Young and Reckless (A Guns N'...

By georgesandwich

22.5K 548 56

I myself could never live on the edge, but my friends could-- and they did. With their band making it big, th... More

2. Hard Day's Night
3. All Apologies
4. Been a Long Time Since I Rock and Rolled
5. Remembering a Day
6. Season of Loving
7. We Never Seem to Find the Time
8. A Very, Very Nice House
9. When the Day is Done, Run
10. Welcome to the Family
11. Appetite for Celebration
12. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
13. You've Got a Friend
14. All I've Got to Do is Act Naturally
15. The Little Gets More, The Bad Gets Badder
16. Why Do You Only Need Me When You're High?
17. Smiling Faces I Can See
18. Stay and Help Me End the Day
19. Twisting by the Pool
20. A New Day in the Life

1. Pleased to Meet You, Hope I Guessed Your Name

3.7K 54 12
By georgesandwich


I cringed as soon as I heard that awful voice calling my name. I turned around only to see the manager motioning me to follow him in the kitchen.

"Y-Yes sir. Right away," I said, dragging my feet towards my destination. God please, not again...

To be completely honest, the BeerHouse wasn't such a bad place to work at. If my girl friends were here, they'd say I should be thankful that I'm earning more than enough; that despite my bills and apartment rent I'm still able to save and send money for my folks at home. I am thankful for this job, I really am... there is just one tiny thing I find very hard to deal with...

"You know Emilia, you're very beautiful," he held me firmly against the wall, his face coming closer and I almost gagged at the smell of his drug-filled mouth. "Because of you this bar has attracted tons of customers, most have been regulars ever since they seen your little ass waiting around the tables."

He was chuckling to himself but kept his sticky, dirty glare at me. I thought compliments ought to feel good but these words of him made me want to throw up. This is how he always looked at me and treated me ever since I started working here a few months ago. I'm surprised he hadn't done a perverted thing to me yet, but idiots like him could strike at anytime and that is why I always keep a small switchblade hidden in one of my skirt pockets.

"Yeah.. Yeah" I rolled my eyes. "Are you done talking, huh, Mac? You know I should go. People are still waiting for their orders." I called our dick of a manager by his name knowing that it would piss him off..

I was about to laugh when he took hold of my arm and squeezed it so instead I groaned in pain and annoyance.

"Don't you think I know that, you Mexican bitch?!" He growled now I could see the black stains on his teeth. That explains the bad breath. He must be into smack or meth.

Mac dragged me to the small kitchen window and stuck my face against the glass. "See those two blokes over there?" He pointed to the men on the edge of the bar, a bit away from the other customers.
"I saw them eyeing you up. Watching you every corner, every table you go to..."

"You wanted me to get them something?" I asked, backing away from him.

Mac scoffed. "One ordered a bottle of Southern Comfort the other wanted a Jack."

"All right. I'll go get 'em."

I walked around the kitchen to get the bottles as I was about to exit, Mac pulled me to stop.

"You're forgetting something."

Yes I did. And it was to dress up or should I say "strip down and get the customers hooked." In Mac's opinion, the more neckline we show, the more legs we show and the thicker the make up, the more money this place will earn. To me, that is a complete bullshit but I let Mac undo a few buttons of my already revealing blouse until everything in my chest is exposed except for my nipples. He also folded the hem of my skirt and raised it higher to make it shorter. I really am glad I was wearing stockings so I wouldn't feel so naked.

"All set."

Mac looked so proud of what he did. He looked at me up and down and let his tongue out like a mad dog.

I felt sick again but I just shrugged it off. "Before I go out there, I just want to let you know that for all the times you called me a "Mexican bitch", you've been wrong. I'm not from Mexico, although I look a bit like one.... and Mexican people are nice --- way nicer than your sort so don't you belittle them," I started rambling. This would make him tick off like a bomb for sure.. "And for your information, my family's from Philippines, that's a country in South Asia which had been under the Spanish conquest just like Mex-- mmhh--!!"

He clamped his hand over my mouth and pushed us outside, he looked for those two guys he was telling me about earlier then he let me go.

"More work, less talk, you crazy bitch. You give them a good time, I'll give you a good pay and you'll thank me in the end, " he said in my ear and gave me a slap in my behind.

I shook my head and went on with what I was supposed to do. I walked towards the two men with their orders in my hands. As per usual all the drunkards turned towards me, gave me all their disgusting catcalls and whistles. I got nearer to their table and I noticed that these two seemed to be discussing something serious. One had a dark hair and a hat covering his face while the other had his back on me but his blazing long hair shone, the reflection of the hanging fairy lights gleamed on his hair. From where I stood I could their table was covered with papers, empty bottles of beer and burnt cigar butts.

They must have seen me coming because they quickly turned to me and smiled.

I smiled back and their drinks down the table. "Good evening, boys. I have here some Southern Comfort and JD for y'all."

"Thank you," the dark-haired man with a hat said quietly. Still I couldn't get a good look of his face because of the dim lights but I could see him, he and and the long-haired man "eyeing me up", though the long-haired one seemed to show more interest than the other.

"Well, I'll just go check on the others, if you need anything just shout.."

"Actually we could use your company here," Long hair said with a smirk. He asked me to sit down so I sat next to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, "It's not everyday we get to stumble upon a beauty like yourself, Ms.--"

"Emilia, call me Emilia. It should be on my name tag." My fingers fumbled on the left side only to find that stupid piece of cardboard with my name gone. "Oh I think I lost my name tag." I muttered.

Long hair, who I gave the name Red, because of his stunning strawberry blonde hair , gave me an amused look. His eyes trailed from my face down to my chest. Surely Red and his friend liked what they were seeing all thanks to my devil boss. I could sense Mac smirking somewhere in the bar as he saw me giving these two boys some "amusement". Ugh. I wanted this night to end already. I wished to get my pay, go home and look for my two funny men who are either probably high as kites, or drunk with girls in bed. I could care less about what they're doing, I just wanted home.

"Hey, Emilia.." I was snapped out of my thoughts by Red trying to close the distance between us. "We're wondering when you'll get out, you know the three of us could fool around and I guarantee you won't regret it," his voice was low, almost sultry.

"Wow you're very forward, aren't you, " Red grinned, thinking that what I just said was a compliment but his friend had known better. Mister Quiet snorted while chugging his drink. Mister Quiet would look at me and my chest occasionally but I could tell he was more interested in whatever he was writing. Among these two he's the reserved , more observant type compared to Red who would give me a wink and a naughty smile whenever he could.

"So, what do you guys do? I never saw y'all here before, you must be from somewhere doing something." I asked them. I trusted my instinct that they're good people maybe I really could get along with them. I just don't want any funny business, is all.

"We're rock and rollers, what do ya think?" Red said bluntly.

What a nice but vague statement, I thought. But why the sudden change of his mood?

I was kind of surprised when the quiet one answered, "We're from Indiana. Lafayette, to be exact. We've been here for a couple of years doing gigs in bars here and there."

"That's cool. What's the name of your group? I've heard a few promising bands here along the Strip. My friends told me they've seen the Motley Crue jam at the Rainbow. " The BeerHouse I worked in was the last in the list of the bars you'd like to go to. Nobody goes here except old drunk men who like to hit on us waitresses. This place is like the dumpsite of all the nastiest people. Drunks, thugs, drug addicts, drug dealers, you name it. BeerHouse is their lair. Of course you've got to thank ol' Mac for all that. He's a druggie and a dealer himself. Mister Quiet and Red here were the first grace of fresh air I'd been wanting to smell aside from my friends who occasionally come here to see if I'm still alive.

"Er, we're in a band called Hollywood Rose," Mister said. "But we're not yet that big." That was all he said then he went back to writing.

"Hollywood Rose? I never heard you guys but according to a few girls, you folks sounded great!" The pro's of being a night shift waitress is that you get to hang out with other girls after work and all you do is drink, smoke and talk about boys and rock bands. "Said they fancy the vocalist. Said he has a golden voice."

I saw Red's eyes light up after hearing what I said. His smile was about to reach his ears, he sure loved to hear compliments.

Mister Quiet became more quiet. All he did was look when I said I've quite heard about their band. "How 'bout you, Mr. Silencio? I suppose you're the band's composer? Someone like Lennon and McCartney."

"Yeah, someone like Lennon and McCartney," now he managed to smile. "Him and I write songs together," he said pointing to Red, who abruptly gave me a wink. Again. "He also sings and I play the guitar."

"Where could I watch your gigs then? I'm pretty sure you're lot better than I've heard." I looked at them both.

"We're on hiatus for a moment," said Red. "Got a problem with the band mates and we're still on the look for new members."

"It's been weeks since our last gig at the Whiskey, I'm afraid it's gonna be us Lafayette Runaways for a while," Mister sighed and removed his hat. Now I was able to get a glance of his handsome face.

"Two Lafayette Runaways chasin' their California Dream, instead they end up here in the middle of the jungle." Red sang.

"Yeah, welcome to the jungle, people!" I giggled as I did a little reminiscing. "Me and my friends did the same thing-- ran away from our homes to live our lives although we're all from around here so it's not really "running away". After high school we left home, made our moms and dads cry, managed to live together in an apartment near the Boulevard and here we are, trying to reach those freaking stars."

"Do you happen to be an aspiring musician too?" They asked.

"Me? Nah! My friends-- they're the aspiring musicians. Me, I'm the aspiring actress. A stage actress preferably but Broadway seems to be a pipe dream ..." I mumbled the last part. "I really wanted to become an actress of any kind but until then I had to stay waiting on tables."

"What happened? Are you giving up on your dream? Remember, you're one step from Hollywood!" At this time Red's breath smelled like Jack and unlike the others who smelled like shit when they drank alcohol, Red's breath smelled nice and sexy. Almost hypnotizing.

"It happened once or twice," I began to tell them the story. "One time a guy approached me saying he's looking for promising actresses, gave me his card and told me to go this address. His place was like a bust up apartment behind an old shopping mall. so I got inside that apartment and when I got there, there was a video camera standing and the guy was demanding me to take my clothes off..."

Red and Mister's eyes were wide. Did they think I was joking?

"Yeah I know it sounds stupid I was stupid--"

"Not that we don't believe you Emilia.. i-it's just that---" Red stammered.

"What happened then? Did you do what he asked?" Mister asked.

"Heck no. I broke his camera and ran off. I walked to my place with one shoe. My friends didn't believe me though. They all though I was making it up."

"We believe you, girl," said Mister with a smile. My, my, he sure knew how to charm a girl.

"I see you're a fighter, even to your boss, you show no fear. Did he make you do all that?" Red pointed to my overly exposed chest and short skirt.

"Yeah. He said it'll attract more customers. He even tells me to entertain them-- that includes talking to them, letting them flirt and say dirty things to you.. ugh." I shrugged. "Anyway, I'm just here because I get generous tips and Mac pays me pretty good. I get money here for rent and bills, some fair amount I send to my parents. I also get to spare a few bucks every payday. I'm planning to save money so I could go to a community college. That's my new plan since being an actress was an epic fail."

"The Plan B sounds better and safer for you," Red and Mister both said.

"I know, I know."

I soon found myself engaged in a deep conversation with these two guys from Lafayette. They swore they still struggle to adjust in the place though they said they had left home years ago. We talked about music and movies we dig and guess what, our tastes were somehow similar. They reminded me of my two friends, God how I missed those two jerks. Where the hell were they now? I even missed their antics that drove me mad.

"Emilia..." Red poked me gently. "You okay doll?"

"Yeah I'm good. It's just that you two remind me of my two friends. You know the aspiring musicians I told you about? They're actually geniuses. One plays the guitar like he's possessed by Jimi Hendrix while the other plays drums like Moon and Bonzo combined."

"You seem to have lot of faith in these two friends of yours. They must be that good," I heard one them say.

They're not just good. They're better than Jesus!

"Are they currently in a band?" Mister asked. He's shown interest towards my friends but not to me. Ouch.

Red asked the same question but I didn't know what to reply for I hadn't kept in touch with my friends for a day or two. Last time I saw them, they were preparing for a gig. Never told me where they were headed to.

"I'm not sure but I'll try to get to them and you guys could meet up somewhere. Or you could just meet up here since they would come and visit me at work if they've got time. I have a feeling they'll be here on Saturday. Whadda you say?" I said with a grin.

"Saturday then," they said in unison.

"Will you be serving us free drinks, sugar?" Mister asked.

"I'll try. But I could only sneak in beers."

"Being nice, are you?" Red raised a brow. "Are you still up on our offer, huh babe? To fool around? You know our place is just a thirty-minute walk from here."

"Still thinking I'd accept that offer, eh? Man, you didn't even tell me your names! All I did this whole time was refer to you as Red because of your hair and that man as Mr. Quiet because of he's too busy loving his papers, he pays no attention to nobody!" They both laughed at the names I gave them, well, Mister did a small chuckle. "Unless you want your nicknames to stay?"

"I'm Axl Rose," Red winked at me.

"Cool name." I winked back at him.

"I'm Izzy. Izzy Stradlin," said Mr. Quiet.

"Nice. Izzy Stradlin sounds like a porn star's name," I muttered to myself but they still heard it and laughed. Easy straddling, easy to straddle. "It's no bad thing man, I think it's a unique stage name. You two must be chick magnets, yes?"

Izzy shrugged.

"Oh sweetheart, you've no idea," Axl said in a husky voice.

The two stayed until midnight. I spent most hours of my shift at their table. We agreed to meet on Saturday with me and my two friends. Surely my friends would bring their tall blonde giraffe friend with them. Before leaving, they gave me each a 50 and I couldn't be more happier.


Hello, people! I'm back because I had the energy and enthusiasm to write a GNR fanfic! So please be kind and bear with me, especially the big Guns n' Roses fans (I started liking them during my internship period this summer!)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one I feel like a newbie on Wattpad, it's been so long!


The girl on the picture is Iza Calzado, Filipina actress... thought I'd make her as my OC Emilia's face. She's so pretty :)

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