Best Friends With Benefits

By chloessica

3.6M 67.3K 10.8K

Aiden and Peyton are best friends. Just best friends. Are they? Nah. As they both begin to feel their feeling... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three

Chapter Nine

113K 2.2K 119
By chloessica

I ran my tongue over my teeth and put my hand to my forehead, I was rapidly heating up with embarrassment. Great, in Aiden's hands were several pairs of lace thongs, I had bought them before when I had been with Austin but decided never to wear them. I have never seen his grin so big as me lifted his head finally from the underwear to my face. I went even redder if that was possible.

"You are taking these." Aiden stated, throwing all 6 pairs into my suitcase. I still stood frozen. Aiden finally noticed and strode towards me and flung me over his shoulder. I squealed with laughter as he carried me to my bed where he threw me down and climbed on top of me, his hands either side of my face. I could feel his package against me and I could tell you now, it was nice. I wanted to rip his clothes off but restrained myself when I remembered how special it would be in Florida to release all this sexual tension, so instead wrapped my arms around his neck and teased his lips with mine.

We were still kissing, half naked when my phone buzzed on the table. Aiden was kissing my neck when I decided to answer it.

"Hello?" I grumbled.

"Peyton? It's mum, can you do me a favour?"

"Really mum, now?" I whined, playing with Aiden's hair as he flopped beside me. I smiled at his adorable face.

"Please honey, I wasn't planning on being home tonight but your brothers rang."

"Ok..." I insisted, could she get to the point, I had my amazing boyfriend beside me and I was wasting time!

"Can you pick them up please?"

"What? No, mum, I'm busy" I was about to hang up when she interrupted.

"Don't hang up." She knew me well. "Just this once, I can't get to them."

"Where are they?" I flopped down and Aiden laughed playing at the seams of my underwear. I pushed his hand off, now wasn't the time especially as my mum was on the other end who thought I was alone.

"Where are they?" I growled in defeat.

"Thank-you honey, I'm not sure but if you ring them they'll sort it out, bye honey" Then she hung up, the last part was so fast all I caught was 'ring them'. Brilliant. 

"Come on Aiden, let's go get the ugly sisters"

After getting dressed and ringing my brothers, I managed to somehow figure out their whereabouts. It was vague but then again what could you expect from them. Aiden grabbed his keys and we climbed into the car. As he began to drive, I dialled my brothers again and Daniel answered just before the automated voicemail was about to cut it.

"Why do you take so long to answer, you were holding the phone a minute ago" I complained whilst looking out the window at the setting sun that peered through the treetops.

"I thought you were going to yell so I was avoiding the phone" Daniel admitted. Scared of his own sister, good. He was right, I was tempted to yell, my brothers were using up my patience.

"Where are you?" I demanded. "More detail this time, so you are near the beach by the memorial?" I was losing more patience as I could hear Charlie laughing in the background, glad they found them 'being lost in the middle of nowhere' funny.

"Yeah, just got there. See you in half an hour" They burst into fits of laughter as the phone cut off, they were probably following some nerd or pranking an old lady or just being general idiots as per usual.

We had been driving for a good 10 minutes when my phone rang again, this time I was the one debating whether to answer it, until I saw an unknown number, I showed it to Aiden and he didn't recognise it either. I answered it.

A girl with a quivering voice, answered.

"Peyton?" The girl was crying.

"Who is this?" I asked, looking at Aiden, I flicked it to speakerphone.

"It's Casey" I leaned back in my seat with shock, Aiden did the same, we shared utterly confused expressions until we realised she was still there.

"How did you get my number?" I asked, I never spoke to Casey, she would never speak to me, so how in hell did she get my phone number?

"Max gave it to me a while back, anyway you were the only person I thought to ring" I was about to make her elaborate on why she made Max give her my number but concluded that now was not the time.

"What's happened?" I picked up the phone and stared at the screen, waiting for her answer.

"Nothing, I left Brody for good." I then remembered her in tears at the bus stop and sighed in relief.  It wasn't anything serious, for me anyway. A frown covered my face, why would she call me to tell me a piece of pointless information and information that she wouldn't usually tell me anyway because we weren't friends.

"Why do you need me?" I asked, cutting to the point, poor Aiden was in silence as I spoke to one of the girls that was incredibly jealous of me for being with him, funny how the tables turned as I should of been the one jealous of her, seemed her life wasn't so perfect after all. I smiled at the thought of all the times she had made me feel bad about my life and now I was the one doing it to her. This couldn't be better, but I composed myself and felt a wave of guilt, I did want to help her.

"I need a ride" She was becoming impatient as I could hear her moving about.

"Urgh, where are you?" I was hoping she wasn't going to give us vague directions like my brothers, I wasn't in the mood for a double hunt.

"By the beach house" It was 5 minutes away and on the same route. My gut was telling me there was no option.

"Okay, meet you in 5"

"Come on Aiden, let's go get the third ugly sister"

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