Gotta get all the Paper

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So, I haven't been on Wattpad for two reasons.

Number one, I haven't had the time. Karina had a party with her friends, and our cousin came out, and we didn't have time.

Number two, everyone wants to go on the computer because the wifi was turned off for a while and no one knew how to turn it back on. So, I couldn't manage to get much time.


Hey, so I went to an orthodontist this morning at 7:30 in the f-ing morning, meaning I had to get up at six. Ugh. Life. So, while at the orthodontist, they told me that I had the option to get braces, because my bite isn't straight, and I also have crowding. I think it would be nice, but the people who know me in real life, tell me what you think I'd look like with braces.

After that, dad and I got breakfast at HyVee, or however you spell that, and Jessie looked at pictures of box jellyfish. She looked up 'Box Jellyfish Face', my favorite picture that came up that I can't find again was a picture a jellyfish that, I kid you not, looked like a depressed hippy.  

We went back to Academy supplies shopping, and Jessie made me laugh too many times. Like, we found the paper, and she said to graba  lot, so I grabbed several packages, and repeatedly said, "Gotta get all the paper." I also heard Jessica's stomach rumble. It made me laugh way more than I should've.

I'm not normal.


What is my Life?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora