Bonded (Zero Kiryu X Reader X...

By pastelpeachtrees

70.8K 1.8K 624

A lone vampire from a family long gone. She struggled through her years, falling in and out of foster homes... More

Chapter 2: The Flirt
Chapter 3: Kiss Under Moonlight
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: A bittersweet tragedy
Night sky
The Silent Treatment pt.1
The Silent treatment pt.2
The Truth
I write Tragedies
Patched Heart?
I'm back bitches
Please read if you like my writing!

Chapter 1: Introduction

12.5K 287 75
By pastelpeachtrees

Edited: 3, May, 2018

I'm going to try not to change the story too much, but there is a whole lot that's going to be fixed because wow this was horrible writing. If you're one of my re-readers let me know! Thank you all for the support, I appreciate it so so much.

"I suppose we're on our way then, Mr. Yagari?" Upon the mention of his name, the hunter cast her a side glance. He insisted on walking the young huntress to school on the first day, and he wouldn't hear a word of protest. Though reluctant to agree, Y/N had learned to live with his decision.

He didn't care how capable she was, he was going to be there for her first meeting with the headmaster. He also knew that Zero would be there, and he wanted to make sure the two of you didn't overreact upon seeing each other again. It had been years, after all. There was no telling what kind of resentment had brewed either of them- Y/N especially.

                    ~ Le time skip ~

Your P.O.V

Headmaster Cross was far more accepting of my situation than I had expected. Although, we had a history. Not only did he know of my past, I knew his 'daughter' Yuki. In a way, the two of us were similar. She had no clue she was of vampiric decent, peacefully living out her life as a human.

I knew exactly what I was and where I came from. It was my biggest motivator. Hurt me as it did to kill the defects of my own kind, it was something that needed to be done. Because with this ability I was slowly figuring out who took my parents from me. When I did, it would be the most rewarding thing I could ever hope to experience.

So it was decided I'd join the night class, although Yagari made Headmaster Cross swear to keep me cloaked as a human. I don't know how, but that man has managed to keep people from finding out about me for years. I wouldn't ruin his hard work now.

My guide was someone I knew well, despite him not knowing me.
I kept tabs on any important vampire I could, he wasn't excluded from that list by any means. Besides, I knew his family a long time ago. He was in the same situation as me, stripped of his family by someone thirsty for blood. The only difference is he knew who he was hunting.

Vampire Log #12

Name: Kaname Kuran
Age: 10,000+
Physical age: 17
Origin: Son of Haruka and Juri Kuran
Species: Pureblooded
Other notes: One of the seven remaining pure blood families. Also one of the progenitors of the vampires.

"So, a human in the night class. What caused you to make this decision headmaster Cross?" His voice hadn't changed. It was still even, emotionless. A small smile tugged at my lips when I looked at him. He hadn't changed either. He still looked like baby Kaname, just grown up. I wondered in a fleeting panic if he'd recognize me, but I knew he wouldn't. We'd hardly spoken the one time we had met years and years ago.

"She's a hunter. Typically this would be a problem for your kind, but she's Toga's best student. We think having a hunter on the vampire's side would be very useful. Should anything happen to one of you, she can act as a body guard and you wouldn't run the risk of being discovered."

It was a good story, even I was a little surprised. Not that it was noticeable. Years of heartache and consistent training from my mentor had helped me gain control over my emotions. I could thank him for that, along with many other things.

If I wasn't still bitter, maybe I would've called Toga Yagari my father. He had certainly acted like it. Since I was eleven he had been there for me, teaching me anything he knew. Many thought him to be aloof, but I knew better. He was just very hard to read, like Zero Kiryu.

Zero Kiryu.

My mood fell slightly at the thought of him. My friend from so long ago. Where had he gone? I was never told. All I knew was that he was born into a hunter family, and he had a twin. Ichiru, I think was his name.

He quit showing up to visit me two years ago. I couldn't ever hate him the way he hated himself. I just wanted to know why he left me alone like that, I suppose. Yuki wasn't ever someone I could truly make friends with, she was too blinded by the lies she'd been fed for so long.

I hadn't realized I'd zoned out till I felt Toga's large hand on my shoulder. I smiled a bit, looking up at him. Apologizing quietly for spacing out, I was asked a few questions. Or, answered questions asked about me.

"How do we know she's up to the job?" Kaname had asked the headmaster.

"Show him a little something, Y/N."

"Alright. I suppose a little demonstration wouldn't hurt. Any volunteers?"

Toga and Cross laughed simultaneously, holding up both hands as an act of surrender. I turned to Kaname.

"Looks like you're the unlucky victim." I sent him an apologetic smile, and before he knew what hit him there was a barrel to his forehead and dagger pinning him to the wall he was standing in front of.

He blinked, unable to process what happened before nodding appreciatively.

"Alright. Well done."

"She usually wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger, so don't get on her bad side." Yagari grinned, sending me a praising glance. I smiled. Praise from Yagari was rare, and nice when it did come.

"Although she seems a little too nice to take someone's life." He observed, I grinned. Time to offend a pure blood.

"Oh yeah, Headmaster. This is the one with the hots for his sister, right? Seems a little pathetic to me. I mean, why hit on your sister when she's so clearly oblivious to who he is?" I laughed, mockingly. The icy look Kaname sent me caused a smirk to grace my features. I crossed my arms.

"Was that mean enough for you?" He nodded.

"Alright, I suppose I should walk you down to the dorms and allow you to settle in."

The door opened just then, revealing two white-clad people.


"Ruka, Hanabusa. What are you doing here? I didn't request your presence."

Those names sounded familiar. They must be the ones I found on Kaname's immediate contact list. Everyone had one, it was just precaution. The Association was allied with the Kuran's. Sort of. And that allowed his information to be listed only to higher ups, like myself.
Vampire Log #43

Name: Hanabusa Aido
Age: 67
Physical age: 17
Origin: Nagachimi Aido & Unnamed mother
Species: Aristocrat.
Other notes: Bubbly, unpredictable. Nicknamed "idol".


Vampire Log #39

Name: Ruka Souen
Age: ?
Physical Age: 17
Origin: Unnamed parents.
Species: Aristocrat.
Other notes: Temperamental.

I held out my hand, to which the blonde boy shook eagerly. The girl simply looked at it with disgust, and I simply turned away.

"This is Y/N L/N. She'll be the newest addition to the night class."

"Oh? So she's a vam-!"

"She's human. And a Hunter." Kaname cut the idol off, and the blonde panicked upon hearing his words.

"What? Then why is she staying with us?" It was an understandable fear. Even allied vampires were cautious of hunters, you never knew when one would defect, just as a level E may.

"She's to act as our body guard, for lack of a better term. Headmaster Cross believes it will be a good way for us to defend ourselves on campus without fear of being found out by Day Class students."

Ruka nodded in understanding, and Hanabusa looked utterly confused. Neither of them protested the matter though, likely out of respect for their upperclassman.

I noticed Ruka looked at Kaname strangely, almost as if they were together. Perhaps it was one-sided. Upon closer inspection, I decided that was definitely it. Kaname hardly spared the girl a glance, whereas she couldn't take her eyes off him.

I felt bad for her. She didn't seem to be that unlikeable, at least not yet. Perhaps he didn't return her affections because of Yuki. It would certainly make sense. They were supposed to be married, then the attack on their family happened. I didn't blame him for protecting his sister at all costs.

The doors to Cross's office opening was something I should learn to get used to. Although this time I was met with two very familiar faces, one of which left me speechless.

It was Zero.

2nd Person P.O.V

Yuki failed to notice the way the two of you locked gazes and proceeded to introduce herself. When you didn't respond, she looked at your face. Following your eyes, she noticed they were locked with Zero's- and his with yours.

"Zero." The word came out breathy, as if you were at a loss of proper oxygen. That's certainly what it felt like.

"Y/N." He said back, equally as airless. Years long passed flashed behind your eyes, and you could feel the waterworks starting. You knew you wouldn't cry, but you couldn't keep your eyes from watering just a little.

"Y/N." It wasn't Zero's voice this time; it was her mentor's. She finally broke the intense staring contest.

"My apologies. I'm Y/N L/N. I'm the new night class student." I gave a little wave. Zero's expression did a 180.

"No way is she going to be in the night class! She isn't like them!" His tone was insistent, like if you were to say a word in protest he'd shoot you down on the spot.

First Person P.O.V

I sighed. I should've known our reunion wouldn't be smooth. He'd always hated vampires, allies or not. He didn't know about me. And should he ever find out, I'm not sure he could forgive me.

I hoped that day would never come.

"I know she isn't like them, Zero. But she's a hunter, and perfectly capable of handling herself. Besides, she's here to protect them."

He scoffed. "They don't need protecting."

I shuffled over to him, too nervous to meet his eyes. I could feel his lilac orbs burning into my head. "It's my job to make sure they aren't found out. That's all."

"Then you have to make her a school guardian too." Was he compromising? He must feel very uncomfortable with leaving me to the Night Class. Headmaster Cross nodded.

"Very well."

~ Le time skip ~

It was decided that both Kaname and Zero would accompany me to my new dorm. Originally, it was only going to be Kaname, but Zero shut him down fast.

It was a beautiful night, but the atmosphere sort of ruined it. I'd always loved the night time, perhaps it was just my nature. Zero shot me a side glance.

"Where have you been all this time?" He ventured quietly, and I almost laughed. Where had I been?

"I guess I could ask you the same thing. I've been apprenticing under Toga. Why did you leave Zero?"

Kaname stayed quiet, listening to the conversation with piqued interest. He didn't know too much of my history with Zero, I'd gather.

"He made me. It was too much, I guess. I stayed with Cross for a while, and I've been attending here since then."

It sounded like a Yagari thing to do, but I don't think he made Zero leave because he wanted to. My hand fluttered up to my neck subconsciously.

"We're here. You can leave now, Kiryu."

It seemed those two didn't like each other very much. Zero stuffed his hands in his pockets, shooting me a glance. To anyone else it would've seemed blank, but to me it was worried.

I gave him a small smile, it meant to be a reassuring gesture. He didn't return it. Then again, Zero didn't smile much. I couldn't blame him.

"I'll see you, little bug."

"Awh, you remembered. You haven't called me that in years." It was sweet that he hadn't forgotten, no matter how much I hated the nickname. He acknowledged it with an annoyed click of his tongue.

"Whatever. Don't touch her Kaname, or I'll kill you."

I winced. Should it come to that, I'd have to face off against my best friend. It didn't matter what Kaname had done, I was supposed to protect them and that's just what I'd do.


Introducing myself wasn't hard, and the majority of them seemed nice. Ruka still didn't take well to my presence. Hanabusa was overly eccentric. Ichijo wouldn't be hard to make friends with, we had the same taste.

Overall, it was a good group. As long as they didn't do anything stupid I would have no problems with them.

"Come with me Y/N." It was Kaname. I nodded, following him up the stairs. I could feel several pairs of eyes on my back. I shifted on my heels nervously.

He shut the door to his study, separating the two of us from the rest of the night class as he sat behind the large desk.

"So, you and Kiryu have a past?" It sounded like a statement, but I knew it was meant as a question. I nodded.

"Yeah. I've known him since I was thirteen. He was working with Yagari before me." I explained, hoping to clear up any confusion. His expression tightened.

"What were you to each other?" My face flushed a burning red. What kind of a question was that?

"W-We were best friends! That's all, honest!" I squeaked, flustered. It sounded like he was implying we were lovers. My hand drifted to my neck yet again, a subconscious action. He eyed it.

"Has he ever bitten you?" My e/c eyes widened in surprise. He knew about Zero? I rubbed my neck, debating on telling him the truth.

"Yes, he did. A long time ago. And he regrets it, even to this day. I'm sure of it."

He scoffed a bit, almost too quiet for me to hear, and leaned back in his chair.

"You're dismissed. Welcome to the Night Class."


*says I'm not going to change the story too much*
*rewrites whole chapter*

I hope you all like my improved writing style, feel free to point out any mistakes I make!

Word Count: 2,432

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