Rebound Issues k.a.

By hana253

13.3K 645 201

It's not easy to love when you have Rebound Issues and Nagely has a serious case of them. Her mom has tried s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Bonus Chapter 1: Alexis and Daniel
Bonus Chapter 2: Marie and Devin
Bonus Chapter 3: Nagely and Kevin
✌Its Up✌

Chapter 10

755 48 31
By hana253

"Awww, look at those lovebirds."

"You're so cute!" Is what I wake up to. Devin is pinching our cheeks with a grin.

"Fuck outta here." Kevin slaps his hands away and pulls me closer.

"Don't get an attitude with me. I will expose you." Devin snaps. Kevin flips him off. "Fine, you asked for it. Nagely while you were sleeping, this dude right here was rubbing your ass."

"Yooooo!" Daniel laughs.

"Uhhh," I sit up. "that's kinda creepy." I start getting my clothes.

"You see what you did, now my cuddle buddy is gone." Kevin says as I walk into the bathroom.


"We gotta go out somewhere." Daniel says.

"Bet, let's go to the water park." Devin runs his hands together.

"Ain't nobody gonna take you to the water park. Let's go somewhere chill." Kevin lays his head back on the couch and closes his eyes.

"See, I don't mind, I'm just tryna meet some girls." Daniel dusts off his shoulders.

"Do you guys want to go somewhere today or just stay at home?" My mom walks in and asks.

"Go somewhere." We all say at the same time.

"How about I drop you all at the movies?" We look at each other then nodded. "Let me get the keys."


"What movie we watching?" Kevin looks up at the list.

"Oh, let's watch the new Ice Age movie!"

"You really wanna watch that?" Devin asks me.

"Of course I do."

"Lights Out!" Daniel claps twice.

"Aye," Kevin bro high fives him. "that movie's lit. You get it? Lights out, lit."

"Yeah we get it, it just wasn't funny." Devin purses his lips.

"Anyways, leggo." Daniel walks up to the counter.


"Just tell me what the movie is about." I beg Kevin for the hundredth time.

"You'll see." He waves me off again.

"Alexis, you scaredy cat, let's watch this movie." A girl coming up the stairs says excitedly.

"Um, first of all, we both know you're gonna be way more scared than me." They start walking to the aisle behind us.

"Since you're not the scared one," The first one stops. "let's sit at the top by ourselves."




"Alexis." They both go to the top about three rows behind us.

"Wait, this is a scary movie?" I turn to Kevin.

"Shhh, it's starting." He puts a finger to my lips.


"Oh my god!" Devin and all of us scream. I lean towards Kevin scared out of my life. Everyone climbed up their seats until their feet were on the chair and off the ground.

"Can we sit here, can we sit here, can we sit here?" The girls from before come rushing and sit next to us. One of them cuddles up to Daniel and he laughs. Devin stands up and does a fuckboy walk to the other girl and sits next to her.

"Don't be scared. I got you." He stretches his hand over her shoulder. Devin leans over, nods and points at her. "What's your name, babygirl?"

"Marie." She giggles.

"Well, they found the girls they were looking for." Kevin looks at me. We make eye contact for a few seconds until I quickly look away. He takes my chin and slowly turns me back and I panic. I can't kiss him, I don't know why but I just can't. He leans in closer and closer.

"You're growing a stache." I put my finger on his lips and push him back a little.

"Yeah." He quietly laughs.

"This movie is getting really interesting." I nervously stuff my mouth with popcorn and turn back to the movie.

"Right, the movie." He goes back to watching it as well but I know he's glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"I gotta use the bathroom." I leave the very awkward situation.

"Aren't you those guys' friends?" The two girls ask me in the hallway.


"They are cuties, but I'm Alexis."

"I'm Marie."


"We have got to hang out." Alexis says.

• • • • • Next Day

"And then I was like, or nah." Marie finished her story and we laugh.

"What's good, what's good, what's good?" Daniel comes yelling down the stairs. Always damn yelling, for real. He sits next to Alexis and puts his arm around her. Devin and Kevin come down right after. As soon as Devin sits down he starts chatting, well flirting, with Marie. His phone rings.

"Sorry gotta take this." He answers the call. "Hello...Wait, why?.....Oh, I totally forgot...Ok..Ok..Bye, dad." He hangs up and looks directly at Kevin. "We're leaving tomorrow."

"For what?" Daniel asks.

"The tour, remember."

"I forgot about that, ughh." Daniel rolls his eyes. "I don't wanna leave yet."

"Damn, I forgot too." Kevin sighs.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Shari comes downstairs all happy. "I'm Shari, Kev's big sis." She introduces herself.



"Kev, can I talk to you real quick?" Shari tells him then they go upstairs.

"How long will you guys be gone?" I ask.

"Seven weeks." Daniel says. That's a long time, and I was starting to like them. To be honest, I'm going to really miss Kevin. He's growing on me. And he's just so sweet, and caring, and just ughh. I think I'm falling for him. I think I'm falling hard.

• • • • • Next Day

This was it, they were leaving. I met the rest of Devin's family. Jazzy and Lexi are cool. His parents are really funny too.

"Well, I'm leaving." Kevin awkwardly stands in front of me with his hands in his front pockets.

"Yep." I stand the same way but my hands in my back pockets.

"I'm gonna miss you." He surprises me with a tight hug.

"Me too." I hug him back. I'm gonna miss these hugs.

"Promise me you'll text every day and Facetime me anytime you can." He breaks the hug and puts his hands on my waist. I stick out a pinkie.

"Promise." We pinkie swear.

"W-will y-y-you uh," He stutters then clears his throat. I purse my lips thinking of what's happening next. "Will you be, umm, m-umm," He clears his throat again. "Will you be extra punctual with those facetimes?" He quickly says and sheepishly smiles.

"Oh, Facetimes, yeah, totally. I'll make sure I will." We both nervously laugh.

"Come on, Kev, we leaving." Devin's dad yells from the car.

"Bye, Nagely."

"Bye, Kevin." He just stands there still holding my waist.

"You gonna go?" I laugh. He starts to slowly lean in once again. I swear I tried my hardest to just kiss him but I couldn't do it. Brandon ran through my mind the entire time.

"Bye, Kevin." I give him a quick hug then back away. I anticipate on what he does next.

"Bye, Nagely." He gives a small smile and looks down. Then he walked away.

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