The Girl Who Loved A Beautifu...

By TheDetective_Diaries

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"Sometimes the most beautiful souls lie within the darkest beings." [ Cover made by @SoNotCliche ] More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

8.3K 307 87
By TheDetective_Diaries

 "Class is dismissed." Our teacher said to us upon hearing the school bell ring, signaling the end of another exhausting school day.

Almost everyone got up from their seats and rushed out of the class at lightning speed and our teacher wasn't one willing to stay back in class either. The only ones left in the otherwise deserted classroom were me, Asano and the female class rep. Being the class representatives, it was their job to clean up after the end of school each day and I wondered several times how on earth they'd managed to fulfill their tiring duty after a day of countless lessons and pop-quizzes; if it were me, I'd probably collapsed onto the floor out of sheer exhaustion before I was even halfway done with sweeping it.

I grabbed my bag and spared a glance back at Asano, hoping to give him a goodbye before leaving but the words died on my lips when I saw that he was busy caught in a conversation with the other class rep. Turning around, I breathed out a silent sigh and headed for the door since I didn't want to disturb him.

But just before my foot could pass through the doorway, Asano's familiar voice called out my name from behind and I instantly spun around to see him staring at me with those beautiful but cunning violet eyes of his. "You called me, Asano-kun?" I titled my head and looked at him.

His violet eyes softened vaguely and a small smile began to play on his usually serious face. "Yes, (L/ N)-san, there's something I'd like to ask you if you could give me a moment of your time..." he trailed off but there was a hopeful look in those violet eyes and it was difficult for me to refuse so I nodded. He sighed, relieved, and pulled me to a nearby corner to ensure that there wouldn't be any unwelcomed eavesdroppers.

"So what do you want to talk to me about, Asano-kun?" I inquired him after I made sure that there was no one else around. He turned his violet eyes on me, his soft expression disappeared and was replaced with his serious one; his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes limpid and focused, and his lips set into a thin line. "Have you been hanging out with Akabane Karma lately?"

My eyebrows knitted together at his words, feeling slightly irritated. "Not this again," I sighed, exasperated with my friend. "Look, Asano-kun, Karma's a good guy so stop treating him like he's a criminal-"

"Damn it, (L/ N)-san!" he snapped, anger and frustration crossing his features for a slight moment. "Would you please just listen to me for once?" he stared sternly at me but I didn't budge. Eventually, he let out another sigh and murmured, "I'm just worried about you, alright?"

His hand reached out and pushed the few strands of hair that had fallen in front of my eyes to the side, slowly and ever-so-gently tugged them behind my ear as though he was trying to savor each second when he could touch me.

"I care about you... a lot, and I hope you know that." His eyes were staring so intently at me, the anger and tension completely gone from them and they held nothing but affection at that moment.

"I do." I breathed, my voice soft but firm. And I really did, I could never forget when he confessed to me last year under the cherry blossom trees; he looked just as how he looked then, a simple boy in love, and I felt just as how I'd felt then, I didn't feel the same way, and I knew even then that I never would, he would always be my friend and nothing more.

"So please, promise me that you'll stay away from him?" He asked.

"Fine." I lied through my teeth.

"Good," he said and removed his hand from me. "And why are you wearing a scarf? I thought you hated them?" he then asked as he'd finally noticed the scarf that I'd prayed that nobody would; it was true, I hated them with a burning passion but it couldn't be helped, I had to find some way to hide the hickey that Karma had left me with the day before.

"Oh, I just..." I mumbled as I racked my brain for believable excuses. "I'm just really cold today."

"Well, it is a bit chilly today..." Asano took the thought into consideration. "Take care of yourself, alright? I wouldn't want you to get sick."

"Yea, sure thing." I said simply and gave him a swift, rushed goodbye before dashing out of the building as subtly as possible, not even bothering to hear his reply.

I exhaled a relieved sigh once I'd stepped foot outside and felt the gentle, cold spring-afternoon-breeze caress my face. I made my way to the school gates at my own leisurely pace, taking the time to admire the cloudy but still beautiful sky, the delicate cherry blossom buds that had started to open, and several students cracking jokes and laughing with one another in small groups nearby.

I had just made it through the school gates when I suddenly felt a hand grab onto my arm and pulled me aside under one of the blooming cherry blossom trees outside the school gates. I was about to let out a panicked cry for help but I was struck by a sense of recognition when a familiar silky voice spoke up. "Calm down, it's just me." It said and my eyes followed the direction of the voice to find the captivating mercury-hued-orbs that could only belong to Akabane Karma.

A small smirk was plastered across his attractive face as he looked down at me. "Karma-kun," I said aloud with wide eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I... came to apologize for yesterday." He said rather sheepishly, the smirk on his face turning into an apologetic smile.

A smug smirk crept its way onto my face at his words. "Wow, I never thought I'd get to see the day someone as conceited and prideful as you would apologize for your mistakes."

Karma scoffed. "Don't get too cocky now, you're lucky that I didn't go through with what I started yesterday."

I wanted to response with a snarky remark but thought better of it and instead said, "But really, Karma-kun, you have nothing to apologize for. I told you that I knew what I was getting myself into and I'd take full responsibility for whatever you decide to do with me."

"That... sounds kind of masochistic and lewd, (L/ N)-san," Karma murmured, smirking ever-so-slightly but that smirk vanished as fast as it'd appeared and his expression became serious but his mercury eyes held an indescribable softness in them as he reached out to touch my cheek, caressing it as gently as the spring breeze. "But as much as I hate to say it, I am sorry. I didn't really think much about our deal when you first suggested it, but after seeing how... good you are... and how you're able to see right pass my defenses... which was both shocking and terrifying, I might add," he said which made me smile. "It made me question if I'd done right by agreeing to that deal of yours."

He leaned his face closer to mine, we were only mere inches away from touching, and I was instantly reminded of what happened earlier with Asano while he tugged my hair behind my ear, their actions weren't much different, and yet... Karma's felt so much more intimate and so much more... exciting, as though each touch could send a sensation so delicious and electrifying through my being that would only leave me addicted and craving for more.

"You are an extremely interesting person, (L/ N)-san." He whispered as though it was the sweetest secret in the world and it sent shivers down my spine and a grin to spread across my face.

"I don't think that it's such a good idea for you to be touching me like this, Karma-kun." I told him, unable to hide my wide grin. He smirked.

"Is it because you're scared that you'd be seen with a violent E Class delinquent by your A Class friends?"

"No," I replied. "It's because you're technically my patient now and I don't think it's wise for me to flirt with a patient."

Karma's smirk widened and his mercury orbs glistened with amusement that nearly made my heart stop beating. "Well, I wouldn't call this flirting. I'm merely just expressing my gratitude and affection for my doctor."

"Oh, really?" I raised an eyebrow, grinning. "And do you usually show this kind of affection to all of your doctors?"

Karma's free hand found its way around my waist and pulled me close. "No, just you."

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because you're special." He murmured with a look that was enough to steal my breath away.

"Well, even if you feel that way about me, I still can't allow flirting between me and my patient." I said matter-of-factly and pushed myself away from him. "But I don't mind having conversations with you in our next appointment though..."

He grinned, revealing his strangely-attractive-canine-teeth. "And when is that I might ask, (L/ N)-san?"

"Tomorrow after school," I smiled at him. "At your house."  

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