A Life In The Days Of Eva Max...


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DISCLAIMER!! I wrote this book in 2016 maybe and deleted it and then republished it early 2018. Nothing in th... Еще

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Disclaimer and Author's Note

The Aftermath

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Darin died on the operating table as her lungs filled with blood. The doctors did everything that they could to save her, but without success. Darin was officially pronounced dead at 10:37 p.m., only a couple of hours after the crash.

Darin's parents and siblings recovered physically, but we're emotionally damaged. Darin's parents blamed themselves, and Darin's siblings couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that they could've done something that would've changed Darin's fate.

Eva Maxwell was crushed. She had lost her best friend, her world, her lover, her lifeline, everything good in her world. She quickly plummeted into a state of depression, and nothing seemed to be able to bring her out of it. Seth had kept his word and adopted her, but he hadn't adopted the same Eva that danced around in his apartment.

One day, Eva had enough and over dosed on her antidepressants. Seth found her face down on the bathroom floor barely breathing. Eva had immediately become his own lifeline and the reason that he lived. He had to stay alive to take care of her.

He dialled 911 and when they got there it was to late. Eva Maxwell was pronounced dead at 8:48 p.m.

Seth had just lost the two most important people in his life we he got divorced. He just wasn't ready for marriage, especially with all that was happening. Seth started going to therapy, and eventually got better and fell in love with another lady named Kristen. They got married and had two beautiful children... Darin Grace and Eva Elizabeth.

Eventually, Eva's parents heard what happened to their daughter. After they kicked her out if the house, they made no move to talk to her or to help her. After Darin had died, Seth and Eva had moved across the state so that they wouldn't be close to anything Darin might've touched, but they were still close to her.

When they hears the news, Mrs. Maxwell had cried for days. She blamed herself for what happened, saying that she should've accepted Eva for how she was.

Mr. Maxwell on the other hand thought that it was all Darin's fault. That Darin had forced Eva to live her only to break her heart. He grew cold and bitter and resented Darin's family and Darin herself.

When Eva started this journal, she said that by the time somebody found this she would be long gone. She meant that she was moving on with her life, and that she was going to be happy without her family or without people telling her how to live her life.

She didn't mean death.

But she did die, and by the time Eva's brother got this journal, she had been long gone for a while.

In anger, Eva's brother sued Seth, saying that he should've kept a close eye on her. Seth won due to the fact that her family had abandoned her in a time of need. And that includes you. And then Seth had asked for the journal and given it to me.

By now you're probably wonder who 'me' actually is. My name is Eva Elizabeth and I'm Seth Winkles daughter. I'm 25 now, and when my dad gave me my sister's journal I decided to enter it into a writing competition under her name. And she won. That meant that she got her writing published, but they told me that I needed to give some aftermath because people are going to want to know why Eva all the sudden just stopped writing.

Thank you for reading my sister's book. It means a lot to me that you know her story.

And now I leave you with a message; love who you want to love and don't let anybody stop you. No matter what they do, it's your life and your feelings. Don't change who you are in the name of someone else. Also, heartbreak is a part of life. It might hurt, but don't let it stop you from having something spectacular.

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