Growing Up Solo

By MS2798

19.6K 848 233

This is a story that takes place between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. I DO NOT own anything of S... More

Chapter Two *Revised*
Chapter Three *Revised*
Chapter Four *Revised*
Chapter Five *Revised*
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter One *Revised*

1.7K 58 16
By MS2798

The mood was bustling with excitement. Everyone from Ewoks to Rebel pilots gazed up at the afternoon sky, seeing debris clutter the atmosphere, indicating the destruction of the second Death Star and the defeat of the Empire.

Leia looked up at the exploding Death Star and smiled slightly to herself. She knew Luke had made it off of the Battle Station. She could feel it, even if she didn't have much experience with the Force, unlike her brother.

"I'm sure Luke wasn't on that thing when it blew," Han assured her as they sat on the forest floor, looking up at the blue sky filled with debris.

"He wasn't, I can feel it," Leia said with a shake of her head, looking at the forest around her, lost in her own thoughts.

Han studied Leia's facial expressions. He had no connection with the Force, but he knew what she was thinking. "You love him," he said, watching as Leia turned her gaze to him, "Don't you?" He asked, preparing for her answer, even if it wasn't one that he wanted to hear.

Leia stared at Han, wondering what he could possibly be thinking. "Well yes," she said.

Han looked at her and nodded his head slightly. Just as he predicted, it was an answer that he expected, but wished it was different. "Alright, I understand. When he comes back, I won't get in the way," he said, giving her a reassuring smile. Han watched as Leia smiled a bit at him, confusion clouding his mind.

Leia reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small scoff. "It's not like that at all," she said to him, seeing the confusion on his face. "He's my brother," she added, waiting to watch his reaction.

Han sat in silence as the truth was revealed to him. Her brother?! The whole time he thought she had feeling for Luke he was her brother! This was the best news that Han could have ever received. He turned his gaze back towards Leia when she moved a hand from his shoulder to his cheek. The shocked look still lingered on his face as she leaned in, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss.

When they both finally pulled back, Han was smiling from ear to ear, as was Leia. That's when Han swooped in for another passionate kiss, tangling his fingers in her braids behind her head.

Her brother was alive, the Emperor was dead, and the objective the Princess and her father, the one that raised her, had been aiming for most of her life was accomplished.

She should have felt like cheering, but instead, a nagging fear kept tickling at the back of her neck. How was she going to tell Han about her father? The man responsible for all of this was her father.

Her fears were temporarily pushed aside as celebrating humans, Ewoks, and a certain large Wookiee caught the Princess and Smuggler up in their joy.

Later that evening, Leia had decided to come clean to Han about her family. She told him everything that she knew, from finding out Luke was her older twin brother to Vader being her father.


Han looked over at Leia as she greeted the fellow Alliance members, thanking them for their help in the fight against the Empire. She was absolutely breathtaking. He found his eyes following her as she walked through the gathering, making sure no one made a move on her. Han propped himself up against a tree, smiling at Leia as she rolled her eyes with a grin and a shake of her head.

Leia wore a tan dress that came down just to her shins. The bodice was laced across her chest and her hair was braided in a crown across the crown of her head. The rest of her chestnut hair fell just below her waist, swishing around as she walked through the crowd.

When Han noticed that Leia was free, he made his move. Pushing past pilots and engineers, Han wrapped his arm over the Princess's shoulder, guiding her away from the crowd. "Let's take a walk and clear the air," he suggested as the pair walked along the secluded catwalk and the lights from the village faded into the distance.


The petite princess looked up at him and asked, "Han what is going on?"

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to spend time with you and not the rest of the village that decided to show up for this festival," Han admitted with a smile as he ran his hands down her spine.

Leia sucked in a deep breath and looked down at their feet. "Well, if we're alone for now, I better explain what I said earlier. About Luke and I."

He slowly nodded his head and rested his back against a large tree. He could tell Leia was upset about something and it was only a matter of time before he brought up the issue himself. "I'm all ears, Your Worship," he said.

Leia slowly paced the catwalk for several moments before looking at Han. Tears welled up in her eyes as she took another deep breath. All in one motion, she blurted out, "Vader, he's my father."

Han stood against the tree, his hand running across his scruffy jawline, trying to process the information.

"So you mean to tell me that I was frozen in carbonite and given back to Jabba by your father?" He questioned, looking at Leia as she stood a few feet away from him.

Leia slowly nodded her head and avoided his eyes, nervous as to how he would react. "I know it seemed bad then, but Luke said he changed. He could feel the light inside of him," Leia explained as her brown eyes met his.

Han looked at her and then ran his hand towards the back of his neck. "Well I guess it's over and done with now. I can't really change the past. I don't even think the kid can do that," he said before looking at her. "He can't, can he?" He asked.

This stifled a smile from Leia as she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "No, he can't. And neither can I." Leia knew that Han didn't know much about the Force and its abilities, but she knew he was curious about its powers.

"It's just weird to think that Luke is-" he started to say before Leia cut him off.

"My brother?" She questioned. "I know," she said with a deep breath.

Han nodded his head and also let out a deep sigh. The awkwardness in the room left the pair silent for a few moments. Just as Han was about to speak, a memory dawned on him. He looked at the Princess from across the room and gave her a goofy smile, one that showed his bright, white teeth.

"What are you thinking?" Leia asked, waiting for something absurd and vulgar to leave his lips.

"So, when we were on Hoth, and I got you all worked up," he started to say in a teasing manner. He watched Leia's cheeks turn a bright red as her eyes grew wide.

"Han!" She said, waiting to scold him as her hands fell to her hips.

"Oh no, I'm not done there, Your Highness," he stated, holding up a finger to silence her, his smile growing from ear to ear. "You're telling me you didn't know Luke was your brother when you planted a wet one on him?" He questioned, a satisfied smirk playing across his lips.

Leia huffed in annoyance and rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "No, I didn't know," she stated, her face turning cold.

"Are you sure you didn't know, Princess?" He questioned, trying to aggravate Leia even more.  It was something that they had always done. Kept them on their toes with the sarcasm and wit.

"I swear I did not know!" Leia proceeded to shout at him.

Han smiled down at her and walked over to her corner, placing his hands on her waist and eventually her lower back. "Relax, Sweetheart," he said to her, placing a kiss on her head. "I'm only teasing," he admitted, trying to get her to soften up. "Plus, I think it works better that he's your brother. I don't think the two of you would have lasted," Han whispered into her ear.

Leia looked up at him and shook her head, laying her head on his chest. The Princess wrapped her arms around his body, getting chills down her spine as Han rubbed her back. She listened to the steady heartbeat and closed her eyes, moving her hands to find his. "I like it better this way," she whispered as Han leaned down and kissed her passionately against her lips.


The Princess looked up at the smuggler, a hint of glimmer in her eyes. "Yes?" She questioned, running her small hands over his biceps.

"Leia, I've been thinking for a while, what if I-I mean what if we-oh gosh I'm just screwing all of this up," Han blurted out, his hands starting to sweat as his speech became hesitant.

"I've got all night, Flyboy," Leia said with a smile, trying to calm Han down enough so he could gather his words.

Han let out a nervous breath followed by a small nod of his head. "I know I may not be the prince your father had imagined, but I'm crazy about you, Leia," he stated, the nerves slowly fading away. "But what do you think? A princess like you with a smuggler like me?" He asked, hoping Leia understood the meaning of the question.

Leia knitted her eyebrows in confusion and tilted her head up to Han. "Is that a proposal?"

Han nodded with a small smile and Leia reciprocated the action with an even faster and bigger nod than Han.

He took her in his arms and pressed his lips against hers, taking in her sweet smell and softness of her lips.


Three weeks after the engagement, Han stood in the middle of the Bright Tree Village, waiting to marry Leia. The chief of the tribe, Logray, was kind enough to hold the ceremony in the middle of their village.

He paced nervously amongst the catwalk, rubbing the back of his neck. It's now or never, Solo. He watched as Leia walked out of the small hut. Her hair was pulled back into two braids and her dress nearly reached the floor. She was absolutely breathtaking. Once he saw her, Han's eyes dropped to the floor with a smile and shook his head.

Luke followed close behind Leia and gave his sister a big hug, holding her close. He let out a deep breath and smiled at her, gently kissing her forehead as his gaze turned to Han. "I know where you live if you hurt her," Luke said in somewhat joking, somewhat serious tone.

Han raised his hand and placed it on Luke's shoulder. "Kid, I think you should be more worried of her hurting me," Han said as he winked at Leia.

Leia was quick to slap Han's bicep. "Knock it off," she said, shaking her head.

Han questioned, "See what I mean?"

"Okay, you two. That's enough," Luke said with a smile as he hugged Han as well before stepping to the side.

"Well, now that it is all settled," C-3PO started, "the ceremony can begin! Are there two people or creatures that approve of this marriage? One from each party?" The golden droid questioned.

Luke stood next to Leia and nodded his head in approval. "I approve."

Chewbacca positioned himself against a tree and let out a loud howl.

"Thanks, Pal. I knew I could count on you," Han said as he gave Chewbacca's hairy arm a squeeze.

"Perfect!" 3PO exclaimed. "Both take each other's hands," he ordered.

Han smiled at Leia as she placed her hands in his. Both looked at the protocol droid, waiting for further instructions.

"Princess Leia Organa of Alerderaan, General Solo, do you solemnly swear to be united in this bond of marriage?"

Leia quickly nodded her head. "Yes. Forever."

Han smiled at her and repeated her words. "Yes. Forever."

C-3PO said, "Wonderful! Please take each other's arms."

The couple did as they were told, waiting for the final part of the ceremony.

"These two individuals are officially united as one, bonded in matrimony. It is time to celebrate the start of a new life for the couple! Please, to complete the cerem-" 3PO said before getting cut off.

In one swift movement, Han twirled Leia around, pulled her close to his chest, watching as her eyes grew wide with anticipation. His lips landed on hers with passion, gripping her waist as he dipped her towards the ground.

"General Solo, I'm afraid that doesn't follow the code of the marriage ceremony," C-3PO stated while waving his hands in the air.

Han looked over his shoulder at Luke and gave him a lopsided smirk. "Kind of busy over here." Han laid his forehead against Leia's and smiled at her before connecting their lips once again.


One week after the marriage ceremony, everything had seemed to return to normal...well as normal as things could be. The witty banter, the contrast between royalty and rogue, epic love in the midst of war had not slowed down Han and Leia for falling deeper in love with each other.

Both Han and Leia had been staying together in a bunker on the new base before they had gotten married. Now that they had sealed the deal, Han brought up the idea of them living in the forest, near the Ewok village.

"Think about it, Princess," he said as he approached Leia from behind, smiling down at her as she studied her outfit in a mirror. "Our own little house, nice and peaceful," Han added, placing his hands on her waist and gently caressing her sides. "All to ourselves with no one to bother us," he stated, his lips slowly finding their way to her neck.

Leia shivered under his touch and sweet words, goosebumps trailing down her back. "Mmm, that does sound wonderful," Leia whispered as she reached her hands up behind her head, tangling her fingers in his hair. "I think that's a great idea," she added as she turned around in his arms, gently moving her hands from his hair to his biceps.

"It's settled then," Han said. "I'll get Chewie to help me out with it. We can get started in the morning. It'll be about a mile from the base. We'll keep this bunker in case one of us is working late at the base," he continued before Leia game him a look.

"One of us?" She questioned with a raise of her eyebrows.

Han simply rolled his eyes and let out a deep breath. "I mean if you're working late," he admitted. "You know how Mothma feels about me," he said, looking into Leia's eyes.

"Hey, you brought that on yourself," Leia stated with a shrug of her shoulders. "She's actually really nice once you get to know her."

"Yeah well that might be a while, Your Worshipfulness," Han mocked as he gently kissed Leia's forehead.

Leia smiled up at her husband and squeezed his forearms. "Are we ever going to stop fighting with each other?" She questioned.

Han thought for a second before shrugging. "Probably not," he said with a smile. "I think it would be a very boring marriage if we didn't bicker most of the time," he said.

Leia let out a small laugh and nodded her head. "I think that's something we both can agree on," she whispered as they both walked out of the bunker and their separate ways for the day.


Two months later, Han carried Leia in his arms, his right arm tucked underneath her knees and his left arm supporting her back as he walked through their new house. "Welcome home, Sweetheart," he said with a beaming smile, admiring his work.

Leia couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as she was set down on the floor. "I love it so much," she said, running her hands over every object. "It's amazing. Han I can't thank you enough," she added, taking his hand as they walked through their new two bedroom house.

"Anything for the Princess," Han whispered as he ran his thumb across the back of her hand.

Leia walked into their bedroom, her hand gripping the ends of the bed post, smiling at Han. "It's really perfect. You did a really good job," she complimented as Han gave her a small shrug and leaned against a wardrobe.

"Well thank you, Leia," he said with a genuine smile before using his weight to push himself off of the wood frame. "Oh, I forgot to mention that I also installed a holopad, just so it's easier to get a hold of each other," he added.

Leia smiled up at him and studied the holopad. "Han you didn't have to do that, but I do like the extra effort," she said, wrapping her arms around his torso and placing her chin on his chest.

After a few moments of silence, Han gave her a mischievous smile as he rubbed her waist.
"What're you thinking about?" Leia questioned with a curious look.

"Want to break in the bed?" He questioned as Leia's eyes grew wide.

Leia raised her eyebrows and dropped her arms from his body.  "How many women have you used that line on?" She question, not wanting to know the true answer.

Han smirked down at her and held out his hand, thinking to himself as he started to extend his fingers. When he finally got to seven fingers, Leia let out a scoff and looked at him. "You have got to be joking."

Han looked down at his wife as his lips turned into a smile. "Relax sweetheart. Besides, you were the one that asked," he started to say as he grabbed Leia's hand and walked over to the bed. He sat down on the edge as he pulled her in, holding her between his legs, their eyes now at the same level. His hands found her waist, Leia still giving him a cold stare. "But if you're that curious, and I'm being completely truthful, there have only been three women in my life." Han said, seeing Leia finally soften up a bit.

"Well, that was very straightforward wasn't it?" Leia teased, not commenting on how many women he had been with before. She wrapped her arms around his neck, looking down at Han for once.

"Hey, its just a suggestion," he said, a smirk forming across his face.

"Maybe later, after dinner and the tour," she said, placing a hand on his lower back. "I heard the mess hall is making up a nice meal for tonight," she added as Han let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, but you promise?" He asked, looking slightly down at her.

"I'm not making any promises," Leia said with a laugh and shake of her head as she kissed his forehead and made her way to the bedroom door.

"Alright, alright," Han said, finally giving up on the subject and guiding Leia into the other parts of the house.

As of right now, everything seemed so perfect to Leia. She had her husband and brother with her, along with many of her friends she had grown close to over the past couple of years. Little did she know something bigger was coming her way.
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May the Force be with you, always.

Word count: 3304

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