His sister (attack on titan L...

By animeandgamelover

178K 3.6K 1.8K

Years after Levi is born his father has another child! So what happens when Levi finds his sister Livi? Eren... More

Found - chapter one
Life chapter 3
Crappy Introductions-Chapter 4
Blood moon- chapter 5
A Bird- chapter 6
A choice only we can regret- chapter 7
So, which exactly?-chapter 8
Not only against canibals...-Chapter Nine
New recruits and cleaning - Chapter Ten
Do You Even Know What A Donut Is?- Chapter Eleven
His Friends, that look like french fries- Chapter Twelve
A/n results plz read
The Land that Haunts me-chapter 13
Reluctant Retreat - Chapter 14
Sis?! - Part 15
Chapter 16-Levi Loses his temper
Chapter 17- Coming to terms
Chapter 18- Your gonna get it buddy
Chapter 19- EwewewewNonononno
Chapter 20- missing everything to sleep
Another special Chapter
Younger Sister
Chapter 21

Farlen chapter two

16.5K 350 46
By animeandgamelover

 Livi no name Pov

As soon as Levi said that I was confused and pulled away."Sister? I was born alone, I have no siblings." He was shocked, to say the least. "That's where you are wrong.  You have me, your older brother. But, only by our father. My mother is dead."

 I looked up to him. "Really?" He gave a small smile. "Yes. Now, come on. We need to go home. Farlen will be worried." He then stood up and thanked the man that had brought me to him.

 We continued to walk down the dirty streets, him holding me bridal style. "Who is Farlen?" I asked. He kept facing forward and answered me. "Farlen is like a brother to me. I have lived with him for a while now. When I needed help, he was there. When I needed shelter, he was there. He's a good freind of mine, so I doubt he'll be mad at me for bringing you with me."

  (a/n) i know it is short sorry! I've been busy today!;-: But please continue to read on! :D

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