What If I Had Your Body?

By miabuggful

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Mia is a fan of One Direction but one certain curly haired isn't so much of a fan of her. She's in the same b... More

Ch. 1: Meet And Greet Pt. 1
Ch. 2: Meet & Greet Pt. 2
Ch. 3: Thunderstorms
Ch. 4: The Night Before All Hell Broke Loose
Ch. 5: What If You Were Me and What If I Were You?
Ch. 6: Harry's Masterplan
Ch. 7: Why Is Everyone Skeptical?
Ch. 8: The Arousing First Day
Ch. 9: It's Only Our First Day & We're Already Fucking It Up
Ch. 10: The Truth About Harry Styles
Ch. 11: The Truth About Tamia Osborne
Ch. 12: Setting 'Em Straight
Ch. 13: The Intriguing Interview
Ch. 14: The Daring Date
Ch. 15: Coming Clean
Ch. 16: Blackberry Bet
Ch. 17: Wednesday In The CafΓ©
Ch. 18: My Tanning Skin Bothers People
Ch. 19: Because He Likes...Boys
Ch. 20: Give Up, Give In
Ch. 21: Look After You
Ch. 22: Begin Again
Ch. 23: Well, Well, Well
Ch. 25: All Around
Ch. 26: Cops & Robbers
Ch. 27: Ride
Ch. 28: Come Together

Ch. 24: Bloodstream

381 15 14
By miabuggful

(A/N: Hey guys! So here's the second update for Makayla! Guys if you don't read my other stories then you should totally read my Niall fan fic because that book is beating this story by 40 reads! Haha like dang that's crazy!

I figured I better stick to the schedule anyway and update. To be honest, I'm ready for this story to end soon because I figured before I start school the book would be done but nope it's almost Christmas time!

So I give this book a few more chapters but idk haha. Also DO NOT I repeat do not worry, there will be a sequel hell this story will be a trilogy! Haha I probably shouldn't have told ya that. Oops?

Well no because there was never any romance between Mia and the boys but it's kind of hard seeing that she's Harry so rest assure there will be tons of interracial loving in the sequel!

Don't have much to say so I'll see ya later! Bye! :F)

Words can be like knives.

Mia's POV:

"So tell us what happened at Taylor's seeing that you're not really gay," Niall questions while wiggling his eyebrows. I blush laying on the couch with my head in Louis' lap and my feet in Niall's lap.

I look up at Louis, shaking my head at the inside joke of the situation. He smiles back while playing with my hair. I look back to Niall.

"Nothing much besides that she wrote a song for me." I try to rush the words out of mouth but I'm guessing I wasn't quick enough seeing that Niall eyes went wide and Louis dropped a curl from his fingertips.

"Mate what the bloody hell you mean she wrote a song for you?" Niall screeches while I sit up into a sitting position. "Okay hold on, let me explain."

"Oh this should be good." Niall crosses his arms across his chest. Is it me or does he need to stop hanging around with Liam?

I sigh, "Okay she told me that since we've been hanging out, she started to notice that good guys are still out there is all." I get up from the couch to go to the kitchen. 

I grab a glass from the cabinet and the bottle of Sprite out of the fridge. When I fix my drink and put everything back, I come back to the living room to see Louis and Niall staring at me with wide blue eyes.

I roll my eyes and start taking sips from my drink. "You done?" I look over the rim of the glass to see Niall watching me.

I take my last sip, pulling the glass away from my lips and nod. At that exact second, Niall just blows up. "You idiot! Do you not know that she just confessed to you?"

I put the glass down on the coffee table, on a coaster of course and stood in front of them. "Confessed what Ni?"

He rubs his temples and I look over at Louis for an explanation for the leprechaun's weirdness but he's looking dead at me with no emotion. Okay what?

I look back and forth between the two so they can give me explanations to my questions. "She confessed her love to you mate."

I open my mouth and closed it over and over like a fish. My mouth begins to dry and I feel lightheaded. I start to shake my head in disbelief, to reject all the running thoughts that are going through my head.

Niall nods with a sympathetic smile, "I think as soon as Liam gets home, we need to talk to Management."

I feel trickles of sweat on my forehead because from what I always read of Management, they're not the people that you want to talk to.

"Are yo-," I start but someone's phone begins to ring. "That's me, hold on." Louis goes into his pockets for his phone and looks at the Caller ID and sighs. I wonder who could that be?

Louis' POV:

I look at the Caller ID to see it's Eleanor, I sigh because I know it's going to be a problem seeing that we're not on the best terms.

I answer the phone and pull it to my ear, "Hello?"

I hear the voice that used to give me butterflies but I'm not so sure anymore. "Hi Louis." She whispers.

"Uh what's up? What's going on?" I straighten myself on the couch while Mia whispers to Niall, "Who's that?"

"Probably Eleanor." He whispers back and she replies with an, "Oh."

"Um Louis, I don't know how to say this but u-," I cut her off. "I understand." I get up from the couch with Niall and Mia giving me worried looks. I smile tightly and go into my room because I know where this is going.

I shut the door with my foot for privacy and get onto my bed, laying on my back. "Yo-you do?" She stutters and I nod forgetting that she can't see me.

"Yeah, you want to break up," I state simply with a bit of harshness.

"No Louis! That's not it at all!" I look at the phone in disbelief and put it back to my ear, "Really?" I question with caution because I mean you never know.

"Yes of course, I love you!" I sigh in relief. "I'm sorry I just figured seeing that we haven't been on the best of terms."

"Yeah about that," she sighs. "Promise me you won't hate me." Why should I have to promise that? I mean what the hell did she do?

"Why do I have to promise?" I question because she's scaring me. I hope this is some sick joke for Halloween that she's trying to pull.

"Just promi-," I get up into a sitting position because this is getting me angry.

"Stop stalling! Just tell me," I insisted and she sighs in defeat. "I cheated on you with one of the models an-," she rushes out quickly and I cut her off.

"It's over," I say in a low harsh voice, I mean she fucking cheated on me! "No Louis wait!" I hear her crying on her line but I hang up.

Niall's POV: (Say What?!)

Louis gets up from up the couch, "I understand." I look over at Harry in confusion and he shrugs with the same expression.

We both look at Louis with worry in our eyes but he smiles back to get rid of the worry. I know now that's it Eleanor because his smile was tight which means he's trying not to show his emotions.

He stalks off to his room and slams the door, "Hey Haz wanna see what's going on?" Harry looks at me and shakes his head.

"No Niall, we shouldn't do that. If Louis and Eleanor are having problems then he'll talk to us otherwise no."

"Well I'm going," I get up from the couch because Harry is being a softie when it comes to his BooBear as per usual.

"Okay don't listen to me but don't be scared when he catches you and gets sassy because I won't help you." I roll my eyes and grab Harry's glass from the table.

He rolls eyes but can't help but smirk and I creep over to Louis' door. I crouch, slowly putting the glass to his door without making noise.

I press my ear to the glass to hear, "Stop stalling! Just tell me." I hear Louis voice yell and it kind of sounds like it cracked. Uh oh, I already know where this is going.

"It's over." He says coldly in a low voice. I grab the glass from the door and rush over to Harry, cautiously of course. He's layed out on the couch, about to take a nap. Seriously? I had to be gone the most a minute.

I put the glass on the table and get to Harry's face. "Harry!" I whisper yelled. His eyes stay closed but he answers. "What Niall?"

"You need to go talk to Lou, Eleanor and him broke up!" His eyes open wide and he scrambles off the couch but trips over his own two feet. Damn Harry you klutz!

Mia's POV:

I catch myself and hurry over to Louis' room. Normally I would laugh at myself for tripping because I'm such a klutz but this is serious!

I knock on the door timidly, "Louis?"

"Go away!" Okay no need to be rude so I just open the door anyway. I see him laying on his back on the bed.

"Lou, what's wrong?" He sighs and gets up from the bed. "Harry, I'm not in the mood."

"Louis," I touch his shoulder and he jerks it away from me. "No like I said, just leave me alone!" He opens the door for me to leave.

"No wonder she dumped you." His eyes are wide but I continue because I did nothing wrong. "You have one hell of an attitude sir that needs to be fixed."

I walk myself out because he doesn't need to open the door for me to get the hint that I need to go. I walk into the living room after I hear his door slam. "Harry what happened?"

"I'm going over to Zayn's, forget about the "Sass Master"," I put air quotes around the word because I won't put up with his attitude. Sass Master there's a new master in town.

"Uh okay, well I'm going to go out but remember what I said about Taylor." He gets up from the couch.

"You didn't give any advice about Taylor, Niall."

"Oh," I roll my eyes at him. "Well the advice is to keep your distance from her." I reluctantly nod my head because I just can't believe that she wrote that song to me to "declare her love," whatever that means.

(Friday At 6 PM)

Harry's POV:

Man this has been a looonnng week. Still in this chick's body, still going to her school and for what? To get me landed up with a date. I know what you're thinking.

"Harry this is what you wanted, you wanted to get revenge!" Well I still do but what if he tries to put his hands on my body or well Mia's body, I mean I don't know how I'm going to handle it.

I look out the window for no particular reason at all, just felt like it. I look up at the clouds forming weird shapes. I sigh pulling back the curtain. The door opens up, "Tamia?"

"Oh hey Bri-, I mean Mom." Damn I need to get it together. She looks at me with a very little cocked eyebrow but chooses to ignore it. Thank God!

"C'mon we have to go to the hospital," the keys in her hands rattled when she shift all her weight on the other foot.

"Hospital why?" I hope no one is hurt that is important to Mia. I wouldn't know how to deliver the news to her.

"To see your Dad?" She means for it come out as a statement but it comes out as a  question because I'm always blowing my cover. "Tamia, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all," I try to lie but she doesn't buy it. "Ever since we went to that Meet & Greet, you've been acting really strange. Is it because of Harry?"

Oh my God, she told her mother about our argument?! Now her mother is going to think that I'm some bratty popstar. That's not the case at all!

"I mean it seems like you've had a great time talking to uh," she looks at the names on the poster by the bed. "Liam and Zayn!"

I look over at the boys and I in the poster. I sigh in loss because I miss the boys so much. I know that I wanted freedom and space but I always knew that I would miss the boys.

"Yeah I know," no I don't know but I'll keep playing along. "Well anyway are you coming?" Well she did want me to visit her father so I guess I'll go.

"Sure let me just get my jacket," I smile politely and she nods, closing my bedroom door. I take a deep breath, hoping that it won't take too long because I do have a date.


"Hey Carol," Bridgett smiles at some hot chick at the receptionist desk, talking on the phone.

"Mia! Bridgett! Get your big booties over here!" She hangs up on the phone, uh wouldn't that be more important? Oh well.

We walk over to her and she grabs me into a hug. Well hello! "Mia tell me everything about the Meet & Greet!" I inwardly groan because now it's time to make me, Harry Styles sound like an asshole.

After I tell her everything, she laughs...which I didn't expect for her to do. "You called him British As-," Bridgett cuts off her, thankfully!

"Carol don't encourage her, that wasn't nice for her to say that to him." Carol scoffs, well she's not a cool receptionist anymore.

"Are you serious? She was teaching him a lesson! Showing him that just because he's in some boy band doesn't mean she don't deserve some respect." Carol winks at me, even though she doesn't know that she's winking at the defendant.

"Well we have to hurry before visiting hours are up." Bridgett begins to tell Carol goodbye but I have other plans.

"Also, I have a date." Bridgett looks down at me hard eyes that made me instantly gulp. Whereas Carol is squealing like there's no tomorrow.

"With who?" They both shout, one with eagerness and the other with harshness. "Well," I drawl out and Bridgett just looks at me, if looks could kill. "Kenan." I rush out.

"Well why don't we tell your father about this," Bridgett grabs my arm roughly and pulls me to the elevator.

"Don't give him an heart attack too, Bridgett!" Carol shouts but she ignores her. When we get inside, she presses the button for the floor that he's on.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date!" Wasn't that supposed to be a question? Not a statement.

"It just happened yesterday." I look at her from the corner of my eye and at that moment the elevator dings open.

"Mmm hmm," she rolls her eyes and walks out of the elevator. I walk behind her until we reach the door to the room.

"You better tell your father too," I don't see what's the big deal but from the angry expression on Bridgett's face. I'm not going to speak my thoughts.

She opens the door and we walk in to see a man with a tan like Zayn, in the hospital bed watching the telly. "Hey Bryan."

"Hey," he smiles at her and then smiles at me. "Hey Mia," he reaches his hands up for me to hug him and I take small steps to him because this is going to be so awkward.

"Hi uh Dad," I reply when I get into his arms and he chuckles. "Why are you nervous? Is it because you're seen with the old guy?"

"No it's because she haves something to tell you." Bridgett interrupts while I pull away from Mia's father. Damn Bridgett just throw me under the bus.

I look over at her with wide eyes and she smirks at me. I can see where Mia gets her devilish acts from. "Should I tell him or are you?"

"Go for it Mom," I sigh because she's really against this date. Maybe against Kenan or just dating in general.

"What did you do Mia? Someone tell me what's going on." Bryan sits up in the bed and crosses his arms across his chest.

"Bryan, she's going on a date tonight."

"Like hell she is," Bryan stares at me. "Mia you know better than that." His stare, I don't know. It makes me feel small.

"Dad, what exactly did I do wrong?" I'm sorry, I'm just ready curious to what he's going to say.

He scoffs, "Uh first of all, you don't just surprise us with these news the night of the date and you damn for sure don't ask dumb questions like that." Well curiosity literally killed the cat.

I look down at the linoleum patterned floor in shame, "Bryan don't fall for it." I look up to see Bryan staring at me with softer hazel eyes now.

"No, there's no way she's going on that date but I just don't want her to look so sad." Well no revenge for me tonight. I better text Kenan and tell him the bad news.

I grab the phone out of my pocket and turned the phone off standby to unlock it but to see the picture that Zayn and Liam were talking about in the car. The day of the Meet & Greet.

Not just Zayn and Liam but Mia too. Wow she looked so pretty with her brown eyes twinkling with happiness because she got to take a picture with them. Her hair kind of blowing in the wind.

You can tell she has this atmosphere to make anyone smile around her. I mean just look at Liam and Zayn! Usually when we smile with our fans in pictures, it's very rare to find it as a genuine one.

Maybe that's why I hated her from the start because I knew I was intrigued with her and I hated it. Hated it because I wanted to be mad at the world! Not find some girl to make me want to change my life around for the better.

To make me want to hold her and tell her sweet nothings in her ear when she gets scared of something. Hold my arm in front of her in a protective stance because someone gave her lustful eyes. When she's supposed to be mine.

To kiss her on her chapped but soft lips eagerly wanting more because it's something I never experienced. Something I would dangerously crave.

"Mia?" I look up from my thoughts to see her parents, my in-laws if I can make that chance.

"Yeah?" I decide to answer them. "Are you okay? You just went into your own world." They both look at me strangely and I just have this wishful smile on my face.

"Yeah, everything that I always questioned. Makes sense now."

I think I might've inhaled you.

(Hey guys! So what did you think of this chappie? Good or no? Honestly I think it was a pretty good chapter. If I do say so myself. Omg you guys, Vevo won't let the Americans watch SOML 1 day left!

I honestly think it's because we leaked it and now they're mad at us. Haha tell me if you watched the leaked video? I heard it was Amazayn ;).

Haha. Can you believe that Eleanor cheated on Big Booty Louis? Were you surprised that I wrote in Niall's POV for a little bit? Was it wrong for Louis to lash out at Mia like that and for her to react like that? Who do you think was in the wrong?

Are you glad that Harry wasn't able to go on the date with Kenan? Are you happy that he kept his promise to Mia and visited her Dad for her, even though she never called his mum?

Haha also the biggest question! How did you react when Harry finally realized his feelings for Mia?! Anybody ship Mirry (Mia and Harry)? What about Mouis (Mia and Louis)? Hell what about Nia (Niall and Mia)? Haha!

I know so many questions! But hey this was a pretty long chapter and a lot happened so I better see some comments! Haha I'm totally kidding. Don't forget to vote! Bye see ya next week! :F

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