Small Town Girl (Farkle Minku...

By RED0823

357K 8.1K 1.9K

Skipper Jackson is your regular small town girl: Aggressive, good with a gun, and stunningly beautiful. She l... More

Chapter One: Girl Meets Lukey
Chapter Two: Girl Meets Pointy Boots
Chapter Three: Girl Meets History
Chapter Four: Girl Meets Our Story
Chapter Five: Girl Meets Riley and Lucas
Chapter Six: Girl Meets Slow Dancing
Chapter Seven: Girl Meets Detention
Chapter Eight: Girl Meets Balance
Chapter Nine: Girl Meets Donnie Barnes
Chapter Ten: Girl Meets Labels
Chapter Eleven: Girl Meets All The Stars In The Sky
Chapter Twelve: Girl Meets Dearly Beloved
Chapter Fifteen: Girl Meets Asperger's
Chapter Sixteen: Girl Meets Conflict
Chapter Seventeen: Girl Meets Anger
Chapter Eighteen: Girl Meets The Riley Awards
Chapter Nineteen: Girl Meets Lucas' Deepest Darkest Secret
Chapter Twenty: Girl Meets Texan Skipper and the Master of Tombstone
Chapter Twenty-One: Girl Meets Promises
Chapter Twenty-Two: Girl Meets Difficult Situations
Chapter Twenty-Three: Girl Meets What Love Feels Like
Chapter Twenty-Four: Girl Meets Questions Without Answers
Chapter Twenty-Five: Girl Meets Paul
Chapter Twenty Six: Girl Meets Forgiveness Project
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Girl Meets Understanding
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Girl Meets Empty Envelopes
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Girl Meets Sense and Sensibility
Chapter THIRTY: Girl Meets What Happens Next
Chapter Thirty-One: Girl Meets LRMF
Chapter Thirty-Two: Girl Meets Don't Think I Can
Chapter Thirty-Three: Girl Meets Exhibit A
Chapter Thirty-Four: Girl Meets Shiny Things
Chapter Thirty-Five: Girl Meets What I Have To Be Happy About
Chapter Thirty-Six: Girl Meets The End

Chapter Thirteen: Girl Meets Jennifer Minkus

10.1K 246 40
By RED0823

I looked through the window of Topanga's. I've been in Texas for an entire month. I had just gotten back when Farkle's Mom called me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Skipper Jackson?"

"Yes Ma'am, this is she."

"This is Jennifer Minkus. Farkle's mom?"

"Oh, hi!"

"Hi. So, I know you're in Texas-"

"I actually just got back from Texas."

"Oh! Perfect. Well, Farkle has gotten the results of his IQ test back, so we're throwing him a little genius party." I smiled. "I know it would mean a lot to him if you'd come."

"Of course!"

"Great. It's at Topanga's tonight at seven.  I can't wait to meet you. He won't stop talking about you."

"I can't wait to meet you. I'll see you tonight." I hung up, smiling.

So here I was, all dressed up, about to see my friends for the first time in a month. None of them knew I came back. I took a deep breath, walking into Topanga's. They were all sitting the usual spot. Farkle looked up, spotting him.

"Skipper!" He said. Riley turned around, hopping up and hugging me.

"Hi!" She exclaimed.

"When did you get back?" Maya asked.

"Earlier this afternoon. Mrs. Minkus called me and invited me to the party. Congrats, Farkle."

"I'm glad you're here." He stood up, coming over and I hugged him.

"It was the least I could do, considering everything you've done for me."

"Welcome to our Farkle genius party." Mr. Minkus started. Farkle pulled me back to his seat, pulling me down beside him and not letting go of my hand. "I'm Stuart Minkus, the original genius, very proud to welcome my son to the club." I put my other hand on Farkle's arm, smiling at him. "I'm sure his mother, who is unexceptional, would like to say a few words representing her people."

"Yeah...I'm unexceptional." She said, standing beside him. She was extremely tall. "Who does what I say?"

"Everybody." Her husband replied. I laughed.

"Hi, Corey."

"Nyah!' Mr. Matthews said from across the room.

"I hold in my hand, the answer to the question that everyone's been asking. Is Farkle a clone, a robot, or a real boy?"

"Real boy, real boy, real boy, real boy." Farkle said, closing his eyes.

"This is the birth certificate of Farkle Minkus. Real boy!" Everyone cheered.

"Thanks for having me, Mom."

"Any time, kiddo. YOu make me proud every day." She kissed his face. "And it's great to finally meet the beautiful girl Farkle is always talking about."

"Mom..." Farkle said, embarrassed. I laughed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Minkus. And I do suppose I have you to thank for blessing us with a Farkle."

"You're very welcome. And Stuart and I want to thank all of Farkle's friends who care about him. You're all he ever talks about, when he's not talking about Skipper."  

"We hope you'll keep encouraging him to be as unique as he's always been." Mr. Minkus added.

"Always." I said, bumping his shoulder with mine.

"The Minkuses have always been simple, incredibly rich people. Please enjoy our party and don't forget your complimentary penguin."  Mr. and Mrs. Matthews came over.

"Hey Minkus, great party. Nice shirt. I don't care about any of that. You married Jennifer Bassett. Did you know that?"

"We fell in love. She told me."

"Maya, when I rule the world, I'll give you half because you're my lovely fake wife."

"Hey, I want some of that." Riley said.

"Yeah Farkle, you love them equally. Marry them both. Wouldn't that be the genius thing to do?"

"See why I keep you around? Make it happen face." He turned to me," You want in on this too?" I laughed.

"No thanks. I think two fake wives is plenty."

"Here we go." I stayed in my seat while Maya and Farkle went behind the chairs and Lucas sat across from her.

"Riley Matthews..." He started.

"Yes." She said.

"Would you-"


"Do me the honor-"

"Any time at all."

"...Of becoming..."

"Whatever you want."


"Do you not understand 'yes'?" Riley asked him.

"...Farkle Minkus."

"You're gonna be there, right?"

"A yes is a yes, here's your ring." He took it off of Maya's finger.


"You get two penguins." Farkle told her.

"Ok." He put it on Riley's finger.

"Maya, marry us quick while she's still distracted by the sparkles." Farkle ran around, shoving Lucas out of the way.

"Blah, blah blah."

"I do."

"Blah, blah blah." Mrs. Minkus took the ring off of Riley's finger.

"There it is." She looked back at Farkle.

"What do you want?"

"If anyone has any reason why these two shouldn't be joined-"

"I object, yes." A girl with dark hair and glasses came in.

"Smackle." Maya said.

"You made it to the wedding, Smackle." Riley hugged her and Farkle sat back down beside me.

"Who is Smackle?" I asked.

"Still not having the hugging thing, are you?" Riley asked her.

"The average middle schooler spends nine minutes a day engaged in hugs. Do you know what I've accomplished in those nine minutes?"


"Ask NASA." Riley let go of her.

"Smackle, here to mock my recent membership into the genius club?"

"On the contrary Farkle. I welcome you with open arms." He stood up and she opened her arms. "My arms. They are open."

"What do you want me to do with that?"

"We are both geniuses now."

"Yup. That makes us even more alike than we were. And as we both know..."

"Like forces repel. Yes, science says we may never be together." Whoa, what?

"And science never makes a mistake."

"Really? Have you seen the blobfish?  Why science, why?" Riley asked, a picture in her hands. I stood up, grabbing Farkle's hand and extending my other one.

"Hi. I'm Skipper." She eyed my hand so I put it down.

"Hi...I'm here to ask you to consider transferring to Einstein Academy."

"That's not happening." Lucas said.

"Stop hitting on me." She warned him.


"What would be the benefits of my going to Einstein?"

"To develop your magnificent brain so the world is not cheated of your full potential. "

"Are you suggesting that my dum-dums hold me back?" Riley and Maya were imitating the blobfish picture.

"I am a blobfish."

"Yeah...tell me more about Einstein Academy."  I let go of his hand and he looked at me.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, suddenly extremely defensive. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I mean, I know we're not as smart as Smackle here, but we're not idiots." I was overreacting. I needed to calm down. I walked outside, deciding I needed a breath. He soon joined me.

"What was that?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing. Me being stupid." 

"You're not...jealous, of Smackle, are you?" I shook my head.

"What? No! I mean sure, there are times I wonder if I'm not smart enough for you but jealous? No, of course not-"

"Whoa, hold on. Not smart enough for me?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Well...what can I say? You're a genius, Farkle. I'm just me."

"I don't want you to be a genius." He said. I raised my eyebrows, skeptically. "I don't. What would be the point of liking someone who's exactly the same as me?"

"'re saying you like me..." I said, taking a step towards him.

"I'm just saying that if I did, it would be better for you to be different than me. Look at my parents."

"Oh, so it's all hypothetical, is it?" I asked, stepping towards him.

"Yup. Purely hypothetical."

"So, hypothetically...if I did this." I leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek. "You wouldn't care at all?" His face reddened and I laughed. "For the record, hypothetically, I like you too."

"I don't think you understand the meaning of hypothetical." I laughed.

"Shut up. Come on, let's get back to your party." I said, grabbing his hand and leading him back inside.

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