Lamia Blood 2 BWWM ( Complete...

By LBKeen

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"Mhmm, he loves me. Especially when I'm covered in the blood of the innocent lives I've taken."--- Serin Yori... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 prt 1
Chapter 2 prt 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17

594 59 1
By LBKeen

Author: Been a a real minute, but I figured since I had the time with only really focusing on other stories I could update my well....ignored stories before I do the ones that were voted on for Friday...this does not mean I'm not busy...just that I'm free for this moment haha.


On the wall a cat shaped clock ticked by, every second went by excruciatingly slow. My chest slowly lifted and lowered at every labored breath I took. My fingers fiddled with the ends of my long sleeved cardigan.


Clearing her throat, Dr. Sorin tried to re-gain my attention. "Well, Bonnie." She paused moving the papers on her clip board, "Your mother tells me you're still having the dreams."

My fingers paused the string I'd pulled loose from the fraying edges dangled.

"I might be."

I'd given up being direct in my answers, four months ago. Dr. Sorin had eagerly given me pills to wash away the night mares. Despite my initial mention that despite the screams I let out while dreaming, there was a part, a singular part that I enjoyed about my dreams.

She crossed her legs, I was surprised by her admittedly good taste in shoe wear. It wasn't often a psychiatrist dressed like a diva.

"Your mother tells me you haven't been taking the drugs I provided. Why is that?"

I frowned, "They make my head heavy."

She tsked, "If you don't take the administered drugs Bonnie, you will have a harder time to recover from the loss of your sister."

"If I take them, I can't see her anymore." I retorted.

As usual a look of pity crossed her face, before she quickly concealed it behind her mask of kindness. "Bonnie, your sister passed away two years ago, and it's time to find closure."

"Don't say that." I snapped, my fingers digging into the leather couch. I narrowed my eyes on her, "My sister isn't dead."

I glanced at the clock, seeing it was now four I eagerly stood. "And none of your pyscho blather will convince me otherwise."

Swiftly, I walked over to the door ignoring her as she called my name. Pulling it open, I met my mother's worried face. I paused in my rash thoughts, and lowered my eyes. Contrite I continued my way passed her.


She called after me, but I ignored her and headed for our red truck that sat outside parked in front of the barber shop next door.

I pretended not to notice the pain, and tired appearance my mother now wore. I'd told her that she didn't have to worry about me. She was the one who'd signed me up for these sessions on her own.

I was fine.

At least I wasn't flunking in school, or going out on wild rides. I may not believe my older sister is dead, but I wasn't a lose canon and despite the ongoing nightmares I'd held myself together so far...


"Mom's seriously worried about you."

I looked up from my English homework, and frowned at my older sister. Well technically Leia was the middle daughter, but...

She had her no nonsense look on, and her arms crossed. Leia and Serin looked a lot alike with their darker complexion and height. Leia had been a year younger than Serin, so she'd been at little more able to deal with our sisters lost, as well as carry the load in the aftermath.

I was the odd ball, the baby that no one saw coming. I with my lighter complexion and different colored eyes had always been defended by the two, when the boys on the playground wanted to make fun of my chunkier frame.

"I know she is."

"So what? Are you just going to ignore it?"

I cringed at the annoyed tone in Leia's voice.

"No—I just. I just wish she'd let me deal with it." I turned away from the desk, and getting up walked over to my bad as Leia closed the door so our mother wouldn't hear the conversation.

It was so hard to talk now and days, even though it'd been two years since the night I'd had the first bad dream. Serin was covered in blood, and then she fell into darkness. It was horrible, and as soon as I awoke the cops knocked on the door.

I cleared my throat, trying to speak around the cotton stuck in it.

"Leia, I just can't believe that she's dead." I said this quietly, "Nothing adds up," I turned to face her, "She was killed, and yet the police shut the case in a week. Just closed it, and then they just burned the body." I shook my head, "Mom, wasn't in her right mind but you and both found it odd when they pushed for it to be done that way."

"That's because her body was mu-mutilated." I could see how hard this conversation was for Leia.

I nodded, my mouth twisted in concentration. "But they said, she was shot not chopped."

"Enough." Leia sharply said, cutting off any other theories I would have spoken aloud.

She glared at me, "Our sister is dead, and the least you could do is pretend for mom's sake, that you're normal. I don't care if you want to re-investigate but—just keep it to yourself. Okay?"

I swallowed around the hurt, and dissatisfaction I felt and nodded. One day, even if it took me for the rest of my life I'd find out the truth. I think that's why Serin still haunts me, she wants me to find her and bring out the truth.

Seeing my agreement she left me to my thoughts.



"Don't you think this gown is too tight?" Serin asked as she stared at herself in the mirror, the tightfitting midnight gown, flared as it hit the floor. She was currently in a upscale dress shop, that Cleo had dragged her too, after she'd spent a week hiding in her room. Glancing over her shoulder, she stared down at Clea from the pedestal she stood on, "Well?"

Cleo glanced up, her eyes filled with mercurial light as her eyes raked over Serin before she frowned, "Don't you want more color and," A mocking brow rose, "it's not tight enough."

Serin scoffed, pulling at the silk material, "If it's any tighter, I won't be able to breathe."

"You're a vampire you don't need to." Cleo rebutted with pause, she closed the magazine in her lap suddenly, "Okay! This is the one."

Annoyed, Serin allowed one of the blank face shopkeepers to help her down, "Do I really have to go to this...thing." She waved her hands, as if she couldn't be bothered with remembering the actual title.

Cleo's lips pursed, her annoyance clear in her furrowed brow. "Gala...and I already the Scorzzi we would be coming...all of us," She stressed when Serin went to speak again, only for her teeth click when she abruptly shut her mouth.  Standing she walked over to Serin, and took her hand. A sympathetic smile gracing her lips, "Trust me, you need to let go...and this is perfect, you'll enjoy yourself."

"Really?" Serin was skeptical, the last party she'd gone to she'd...she winced, her head suddenly starting to ache, she reached up and rubbed at her temple, "Well, let's hope so."

"Are you okay?' Cleo asked, worry clear on her face.

Waving her off, Serin nodded, "Yeah, just a headache, I probably need to...well, rest." She dropped the hand rubbing at her temple, and pointed towards the changing room, "I'm going to change, then we can head home."

Cleo watched her go, her teeth worrying her lips. Before she forced her expression to clear, when one of them shopkeepers approached her.


"'s been amusing watching you..." Dean drawled from where he sat on his long couch, his legs spread out in front of him. His head was leaning back, as he stared at the ceiling, "Your...father," he paused as if sensing when Gavril tensed. "He will be returning."


D'or eyes widened, her own shock replicating Gavrils own thoughts.

"I thought you told him to stay-." She stopped her words short at the look, Gavril sent her. His eyes were dark, and angry.  She lowered her gaze, turning her head away from his gaze.

Gavril turned his angry gaze towards Dean, who still hadn't moved from his lethargic pose, "He knows he will not be welcomed, why does he return?" He asked, his voice low, a tone of complicated emotion seeping through.

"Because I told him to return."

The three Anatolie stiffened, Gavril felt fire rolling in his gut."...And, why did you do that...?" He asked slowly, through gritted teeth, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

Dean lowered his head, his amused eyes clashing with Gavrils, "The reason..." He mused allowed, shrugging, he leaned his head back again, "There is one...I just felt you should be prepared."

Gavril simply stared at him, before with a sharp curse he turned on his heel and pushing pass his brother and sister started the climb back up towards to the elevator. He needed to get as far from his manipulative elder, or he'd accidently kill him.

Tightening his hands into a fist, he ignored his brother and sisters calling after him. He wouldn't, couldn't play into Deans game, whatever it may be.

As his temper soared, so did the heat in his chest. Taking a deep breath, he entered the elevator, turning he wasn't fast enough to close the doors. As his sibling quickly entered, Anghel pressing the button for them to return to the lobby.

"If," D'or paused, "If father does return, will he be taking control?"

Anghel shook his head, "He can only take over in name only, everything else had been earned by Gavril..."

"Like hell!" Gavril snapped, his arms crossed he glared at nothing, but he glanced at his brother when Anghel looked at him, "I won't that man have any part of what I've built."

That was the last thing he said, as he strode from the elevator and met up with his other staff. Brother and sister watched him go, both sharing looks of worry.

Gavril...didn't have a fond memory of their father and if there had been some. They'd been destroyed the night his father killed their mother.

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