CLOSE (Josh Dun x Reader) ✧ i...

By idkbrooklyn

440K 13.7K 34.3K

❝THE FEELINGS MUTUAL, SUNSHINE.❞ ☼ Highest Ranking: #238 in Fanfiction ☼ More

twenty øne
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sequel preview #1
sequel preview #2
the prologue
thank yøu.


14.2K 539 1.3K
By idkbrooklyn


-Your P.O.V-

I eventually find a quiet place outside of the arena and totally break down in tears.

I back up against a wall and sit down, my eyes crying into my shaking knees.

After about a minute of sobbing, I heard footsteps.

Scared of someone seeing me, I quickly stood up and wiped the tears away from my red cheeks and start to walk away.

"(Y/N)?" I turn around to see Karma standing there.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." She continues.

"K, I don't want to talk about-"

"I know. I know. I was just worried about you." Karma shrugs, placing her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"You okay?" She asks.

I breathe in shakily and breathe out.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

"Good. You wanna watch the rest of the boys set?" Karma asks as she points her thumb back towards the stadium.

"Sure." I give her a small smile and walk back with K.

-Time Skip-

After the boys finished their concert, Josh walked up to me.

"So, how were we?" Josh asks, a smile across his face.

I give him a wide grin.

"Amazing as always." I chuckle.

He chuckles.

"Can we talk?" He asks, getting more serious.

Josh wants to talk with me...oh boy.

I breathe in before replying.

"Sure!" I shrug, trying not to make it obvious that I'm incredibly nervous.

He and I walk together to his tour bus.

"Wow, this bus is pretty cool." I compliment the tour bus.

"Heh. Yeah, thanks." He sits down.

"So..what do you wanna talk about?" I question sitting down across from him.

He looks into my eyes.

"Were you okay earlier? When you were running away or whatever you were doing.." He asks.

Why why why did he have to ask me that?

"Y-Yeah. It was nothing." I try to play cool.

"(Y/N)...are you sure?" He puts his hand on my shoulder.

Oh goodness, don't do this to me Josh.

I breathe in.

"...Yes." I look away from his gaze.

"Why are you lying to me?" He says, sounding disappointed.

"I don't want to lie to you. I just.." I sigh.

"I know we haven't known each other that long but you can trust me. I promise." He half-smiles at me.

"The opening band...the one that goes on before us?" I look back at him.

I start to tear up a bit, hoping Josh doesn't notice.

"Yeah?" He replies, leaning back in his seat.

"The bass my ex." I look up at him.

"Ace?" He questions.

I nod.

Josh leans forward with a frown on his face.

"I-I'm so sorry, I had no idea-"

"It's not your fault, Josh." I try to reassure him.

"I-I don't know why, but I just freaked out, I guess, when I saw him and-" My eyes start to water.

Unexpectedly, Josh moves over to sit beside me and wraps his arms around me. He rests his chin on the top of my head and brings me close.

At this point, my heart starts beating incredibly fast as I bury my face into his chest.

About a minute later, Josh releases his grasp and looks at me in the eyes.

"I don't really know Ace all that well but you shouldn't cry over him, it's not worth it. It's gonna be okay." He puts his hand on my cheek.

I smile at him and wipe my eyes.

"Thanks Josh."

"No problem, (Y/N)."

-Time Skip-

A while later, we arrive at our next destination and the day flies by.

It was almost time for us to perform since Ace's band just finished.


I stopped walking when I heard someone with a deep voice say my name.

I know that voice...

I slowly turn around and I'm not surprised when I see them standing about ten feet away from me.

My heart starts beating fast just looking at them.

"Ace." I reply.

"Weird seeing you again." A mischievous grin spreads across his tan face.

"What do you want?" I say, annoyed.

"Just wanted to say good luck." He shrugged.

"Yeah, right." I nod at him and turn around.

"Seriously!" He yells after me.

I sigh out of annoyance and walk to the stage.

I was a bit shaken up after communicating with Ace for the first time in about a year but I think I did a pretty good job performing tonight.

Grayson and Karma told me how I did a great job tonight as they walked off stage to put their instruments away when Josh walks up to me.

" always." He grins, copying me.

I chuckle as does he and I thank him.

"Thank you very much." I smile.

"Wish me luck!" He says as he strolls onto the stage.

"Good luck!" I call after him.

Smiling, I turn back to walk away when I see him standing right in front of my path.

I yell a bit out of shock and he chuckles.

I breathe in and move around him.

"Hey." He grabs me by the wrist.

I turn around at him.

"Let. Me. Go." I pull away from his hand and walk away.

"(Y/N)!" He follows after me.

"What?" I ask, irritated.

"Can I talk to you?" He asks.

I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious." He replies to my eye roll.

I cross my arms.

"You have five seconds."

"I wanted to apologize."

I scoff at him and uncross my arms, about to walk away.

"(Y/N), please just listen to me." I stop in my tracks.

Part of me wants to slap him and walk away yet the other half of me wants to actually listen to what he has to say.

I sigh.

Curse my good conscious!

I turn back around to face him.

He sighs in relief.

"I know we didn't leave off on the best of terms." He starts.

"Um, yeah." I sass.

"I'm sorry. I was going through a rough time and I took all of my anger out on you and I shouldn't of done that." He looks into my eyes with his green ones.

I sigh.

"Could you ever forgive me?" He begs.

I groan.

UGH. Those stupid puppy dog eyes.

"I can't believe I'm saying this..." I begin.

He pouts.

"But okay, I forgive you." I shrug.

He smiles at me.

"Thank you!" He hugs me.

Oh gosh, please get off of me.

I pat his back once before my arms limp to my sides.

He releases from his hug before looking into my eyes.

Then, his lips touch mine.

I pull away from him after realizing what he's actually doing right now.

"What. The hell. Are you doing?" I question.

"C'mon (Y/N), you know you still like me." He gets closer to me.

"You just apologize and think we're gonna get back together? Who does that!?" I yell and start to walk away.

"Okay, walk away!" He yells after me. "Like you always do." He groans.

Stomping my way back over to my friends, I explain everything that happened and they get about as furious as I am.

"I'm gonna beat his face in." Grayson begins as he starts walking towards the stage.

"No! I don't want you causing any trouble." I stop him.

"Fine. But if he does it again just know he's gonna regret it." Grayson says in an angry tone.

Grayson was so over-protective of his friends and his sister. It was so sweet.

"Thanks, G." I grin and hug him.

"What a huge jerk." Karma says, crossing her arms.

"I know right. I can't believe I forgave him." I say, also crossing my arms.

"Hey, I know who's not a jerk." Karma says, turning my shoulders around to see Josh walking off stage.

I smile at him, instantly feeling better.

"Hey Josh!" I smile and wave.

He nods his head at me and walks away without saying a word.

Weird. He usually talks to me after he finishes performing.

Wonder what's up with him?

A/N: thank u so so much for reading and voting! it means a lot to me. :-) -b

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