Dog tags

By cookie3571

123 1 0

A thrilling story of a unbrakeable bond between a dog and a solider and his friends and nomatter what happens... More

The cold war
Home not so sweet home
The Deal
A Friend in need
Long time no see
Pets and pets and more pets
Step 1- find the talliband
Step 2: Get the talliband leader
Its all over
Lets start here
A new adventure

Home alass

5 0 0
By cookie3571

We got home i took of my plate and sat on the chair and turned on the tv and the news was on it said "5 heroic Strategic Response unit soliders and turnes out Gavin Kowalchuk is one of them the captain of the Dallas Stars N.H.L Hockey league another one is a Pet Care owner in Columbus Ohio The last Three have been in arms Ethan Bavdas Navy Seal,Carter Gagne a OPP and Kalan Cooke a Former S.R.U and a Joint Task Force 2 member for Counter Terrorism in afganistan and currently envolved in the Paris attack the Orlando and the ISIS innocences aroud the world found sudann husuin and exposed the general of the JTF 2 of illegal gun selling to terrorists of the talliband. And saved 56 lives and did this with No i mean No casualties or iguries they made history with the most clean and well done special forces operations ever and no damage to the plane yes they did a special forces operation and the where sru members id say that was a insane operation and not even a navy seal can kill sudann or even capture him alive". "Wow i cant belive we did that we saved 56 lives"i say.

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