Sleeping in

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Lately, I've been going to bed really late, and sleeping in, to around 11:30. I just stared summer, and it's only been 3 days. I think I need help. It kind of reminds of this one time where I was completely flipping around my sleep schedule. I went to bed at 6am, and woke up at 4pm.

I had a really weird dream involving danisnotonfire, and AmazingPhil. I saw them in a store, and as I was about to approach, the roof was ripped of, and they were abducted by aliens. Then, I was one of the aliens, and I was told to probe them. Then I woke up. I need help.

Does anyone here ever picture people naked? Like, I'll think of one of my favorite YouTubers, and them I'll think of them naked. Is that weird? Am I weird? Wait, I already know the answer. Still need help over here. *Leaves*


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