Chapter Twenty Six: Girl Meets Forgiveness Project

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When we got to class on Monday morning, the word 'Forgiveness' was written on the board.

"All through history, Countries go to war. That's what we normally study in here. But today, we're going to talk about peace and forgiveness, and how we get there. Every once in a while, I come up with a good idea."

"What could it possibly be that I haven't already thought of?" Farkle asked. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Farkle, I forgive you."

"What did I do?"

"I forgive you too." Zay through in.

"What did I do?"

"You know what you do."

"I feel better now that I've forgiven you. How do you feel?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"I'm sorry for every time I've hurt you! What did I do?!" I smiled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we're going to begin the forgiveness project. Our history isn't just about what we've done. How we grow comes from the repair of what we've done and how we forgive what was done to us."

"Hm, we're in. What do we do?" Riley questioned.

"Everyone take out a piece of paper. So, this isn't your laptop or your cell phone. You've got unlimited characters here. As many words as you want. The impact will last longer than six seconds, and I guarantee you, it's never going to disappear." He passed out these red envelopes. I took two. "So pick up a pen. Express feelings. This is one of the most important things you're ever going to do.  You're about to forgive someone."

"What's this got to do with history, Matthews?" I smiled.

"You're giving us the opportunity to change it."

"Exactly, Skipper."

"Like when I forgave Auggie for biting the face off of my Beary-the-bear bear." Riley explained.

"That wasn't forgiveness, honey."

"Why not?"

"Because you haven't gotten over it."

"This is the first thing I see every day!" She pulled out a bear, the face missing, stuffing plastered to it. I raised my eyebrows.

"So, is there anyone in your life that you want to forgive? Change your history. Go."

I picked up my pencil and started writing

Dear Dad,

Things are never going to be the same.  Just know that. I'm probably going to struggle to ever trust you again, and...if they'll have me, I'm going to stay with the Friars. But...just know this. I forgive you. I still love you, and I'm not angry anymore. Quite the opposite actually. I desperately want to say that things can go back to the way they used to be, but that is never going to happen. Let me know when you get this.



PS: I know you came to the house the other day.

I pushed the slip of paper into the envelope and sealed it.

"Maya, no one in your life you want to forgive?" Mr. Matthews asked.


"Don't you would be a good time?" Lucas questioned.

"You and your mom are in a good place. You're strong Maya. Don't you want to forgive him one day? Why not now?" She started writing before handing the note to Riley. "Riley, Butt out. I am serious. Butt your butt out." She turned to Maya. "I forgive you."

Small Town Girl (Farkle Minkus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora