Capture My Soul: A Lucifer Fa...

بواسطة poptastic749

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Lorelai Thomas is the poster child for being a Good Girl. Well mannered, outstanding grades and a need to suc... المزيد

Chapter One: First Encounter
Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused
Chapter Four: Wining and Dining
Chapter Five: Desire Unto Thee
Chapter Six: Foot Fetish
Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions
Chapter Eight: Dark Haze
Chapter Nine: Dont Stop
Chapter Ten: Field Trip
Chapter Eleven: Distractions
Chapter Twelve: Interruptions
Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation
Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Horrors
Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella
Chapter Seventeen: The Gala
Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away
Chapter Nineteen: First Time
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Attack
Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances
Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable
Chapter Twenty Six: Please, Sir
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Truth Shall Set Me Free
Chapter Twenty Eight: Torture of the Soul
Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope and Fear
Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice
Authors Note

Chapter Two: Thoughts About You

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بواسطة poptastic749

Lucifer stared after the girl, eyes wide in shock and mind clouded with confusion. He had seen Lorelai and her friend come into the bar and knew that he needed to snare her for the evening. She captivated him in a way that no one else seemed to. Her modest black dress encasing her body perfectly, while still showing off her gorgeous legs and the tops of her breasts in a way that teased anyone who dare look. He watched as her curls bounced as she walked, hiding the greens of her eyes.

Lucifer had watched intently as she had grabbed the open booth and waited for the return of her friend. Watched as they drank and not five minutes later did the girl decide to up and leave her. He had swooped in, prepared to woo and snag her for the evening. But not once did he think the girl would be able to resist him. She came off as someone who needed to be coaxed into their sultry side and he was right, but with every move he made she would divert him. He couldnt even draw out her inner desires. His mind had been plagued with questions and confusion.

He finally decided to try and draw out those desires with a more direct approach; physical contact. Leaning into her, brushing his nose against the spot underneath her ear that he knew women loved so much, kissing her until she begged to sleep with him; but that again seemed to not only backfire but left him with an odd and shaky feeling. Her scent had pulled him in and her kiss had made him dizzy. Not only that, she had pulled away! The only person to ever outright reject him!

And so he sat there, watching with wide, confused eyes as she tried to decide what to do. "I-I" and then, surprising him again, he watched her run. Watched as she clumsily stumbled out of his club, dragging her friend with her. But not before turning to look at him one more time. "What the bloody hell was that?" He said, more to himself than to anyone else. Lucifer had never experienced anything like this before, never been rejected and intrigued all at once. He got up from the booth, moving towards the bar where Maze watched him with an uneasy expression.

"Did you see that?" He asked her as she wiped down a glass. She nodded and shook her head. "I did, what the hell was that about? Did you have bad breath?" She smirked and Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Maze. Im having a crisis and you decide to tease me."

"Oh dont be so sensitive. Youre the devil for crying out loud!" Lucifer turned around, looking back towards the entrance of Lux. For some odd reason he felt himself wishing she would come back, that she would walk back in. "Shes an interesting one, that human." He turned back to Maze. "She didnt succumb to my little gift and she was somehow able to resist my devilish charm." Maze narrowed her eye, shrugging as if unconcerned. "Shes just a human, probably a crazy one at that."

"No, I dont think so." Lucifer murmured, narrowing his eyes as he glanced at the brunette. Maze poured him another drink, placing the glass in his hand. "Whatever it is, forget about it. There are a million other girls here."

"Thats just it, Maze, I dont seem to want any of the other girls. I want her."

"Lucifer" her voice went down into that scolding tone; he hated that tone. "Dont."

"Dont what, Maze? Go after her? Whos going to stop me?" Maze stayed quiet, grinding her jaw. Good, Lucifer thought, she wasnt supposed to be ordering him around to begin with. The devil didnt take too kindly to being ordered around. Lucifer turned back to the crowd, downing his drink in one swallow. His eyes roamed over the rest of the crowd, seeing plenty of women but thinking about only one; Lorelai.

Ill find her, he thought.

* * *

"Fuck Im late!" I cursed under my breath as I hurried to grab my bag off the chair. It was saturday morning and I had slept through my alarm. Jade and I had returned back to our dorm late last night and had both stumbled to bed. Now, I raced around our room, looking for the rest of my uniform as I tried to hurriedly head off to work. I worked at a small coffee shop called The Mud House. It was close to our university campus and paid pretty well considering it was a small business. I had worked there for almost two years now and loved every minute of it. "Aha!" I said as I found the brown baseball cap that all employees were required to wear. Jade groaned and turned over in bed, covering her head with her pillow. She had apparently had way more to drink than I did last night and was not handling it well. "Take an advil and drink lots of fluids" I said to her before hurrying out.

It was always busy on saturday mornings and as I rushed in, only a few minutes late, I was greeted with the breakfast rush. "Everything okay?" Tanya, my manager and close co-worker asked. I nodded and gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I mustve slept through my alarm."

"Its okay, happens to the best of us." Another reason I loved it here, it was a very relaxed work environment, in terms of management and ownership go. Everyone I worked with was pretty friendly. For the next few hours I worked pretty steadily, pouring coffee, cashing people out, preparing breakfast bagels. I worked without thinking, talking with customers and chit-chatting with my co-workers. Things were going like any other day when I heard a couple of girls speaking loudly from the table closest to the counter.

"Didnt you go to Lux last night?"

"No, I couldnt get outta work early enough. Did you see him?"

"Lucifer? Oh yeah, he looked fine as always." At the mention of his name my chest tightened and I was reminded about how foolish I had acted the night before and wondered what had driven me to such emotional lengths. You know what drove you to that place, my internal voice said to me. He did, Lucifer. I bit my lip just thinking about him, thinking about the way he spoke and kissed me, it both frightened and confused me. That dangerous part of myself was something I hadnt explored and the unknown of it instilled a fear in me that had me wondering why I would ever entertained the idea of actually exploring it.

I sighed and shook my head, dont think about him, not now, I thought.

* * *

"Yeah, that sounds great. Ill meet you there." I walked into my dorm room completely bushed just as Jade was getting off the phone. "Who was that?" I asked as I threw down my work bag and plopped down onto the couch in our common area. Jade looked up at me, smirking deviously. "That was Michael."


"The blonde I met at Lux last night...the one you pulled me away from."

"Oh..." I trailed off, looking away from Jade's inquisitive eyes, knowing the questions about what happened last night were bound to come any second now. "Speaking of which, you never did tell me what happened last night? I saw you with that sexy guy we saw walking in...did he...hurt you? Try to pressure you into having-"

"No!" My head snapped up at the thought. Jade knew I was a virgin and seemed to believe that because of that fact I couldnt protect myself from sex predators. I sighed, my shoulders slumping sheepishly. "I dont know, Jade...I guess I just got scared. He said his name was Lucifer and-"

"Lucifer? As in Lucifer Morningstar?" I knit my brows together, nodding. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"He owns Lux, Lor! Damn and he had eyes for you!?"

"Well gee you make me sound like such a catch." I rolled my eyes, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "You know I didnt mean it like that, I just meant youre lucky is all. Hes gorgeous!"

"And the devil, apparently." I mumbled under my breath. "What?"

"Nothing. So youre going out tonight?" My distraction worked, Jade had taken the bait and veered the conversation away from the events of the previous night to her date this evening with Michael. I listened intently, nodding along and commenting every now and then. Thankfully she kept it short as she proceeded to inform me she had to get ready. I took the opportunity to pull out my laptop.

I powered it up and then as I bit my lip, googled Lucifer Morningstar. Nothing of substance popped up, mostly just a lot of biblical stuff and a comic book character. I sighed and clicked on images, finally finding a picture of the club owner smirking. I inhaled deeply, feeling something churning within me. "What is it that you desire?" His words rang in my ears as I stared at the picture, finally feeling as if this was what he meant, that one thing I couldnt seem to shake. Something I wanted yet didnt want all at the same time. Was this desire? I wasnt familiar with this unsettling feeling.

I sighed, shaking my head and closing my laptop. "Youre being ridiculous, Lorelai. You dont even know him." I said to myself.

* * *

"Tell me again why you needed a list of all the Lorelai Thomas' that live in LA?" Chloe Decker asked as she approached Lucifer in the bar. "Is that them?" Lucifer reached out to grab the list from Chloe's hands. He had called in a favor from his favourite detective and had hoped she wouldnt be asking too many questions in order to get it done. Chloe held them back, just out of reach as she glared up at him. "Tell me why you need them and theyre all yours."

Lucifer sighed and rolled his eyes, sweeping back the coat of his jacket and sticking his hands in his pant pockets. He didnt like feeling indebted to anyone and Chloe always made him feel that way. He had the strongest urge to tell her why he needed that list, however knowing she might not give it to him if he did, had him quickly altering the truth a little. "Its the name to someone I met the other night at Lux."

"And you need them because..?" She dragged out the word, causing Lucifer to exhale loudly in exasperation. "I need to find this woman and figure out if she has a problem or not." There, that should appease her, he thought. Chloe raised her eyebrows, watching him skeptically for several seconds before sighing and shaking her head. "Fine, theyre yours. But if I get any notion that youve been harassing any of these girls-"

"Oh please, detective. Any one of these girls would be lucky to have me harassing them." Lucifer smirked and took the list from her, flashing his signature devious smirk as she scowled. "Thank you, kindly." Chloe gave him a warning look before nodding and turning on her heel to leave the bar. Lucifer watched her leave, wondering again how come she, like Lorelai, was immune to his tricks. He stopped himself from thinking about it too much, choosing to focus on the information he had at his fingertips. Lucifer sat down at the bar, sipping his drink as he studied the list. He pulled a pen from his jacket pocket, quickly beginning to scratch off people he knew couldnt be her.

"What are you doing?" Lucifer looked up from his list, exhaling loudly as he turned to see Maze standing behind him with her hands on her hips. "Youre not still pursuing that girl are you?"

"As a matter of fact, Mazy, I am."

"Lucifer I told you! Let it go! I have a bad feeling about this!" She moved closer to him, causing him to turn in his stool and frown at her. "And like I told you, Maze. Ill do what I want and what I want is to find this girl." He stood up then, towering over Maze and forcing her to walk back. He smirked slightly as the slightest bit of fear that encroached into her eyes. He reveled in instilling that fear into others, it kept them in their place and he had no quarrels about using it to get his way either.

"Now if youll excuse me, I have a little investigating to do." And with that Lucifer left Lux, feeling Maze's disapproving glare follow him out.

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