No Choice (Dramione/Veela)

By HPtrekkie

764K 18.5K 7.8K

The trio and friends return to Hogwarts to finish their final year; it seems at last that they might finally... More

VERY short A/N
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Train
Chapter 3: The Return
Chapter 4: The Secret
Chapter 6: The Emotions
Chapter 7: The Fall
Chapter 8: The Truth
Chapter 9: The Reasons
Chapter 10: The New
Chapter 11: The Practice
Chapter 12: The Friend
Chapter 13: The First Ask
Chapter 14: The Maybe Date
Chapter 15: The Promise
Chapter 16: The Attempt
Chapter 17: The Infirmary
Chapter 18: The Seal
Chapter 19: The Mistake
Chapter 20: The Mistake Part 2
Chapter 21: The Request
Chapter 22: The Break
Chapter 23: The Manor
Chapter 24: The Weasley's
Chapter 25: The Accident
Chapter 26: The Holiday
Chapter 27: The Visit
Chapter 28: The Dangers
Chapter 29: The Prep
Chapter 30: The Ball
Chapter 31: The Finale

Chapter 5: The Reveal

27.5K 696 584
By HPtrekkie

Draco's POV

Veela's are magical creatures found all over the world, but have origins in Bulgaria. Always a female, they are considered incredibly beautiful and are known to woo men easily and force them to do their bidding.

The last time Draco had checked he wasn't a woman.

They will have very light hair and pale skin that is said to glow under moonlight. But when threatened, they loose their beautiful, peaceful appearance and become more bird like. They are the most dangerous in this form.

Veela's also mate for life with one man once they become 18. Their mates are chosen for them, and Fate will make that person visible to the veela before it is too late. However, if the veela and it's partner do not mate before the Veela's 18th birthday, the veela and it's partner will not survive.

Wait, does 'mate' mean...

However early the veela recognizes it's mate, a special magic connection will make itself apparent once the two have shared a kiss. After this, they will share a mental bond, and their emotions will be known to each other at all times, especially to the veela half of the pair. The closer the Veela's 18th birthday is, the more protective they will become of their partner, and despite previous relations, it will  fall in love.

If they produce children, it is possible but rare for these children, male or female, to become a half-veela. Cases are much more common in females. these half-lings, like their full-veela mothers, will also mate for life at the age of 18, and the same mental bond will develop.

That explains it.

The history of the Veela goes back to the early 1800s when...

I had stopped reading then when I heard Madam Pince clear her throat. "The library is closing," she huffed.

I looked down at my watch. 10 o'clock? Seeing as I had no intention of reading about the boring history of 'my kind' I put the book back. I had all the information I needed. Walking down the corridor back to my common room, I thought about what I had read.

Mental bond, eh? Well seeing as I was pretty sure I didn't have any girl's  petty emotions whirring around in the back of my head, that hadn't happened yet.

But of course, who had I kissed? Other than Pansy, anyway. I breathed a sigh of relief. I don't think I could spend the rest of my life with her. I laughed to myself. This was almost too much. I have to admit, a mental bond was kind of cool, but the idea of becoming protective and in love with someone against my will was not my favorite. I need sleep, i thought, stressful day.

I approached the portrait of Dumbledore and was about to say the password when I felt a familiar pain in the back of my head. Oh, crap. I didn't need this to happen right now. I took a deep breath and grabbed the back of my head tightly, and thankfully, the pain subsided as quick as it had begun. I looked up, and saw that Dumbledore was looking down on me with concern. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just a headache," I mumbled, "Aparecium."

The ex-headmaster raised an eyebrow at me, but the portrait swung open to let me in. Granger was sitting on the couch, reading a book, of course. "You're back late," she said in a monotone, not looking up from her book.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

She looked up, and I realized I was still holding my head. I removed my arm quickly. "No "Mudblood" today?" She asked.

It took me a second to figure out what she meant. "I'm not in the mood," I said sternly.

She sighed. "I figured I should tell you," she began, "I came into your room earlier, and you looked like you were in a lot of pain. Do you know what happened?"

I looked to the ground. I gestured to my head. "Just headaches. Might be allergies," I lied.

She didn't look very convinced, but I interrupted her thoughts. "What were you doing in my room anyway, Granger? Watching me, are you?" I joked.

Before she had a chance to answer, I felt the pain returning to my head. I gasped, and Granger looked back up. "Are you alright?" She asked.

I nodded, but with gritted teeth. I started up the staircase quickly, but stopped at the top. I looked back at her, even though the pain continued. I looked away a second later and went into my room. No, it's impossible.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hermione's POV

It was quidditch tryouts today, and that was all Ron, Ginny, and Harry could talk about. We were sitting at breakfast, and they were going on and on about the prospective players for the Gryffindor team, and the teams for the other houses. Naturally uninterested, I was sitting by them but reading a book about advanced charms.

Suddenly, Ginny nudged me. "Slytherin table," she whispered, "Check it out."

I looked up and over at Slytherin's table. I saw many people I recognized, some I didn't, and I saw Malfoy sitting alone with Pansy and Blaise at the end of the table alone. They weren't talking.

"What is it?" I hissed.

"I could have sworn Malfoy was just staring at you!" She exclaimed, "Maybe you have an admirer..."

I laughed, obviously too loud because Harry and even Ron looked up from their food to stare at us. I looked away, embarrassed, but then I turned back to Ginny. "How do you know he wasn't looking at you?" I asked her with a slight frown.

She shrugged and turned back to Harry and Ron to discuss the beaters on the Hufflepuff team. Meanwhile, I looked back over at the Slytherin table, and sure enough, Malfoy was watching me, but there was nothing but faint contempt on his face. I narrowed my eyes briefly but then Malfoy grabbed Blaise and they left the great hall. I looked back to my book, uninterested. Don't even bother, I told myself.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Draco's POV

I had met up with Blaise and of course, Pansy, and we had walked up to the Great hall together from the dungeons. I was understandably hesitant about telling them the truth. Pansy of course would be furious. I would not longer be a logical target for her 'affections'. Maybe just Blaise. Maybe he could help me out. I was about to turn to him when I realized Pansy was between us, holding onto my arm. I sighed. This might be harder than I thought.

Just before I was about to push open the Great hall doors, my headache returned. I exhaled loudly, and Pansy noticed. She tightened her grip on my arm. "Drakey? Are you okay?" She cooed, then turned to Blaise, "Blaise, let's get him inside the hall."

"Wait!" I exclaimed, holding my hand on my forehead, covering my eyes, "I just need a second."

I leaned onto the wall, and Pansy and Blaise stayed by my side. "What's wrong?" Blaise asked me.

Well it turns out I'm a Veela and I'm getting these horrible headaches because apparently it's a only a matter of time before I'm forced to fall in love with one person for the rest of my life! That's what's wrong!

"Bad headache", I said.

Well, it wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth. After a minute with my hands over my face, my head stopped hurting. I opened my eyes, and as usual, my vision was fuzzy. "Let's go in," I breathed.

With Pansy still leading me by the arm, we came into the great hall, but I was seeing it totally differently. I couldn't make out anyone. The images of everyone sitting at the tables was completely fuzzy, but if I looked around at the hall itself, everything was crystal clear. It was seriously frightening, I couldn't explain it, but something was siriously ron. I looked back at the students. I followed the length of the hall with my eyes, trying to scan the people. I knew they were there, I could hear them, but I couldn't see anyone until I stopped halfway up the Gryffindor table.

It was Granger. What the hell? She was the only one that I could see clearly out of everyone. What was happening? Then it hit me.


You have got to be kidding me. I had to be sure, so I looked again. I even looked beside me to Pansy. I knew it was Pansy holding onto me because she had been there before, but if she hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to recognize her. Then I looked back at Granger. She was glowing, almost. It was her. It wasn't until then I realized Blaise had grabbed my shoulder and was shaking me.

"Draco!" He exclaimed in my ear, "snap out of it."

I did. I blinked a few times, and my sight returned to normal. I could see him, standing in front of me, and I could see Pansy next to me. They were both looking at me worriedly. "Let's go sit him down," Blaise told Pansy, and they brought me down to our table on the end where nobody was.

I sat there silently, staring mindlessly at Granger, until I saw Weaslette notice my looking. She nudged Granger, and I knew I had to look away before it was too later. I turned and looked at Blaise, who was still watching me like I was injured. "Are you alright, mate? Something's been up with you, recently."

I didn't answer, but looked back at Granger for some reason, but this time, she was staring back at me, eyes narrowed, which surprised me. Then, she looked away. That was it, I had to tell 'im. "I have to talk with you," I told Blaise sternly but quietly as I led him out of the Hall by his arm.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You're a what!?" Blaise exclaimed.

We were standing outside of the great hall, out of anyone's earshot.

"A veela," I hissed, "For Salazaar's sake, listen to me!"

I explained to him everything I learned. Fate would tie me to one person for the rest of my life, and I would fall in love with that person and be very, possessive of them, you could say. I would have until I was 18 to mate with this person or else we would both... die.

"Doesn't sound like either of those options are preferable," Blaise joked.

I laughed, but then I continued in a more serious tone.

"And- and once we kiss, were gonna develop some kind of connection," I explained to him, "You know, like I can read her emotions, and I think it goes the other way around too."

"That's... definitely someting," Blaise said, obviously surprised by the whole thing.

I nodded. "So," Blaise smiled devilishly, "Who is it?"

"Who is what?" I asked.

Blaise scoffed. "You're," he made the quoting motion with his hands, "mate."

I was afraid to answer his question. "It's," I paused, "Granger."

I was afraid he'd be angry, but he smiled and looked towards the ceiling, chuckling. "This should be good!" He cried.

"What?" I asked, confused and slightly ticked.

"Well don't act like your complaining," Blaise explained, "I know you might have had some... not so pleasant run-ins with her in the past, but you've gotta admit, she's attractive."

I scoffed at him. I didn't need to hear this. Blaise looked at me for a second, but then smiled, "Well, it's going to happen whether you want it to or not," he joked, but then, seeing my confused expression, continued, "it's not like you have a choice."

As he finished that sentence, he went back into the hall, leaving me outside, standing by myself.

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