Humanity at Stake (Completed)

By EternalResilient

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Humanity has been enslaved by vampires. But with feeding accidents and the occasionally uncontrollable urge t... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11~
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 -
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
20 Facts About Humanity at Stake

Chapter 3

133 5 0
By EternalResilient

"I hope you got some beds around
'cause you're the only refuge now." -"Crossfire" by Stephen


Nova managed to make her way down to the ruined city. She passed through a small section of forest, the trees ranging from species, but all providing wonderful shade in the already scorching day. Animals she had never seen before scurried away at her presence. She marveled at this newfound world, seeming to be the complete opposite to what she was raised in.

Nova trekked across grassy plains, the grass hitting as high as her knee. It swayed in the light breeze, creating a ripple effect across the vast area it covered. She had never felt more at peace. Wandering around town with nothing to do except staying out of the ways of bustling Overseers and waiting to be called down for a feeding compared nothing to this.

Sooner than she rather cared for, Nova hit the outskirts of the destroyed city. She picked her way around fallen debris and shattered glass in the cobbled roads. She didn't know where she was going, but she felt like she was going the right way. Nova couldn't explain it, but her gut told her she was heading towards her future.

She weaved her way aimlessly around the cities streets. Vegetation crawled up sides of buildings and in between the normally well kept stones on the paths. Chills went up Nova's spine at the eerie silence of a place that used to house hundreds, if not thousands. How could  a colossal place like this fall to such ruin?

As she rounded yet another corner, the sounds of hooves pounding down the cobblestone roads met her ears. Nova froze, turning towards the sound as six armed people came into view. They slowed their horses near her, forming a looming circle around Nova.

She noticed how all of them wore a similar uniform: a thick looking blue jacket with silver buttons lining the entire front in two parallel lines. The jacket came up around their necks, and Nova instantly assumed it was to keep bloodsuckers from easily getting a snack. She saw that a yellow belt  wrapped around their hips, and some held holsters for swords. Next were long, fitting jeans that matched the blue color of the jacket. Black boots laced up to the shin. All six rested their hands on their weapons, ready to draw if threatened. A tug at her gut gave her a good feeling about these strangers, despite their rather hostile appearance.

"Who are you, and why are you wandering around this city?" one of the members of the group asked in a guarded tone. She could only assume he was the leader.

"I escaped from being held captive by vampires," Nova answered his question. She observed his eyes widen a fraction before darting up to his colleagues.

"From vampires you say? How long have you been freed?" he questioned. His horse grew a bit restless, and he turned it in a tight circle before resuming his position.

"Not that long," she started off. "I escaped earlier today while their guards were down," Nova responded, shifting her weight from foot to foot. Her questioner looked around at his surroundings before jerking his head in the direction behind him.

"Hop on; we'll finish your questioning back at base. Out in the open like this, it's easy to be ambushed when we are focused on one thing." The leader jerked his horse's reins, causing it to step around to show its side. She gave him a look before complying, hoisting herself up and getting situated behind the rider. They took off instantly at a galloping pace. Nova couldn't help but wrap her arms tightly around the rider to keep from falling off.

They darted through the streets, taking a turn this way or that before they slowed in front of a building. Everyone slid off their horses, grabbing the reins before tugging them off to a makeshift pasture out back. Nova slid off first before the horse's rider followed suit.

"This used to be a school before the vampires took over. As ridiculous as it sounds, it makes a good base. A gym to spar in, a cafeteria to store food. Classrooms were converted into rooms to sleep in, so on and so forth," the leader explained as he released his horse into the pasture where at least a dozen other horses grazed. He turned back to Nova.

"How long have you been held captive by vampires?" he asked her. He started walking back to the front entrance. Nova followed after to him, walking in step by his side.

"My mother was actually taken by vampires. Down there, there was a breeding program to make sure there were enough feeders for everyone. It didn't really help when humans were constantly killed due to accidents or hostility. I was born down there," she explained, shrugging it off as if it was nothing. The man gave her a digusted look.

"They just picked someone and made them 'breed'?" he asked incredulously. Nova nodded in response. "So, if you were raised to be a feeder, why did you run away?" he questioned, confusion lacing his voice. Nova's facials hardened, and her fists involuntarily clenched.

"They killed my mother. They treated us like shit. They gave us the minimals to survive. It was miserable there. I couldn't take it. I escaped when I could," she revealed bitterly. The leader smiled at her, clapping a hand on her shoulder. She sent him a dirty look. Why is he so happy?

"Sorry, I don't mean to seem so giddy, it's just that I think you'll like it here. Welcome to the Resistance..." he trailed off, waiting for her to give her name.

"Nova," she gave, sending him a sheepish grin. He beamed broadly. By now they were at the front door to the school, he swept them open, revealing halls with tiled floors and walls lined with lockers.

"Welcome to the Resistance, Nova! I'm, Richard," he provided. He gestured her inside. He led the way as they followed a long, wide hallway part way before turning to the right.

"Where exactly are we going?" Nova asked, checking out a small rectangular courtyard with vegetables growing in four different planters. A couple fruit trees stood off to the sides.

"I'm going to go introduce you to the leader of all this!" Richard explained as he opened a glass door. "Ladies first."

Nova slipped in in front of him. She was greeted by a fairly large, L shaped room. A giant wooden table sat in the middle, and off in the junction was a smaller desk with a woman sitting behind it. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail as she scanned over the documents in front of her. She glanced up when she heard the door close before lowering her head again. Then she did a double take before slowly rising from her seat.

"Who's this, Richard?" she asked cautiously.

"This is Nova. We found her while we were patrolling. She's an escapee from a vampire compound," he told the leader, his voice taking on a much more professional tone. The leader's eyebrow arched in interest.

"Oh?" she asked in a tone that said she wanted Richard to enlighten her more on the subjects he nodded his head in response.

"Yes, and she has a reason to hate vampires. I was thinking she'd make a great addition to the Resistance. Of course, at your consent, Colonel Marie," he said politely, giving a slight bow of his head. Colonel Marie regarded Nova with impassive eyes. She walked around the desk, approaching Nova. She stood about five inches taller, causing Nova to look up at the imposing woman.

"We're always looking for new recruits. Welcome," she relented, sticking her hand out for Nova to shake. Nova gripped the Colonel's hand, giving her a firm shake.

"I'm sincerely grateful you allowed me to join the resistance, I promise to train my hardest," Nova said genuinely. The Colonel cracked a small smile.

"I'm sure you will."

"When do I meet my comrades?" Nova asked curiously, dropping the handshake. She thought back to when she had been picked up by Richard, remembering the others that stood along with him. The Colonel let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, Nova, you have a long way to go. Eventually, but not anytime soon. You need to train well first."


Nova in the multimedia, as usual, imagine her however you want :)

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