What is my Life?

By Matsukitty

2.6K 530 675

So, here it is. My life is one I'd never trade for anything. I have a loving family, and many things to be gr... More

Just so we're clear...
Ok, to start off...
Sleep deprivation
Well, that's random.
Just add "with your life"
I'm slowly dying.
I'm a klutz
I feel like a Major Nerd
I just don't know
I'm on fire
My chrome-dome
Mr. Spikes
That Crazy Look
Where the Red Fern Grows
Stop, Drop, and Panic.
Bad Lip Injection
From "Angst" to "Abridged"
Teens these Days
Surprise Duet
That Was a Bad Idea
What's his Name?
That's Canada
First Softball Game!
You Have a Nice Neck
Sleeping in
Second Softball Game
Second Softball Game Pt. 2
Horror Overload
Klutz Quotes
Things you never thought about
The Perilous Journey
I'm a Baws!
My Voice Teacher
I Need Advice
Bluegrass Camp
Goodbye Internet!
Long Pine Nebraska: Wattpad Documentation; By Matsukitty.
Meet Enzo
Snail Porn
Neil Breen
Baby Bird, Then Cat
Have You Ever Looked To The Sky, And Thought "The Pancakes Are Coming For You"?
O Comic Con.
"Come back, I'll bite your legs off!"
I've reached a new low
Not as think as you drunk I am
This ain't the "Andy Griffith Show"!
Mass Effect
Pluck-a Leg Hairs On the Border!
Matsukitty's Typical Afternoon.
I'm Basically Blind Right Now
I Need Help
I Can't Think of a Title
On a Pipe Cleaner
I Am Now A Two-Cat Person
I Am Now A One Cat Person........And the Cat is Basically an Eggplant.
Won't be Around for Much Longer
Back to the Academy
Enzo's Doctor Visit
Scared off Sesame Street
Thinking of
Sun glasses
Everything with Mark in it is hilarious
Shoulder Fondling
Gotta get all the Paper
Found it!
My Morning
Academy Day
Sleep, Something I Need More OF
The Time I Have On My Hands
Ugh, I F*cking Ruined my Sleep Schedule................
Martin pt. 2
I was Played
Today was an Apple Day
Abuela Martinez
Gimme Names!
Alpaca World HD
Ripped Clothing
What do Badass New Glasses Make Me Look Like? Even More of a Nerd.........
I Just Had The Literal Worst Day Ever
F*ck Life
The Pain was Worth It
Sims 4
Nail Polish
I Would Homework, but...
My Face is in Pain
The Cone of Shame
Everything is Awesome...
What you missed....
Existential Crisis Inducing Artifact
Math. I Hate It....
Restaurant Feel
Sleeping in
Dying, the common occurence
Guess Who's Still Dying? Me!
The Results of Procrastination
I'd Do That, But I Don't Want To
Ho ho ho, homo sapiens!
I'm Still Alive!
Farewell, Blood that was Once in my Body
The Prinxiety is strng with this one
I Need to Stop
My Thoughts At Night
Thanks, @AShruinger
Hah, hah, hah, hah, Staying Alive, Staying Alive


18 2 5
By Matsukitty

Gina, you're still logged in on my laptop.


(This is Lani (sarcastic-ghost) by the way)

Don't worry, I'll log out and I promise not to look through your personal stuff or anything.

I'm so sorry about Kaymax - it's such a shame that she's doing so poorly. But I think she'll appreciate the fact that you're putting her down instead of letting her suffer. We've been meaning to call Randy as well and have him come take a look at Molly's fungus problem, but I don't think we're gonna get around to it any time soon. 

Today was my first day of band camp (oh. joy.) Mostly sitting around on the floor and playing super hard music and smashing spiders. And learning how to march backwards. It's hard.

I was super nervous for band camp, because I thought that I would be much more inexperienced than the upperclassmen... but then I realized that we're all learning this music for the first time, and we all suck. Except for Malena. Because she's some sort of clarinet prodigy (and a section leader, so she kind of had to practice the music a lot).

Apparently we're going to march in a parade on Saturday? I can hardly march in a straight line, much less do it while playing the fight song. I'm used to playing second part, not third. ;-;

We were supposed to have fittings for our uniforms today, but it turns out that they're not until tomorrow. So Katie (being the wonderful friend that she is) let me hang out with her in her truck while I waited for mom to show up. We listened to Phantom of the Opera and judged each others' pin collections. It turns out that Katie actually lives a lot closer to me than I had though... :P

So mom picked me up, but she had to go back to work. So I'm here too. I'm just sitting in a hospital, typing on a computer and trying not to look too lonely.

In a few hours I have an orthodontist appointment, but I might have to walk to it. I mean, it's only a few blocks away, but walking through town alone is kinda scary.


Okay, I'm gonna log out now. You can delete this chapter, or just unpublish it, or leave it be, or do whatever.

I'm sorry about Kaymax, really.

She is/was a good cat.


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