Chapter Thirty-Six: Girl Meets The End

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"Legacy. Why is Farkle a goose?" Mr. Matthews questioned. My boyfriend was missing, and in his place, was a goose wearing an Einstein academy uniform.

"That's the Einstein Academy goose." Riley said.

"Oh, of course, the Einstein Academy goose. Why is it on Farkle's desk?"

"Einstein captured Farkle." Maya explained.

"It was their end of the year prank." Lucas threw in.

"They kidnapped our mascot so we goosenapped theirs." I finished.

"Farkle's not our mascot."

"What would you call him?"

"Where's Zay? They got Zay too?"

"Zay's back in Texas. He's at Vanessa's spring formal."

"Ooh." Maya, Riley, and I cooed together.

"Alright guys. Listen up. It's your last week of school. This is my last chance to teach you something."

"You have more to teach us?" Maya asked.

"I have so much more I wanna teach you. So much more. I mean, you guys are gonna be leaving this place. What will you be leaving behind? What is your legacy? I wanna talk about, not just what you've gotten from this place, but what you've given."

"He's right. We still haven't thought of our class prank! I was thinking, we could let all the air out of school, everybody would just be like..." She started making choking sounds. "That'd be hi-larious." Farkle came in, his hair a mess.

"I'll tell you what's hi-larious. Nobody saved me! Why did nobody save me?"

"Farkle, we looked for you for a whole five minutes, and then we took the goose." Riley told him.

"he's the new you."

"Donnie Barnes, regular goose."

"I'd see that movie." Mr. Matthews replied.

"He's kind of cute." I said, petting his head. "So, you seeing anyone?" Farkle shot me a look and I settled back into my seat.

"oh please. Farkle cannot be replaced by a goose. Farkle is unique and one of a kind. HA!" The goose honked back.

"You don't know me."


Matthews class the next day was a little different. Maya was laying on top of two desks, her back to Lucas, who was turned backwards, and Riley watched from out the window.

"You came into this place a bunch of young kids who didn't know very much, and now look at ya. Young men and women ready for what's next."

"Clearly." I said sarcastically, gesturing towards my friends.

"Snap out of it! Get in here! What are ya doin'?"

"We value out friendship too much to look at each other."

"You hear how ridiculous you sound, right?" I asked. I stood up. "turn your chair around. Get in your seat." They did as I said, and I sat on top of Matthews' desk, my legs crossed.

"What are you doing?"

"You may need me. This one's a doozy." I replied. He rolled his eyes, turning back to the class.

"Now, the most important thing you can do in life is give people a reason to remember you. The people who do that are the ones we study in here. So your last assignment from me and for yourselves is to figure out what you will give back." Maya turned around.

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