Permanent Marker, Stuck In My...

By ColorMeJian

11.4K 342 149

- Jian Oneshots - /Twoshots - /Threeshots -Sneak Peeks - Pickles -Story Ideas - Basically me constantly r... More

spoons II,
teaser I,


926 28 14
By ColorMeJian

Why did I name this sneak peek thing pickles? Because sneak peek is two words and I like the whole one word thing. And I fucking hate pickles.

And OKAY I'm gonna update every 5 days because I don't have the patience to wait a week to update


Drowning In Air, A Jian Story

"Jc can't feel and Kian feels too much."

* A wonderful description, I know. But trust me, it's good (so far)


When Kian Starts Smoking Cancer Sticks, A Jian Story

* This is already finished and will be updated PREEETTTYYYY soon

""Kian, what the hell is a cigarette-" Jc barged into Kian's room, holding the stub of a cancer stick between his fingers. He instantly dropped it and used the same hand to wave away all of the smoke that came rushing towards him, like it was attacking him.

Kian was sitting on his bed, head in hands, along with a cigarette. Jc coughed a few times before he confronted him.

"Kian? What the fuck are you doing?!" A few steps later, the cancer stick was slapped out of Kian's hand, but Kian did nothing to stop him. He didn't have a reaction at all, actually.

Jc kneeled down to Kian's height, and for the first time since he got there, Kian looked up at him.

And what Jc saw wasn't something that he could ever prepare himself for."

* I'm very colorful with my covers aren't I?

* But seriously this story is already finished and is very short, but it's depressing as hell. It has a happy ending though. If you read it in the future just keep that in mind bc it'll probably dampen your day a bit


Crossroads, A Jian Story, Book Two

" The only thing worse than a Dead End."

* Book Two (Obviously) to Dead End (WHICH IS SUPER CLOSE TO HITTING 20k WHOOP WHOOP

*Update 8/1- it's at 21k WHOOP WHOOP


That's all the stories that have any progress in them. The other one isn't a Jian story and you probably don't want that.

Omg I almost forgot


Next Story...

"Jc Caylen, today you will get over your fear of open water."

"Or, no I fucking will not and if you take me anywhere near that damned beach I will slice a bitch."


Sounds like fun, right?

* Update 7/22/16--- I'm already writing another Jian book so when I get three more written I'll make pickles part two


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