Honey Bee

By StarlightandDewdrops

94.8K 1.9K 432

The Dursleys are out, they left a young boy named Harry Potter was home, but was he alone? The answ... More

*Honey Bee*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chspter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 5

2.3K 50 1
By StarlightandDewdrops

"I have all my stuff!" I shouted. "We'll miss the train!"

"Ok, we're coming." We spent the weekend in London now on the 1st September we had to go back to Oxford. "Kings Cross at 11 O'clock. "Are you sure you have all your shopping?" Charlie said starting to panic.

"Yes I have everything for the millionth time, stop panicking." I said as he picked up one of my heavy bags.

"Thank you. Let's go I want to show everyone my outfits and I have gossip to pass on!" We called for a taxi and put our stuff in the boot and sat in the taxi. "Kings Cross." I quickly said.

"I think we're gonna make it." Charlie said as we pulled away.

"Going back home to June, when am I going for my bridesmaid dress fitting?" I asked acting the cheerful self I am always.

"I have no idea, that's not my business." He joked Charlie's more like the cool big brother then a dad, I'M NOT COMPLAINING!

"What was my name before David?" I asked just having a brain wave.

"It was Lower. Melissa Lower." I nodded, I'd forgotten what it was... now I remember! How could I have forgotten?!

"How could I have forgotten something like that?" I questioned.

"I'm not surprised you blocked it out. I remember when you first turned up in the station. You had hijacked a car and crashed it into a lamp post. You haven't had the best childhood. But you've been happy."

We finally got to kings cross and gave our luggage to a guy and machine and I put my rucksack on and walked down to platform 9. We were early so we sat on the bench and watch loads of kids with owls rush passed. Probably a boarding school.

"I'm gonna go and check the train times." Charlie said standing and walking off. I turned around and saw a boy run though the wall...


Run through a wall...

That's not normal!

I looked at some twins as they walked over and sat next to me.

"I'm guessing you saw that?" One of them asked.

"Yes." I simply answered.

"Don't tell mum, she'll wipe your memory." I looked at the other in shock.

"W--wipe my memory?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, well we have to go see ya." They said at the same time before leaving. I put on some makeup, put my big sunglasses on, sorted my hair out and a load of bangles. Now I look like Melissa. I had to calm myself down after all, those boys were probably just joking... I hadn't really seen someone run through a wall.

"Melissa?" I heard someone say, I turned to my side to see Draco Malfoy.

"Draco? Is that you?" I stood up and walked over. "It's been 2 years."

"Yeah, I saw you getting arrested. How was that?" He asked giving me a hug.

"It was amazing, I met new friends. Ray and Neil and I saw my drug friend Jacob again... he killed himself last year. Poor guy. Anyway what about you? How have you been?"

"Fine, haven't done much. Home-schooled, ate food, lived a boring life. Where are you heading?"

"Back to Oxford, I start the Midtown soon. I did get another school offer but I declined; wanted to be with all my friends. Is it normal that the headmaster gives a personal visit, this old man with a really long beard, Dumble or something, and he personally invited me to his school which I found weird. I'm taking too much. Sorry, what about you? Where are you going?" I quickly said.

"A boarding school, fun. Should be interesting. I'm coming home every holiday so not going to be away from family to long. Here comes dad." Draco said looking over his shoulder, a tall long-haired man walked over. He was dressed in black and carried a black walking stick with a snake handle on it.

"I see he likes black." I said holding back giggles.

"Yeah, I best get going. Dads got the face of death on him." Draco started to walk off.

"Wait, first week of the Christmas holidays I always go to a fair on the Friday evening. None of my friends can come this year so I was wondering, if you can remember, if you would go with me?" I think that's one step to far.

"Ok, I'll remember. Bye Melissa." He waved and walked off. Charlie walked back to me and we left the train station and left for Oxford.


"I'm at the fair Penny."

"I wanted to go with you."

"You're in Africa, I'm not gonna wait a year so I can go with you. I love the fair and candyfloss."

"You've got all the rides and you comment on candyfloss."

"Candyfloss is amazing"

"Are you alone?"

"I'm meeting a friend."

"A guy friend?"

"Yes he happens to be a guy."

"How many is this then, Minnie your boyfriend total is 10 this term."

"A. Friend. He's a friend and I haven't seen him in ages."

"Is he cute?"

"Bye Penny."

"Bye, Bye Minnie." Penny was annoying sometimes, she's in Africa. I think that call cost me... oh well. I walked over to the bumper cars and waited for the boy who wasn't going to come but I wanted to wait anyway, if anyone asks I'll say I'm waiting for a friend that's running late.

"Hey stranger." A voice said behind my back which made me jump. Draco came.

"Hi, I didn't think you were coming. I was going to take an extreme measure." I stood up and gave him a hug.

"I don't wanna know, I have a load of money so what do you wanna do first." He said looking around.

"I'll start you off small, let's go on the bumper cars." He agreed and we paid our fair for a token.

"How do you drive this thing?" He asked taking the car next to me.

"The foot pedal makes you move then you spin the wheel in the direction you want to go, like this." I shot off away from him.

"Get back here Melissa!" He shouted driving after me.

"All my friends call me Minnie by the way." I said driving past him and bumping him on the way.

"Fine then Minnie, you've started a war here." He drove away so I drove after him. After we finished the bumpers we went to laser tag. "Let me guess, point and shoot." He said waving the gun around.

"Shoot the people in blue, we're team black." I said handing him a panel shirt.

"Black looks good on me." He joked putting it on.

"Makes me look slimmer." I put mine on and turned the gun on. "Don't shoot me unless you want to lose." We entered the area and it was a maze type place with a split when we first entered. "How do you wanna play, split up or stay together?"

"Split, see you soon." I ran off one direction while he took the other, I was crouch running like a ninja because I'm cool like that, and it always works. The lights were tinted red and some blue. I crept around only peaking behind walls and checking behind me. I peeked around the corner and saw a member of the blue team with their back to me. I had to be careful, stand out and shoot I'm exposed. Wait he could spot me. I crept around the corner, shot then ran. The loud boom voice came on saying 'player defeated' I noticed someone creeping around the corner so I hid. I noticed it was Draco so I came out. He was about to shoot then stopped. "Please say you're Minnie."

"I'm Minnie. How undramatic. I got one so he's out. I'm gonna split again so try not to die." He saluted and ran off again so I went my separate way. The loud boom voice came back on which said 'both teams equal' Draco was out.

"Where are you girly." Oh great, that type of guy. "Come out, come out wherever you are. Let's face it, your hiding in a corner doing nothing. Come out and save yourself some time." The voice was coming from behind me. I ran off knowing he was hunting, hunting is where a player shouts out and you think you know where they are but you really have no idea, if I'm sure he's behind me it means he's making his voice echo.

"Ha, you think I'm gonna fall for that one. You've got another thing coming." I'm talking back, it was fun.

"Come out and I'll buy you candyfloss." He bribed.

"I'll pass, you could tell me your name? I'd like to know who's talking." I passed another empty row which I took and silently ran down.

"Arron, you?"

"Melissa, Minnie, Melly. Pick one of the three, they called me Melly in jail bare in mind." I stopped myself laughing as he would know where I was.

"Are you gonna tell me where you are?" Stupid question Arron.

"In a corridor which has red and blue lights." I turned the corridor and held my gun out. "I'm also behind you, Arron." He turned and I shot we had won. Well Draco did nothing. What? I'm just saying.

"Black team win." The voice boomed and the lights came back on.

"Nice to meet you Arron." I said with a smile.

"You to, you got arrested?"

"Yeah, where's Draco gone. See ya around." I walked off and to the paying room.

"You did well." Draco said taking my gun.

"You did nothing." I joked back.

"True, but your pro at it and I'd never done it before. Next ride?" I laughed and left the laser tag, we went on Sizzler twice, the waltzers and tea cups so next it was the ferris wheel. We walked around the corner when I hid. "What's up?" Draco asked.

"You see the tall blond boy?" Draco nodded. "That's Peter, my ex-boyfriend and the smaller boy that's Ewan and apparently he has a major crush on me. See my problem?" Draco held out his hand which I took and we carried on walking.

"Hey Minnie." Ewan shouted as they both came over.

"It's Melissa." I snapped.

"Who's your friend?" Peter asked looking down on me.

"I'm her brother, Draco. Nice to meet you." He let go of my hand.

"You don't look-alike." Peters a prat.

"We're both adopted and before you ask no we don't like to talk about it. I have to go, Draco goes to a boarding school so I don't spend much time with him so bye." We ran off laughing. "You're a great liar." We sat on the ferris wheel seat and the bar came down.

"You told most the story. Whoa." The seat jolted. I laughed. "You're evil."

"I'm amazing." The wheel started spinning round and round. Draco looked down and his face dropped. "Scared of heights?" I joked.

"No, my dad's here." He gulped.

"Don't worry. Just enjoy the fair." I said as the seat started to shake I screamed / laughed at this. The ride stopped at the top and we could see all the fair. "Wow, hope we don't fall that would hurt." I said looking down.

"All you can say about falling is 'that would hurt'! No death, coma or pain you'll never recover from?!"

"Pretty much. I'm that crazy. Or it's the fact I've lived alone for the past four days, that's messed up my head." Charlie and June were in Africa for their honeymoon. I wasn't allowed to go... that sucked.

"So your messed up in the head because you've been alone for four days?" I smiled and nodded. "Poor person." He mumbled making me think he was mocking what I said ages ago about his name.

We had been on all the rides, had eaten candyfloss and successful avoided the pricks. Best day out ever.

Apart from Draco's farther following us.

"I have to go now!" Draco whined.

"Ok, are you free for the rest of the holidays? We could something then." I suggested.

"Good idea, I'll meet you in town over the holidays. Bye Minnie."

"Bye Draco." I walked off heading towards home. It wasn't that dark but dark enough so the street lights turned on. My mind kept thinking of Draco and how amazing of a friend he is. I feel safe with him and I trust him, if that makes sense.

I don't make sense.

I'm Melissa.

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