Paralyzed (Being Edited)

By Misstletoe

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"Please, you have to understand!" I begged. He turned around and ran out the door. Seems like forever ago I w... More

Paralyzed - Introduction
Chapter Two - Hello to Goodbye
Chapter Three - December Knight
Chapter Four - Jason Hayes
Chapter Six - Call Him
Chapter Seven - Storm in My Sunshine
Chapter Eight - In Whoa
Chapter Nine - Clichè Moment
Chapter Ten - Jasmine
Chapter Eleven - Relived

Chapter Five - Flushed

359 13 1
By Misstletoe

Paralyzed - Chapter Five



"Oh Sorry." Dylan let my waist go instantly. We both flushed and walked off the stage calmly. Our school classmates and their families screamed and cheered, Exclusive. (That was what they called their band).

I fiddled with my dress nervously as Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae played in the background. Dylan bit his lip and finally spoke up. "Uh you were G-great."

He commented.

I smirked and nodded. "Thanks. You too! Uh I think I'll just-" I paused to look around the crowded hallway we had just entered. "Go call a cab. See ya!" I called and strode towards the exit.

I shoved open the doors and was met with the sharp cold wind. It blew my hair to where I couldn't see a thing. Bad coincidence. Someone grabbed my wrist in a rough grip and pulled me with them to the back of the building. I finally got my hair out of my face and gasped. "No!" I yelled but she covered my mouth with her hand.

"Shut up and stop being dramatic! Stephen sent me. He wants news of your progress." She said as she rolled her eyes.

I began to panic. I looked up and shrugged. "No signs of him yet, look I have somewhere to be." I lied and stormed back to the front of the building.

Once I knew she had left, I looked around to see if anyone was watching. No one. I smiled and bent down to my shoe. I pulled out the high tech foreign phone. Immediately I pressed, Stephen.

He picked up on the third ring. "December?" He answered confused.

I groaned and stomped my foot onto the pavement angrily. "Why did you send her?!" I demanded.


"Hey!" Someone called out to me.

I squealed and tried to hide my phone. Doing the oldest trick in the book, I stuffed it in my bra. What? I'm wearing a dress, where else do I put it?

I spun around and smiled innocently at Dylan. "What?" I asked.

He sighed and pointed towards the nice Truck. "I could give you a ride."

I nodded trying to hide the fact I was seriously blushing and felt my phone slipping down. "Cool." I hurriedly ran towards his car.

<<<Moments Later>>>


Pit pat. Plat Flash. Boom!

I jumped in fright from the struck of lightning as the rain pouring down on the roof of Dylan's truck caught my attention. Christmas music played Through the car and I think I was tongue tied. I had no guts to say anything. In my head a million thoughts flashed through my mind. All involving Dylan.

I turned my body slightly facing the window and slowly grabbed my phone from where it was before...

I slid it under my leg and turned back to Dylan.

"Love Me, Love Me. Say you're gonna love me." Big time Rush blasted through the car.

I smiled and bobbed my head. "How can you like them?" Dylan chuckled as he rolled his eyes.


My knuckles tightened on the steering wheel as I drove into her neighborhood. I didn't want her to leave. After I criticized one of her favorite boy bands she started to explain how awesome they were. It may sound strange but I loved how she argued with me.

Her cheeks were a slight pink do to her anger, she'd move her hands around to prove her point, her eyes shined when she looked at me. I could barely breath. I was frozen in my driving position. I was completely drooling and I ended up starring at her until I almost wrecked the truck.

I couldn't stand that fuzzy feeling in my chest. Aching to just hold her. I couldn't stand that my mind was fighting with my heart. My heart beat became an upbeat brum solo. Bang, bang, bang, b-b-bang, bang! Over and over again. Screaming at me to say something.

My mind telling me other wise, You are just using her.

So of course I let my mind take over. I was a player not some lovesick puppy who followed a girl like she was a goddess. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice we were just a minute away from her house as my human GPS told me. Hint: December.

Which only made my heart melt. What if I just don't use her? Like actually for real date her. Maybe have her meet mom and my friends in the future. Long nights out walking in the snow. I smiled to myself at the beautiful thought.

I just couldn't let this go. I had come to the conclusion I would date her. For real. No using or treating her like she was worthless. I rehearsed how I was going to ask her over and over again but nothing seemed to come out of my mouth. Would she really say yes?

After all, I was an only child with his father in prison. Being raised by only his mom, living in an small house with his mother. And I'm a player. What would she say?

That's when I pulled into her drive way. She unconsciously made my head spin as she unbuckled the seatbelt.

Make a move! My head screamed at me.

She hopped out and began walking up the walkway towards the front door. I frowned. No way was I letting her go. I flew open the door and ran towards her as fast as I could. She had just unlocked the door when I grabbed her arm. She spun around in confusion.

"Paralyzed, Paralyzed, P-p-Paralyzed!" The song played in the background from my truck.

I pulled her to my chest. "Dylan, Would you care to explain what the heck you are doing-" I cut December off by slamming my lips to hers. Inside I felt an electricity serge through me. That's when I realized, I was Paralyzed. But of course it came to a halt and she pushed away from me. Making it just a peck.

What she said next confused me, "I'm sorry. Dylan, No. Um, Bye."


I walked up to the edge of December's house nervously. I couldn't wait to talk to her. I was planning to finally ask her out. Thats when I heard music,

"Girl you got me tongue tied!" I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. I opened my mouth in a gap as I tried to make sense of what I was seeing before me. Dylan had December in his arms as he kissed her passionately. It wasn't like December to just kiss guys at all. But it wasn't like they were going way to far.

Just a little peck. But it set me off nerve. She pulled back and said something to him which confused me. Behind her back I noticed something I hadn't seen before. Her left hand. Held one silver diamond ring, That I knew why she had. But the other, Pure gold. It made no sense...Unless...I looked back to Dylan. No way. This. Meant. War. Watch your back, Dylan Hayes. I turned and walked right back home.

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