Overwatch (Various) X Reader

By Kittyhugsyou

267K 5.6K 3K

»〔Requests are open!〕« ★☆One-Shots with all your favorite Overwatch waifus and husbandos! I'll be doing all h... More

[Junkrat X Reader]- Reunion
[Genji X Reader]- Jealous
[Soldier 76 X Reader]- Lazy
[Mercy X Reader]- Stitches
[McCree X Reader]- Resolutions
[Reaper X Cyborg!Reader]- Hardwired
[Hanzo X Reader]- Proposal
[Reaper X Reader]- Bully
[Hanzo X Witch!Reader]- Meow
[Genji X Competitive!Reader]- Maid
[Genji X Reader]- Halloween Party
[Young!McCree X Young!Reader]-Candy
[Lucio X Reader]- Fluff
[Sombra X Ill!Reader]-Hacked
[Genji X Reader]- Stage Fright
[McCree x Pregnant!Reader]- Night
[Reaper x Awkward!Reader]- Hostage
[Reinhardt X Reader]- Attack
[Yandere!Junkrat x Reader]- Run
[Blackwatch!Genji x Reader]- Training
[Doomfist X Spy!Reader]- The Holiday Gala
[Reaper X Magic!Reader]- The Sight
Choose Your Own Adventure! ALL x Reader- Speed Dating

[Lucio X Reader]- Brave

8.5K 200 70
By Kittyhugsyou

Requested By»

Ever since you were young, you'd loved music. It was an escape. It helped you through the rough patches of life, and often times was something for you to lean on. In your teen years you'd picked up the hobby of making mashups and mixes and songs, and grew extremely popular on the Internet. They'd called you "The Mixer". Of course, the ad revenue didn't hold up, and soon reality hit you. Your parents wanted you to be a lawyer, and music soon became just a distant memory.

You'd dismissed the old hobby by the time you moved out from your parent's house. It was time to travel the world and get a job, but you didn't quite know what you were doing. You constantly felt suspended in midair and unable to grasp anything.

So, when you got an excited call from your best friend in the middle of the night that entailed her screaming about having gotten tickets for the two of you to a concert, you were pumped for the escape. Maybe some music was what you needed to feel better.

Two weeks and a plane ride later, you greeted your bestie in the airport's lobby. She hugged you and gushed about the concert, and you found out it was to be put on by a man called Lucio. Judging by what she said, he was like a DJ. This chatter about the concert continued on constantly, all the way to the point of being within the large crowd awaiting his presence. You'd gotten to the front alongside your friend, and were rather excited about it.

The stage was outside, and many people grouped in a tight cluster to see the stage. When going through security, they'd given you a glow stick. You held it in your hands unsurely, debating of when to crack it. The sun hadn't quite set yet, so you held off. You didn't see any other glow sticks, so you figured it to be too early. With that thought, you tucked it into your shorts.

Soon the lights flicked on and the crowd became quiet. A small bout of music began to thumb through large speakers that sat symmetrically on the stage, and a man walked-- er -- skated, out. He waved, and you were immediately struck by his smile. Your friend alongside many others cheered, and you looked to her with a large smile.

Yes, music was exactly what you needed for some recoup.

He began to play some songs on stage, singing some times and other times scratching on records. You'd fallen in love with the music, and distantly wondered why you hadn't learned of him before.

Hours of music and cheering passed, and you raved on with the crowd. Though soon enough he announced the final song.

"Alright, if you've got a glow stick, raise it up in the air!" He cheered, and the crowd moved slightly.

Remembering back to the glow stick, you took it from your pocket and cracked it, unsurely holding it up. When you looked behind you, you saw no others.

Your eyes snapped to the stage to see Lucio staring at you, a warm smile emitting. You flushed, looking to your friend unsurely. What was going on?

"Alright, come up on stage!" He beckoned you on stage, smiling. You tried to give the glow stick to your friend in a panicked attempt, but you were shoved forward.

Hesitantly, you climbed up the stairs and onto stage. The crowd was virtually silent, and Lucio skated over and took your hand.

"This last song, will be by you. I hope you know how to use a turn table!" He remarked, squeezing your hand. The audience laughed at this, and you gulped. Memories of your small music career came rushing back to you, and you nodded.

He looked somewhat surprised at your nod, but then led you to the table and let go of your hand.

You picked through records and found your desired one, and sighed. This was all happening so fast and you hadn't done this in years. From the crowd, you heard your best friend cheering for you wildly.

Without a second thought, you began to preform your most popular mix, the just of it returning to you easily as your hands expertly navigated the turn table.

By the time you finished, you felt dizzy and excited.

Lucio seemed shocked momentarily before skating over and taking your hand. He scrawled something on the corner of an album cover, then tearing it off and handing it to you.

"Wow! You have talent!" He remarked.

At this the crowd roared with excitement. You hadn't been this recognized in forever. It felt... Good.

"You played one of The Mixer's all time popular's!" He continued, smiling.

"Actually, it was an original." You slyly said, laughing.

After a moment, recognition clicked in his eyes. "Wow! You're- You're THE Mixer?!"

All you could do was nod as the crowd roared.

Upon returning to the airport after signing a few people's arms and talking a but more to Lucio, you bid your best friend a tired goodbye.

Maybe that music really did recoup you and maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be a lawyer. It was crazy to have so many people there hear your work-- not to mention being recognized. You felt very... famous.

A small smile worked onto your tired face as the plane lifted into the air. The night was thick, and only the light from small overheads allowed you visuals. With the sudden reminder of the paper in your pocket, you pulled it out.

Through the dull light, you made out something. A phone number.

Oh, how truly it paid off to be brave.

This is not my best work. For that, I am sorry. On a better note, requests as always are open!

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