The Cherry And The Strawberry...

By LadyLucky13

237K 7.9K 362

Cherī Zaraki is an average teenager.. At least that's what everybody else thinks of her. Cherī is actually a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thrity Four
Chapter Thrity Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Eighteen

4.9K 158 23
By LadyLucky13

Six Months later - Month; June

"I'm fine!" Cherī yelled trying to get out of Gin's hold, Tōshirō and Rangiku followed behind the two.

"Rangiku, help me!" Rangiku giggled waving her hand at the emerald eyed girl who had a hurt expression.

"You're so mean! Wait until I get free! I'll kiss your ass!"

"Now, now, Cherī. You can be angry all you want but you need to rest. Captain Unohana already told us not to let you overwork yourself." Rangiku said.

"I've been healing for the past six months! I need to train while I'm still here... I'll be leaving soon remember?"

"That's right, your year here is almost finished. I won't say I'll miss you because I won't." Tōshirō grumbled.

"That's a lie, li'l Shirō! Who do you think leaves those candy beans on your desk once every week?"

"Wait.. That was you!? And that's Captain Hitsugaya to you!!" He yelled at her his face flushed red in anger or embarrassment, maybe even both. Rangiku covered her mouth with her hand but that didn't stop her from laughing.

"Haha! That's hilarious! He was even waiting for next week for those treats!"

"Rangiku, you idiot! Shut up!" Cherī joined in on the laughter picking on Tōshirō a little more.

"I can't wait until you go back to the World of the Living! I'm certainly not going to miss you!"

"You'll miss me, I know you will. I mean, who is going to make your favorite candy, Hm? Cause I doudt Rangiku can make it on her own."

"Hey!" Rangiku pouted but giggled.

"She's right, Captain. You know you'll miss Cherī once she leaves to go back to her human boyfriend. Can we go with you to meet him? I heard they have really good clothes over there!" It was Cherī's turn to blush glaring at the woman.

"Your crazy! Of course you can't meet him and he isn't my boyfriend!"

"If that's the case why don't I set you up with someone? What do you think, Cherī?" This situation with Rangiku finding her a boyfriend caused her green eyes to widen.

"No way! Why would I want a boyfriend to begin with, huh? Besides it's to much work trying to find someone."

"How do you know that?"

"I watch human couples go through a lot of stuff before getting together. The begining is all sweet and happy then months later they brake up. Why get in a relationship if you are just going to break up later on?"

"Sounds like you went through a break up yourself."

"Me? Nah, I never dated a guy since they were scared of me and my two best friends who were in high school." Cherī smiled. Rangiku and Tōshirō noticed the far away look in her eyes, even Gin knew she was thinking about her life before returning to the Soul Scoiety.

"You said your friends were in high school? What grade were you in before coming back here?"

"Don't ask..."

"Awe~ come on! Tell me!" Rangiku pleaded to her Co-lieutenant.

"No way, all you need to know was that I never dated anyone in the human world."

"What about before you left?" Cherī sighed.

"I was only a little girl, Rangiku. Do you honestly think Shunsui, my dad and the former Captains of squads Five and Nine would let me date at the age of nine? I don't think so."

"Did you at least have a crush on someone?" Cherī face flushed looking away, Gin chuckled as Rangiku gushed.

"Tell me who it was! Come on, Cherry!"

"Hey! Hey! Don't call me that! Only a select few can call me by that name!" She snapped.

"I'll tell you who it was.. It was Captain Ai-"

"Damn it! Shut up will you!" Cherī growled as her hands were placed over Gin's mouth to keep him from telling them but she knew it was too late.

"Wha-? It was Captain Aizen!? Well... I can honestly say I'm not surprised. Captain Aizen is a very good person and all." Cherī's eye twitch when Rangiku said Aizen was a good person.

"I was just a kid back than! And he wasn't the Captain but the lieutenant of Squad Five! And don't you dare say anything to anybody or I'll kill you."

"You wouldn't, you love me so much." Rangiku smiled as Cherī pouted.


"Why did I have to get dressed up again?" Cherī looked at Rangiku confused as they were walking down the road.

"I'm not telling you, besides you look gorgeous!" Cherī frowned. She was wearing a black kimono with koi fish embedded on the bottom right. It was one of many that Eiji gave to her six months ago. Rangiku had did her hair since it finally grew out after her fight with Yamamoto. Her normally straight hair was now curled, a plain black clip held half of her hair up leaving a few strands out framing her face, her bangs left alone.

"I still can't believe you wouldn't let me do your makeup." She rolled her eyes at her friends pouting.

"I didnt want you to do it knowing you, you'd put a lot on my face. My skin is sensitive, so, I'm the only one who can do it." Cherī didn't like putting on makeup at all. She did put on a little bit of foundation and blush, she also her eyeliner. The black that surrounded her glowing emerald eyes pop out more, it was "eye catching" how Rangiku put it.

"I heard the makeup from the World of the Living was pretty bad."

"It is, I don't understand how those human women put up with that stuff. I tryed it once it made my whole face red and itchy." She shuddered but smiled lightly tracing her fingers over the gold ring hanging from the chain.

"It was funny. We were only kids, him and I. We had been messing around with his parents stuff, his mother found the both of us covered in her makeup. She laughed so hard she couldn't stand on her feet." Rangiku smiled softly.

"You must really miss being there, huh?"

"Yeah, it's been so long since I heard his mother laugh.."

"What happened to his mother?"

"She was killed... Murdered by a Hollow... But he wasn't aware it had been a Hollow that killed his mother. He blames himself, thinking he was the cause of his mothers' death.." Cherī then noticed she had been babbling.

"I- uh- Rangiku do I have to go and do this- whatever this is?" Rangiku noticed how quickly she changed the subject but didn't bother to push any further.

"Yes, we need a day out that's why I invited everyone to come and cool off!"

"I don't like the sound of it but I guess I can stay for a few rounds of sake."

"That's the spirit!" Rangiku and Cherī had walked into a restaurant into one of the big rooms in the back that were used for a huge gathering. Rangiku sliding the door open to see many people were seating around already eating and drinking.

"The guest of honor has arrived!" Rangiku moved aside showing Cherī, who was tilted her head slightly as a look on confusion on her face. Many of the guys blushed with a shocked expression. The girls were surprised that the blond lieutenant had actually got the young woman to come along.

"Guest of honor?"

"Yup! You're the guest of honor, Cherī! I thought since you never had a boyfriend I thought I would help you pick one out for you!"

"You're seriously still on that!?"

"Well, you do need to get out more."


"I love you too, Cherry!"

"Leave the woman alone for now, brat." Ken spoke as he appears on her shoulder.

"Ken, it's been awhile since you've been out."

"I know, I just came for the food."

'Of course he did.'

"Hello again, Ken." Rangiku held the miniature black wolf in her arms.

"Put me down woman."

"Your so adorable!" Ken wiggled out of her arms hopping onto one of the guys' head landing in Rukia's arms surprising her.

"Hey! What the hell!?"

"Shut it, baldly." Ken growled.

"B-baldly!? I'm not bald you mangy wolf!" Ikkaku was about to attack the wolf who was glaring at him but a hand was placed on his shoulder stopping him from taking action.

"Sorry about that Ikkaku. Ken isn't really the nicest Zanpakutō in the Seireitei. Please try to calm down." Ikkaku couldn't stop the blush from rising on his cheeks as he starred at the woman who had kneeled next to him. He adverted his eyes from her.

"Fine, but the next time the wolf does something like that again we're fighting." Cherī smiled nodding her head.

"Well, well, well, I didn't think you would dress up." Cherī looked up seeing Shunsui, Jūshirō and a few other Captains standing behind them.

"You all came as well?" She asked standing up.

"Of course we did. I couldn't stand back and let my little cherry drop get whisked away by one of these men." Shunsui said as his eyes looked over the men behind her. Cherī couldn't help but smile nervously.

'I forgot how scary he could be..'

"Now, now, Shunsui. Cherī is old enough to be with someone." Jūshirō calmly spoke when he noticed the sudden change in his friend.

"Yeah, there's no need to worry about me, Shunsui. I can handle myself." She reassured the man. She and the few Captains who showed up took their seats as they all chatted amongst themselves.

As the night went by Cherī was laughing, smiling, she was enjoying herself and would occasionally look over at Ken who had fallen asleep in Rukia's lap, who didn't seem to mind at all. Rangiku had to be taken home along with Jūshirō who suddenly gotten ill during the party. Hours later Nanao and Cherī had to help Shunsui walk back to the Squad Eight barracks, Rukia had been beside Cherī as she help the drunkerd Captain.

"Thank you for helping me getting Captain Kyōraku back safely, Cherī." Nanao said adjusting her glasses.

"No problem, Nanao. It was partly my fault seeing as he wanted to have a drinking contest. I'll stop by later on in the day to check on him. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." It was just Rukia and Cherī, they were taking their time to go back to their squads. Cherī had dropped off Rukia at her squad first before heading back to Squad Ten.


Sorry it took so long to upload chapters to this book and The Warmth of Red. My aunt has Breast Cancer and I've been going to a lot of doctors appointments with her. I will be doing five chapters for my K-project FanFic next.

Thank you for being patient for this long!(@⌒ー⌒@)

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