Tempt My Love - Book One (SYT...

By Lisadebells

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Addison's career is her life, she travels to exotic destinations every other week. She thought she was fulfil... More

Tempt My Love
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 27

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By Lisadebells

Hi beautiful watthearts, here is the much anitcipated next chapter of Addison and Ethan's sexy explicite love story.  I am sorry it took so long, but I couldn't get a feel for where I wanted this story to head.  So I thought in over and in that time started writing another book.

I hope you like what I've done, this is a long chapter so enjoy.

Please vote and comment, I love the feedback. Lxo

Chapter 27

A lone sailor lost in dark seas,

He’d been sailing lone so long,

Forgotten, was his way back home,

A bright flare of light,

Shone from a mountain peak,

The distance closed,

He was found.

By Lisadebells

Walking out of the double glazed glass doors of Providenciales International Airport was quite surreal.  Had it only been a mere six hours since I had left New York and flown away from the sexiest man on earth.  I just had to close my eyes to see his dark brooding midnight blue eyes, so deep and expressive, it had tore the layers of my heart away along with my panties.

I shielded my sunglass clad eyes with my hand as I looked up towards to sky,  it was a vivid blue and naked of any blemish.  Inhaling the humid air was to confirm that I was thousands on miles away from where I had left my heart.  In the strong agile hands of Ethan Knight.  

Turks and Caicos wasn’t a dream and this was a pinch myself moment, of all the exotic places I had visited this paradise had been on the top of my bucket list.  

But there was someone missing...

A few town cars were lined up waiting to take groups of visitors to their hotels.  With not many resort style hotels on the island chances were most of us would end up in the same place.  

I regarded the ten or so drivers that held up their plaques with various names on them.  I very short stout older gent was holding one with my name on it and I walked in his direction.

The driver, Sergio was his name, placed my small luggage in the boot of the town car, I sat in the back and waited to leave.  A couple standing on the pavement had caught my eye, they looked like newlyweds, hands entwined in one another’s, he leant down and said something in her ear to which she giggled at.  So sweet and pure, I wished that adoration lasted for them.  I snickered, recognizing my cynical side had come out to play.

I mean who went into a relationship with the foregone conclusion that it would end at some point...me!  I shook the thought out of my head as the car pulled away from the curb and made a long loop around the small airport.  

I just had to cast my mind back to Alex and I, we knew each other so well, we had the same friends and life was good, we were a steady couple and everyone just expected

us to get married and start popping out babies.  When the crunch came and he did propose, I realized that what I wanted wasn’t the same as him.  I have to justify it now under the file of ‘people change’ they grow, mature and as they do so do feelings.  Mine just weren’t strong enough.

It scares me when I think of how much I already felt for Ethan when I hadn’t known him more than a month and yet I had been with Alex for three years and didn’t feel this strongly.  It wasn’t easy to walk away from Alex, but looking back it was the start to a whole new life for me, accomplishing dreams that I didn’t even know I had.  

I wanted more now, slowly I have opened my heart to the one man that I didn’t know I was searching for, he had unknowingly put back the facets of my broken soul and started its healing.  He had fixed me.  Beyond that he had given me the wings to fly free and believe that I was capable and worthy of love again.  

A lone tear streaked down my cheek and a wiped my hand up to met it.  I grinned stupidly because I actually wasn’t sad I was joyful.  For the fist time since leaving US soil I felt optimistic, lighter and freer that an eagle soaring above the rocky mountains.


The hotel was very impressive, huge white sandstone pillars caged the outside verandahs that surrounded the building.  Darker sandstone tiling highlighted a spectacular infinity edged pool that looked like it met the ocean creating an amazing optical illusion of blue marble for miles.

I sat out in the sun at one of the deck chairs that lined the pool, a cabana boy had brought me my drink order, a virgin cocktail, something fruity and refreshing that cooled me off and made me feel like I was on holidays. I gulped it down and ordered another, they were that good.  Who would believe I was being paid to assess this hotel and the surrounding areas for holidayers that may come here upon reading my article.  Life. Was. Awesome.

I asked Tim the cabana boy to put the umbrella up as the sun was getting hotter upon reaching its highest point in the sky, it was the middle of the day and I wasn’t about to get burnt to a crisp.  I tried to read the latest travel magazine, flicking through it reluctantly, reading but not comprehending, my mind was one hundred places at once.

I decided to check my email instead, just incase my travel plans had changed...ok admittedly I was hoping for something from Ethan.  I whispered his name with excitement when I did indeed have a message from him.

I taped the screen of my touch phone, opening up the email, euphoric butterfly’s fluttered in my belly, my hand shook a little in anticipation.  I was thrilled to just see his name, my sunbathing subconscious sat up quickly and started fanning herself with the magazine.

As we were in the same time zone I figured that Ethan was back at work.  I was chuffed to think he had taken the time in his busy day to email me.  Maybe I shouldn’t be too buoyant yet as I may be getting the, nice to know you, let down.

From:  Ethan Knight

CEO Knight Enterprises

Time: 12:45pm

Subject: Waiting

Dear Miss Bates,

It hasn’t been a whole day and I’m missing you, in. every. way.

I hope your trip has been prosperous thus far.

But hurry back to me or I just might have to drag you back myself.

E x

p.s I’m impatient in nature or haven’t you noticed.

My heart was bouncing erratically in my chest, he. missed. Me!  I quickly hit the reply button before I could dissect what I wanted to write.

From:Addison Bates

Woman of the World



Mr Knight,

Would love to know how exactly, in.every.way, you are missing me.

I am indeed prospering, if you call oiling ones body and luxuriating in the 

tropical sunshine with cabana boys supplying endless cocktails.  

Life would be complete only if I had your hands oiling my body.


p.s  All good things come to those who wait.

I felt impulsive and carefree, it was always easier to communicate via text messaging and email, writing my feelings without looking into his eyes allowed me to be honest yet lighthearted in my approach.  I didn’t want Ethan to think I was pinning for him, his ego was larger than life already.

I reached into my straw beach bag looking for the hair comb that Ethan had given me.  Fishing it out I stared at the copper comb, the blue stones sparkled in the sunshine, it was the same color as the azure ocean.  Having a little  piece of him with me was a reminder that he was palpable and had happened.

I wound my hair into a bun and fastened the comb to keep it in place.  I closed my eyes again and allowed thoughts of our time together cloud my mind.  Our last night together in The Hampton’s had been incredible, who knew love could be this good.  I turned my new diamond rings on my finger pensively, remembering how excited Ethan was to give me this gift.  I usually never got off on expensive gifts, but I made an exception with these.  

I smiled as the familiar thrill of just thinking about Ethan ran up and down my spine.  How I wished he was here right now, corrupting me, teasing me and just generally making me feel like we were the only two people on earth.  

I willed the days to pass quickly, yes I was in paradise here in Turks & Caicos, I had swam with dolphins this morning, such gentle and graceful happy creatures.  But even that experience paled to what I comically referred to as ‘The Ethan Knight Experience’ all expenses paid round trip.  My cheeks heated just thinking about how raw he was when we made love, everything about it oozed sensuality.

Desired pooled between my thighs, I had to stifle a moan while my breathing got faster, so tantalizing was the taste of Ethan that I could almost feel his hands glide the length of me body, touching my cheek softly, layering kisses so featherlight and tender.  

Argh! This was crazyville, he was hours and thousands of miles and an ocean apart, in his boardroom no doubt directing how he was about to make the world spin on a different axis because its what he wanted.  

His touch was as sure and confident as his business acumen, but I had caused him to unravel some of that control.  His hands thumbing at my taut pink budding nipples as he watched my eyes for the reaction he wanted, me falling apart under his dexterous fingers. 

I felt very hot and sweaty, I tried to roll over to find a cool spot on my cotton sheets when I almost tumbled off my deck chair.  “Shit!” I muttered looking around, how fucking long was I asleep for.  I blushed embarrassed by my erotic dream in the middle of a public area.  How did Ethan manage to hold my dreams hostage? Well that was easy, I had eaten, dreamed and breathed him for weeks, it would take some time to get that sensory overload out of any woman’s system.  And that was not a proposition I would take.

A few couples lounged together five chairs down and some kids splashed happily in the pool.  I didn’t think anyone had seen me almost fall off my chair.  I must have been exhausted to have dozed off out here.  The breeze picked up and chafed cool on my skin, I inhaled deeply and rubbed at my eyes, I needed to focus on the here and now.

No wonder I felt heated in my dream, the sun had sunk so low in the cloud free sky that my umbrella wasn’t doing its job anymore.  My belly was tinged pink and I little sore to touch.  Thats gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow.  I sat up intending to pack up my slew of items and recalled the email from Ethan, he had probably replied by now so it wouldn’t hurt to check....

Bingo, six emails, two from Ethan, “Yessss.” I said under my breathe and held back a triumphant fist pump.  The first one had been sent within half and hour of my reply, that must have been when I was having a sensual erotic dream about all the glorious orgasms Ethan had given me.

From:Ethan Knight

CEO Knight Enterprises


Subject:Careful what you wish for

Miss Bates,

Although tempting, the thought of rubbing oil onto your desirable sexy body would have me in my car and at your door in five minutes flat, however, you are thousands of miles away so I will have to settle with fantasizing about it instead.  Have some major hard on in my pants, I hope poor Alice my secretary doesn’t come in, she is sixty-five years old and I don’t think she could handle the shock.

I don’t like that the cabana boys are looking at you in your bikini when I can’t, they had better behave.  

Are you wearing your rings?  

E x

p.s I didn’t get this far in life waiting, I will follow you to any continent

I’m sure my smile was brighter than the sun, joy filled me from the inside, the hovering sun sat on the edge of the ocean, it paled to the elation Ethan made feel.  I bit my lip and shook my head in wonderment, surely love didn’t happen this fast, I had lost my rational head.  The sensible prudent Addison had lost all logic along with her heart.  

I twirled my rings and decided to test them out on my ring finger, what could it hurt to pretend that I was engaged or married, Ethan wasn’t here so I could indulge in this fantasy until I boarded the plane home.

I opened the next email.

From:Ethan Knight

Impatient CEO Knight Enterprises




I hope one of the cabana boys haven’t whisked you away from me, otherwise reply so I stop thinking the worst.  

E x

p.s. stressing 

My sweet Lord he was worried about me.  I checked the time on my phone, this was an hour ago.  Shit, I better reply quickly.  A stressed CEO I didn’t want.  He had enough to worry about right now, like his father that was still in hospital recovering from a cardiac arrest.  

From:Addison Bates

Safe and Sound Woman of the World


Subject:Sleeping beauty


I feel asleep, in the sun, sore and pink. Sorry. 

Always your Addison 


p.s sorry

I hit the send button quickly so he wouldn’t be concerned, how stupid of me to fall asleep for hours in the sun.  I waited for the return email to ping.  One of the handsome waitstaff was walking toward me with a portable phone.  

“Miss Bates.”  He said offering me the phone.  Holy shit please don’t let it be him.  I felt like I was about to walk into the principles office.  I sat, mouth agape as no words would form.  “Its a Mister Knight for you Miss, we couldn’t find you when he called the first time.”

Oh Fuck!  This was getting worse.  I took the phone and mumbled thank you.  Holding it against my breast I sucked in a deep breathe and centred my errant thoughts.  Its Ethan, he’s worried, all I had to do was allay his fears.

I put the phone to my ear and cleared my throat to signal I was on the other end of the line without having to say anything.  “Addison, is that you?”  The deep timbre of his voice filled me with alarm, he sounded worked up.

“Ethan.  Hey its me.”  Was all I could manage with my heart lodged in my neck.

“Fucking hell, thank Christ your Ok.”  The agitation evened out a little.  I was still stuck at hearing his voice.  “What the fuck happened, I hadn’t heard from you for hours, then I called and the hotel told me they couldn’t find you.  I called three times god dammit.”  It all came out in a rush of loud words.

“Calm down Ethan I’m fine, I came out to get some sun and fell asleep.  I woke up disorientated and sunburnt and to you having a conniption over me not replying to you soon enough.”

“First off, don’t tell me to calm down because this is calm, an hour ago when I called, the second time, thats when I went into crisis mode.”  He had lost any control at this stage, he sounded like he was pacing.  “Second, my next phone call was to my jet to fuel the fuck up and fly me there so I could find you, my thoughts were so irrational, I thought something serious had happened like you were hurt or sick...FUCK!”  I waited for him to finish his rant, not realizing the extent of his concern.  This had totally freaked him out.

When his breathing had returned to semi-normal and the realization that I was fine sunk in, I spoke.  “I didn’t mean to worry you Ethan, like I said, I fell asleep in the pool area, I have been out here all day.  I’m sorry.”  My heart jerked in my chest and I tried to keep the choked up tears out of my voice when I accepted that from Ethan’s point of view and how things transpired on his end...well I understood the concern of not being there when impossible forces stood in your way.

I whimpered quietly as the slow steady trickle of tears slipped past my lips and dropped onto my sunburnt thighs.  It started to sting.

“Baby are you crying?”  His warm voice laced with concern.  I couldn’t answer him without falling into a blubbering mess so I stayed quiet.  “Please don’t cry, fuck, baby I wish I was there holding you, none of this would have happened.  How badly are you burnt?  Ask the staff for some aloe vera gel, it will take the sting out because its gonna hurt like a bitch later.”

My salty tears had crystalized onto my cheeks and where they landed on my legs.  I nodded at his request for the aloe gel.  “I’m fine, just missing you, I think the umbrella protected me for most of my nap, I was so tired.  Are you still angry?”

“Not with you, but I guarantee we will never stay in that hotel.”

“I’m sure there is an explanation why they couldn’t find-” He cut me off.

“Don’t make excuses Addison, they didn’t even try until I called the third time.  What if it was a life or death situation.  I will be calling the owner and you bet I will have his phone number by days end.”

The authority in his tone made me giggle.  His grandiose could never be mistaken, I never doubted anything he said because so far Ethan had done everything, small or grand, that he said he would.  I loved that part of him.  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“I still have half a mind to get on my jet, the engines are fueled.”  I waited with baited breathe to hear the magic words that he was on his way, now that would be the new number one spot on my bucket list, Turks & Caicos & Ethan.  Yum.  A heady combination.

“I won’t tell you not to come Ethan, if thats what your waiting for.  I’m extremely greedy when it comes to you.”

“And I’m ravenous, one whole day is way to long.  What have you done to me?”  He chuckled.  It sounded like he was thinking out loud.  “I could be there for supper.”  He waited.

“Like I said, self-indulgent and insatiable.”

“Do you know how much you tempt me Ms Bates.”  I could hear the burn in his voice, imagine the glaze in his eyes when he hungered for me with such carnal passion, so hot you could light a fire work off it.  His voice was low and raunchy, his effect on me was not limited by sea. 

“I dreamt of you and all the lecherous things you’ve done to me.  Maybe thats why I slept for so long, I wanted the dream to continue.”  

“Baby you just have to ask.  I will be there in the beat of your heart.”

“Ethan.”  I whispered.  “You would do that, leave the office, your father, just to satisfy my whim.”

“Your whims are mine and only mine to fulfill.”

“I can’t ask you to do that for me, I’m not that selfish.”

“You should be, I want you to crave me as much as I do you.”

“Don’t think that I don’t, I’m just not used to this kind of attention.”

“Get used to it, because when your home I plan on not letting you go.  You are mine Addison...say it, I need to hear you.”  He articulated each word slowly.

“I am your’s Ethan.”  After the stressful afternoon he’d had I didn’t hesitate and I only spoke the truth.

I heard a females voice muffled in the background.  “Shit I have a conference call waiting for me, been expecting it for hours.  I will call you in two hours ok.  Please for the love of god be contactable, I don’t want to come out there just to strangle the staff.”

“Yep, two hours, I will be tucked into my bed waiting.”

“Ok good.”  We were both silent, I didn’t want to hang up.  “Hang the phone up Addi.”

“Ok bye Ethan.”  I pressed the hang up button.

And just like that he was gone, sucked back into the other end of the North Atlantic Ocean.  I sat dumbfounded for another ten minutes and watched the sun sink into the dark blue unknown, its how I felt about my future, I was the sun and Ethan the water.  Together we were a beautiful thing, creating wonderful colors and shades in the sky and across the ocean.  Apart we were equally beautiful but not as vibrant.  I could only hope that Ethan kept liking what he saw in me for a very very long time.

Ahhhh, its not over, there is another chapter begging to be written and I have found the passion again.  Please vote and comment. And thanks for reading. Lxo

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