Reinya- a Legolas Love Story

By Kt_love

106K 3.9K 724

Ten years passed since Elemmire was sent away on the back of a horse, and no one has heard of her. Though in... More

Reinya- a Legolas Love Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Interview Questions

Chapter 18

2.9K 137 49
By Kt_love

Chapter 18 (Gorell’s POV)

It had been days, and Elemmire hand not improved, if anything she has gotten worse. Legolas never left Elemmire’s room. He always sat in the same chair in the same corner of the room staring blankly, he never ate, slept, or even moved for that matter. I don’t think he even blinked.

“Legolas, say something,” I looked at him worried, but he just sat there. “There is something on your mind, and I know it.”

Legolas seemed to consider speaking, but then he sighed, fidgeted in his seat. “I finally got her back, and she is slipping right through my fingers,” he whimpered.

    “We will cure her,” I reassured, “I am sure it will not be much longer before father finds a cure.”

    “Even if we do cure her, she still doesn’t remember me.”

“Then start over,” I suggested, “She loved you once, if you are meant to be, then she will love you again.”

“You are probably right,” Legolas sighed, “Do you see that ring on her finger?” I nodded my head, it look very expensive and it had a single red ruby shaped like a heart. “I had given her that ring hours before she lost her memory, minutes before I was stabbed by an Orc, and seconds after I kissed her,” his last few words come out bitter sweet.

“I hope you don’t mind brother, but I was hoping I could send out a search party… and umm,” I had no idea if he would approve of it, “look for Rei-,”

I was about to finish, when none other than Reinya comes bolting into room. “Dear my,” she said in a very motherly tone, “What did you get yourself into?” Reinya brushed Elemmire hair off her face.

“Reinya, nice to meet you again,” I sneered.

“Oh Shutup,” Reinya muttered under her breath still putting her focus onto Elemmire. “Get better Elinya, get better.”

“Her name is Elemmire,” Legolas corrected in a harsh tone, “And give me a good reason why I shouldn’t lock you up here and now?”

“Because I say so,” I spoke up, and the both of them shut up immediately.  I enjoyed a second of silence before Legolas and Reinya bickered like brother and sisters would.

~~~(Elinya’s POV)

I was dying and there was no doubt in my mind I would not last another day if this kept up. As I laid on the soft mattress, I would flutter in and out of consciousness. It would be impossible to explain entirely how I felt, but I did know that all my body heat felt like it had been drained.

I heard many conversation between the different elves that passed by my room. I shifted a little on the bed, and let out a yawn, Legolas lifted his head at my movement.

“Elemmire,” Legolas stood up from his chair and knelt beside where I lay.

“No,” I shook my head, “Elinya.”

“But-” he contradicted.

“I would like to go by Elinya,” I told him, “This Elemmire, might have been my past, but I don’t remember her. She sounds like a wonderful lady, however I can not be her."

Legolas looked as if his heart had been ripped out and shredded into a million pieces, but I could not lie to him, and tell him that I would be this Lady Elemmire. "I just want to go back to Reinya’s farm,” I sighed and a small single tear formed and rolled down my cheek. I felt awful for breaking the princes' heart, but there was nothing I could do.    

Reinya and Gorell burst into my room after running down to the kitchen to grab food. The second Reinya notices that I am awake, she drops the silver platter that held the food and rushed to my side.

"Elinya, how are you doing? Can I get you anything?" Reinya was being extremely motherly, and definitely not herself. "Wait, were you crying?"

Automatically Reinya gives Legolas a look. "How dare you make her feel worse than she already is," Reinya boomed, "She is going through a lot and all you do is make her cry!"

"Reinya," I groaned starting to weaken again, "It was not his fault, but rather mine-,"

And with that everything went black.

~~~(Gorell's POV)

Legolas, Reinya and myself almost never left the room. We stayed by Elemmire(who now wished to be called Elinya)'s side incase she were to show any signs at all. There were many periods where we thought she might be dead, but Elinya was strong and holding on to her life by a single thread.

"This is hopeless," Legolas breaks the silence, "We can't just sit here."

"I understand where you are coming from brother, but we have tried everything," I let out a sigh.

Then all of a sudden the door swings wide open, and rushing in comes Lady Galadriel, and Gandalf the Grey at her heels.

"What do we owe this pleasure?" I asked bowing respectfully.

"My daughter, who you seemed to forget to inform me about," Lady Galadriel said bitterly. She knelt beside Elinya and held her hand tightly.

"Oh and thank you Reinya," Gandalf said, but Reinya gave a questionable look, "for leaving me unconscious and stealing my horse."

"Right, sorry about that," Reinya apologized, and then the entire room went silent. We all stood around Elemmire bed for quite sometime.

The silence was broken when Lady Galadriel let out a little whimper, and then turned her head to face us. Just by looking at her face you could tell she had been crying. Then in a very quiet voice, trying not to let her voice waiver, “She-She has stopped breathing.”

Legolas attempted to dash out the room, but I grabbed his arm and forced him back into the chair. I was worried that if I did not stay in his sight he might do something stupid.

Beside me, Reinya fell to her knees, and cupped her hands over her face. I tried to sooth her by rubbing my hand on her back. “This is all my fault,” She let out in between cries, “If I had not forced her into joining the army.”

“It was not your fault,” I protested. No one here was responsible for Elemmire.

“If only I had killed that stupid Rav-,” She choked, and I patted her back, knowing how hard it must be for her. Reinya knew Elinya the best out of all of us, including Legolas. They’d lived together for almost 10 years. “I even stole the damn Fire Flower back.”

“Wait,” Gandalf looked up. “You have the Fire Flower?”

Reinya nodded her head and slowly pulled the fire flower out from her jacket, which was slightly crumpled and missing a petal. “This is the Fire Flower, right?” She asked, “She said it was, Rava-”

She choked again, and doubled over, tears rolling down her cheeks. Recovering quickly, she handed the flower to Gandalf. She leaned into me a little, looking exhausted.

Gandalf took another few seconds to study the Fire Flower, and then spontaneously threw the flower into the fire place, straight into the flames.  

“What the hell!?” Reinya yelled, jumping to her feet. “Gandalf! You killed her!”

Legolas, surprisingly, was suddenly animated, and joined Reinya’s side. “You killed her! Why the hell would you throw the Fire Flower into the Fire!” Legolas yelled.

“Let me explain-”

“There is no reason for explaining you killed Elinya!” Reinya yelled, pushing Gandalf’s shoulders a little.

I looked to the bed and noticed Elinya sitting up. I walked towards her, Galadriel joining me.

“Elemmire-” Galadriel started, and I  cut her off.

“Elinya, how are you feeling?” I asked, hoping she could hear me over the loudness of Reinya’s and Legolas’ bickering with Gandalf.

“Fine. Actually, I am feeling much better! Like all my energy has returned,” Elinya said happily, “But why is Reinya just bickering with that man? Normally, she would be strangling anyone by now if she was as angry as she looks right now. She must know him. Maybe he’s that wizard she knew when she was in Rohan! She called him Gandalf, I think.”

“Reinya knew Gandalf before this incident?” I asked, intrigued.

Elinya nodded, stretching a little. “Yeah. Apparently they were great friends back when she still lived in Rohan.”

“She lived in Rohan for a while?”

Elinya nodded, “For almost a hundred years, I think. Maybe more. She wasn’t very specific. Her parents were killed by Orcs when they were travelling around, and she was left alone in Rohan.”

Galadriel suddenly spoke up, “Well, I will have to thank Reinya for her kindness in taking care of you for the last 10 years!”

“Um...okay. But first, who are you?” Elinya asked tentatively, pulling her knees up to her chest, and pushing off the blankets that had covered her.

Lady Galadriel looked shocked. “Well, Elemmire, I am your mother.”

    Elinya looked shocked, and the bickering in the corner of the room finally stopped. Reinya came flying into view, and gave Elinya a huge hug. “Oh my god! You alive!” She exclaimed joyfully.

    “See Reinya? I told you it would save her.” Gandalf said. “I am not as stupid as you think.”

    “I know that, but still, it was quite a shock when you just threw the thing that keeps Elinya alive into the fire, and watched it burn. I mean, you threw the Fire Flower into the fire.” Reinya pointed out.

    “Reinya,” I said, “Think about it. Fire Flower. Thrown into the fire. Makes any sense?”

    Reinya opened her mouth, and then closed it, her cheeks flushed. “I see that now. Obviously. But still! He could have warned us!” She reasoned.

    I smiled, chuckling a little. “I agree with Reinya,” Legolas said bitterly, “If that’s possible.”

    Legolas sat down on the bed, and stayed silent, looking at Elinya with pleading eyes. “Well, I am going to go for a ride on Roshroch.”

    “No you’re not!” Reinya exclaimed, “One, because you’ve just recovered from being on death’s doorstep, and also...” She took a deep breath. “I have no idea where our horses are.”

    Elinya sighed, leaning back into the pillows. “Even though I was mean, Legolas, can I borrow a hor-”

    “Yes.” Legolas cut her off, “You can borrow my horse.”

    “Um...okay. See Reinya. And I feel fine. I feel like I could fly, but I know I can’t,” Elinya ranted a little. “So I am going to got for a ride! Alright?”

    Galadriel looked a little irked that Elinya wasn’t asking her for permission. “Fine, fine. But the moment you feel a little worse, come back right away. Understood?” Reinya asked, looking very serious.

    Elinya smiled, and jumped out of bed, and hugged Reinya. “Awesome! Thank you! Legolas, lead me to the stables!” She exclaimed, and Legolas’ state brightened, and he walked to Elinya, and held out an arm.

    Elinya took it tentatively, but smiled nicely. “Follow me,” He said.

    They exited the room, and Galadriel and Gandalf exited quickly afterwards, muttering about the Fire Flower. Reinya sighed, and stood. “Should we go and join Legolas and Elinya?” She asked, looking like she was about to fall over.

    “When is the last time you slept?” I asked, causing Reinya to give me a weird look.

    “Probably back at the camp before Elinya and I went to the Nellas’ stone cave.” She told me.

    “You know the Nellas Stone is missing.” I told her, “We believe the person who attacked her stole it. Did you see who took it.”

    “I didn’t see who took it,” Reinya started, “But I know who has it.”

    I turned to her, and stood up. “Really who?” I asked, “I, no, we, need to get the Nellas Stone from them! Are they easy to fight? Are they skilled?”

    “If you ask nicely, she’ll give it to you.” Reinya said bluntly, turning to glare at me. “And yes, she’ll give it to you. So shut up.”

    “You have it?” I asked, surprised. She nodded, and pulled a softly glowing blue stone as if it was as fragile as thin glass.

    I pulled her hands closer to me, looking on the Nellas stone with awe. The stone glowed so brightly, I needed to squint a little to see it clearly. “Wow.” I said, “I thought we had lost it.”

“You’re welcome.” Reinya said bitterly, sniffing a little.

I looked up to her, and placed one of my hands on the back of her head, and then I kissed her.

~Reinya’s POV~

I froze in surprise as Gorell’s lips hit mine, I froze up at first, but after a moment, I decided to kiss back. The feeling made my head swirl, my thoughts jumbled, and I I was in love. With Gorell.

Why the hell was I kissing him anyway?

Just as the question formed in my mind, I pushed it away. Why, of course I was kissing back. I did like him. And it didn’t hurt he was an elven prince. I had spent the last couple months around him, pretending to be a man, but he wasn’t fooled. He was the man who found out my secret and captured my heart.

And who stole my horses.

I pulled back immediately and slapped him across his face. I felt a splash of victory when his smug smile slipped off his face and transformed into shock. He deserved it. I stood up, and slammed by heel of my foot down on his foot closer to me, causing Gorell to hiss out in pain.

I dashed out of the door, the halls passing me in a blur of motion and colour that confused my eyes, but in my mind, I still held the image in my mind to where I was going, or where I was trying to go. Somewhere simple, somewhere serene, somewhere to think. In peace. Without the distraction of Gorell. Or Elinya, who might and probably is Princess Elemmire, or Legolas’ obvious love for her. Or being reunited with Gandalf.

“I’m a mess.” I muttered, collapsing onto a stone bench, finding myself in the garden behind the Mirkwood.

“I would have to agree with that.” Gorell said, and I mentally cursed at his presence. I wanted to be alone! He sat next to me, and I resisted the urge to be childish and push him off the bench.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, scooting a little the other way. “I want to be alone.”

“Sorry, Reinya,” He said in a low tone, and I felt shivers run down my spine when he said my name. Damn it! “but I can’t honor that wish. I need to talk to you.”

“Well, it is going to have to wait.” I said bitterly, getting up just in time for him to catch my wrist, and pull me back down to the bench.

“This cannot wait.” Gorell told me, and I shrank back a little. “Listen to me, please. Just, don’t talk.”

“I will speak if I want to.”

Gorell smiled, a little, and looked out, to the hedge speckled with roses across from us. “I know you will.” He said, more to himself than to me.

“So, what do you have to tell me?” I asked, looking down at my hands, a slight blush colouring my cheeks, and I had an impulse to slap my hands over the colouring skin, but I resisted it.

“I’m sorry I took your horses,” Gorell started, and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness in my heart. “But, then again, then I would have never met you.”

“And...?” I asked, feeling that there was more to that sentence than he said.

“And,” He said, chuckling, “I wouldn’t have fallen for you.”

I looked the opposite way, for my cheeks were now that of a something that looked like a tomato. “Why...Ugh, you! You’re an idiot!” I said, pulling my legs up to my chest, and hiding my face in my knees. “I hate you.”

Gorell laughed a little, and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders, and I felt his lips on the top of my head. “Both you and I know that is not true.” Gorell paused, and sighed, “Well, maybe I am an idiot, but within reason.”

I cracked a little smile, but kept my head hidden in my knees. “Why did you follow me? Other than to tell me your feelings.” I asked, my voice somewhat muffled by my legs.


So... You heard what Legolas thinks of Elemmire, Elemmire is doing better now that her Fire Flower is in well... Fire, and Gorell KISSED Reinya :)

Please keep those interview questions going... Do you have any questions about Elemmire/Reinya when she was younger, their family, their views on stuff.....

Please vote, comment, fan, and let me know what you think of the chapter :)

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