Surprise Duet

16 3 1

MY sister like, just came home, and she was singing one of our favorite duets. "Agony" from Into the Woods. Not, the movie version, because they ruined it with that movie. The Broadway version. It's great, and she was singing as she walked up the stairs just singing her part, and I jumped out of my room, and sang my line. We finished the song, and it was great. We so random.

I was just trying to sign up to some web site, and it said this;

Follow the instructions below to prove that you are human.

Then I just stared at it like, "If I was a robot, I wouldn't say I was, you idiots." They had the weirdest test, too. It brings up all these pictures, and told me to pick all the pics with grass. It was so weird, but I obviously aced it, because I am not a robot. Here's a challenge: convince the site you are a robot. then tell me what happens.

My dog might be pregnant! Her name is Taylor, and she's so cute. I'm so happy!


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