Bonded (Zero Kiryu X Reader X...

By pastelpeachtrees

70.8K 1.8K 624

A lone vampire from a family long gone. She struggled through her years, falling in and out of foster homes... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Flirt
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: A bittersweet tragedy
Night sky
The Silent Treatment pt.1
The Silent treatment pt.2
The Truth
I write Tragedies
Patched Heart?
I'm back bitches
Please read if you like my writing!

Chapter 3: Kiss Under Moonlight

8.5K 215 137
By pastelpeachtrees

Edited on 4, May, 2018


3rd Person P.O.V

The girl slipped out of the study, avoiding the tense atmosphere of six pairs of eyes staring her down as she fluttered out of the house, going so fast it seemed like her feet weren't touching the ground.

A walk was something she certainly needed, but seeing Zero was more important. It had been years since she'd really been around her closest friend, and her new charge refused to even let her see him unless she made an excuse. It was devastating.

So the white-clad Night Class student walked along the winding walkways scattered around the campus. None of the Day Class students were acting up today, much to her relief. None of them even knew she existed yet, besides the two from a day or so previous.

She was told that she'd guide the group through the gates every day, rather than Kaname. For their protection.  The auburn haired boy wasn't opposed to the idea, but suggested she walk beside him instead. It was agreed that would be the arrangement.

Playing off being human was getting harder, for she was allergic to the blood tablets provided to the Night Class. No one but her Mentor and Headmaster Cross knew of her predicament, and they both said they couldn't help. If she didn't feed soon her energy would lessen, and she couldn't have that.

Zero wasn't an option, even if the day came that she collapsed in front of him and he learned of her true nature. Even if, miraculously, he didn't hate her and insisted she drink from him- she wouldn't do it.

None of the Day Class students were an option either, she couldn't risk accidentally turning one of them. That left Yuki and the Night Class. Kaname would have her beheaded if she tried to bite Yuki, so that was a no.

Ruka didn't like her. She was a no. Rima and Senri seemed to like her well enough, but they weren't exactly friendly. Aido wouldn't be able to keep her true nature a secret, and Katsuki was too abrasive for her. Ichijo seemed like the best option, but she couldn't risk him slipping the information in front of Kaname.


Naturally, the other pureblood seemed like the perfect choice, but he didn't seem very fond of her. Nor did he seem like the type to give his blood up to anyone but Yuki.

She was out of options. She sighed, looking up from the cement to break her train of thought, only to collide with another person. She stepped back quickly, drawing her Apollo Briar and aiming it. Unimpressed lilac eyes observed her, and weapon was quickly lowered.


"Quit saying my name like that, it's weird." His tone was playful, but his expression was stoic as usual. It was still a win.

"You're just the person I wanted to see! Oh, I should probably keep it down, I'm not exactly supposed to be talking to you." She rambled, flustered. He raised an eyebrow at her jumbled speech.

"You aren't supposed to be talking to me?" He sounded like she'd just accused him of murder. Y/N winced.

"Well... I asked Lord Kaname if I could come visit you, to catch up, you know? But he wouldn't let me. So instead I asked to go for a walk, and he let that pass. I kind of hoped I'd run into you so we could talk anyway but-"

He cut her off by placing a hand on her head, and she looked up at him expectantly. He didn't seem very happy.

"Call him Kaname, damn. And he doesn't get to dictate whether or not you see me, understand? You're watching him, not vise versa." His tone was study, but there was something underneath that voice.

It wasn't anger, and it wasn't anguish. It almost sounded like resentment. Resentment towards her? Surely not. To Kaname, maybe.

"I know why he'd try and keep you from me as well as you do." Now he sounded sad. His situation never ceased to burden him, and she dug the heel of her shoe into the ground nervously.

She thought back the the first time he'd bitten her. He was so upset with himself, but he didn't have another attack for weeks. Maybe she could help him again.

As if by fate, Zero staggered back a step with a hand over his mouth. She rushed to him immediately.

"Get back." He warned her with an icy tone, yet she shook her head vigorously.

"I want to help." He was horrified when she brushed her hair behind her shoulder, tucking what wasn't long enough behind her ears. He tried to tear his hungry red gaze away, but he couldn't manage it. Tears pricked at his eyes.

This was different than feeding from Yuki. This was someone he'd known and cared about for so long, yet he couldn't resists. He muttered a fleeting apology before gripping her shoulders and sinking his teeth in.

Your P.O.V

I fought off my nerve reflex so I didn't worry him, allowing my eyes to close while he fed, running my fingers through his hair to comfort him. He seemed more relaxed knowing I wasn't in pain.

The thing about this was that most pure bloods found more pleasure in being bitten than they did pain. I was among those, and a breathy sigh escaped my lips. At that he pulled back quickly, wiping his mouth.

His gaze was elsewhere, refusing to meet my eyes. He didn't want my sympathy or reassurance, but I knew I could rely on him being healthy and in control for the next week at least. That was all that mattered.

Zero's P.O.V

The look she gave me, I felt sick. Like she was okay with the fact that I'd bitten her. Like she was okay with what I was. She'd always been too accepting. That's why I had to leave, controlling myself was getting harder and I wanted to protect her.

But I couldn't tell Y/N that, the idiot would never let me live it down. I sighed when she smiled at me.

Don't give me that look.

That's the look that made me think I was a normal human. I wasn't. I was a monster that someone like her was supposed to hate. Yet she stuck to me like the opposite end of a magnet.

She looked up at the sky and paled severely, like she'd seen a ghost. "I've been out here way too long, Kaname is going to kill me!" I'd forgotten that Yagari taught her how to tell the time like that. She was the only one of able to pick it up. She'd always been a quick learner. Not like Yuki.

I ruffled her hair, knowing full well it annoyed her. "You have to go, huh?" I tried not to sound too disappointed about it. As annoying as she was sometimes, she's really all I have. I guess I have to give that idiot some credit.

3rd person P.O.V

The girl nodded sadly, rubbing her arm. The uniform wasn't dirty, which was a good sign. She'd have to cover the bite mark. Her regeneration abilities were a little off due to her own hunger. She still had to sort out that situation.

The two parted ways, and the girl decided she wasn't going to go back to her lodging just yet. Instead, she'd linger outside just a little longer, leaning against the Moon Dormitory gates and taking in the peace once again. The clouds weren't Smokey and the stars weren't smiling anymore, but it was still more than she could ask for.

Kaname P.O.V

It had been at least an hour since Y/N left.

Where did she say she was going?

Just for a walk, I believe. It shouldn't have taken her this long. Sighing lightly I slipped out, not wanting to be followed. There was no reason to cause a fuss if nothing was wrong.

It turns out I didn't have to look far. There she was, leaned carelessly against the gates with her eyes closed. Vulnerable, but I knew better than to assume her to be helpless. Despite how pretty she looked, she could easily match my strength. It was impressive.

The soft breeze had pushed her hair behind her shoulders, revealing puncture wounds. My mood soured upon seeing them.

No one in my care would do that. It had to have been Kiryu. I thought back to my conversation with Y/N in my study. 

"Yes, he did. A long time ago. And he regrets it, even to this day. I'm sure of it." That's what she'd said. Now I knew better. If he truly felt bad it wouldn't have happened again.

That meant he was relying on her instead of Yuki. Good, it meant leaving my dearest alone.

So why was I still angry?

Zero's P.O.V

I can't believe I was having another breakdown. I thought I'd gotten over these. I thought I'd finally repressed the memories. I hadn't.

They still haunted me, striking me like vipers when I was unprepared. I clutched my head in one hand, eyes glued wide open as I tried not to cry out. I'd made it through these before, I could do it again. I'm sure of it.

Images of Ichiru flashed through my mind. Our dead parents. His betrayal. Shizuka. My breathing was heavy, but I tried to calm myself. If I was too loud I'd alarm someone. I should be out there doing my job, and instead I'm in here crumbling.

Damn, it's so uncool.


1st Person P.O.V

I don't remember ever going back to the dorms, and the bed I woke up in wasn't mine. Naturally alarmed, I shot up. I still had my Apollo Briar, and I was still in my uniform. It wasn't until I was startled by the familiar monotone voice next to me that I realized my situation.

"Go back to sleep."


This was his room. I felt my neck in a state of panic- nothing. Not even Zero's fang marks from the day before. Had they healed before Kaname could notice them?

It was unlikely. I hadn't eaten in days. Nothing of nutritional value, anyway. I did try and eat human food to blend in, but it wasn't very beneficial to me.

I debated between doing he said and going back to sleep or dismissing myself. It would be rude to just leave without thanking him for his hospitality, but it would be so horrendously awkward to just lay there next to him.

Cheeks flared red I slowly laid back down, my back to him, and shut my eyes. I tried to calm my breathing enough to where the man next to me- too close to me- would relax and hopefully fall back asleep. I just wanted out of there.

He didn't fall back asleep, he just pretended to. I could tell. Why pretend? He could've just left the room and returned when I woke up again.

Something wasn't adding up.


This was my first morning walking beside Kaname to guide the Night Class. This is the first time the Day Class students would get to meet me, even if it's not on a personal level.

The aristocrats got ready, and I pulled on a clean white uniform and situated all the accessories accordingly, as well as hiding my holster and Apollo Briar.

There was a time stuck in my head that I couldn't help but hum quietly while I waited for our time of departure to come.

You got your keys, but where you going?
The third degree just isn't working.
'Cause you walked out without asking me to go,
And if I followed you home, would you be alone?

I checked your phone, 'cause it was beeping
Are you alone? I know you're creepin'
'Cause you walked out without asking me to go,
But if I followed you home I know you're alone.

I'm three steps from the edge
Don't push me over it
Don't you know, don't you know

Every girl is capable of murder, if you hurt her
Watch out you don't push me any further, any further
Your not the only one walkin' 'round with a loaded gun!
This little girl is capable of murder 'cause you hurt her

My hands are clean, not yet a killer
Ain't I your queen? And did you tell her?
'Cause you broke down all my shoulda known betters
And I followed you home throwing sticks and stones

I'm two steps from the edge
Don't push me over it
Don't you know, don't you know

Every girl is capable of murder if you hurt her
Watch out you, don't push me any further, any further
You're not the only one walkin' 'round with a loaded gun
This little girl is capable of murder, 'cause you hurt her.

Don't you know you should never treat a girl like that?
Got a good alibi and my bag's all packed
Don't you know you should never treat a girl like that?
'Cause the next one's gonna have a hammer pulled back

Every girl is capable of murder
So watch out you, don't push me any further
But you f*ckin' hurt her
Every girl is capable of murder if you hurt her
So watch out you, don't push me any further, any further
You're not the only one walkin' 'round with a loaded gun
This little girl is capable of murder, hey!
This little girl is capable of murder 'cause you hurt her!

A song about infidelity and rising about gender norms. Strange thing to remember, and I can't recall ever actually listening to the song. I knew for certain I hadn't made it up, pop music wasn't really my style.

Whatever the case, it didn't really matter. It seemed like a good enough tune, and it certainly wasn't bothering me. A knock at my door let me know that the time had come, and I responded accordingly.


Shrill screams of fans filled my ears at first, and it took everything I had not to wince. Everything was quiet once the gates opened, and there were what felt like one hundred eyes on me and me alone.

I didn't look at them, I wasn't supposed to pay them any attention. My job was to guide the group and keep people off of them. That was it. The whispers made me a bit uneasy- I tried not to let it show.

"Who's she?"

"A new Night Class student?"

"She's so pretty!"

"Why is she walking with Kaname?"

"Are they together?"

I could feel another pair of eyes burning into my back, and the best guess I had was that they belonged to Ruka. Who else would radiate such hatred from a few innocent questions.

Zero and Yuki cleared out the Day Class students just as the Night Class was entering their classroom, and I took my usual post outside. The job was boring so far.

Why hire me if I wasn't needed? Then I remembered that I wasn't here because they actually needed me. I was here so Cross could watch over me. He was afraid with my coming age new powers I didn't have control over would surface. He claimed he didn't want to put Yagari in the position to handle me then.

There was something more, I knew there was, but they wouldn't tell me. I suppose it was for the best. They didn't want me to worry before there was anything to worry about.

I was told to patrol this evening, rather than just standing guard. It was a good call, but I wouldn't know that till later.

Headphones were probably a bad idea for normal individuals, not for me. I focused better when I was listening to music. I never really knew why.

It made me feel centered and powerful. I could wield the Apollo Briar more confidently. The night was slow, the sky inky and cloudless. I turned on a song that was more upbeat to get my blood pumping.

A slow exhale and a big smile combined to make for a really good attitude, and I took to the trees, deciding drawing as little attention to myself as possible was a good idea.

Besides, it was a better vantage point, and would hide my use of teleportation. To each their own abilities.


The trees were a bad idea. On the Oak nearest to the Sun Dorms there were at least three level E waiting to ambush me, and I was caught off guard because I thought I was alone.

I wasn't. One of them got me to fall from the tree and stumble for my footing when I hit the ground.

The Apollo Briar was drawn and fired instantaneously. One kill, then two, then three. I sighed. Had my arrogance distracted me? That couldn't be it. I wasn't being arrogant.

It was a good call on the Headmaster's part to have me on patrol. That got me thinking. Could he have known about the pending attack?

That couldn't be it. He may be aging, but he was still a hunter. If there was a threat he'd have already taken care of it. He didn't like putting people in harms way.

Perhaps they were testing me then, seeing how I acted unprepared and caught off guard. Or maybe my lack of nutrients have got me thinking too hard. That was a big drawback, I second guessed myself too often when I was hungry. I had to do something about this.

Then my mind flashed to all the cheery Day Class students fawning over the Night Class and my stomach felt sick. I couldn't hurt any of them. I didn't want to.

I'd have to get into town somehow, find someone who doesn't have much time left and put them out of their misery. It was the only way. I'd rather die than harm an innocent person.

It felt like deja vu running into Zero. Except he wasn't calm, collected Kiryu. He looked shaken, violet eyes wild. I knew that look. It was the look he had when he was going through a breakdown.

I took his hands in mine, running my thumb comfortingly on the top of his hands. He told me a long time ago how it helped him calm down. I hadn't forgotten.

Zero's P.O.V

She hadn't forgotten.  Of course she hadn't. She was my best friend. I was safe with her, I had to remember that. I took a deep breath, trying to focus on her touch and not the crimson burned into my memory.

I opened my eyes again, only to be met with her worried gaze. This is what I'd left behind. This is what I've been missing.

I knew it wasn't rational, and I knew it was more likely a quick fix, but I couldn't resist.

I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers, allowing myself to shut everyone else out for just a little while. My senses numbed.


3rd person P.O.V

The two kissed under the moonlight, but it wasn't completely perfect. There was someone watching, the unlikely couple was completely oblivious.

Mahogany eyes looked on from the shadows, glowering with disapproval. He'd have to confront her, but it could wait. He wasn't mad at her- he just didn't trust the silver haired hunter. He never had, and he never would.

Word Count: 3,262

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