Chapter Six: Girl Meets Slow Dancing

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Maya and I sat with Riley in her bay window, the two of us in our dresses, and Riley still in regular clothes

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Maya and I sat with Riley in her bay window, the two of us in our dresses, and Riley still in regular clothes. Charlie Gardner asked her to the dance she, and don't ask me how, accidentally said yes, lied about not being able to go to get out of it, Lucas heard, and long story short we had quite the dilemma on our hands.

"Help me."

"I got nothin'." Maya told her.


"You could just go and tell them the truth."

"Help me!"

"This one's a doozy." I face palmed. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews appeared in the doorway.

"You've been in here six hours."

"We don't hear any talking."

"The Bay window's broken." Riley told them.

"Well, I hate to leave you, but Farkle is coming to get me." I stood up, walking over to Mr. Matthews.

"How bad is it?" He asked.

"The best of luck to you." I told him, slapping his back and heading downstairs. I walked out  onto the steps just as a car pulled up. The passenger door opened and closed, to reveal Farkle, dressed all in black, his hair combed to the side."Wow, look at you! You clean up nice, Farkle."

"Thanks. You look really nice, Skipper."

"Thank you." I went to open the car door but he beat me to it.

"Wouldn't want you to get any unsightly arm muscles." He said, opening it.

"I'm gonna kill you." I told him, getting in. A man, who I assumed was his father, sat in the front seat, and Farkle climbed in beside me.

"So, you must be Skipper." He told me, turning around in the driver's seat.

"Yes, sir. And you, must be Mr. Minkus."

"I must say, Farkle has not stopped talking about you-"

"Hey Dad, we should go. Wouldn't wanna be late." Farkle interrupted.

"Ok, Farkle." He started driving and I raised my eyebrows at Farkle.

"So, Skipper, how are you liking New York so far?"

"It's great. A lot different from Texas, but great just the same. It helps having such amazing friends."

"Yeah, they've been good to Farkle, that's for sure." I smiled.

"I'll bet." The car came to a halt in front of the school. "It was great meeting you, Mr. Minkus."

"And you, Skipper. We'll have to have you over for dinner sometime."

"I would love that." My door opened and Farkle pulled me out of the car, shutting the door behind me.

"Bye Dad!" He dragged me away from the car, but I stopped him.

"Ok, what is your deal? What's wrong with me talking to your dad?"

"Nothing's wrong!" He denied.

"It sure seemed like somethin' was wrong. Farkle Minkus, don't lie to me." He sighed.

"I was worried that he'd embarrass me." I raised my eyebrows.

"Farkle, listen to me. Don't ever worry about bein' embarrassed in front of me. Ok? I'm not gonna judge you or anythin'."

"I know. I know that."

"Then what was the problem?" I questioned. I could tell by the look on his face that he really didn't want to tell me, so I sighed. "Ok, fine. I'll drop it."

"Thank you."

"But you're gonna have to tell me one of these days." I added.

"Deal." I looped my arm through his and we paid, walking into the dance, where we spotted Maya and Riley standing by Lucas and Charlie.

"Oh gosh. I would not want to be her."

"Permission to attempt to save Riley?"

"Permission granted."  He slid in between the four.

"Riley, dance?"

"Absolutely." She took his hand.

"No, no, no, no  ,no, no, no. Riley's busy. Skipper will dance with you." Maya intervened, pushing me into him.

"That works for me." He grabbed one of my hands, putting the other on my waist as we goofily ball-room danced around the room.

"Nice try." I told him. He shrugged. A slow song came on and we continued dancing goofily. "You know, in Texas when this kind of song comes on, we do dancing a little differently."

"Different? Like how?" I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his other hand hung awkwardly at his side. "I don't understand this dance." I laughed grabbing his other hand and putting it also on my waist. His face reddened. "Oh...I see now." He squeaked.

"And then you just sway." I told him, shifting from foot to foot. He looked down at our feet. "Is this bothering you, Farkle? We can stop, if-"

"No. It's ok, I just...I don't want to step on your feet." He said.

"You won't step on my feet. There's not really any stepping involved." I looked down at our feet, then looked back up at Farkle. He was watching me, and his combed hair had started to fall into his face. "Your hair." He started to reach up but I beat him to it, pushing it aside, out of his face. "It's ok. I got it." I hadn't realized that in moving his hair I'd gotten progressively closer. I looked up at him. We both let out an awkward laugh. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me. That one, he did all on his own.


I stood  with Maya, who slapped my arm.

"You don't think something is going on there, do you?" I looked where she was looking to see Farkle slow dancing with Skipper. Her head was on his shoulder and his arms were around her waist.

"I hope so." I told her. "There aren't many guys I'd trust with Skip, but...I trust him."

"Farkle doesn't know anything about girls, though."

"The funny thing about Skipper is, she's not like most girls." Maya nodded in agreement.

"True, true." The song ended and I watched as they pulled apart, Skipper smiling and tucking her hair behind her ear. I smirked. Skipper doesn't do boyfriends or relationships. Zay and I were the only boys she ever talked to. But that wasn't what amused me most about the situation.

Of all the things Skipper definitely does not do, one of the most important ones is:

Skipper Jackson doesn't slow dance.


"Hey guys, we're Sheppard! Now everybody grab your dates and hit the floor!" I grabbed Farkle's hand, dragging him to the front where the others were.The song started and we all started dancing together. I don't quite know what was happening with Maya, Riley, Lucas, and Charlie, but I knew I was having fun with Farkle.  He twirled me around and I laughed.

After a while we were all dancing together. All friends, all happy.

In that moment, it didn't matter who liked who and what was official. We just enjoyed each other's company.

That was perfectly fine with me.

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