spot on the cliff.

"Alright, you ready?" Thor asked Jane softly, causing Jane to give him a wary glance.

"I am," Loki finished for her.

"I'm not!" I exclaimed. "Guys, we're going to get ourselves killed!"

"Shhh," Loki hushed me. "I'm going to be there with you the whole time, I promise. The only thing that's going to get us killed, is you going into this fight with that mindset. Believe that we will win and succeed."

I gulped but nodded. "Okay,"

We all stood up and stood shoulder-to-shoulder.

I noticed Malekith stopped and watched us at the top of our cliff. I narrowed my eyes to see his annoying, perfectly braided hair.


Loki showed Thor his bound hands and waited for Thor to do something. Thor just stared at him.

"You still don't trust me, brother?" Loki laughed, squinting his eyes a little.

Thor gave him a look. "...Would you?..." But pulled the handcuffs off anyway.

I eyed Loki's hands uncomfortably as he rubbed them together. Loki sighed for a few moments, watching the sky, before lifting his chin up. "No, I wouldn't."

Jane was too slow. Loki pulled his dagger from behind his back and stabbed Thor in his stomach with it. He kicked Thor down the hill, jumping down after him.

"Thor!" Jane exclaimed.

I watched Malekith's face turn into a look of confusion. Good, good. We were tricking him.

"Loki, what are you doing?!" I exclaimed, trying to keep up with him. I didn't want to slide down the hill and hurt myself, like I always do.

"You really think I cared about Frigga? About any of you?" Loki sneered, striding towards a crawling Thor. He kicked Thor in the face, making Thor's body look like a rag doll. Thor didn't mind Loki; he reached out his hand for Mjolnir to appear.

"When all I ever really wanted," Loki smirked, "-was you, Odin, and Azeli, dead at my feet!"

I watched as Mjolnir started to attract to Thor's hand. but Mjolnir was too slow.

Loki smiled evilly as he swiped his knife downwards, and Thor's hand was gone. Thor immediately crumbled and shrieked in pain, Mjolnir flying over his head and landing a few meters behind him and Loki.

Meanwhile, I was almost down the hill with Jane a few steps in front of me.

"No!" Jane exclaimed, running over to Thor's trembling body.

Loki breathed heavily and watched as I grabbed Jane from behind and yanked her up. "Sorry," I muttered before holding a knife to her throat. "What?! Tessa?!"

"Malekith!" Loki bellowed as Malekith approached the situation. "I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift!"

I threw Jane to the ground in front of Malekith, but not close enough. He eyed her for a moment to see if this offer was real. Malekith's eyes then shifted to me and Loki, but lingered on me for a second longer.

"We ask only one thing in return: a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

"He isn't messing around. I saw him in Asgard's dungeons. I do not know about the girl." The Kursed spoke.

Malekith replied. "I do. She is Edna's daughter..."

My eyes widened slightly, but I tried to keep my composure. Loki eyed me through his peripheral vision and noticed my tension.

Thor groaned from the ground.

I watched Malekith was close eyes as he rounded Jane and passed me and Loki. He glared at me as he approached Thor.

Malekith kicked Thor in the stomach, resulting in Thor laying on his side. He refused to look at the scarred face of Malekith.

"Look at me," he grumbled, his voice booming loudly.

But, heaving and shaking, Thor glared up at Malekith under his eyelids. He held his severed hand on his chest and breathed heavily.

Without even looking, Malekith raised his hand, and with it; Jane.

The sky started to grow darker, like it was almost nighttime. Wind started to become more prominent, and goosebumps immediately portrayed themselves on my arms through the armor.

My hair was starting to unstick from my face due to the chilliness.

Malekith slowly turned his head to see Jane in the air; her hair starting to raise like she had touched something static-y.

She looked petrified, and I almost stopped the plan from resuming. Even though I said earlier that I disliked Jane a lot, she still is a lovestruck human girl.

Which is pretty hypocritical to say, to be honest.

Her head pushed itself back and the red liquid started pouring out of her mouth and into the air. It shimmered mysteriously, and I really wanted to touch it.

It dove into the air almost magically and twisted itself around, making designs.

I focused my blurry eyes on Jane's and my vision started to become more clear. her eyes were almost black, with a hint of red flowing through them.

Suddenly, I was thrown into a vision. I saw a corrupted Earth from the galaxy; half of it a vibrant green and blue and the other half dead and black. It was spreading.

I watched as, what looked like, the sun visibly start to heat up and consume the dying planet, but long, black and red smoke emerged from behind the big star and consumed the sun. The Aether grew until it almost consumed Earth.

I was pulled out of the vision before I could see it happen. But instead I was flying through the galaxy, trying to outrun the corruption of the Aether trying to catch me.

It was grabbing everything; every dead star and planet in its way.

I looked ahead of me to see that the Aether had trapped me, but I covered my face with my forearms and pushed myself through it with my momentum.

My arms fell and I looked behind me to see a giant cylinder-looking black mass forming from the Aether. It looked angry.

And then, I saw Natenheim.

I watched as the Aether struggled to corrupt and destroy the planet, and in my confusion, I heard, what sounded like, thousands of people screaming my name.

Tessa. Azeli. It didn't matter.

They didn't know me, they saw me as Mother Nature's daughter and tried to drown me in a bag when I went there.

And now they're asking for my help, hoping that I'll be forgiving enough to save them.

The black mass surrounded the planet and started contracting, almost like it was trying to squeeze the planet to bits. But it wouldn't break.

Natenheim stood strong through it all.

Maybe it's because of how many Allfathers died to keep my mother there! I remember Odin talking about that, and maybe their powers are stronger than the Aether...

Does that mean we can't defeat it all on our own? This is a crazy thought, but do we need to somehow retrieve power from dead gods?

No. That's impossible.

Jesus Christ, Tessa, you really have gotten stupid.

The screams stopped, and the Aether was gone. I was floating in space alone, and that's when my fear kicked in.

"Azeli?" I heard my name.

I shook my eyes and blinked a few times, staring crazily at Loki.

"Y-yeah, sorry. That was weird."

Is that what will happen if Malekith possesses the Aether? We can't let him retrieve it!

Jane's eyes were back to her usual brown, and Malekith started to possess the Aether. His fingertips were lightly combing at it and the red and black liquid started to become absorbed by his arm.

"Loki! Now!" Thor yelled, gripping his hand.

Loki's hand immediately jutted forward, glowing brightly.

Everything happened so fast.

Thor's hand was already raised in the air, retrieving Mjolnir.

Loki pushed me down to the ground and protected my body with his. His arms reached behind his head to protect himself.

"But what about Jane?!" I exclaimed, trying to push him off of me.

"She'll be fine!" Loki reassured me. "Now put your head down!"

Thor summoned powerful lightning to Mjolnir before pointing it at the floating mass. The power surges immediately started to break the Aether into small pieces, and a bright white light flashed for a few seconds, blinding all of us.

* * * * *

Hey guys, I missed you all !

So, high school started, and I really don't like it. Going to a school with 50 kids from Kindergarten through 8th grade to a school with 1800 kids is terrifying. But, I've had my best friend along the way with me, and we actually have lunch and a few periods together, so it's making me a little less anxious.

I won't apologize for not updating for a while because I don't wanna waste your time :)

I love all of you guys though ! And my Older Senior Citizens who have been here since the beginning of this series !! Someone actually messaged me about that the other day and it made me so happy to see them again because I actually got to know them really well.

This chapter is almost 3,000 words so wow uhm I've never done that many before haaha

Anyways, I hope you all liked the chapter. I could've written more, but, ya know, I need more chapters in this book. It's a very short movie.

Thanks for reading guys !

WRITTEN: 09-26-2016, 09-27-2016


-gray xx

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