Stolen - Bleach Fanfiction ~E...

By SilentInnocence

100K 1.8K 134

*EDITED UP TO CHAPTER 9. READ PAST THAT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.* Keeping a secret from the world is hard. Kir... More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: New students
Chapter 2: Partners and Tag
Chapter 3: Memories
Chapter 4: Late
Chapter 5: Revealed
Chapter 6: Telling the truth
Chapter 7: Say Goodbye, Say Hello
Chapter 8: Pink
Chapter 9: Trust
Chapter 10: Suprises and Shocks
Chapter 11: Escort
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Trainer
Chapter 14: Are you trying to kill me?!
Chapter 15: Bring me back
Chapter 16: Waking up
Chapter 17: Get ready
Chapter 18: Battle
Chapter 19: Second Chance
Chapter 20: Assignment
Chapter 21: Encounter
Chapter 22: Why?
Chapter 23: I promise
Chapter 24: Ghosts
Chapter 25: Man in black and going back?
Chapter 26: Im back!
Chapter 27: Back in town
Chapter 28: Curse
Chapter 29: Let me in
Chapter 30: Party
Chapter 31: Believing
Chapter 32: Falling apart
Chapter 33: No regrets
Chapter 34: Feelings
Chapter 35: War plans
Chapter 36: Gone
Chapter 37: Catching up
Chapter 38: Surprise visit
Chapter 39: Say goodbye
Chapter 40: Dream or Reality?
Chapter 41: Welcome
Chapter 42: Complications
Chapter 43: Change
Chapter 44: Reuniting
Chapter 46: Saviour
Chapter 47: Till Death Do Us Part

Chapter 45: Breaking the promise

1.2K 15 2
By SilentInnocence

Chapter 45: Breaking the promise

*Kira's P.o.V.*

Pressure. That’s what woke me up. A hug pressure, which came from the eastern side of Las Noches. Why did that pressure feel familiar? I had to know who it belonged to.

I quickly race out of bed and slip my clothes on and grab my Zanpakuto before shooting out the door at lightning speed. I dodge the walls as I made turns and the few people loitering in the hallway before I bolt out the exit.

Running across the sandy plains was quiet, with no sound at all. I push my legs harder, trying to cover more ground but it seeming like I wasn’t moving at all.

Suddenly, a blast of spiritual pressure hits me and I am stopped dead in my tracks, hovering silently in the air. I scan the area until my eyes come across a broken pillar, and Grimmjow.

He was fighting Ichigo, and was losing. Ichigo was in Hollow form and Grimmjow was in Resurrection and they were battling it all out with Orihime on the sidelines. My gaze fix’s on her as I sonido up to her and wrap my hand around her mouth.

“Don’t scream and don’t alert Ichigo.” I whisper in her ear and she nods quietly. “Promise?” I ask and she nods so I release her mouth.

Orihime turns and faces me, her eyes as big as bowling balls. “What are you doing here?” She asks, her voice full of surprise and shock.

“Coming to see the action.” I mutter sarcastically. “No, I’m really here to stop them from fighting before Ichigo kills Grimmjow.” I growl darkly in the direction of the fight. “But I don’t know how I’m going to stop it without getting myself killed.”

“You can’t interfere. Ichigo said he wanted no distractions or anyone interfering.” Orihime states as her eyes roam over to Ichigo.

“So? I don’t care what he says. I’m not letting him kill Grimmjow. No matter what, even if I have to kill Ichigo to save him.” I retort, my voice hard.

Orihime nods in understanding before looking back to the fight. “Please don’t.” Orihime whispers as she fidgets with her hands.

“Fine. See ya later.” I say before sonidoing off to get closer to the fight. I jump into a broken pillar and sit down, getting a good view to observe the fight.

After about five minutes off watching them fight, I feel a presence behind me. “Yes?” I ask, turning around to face the person.

“What are you doing?” Ulquiorra asks, his eyes gazing down at me suspiciously.

I shrug and turn back to he fight. “Watching a fight.” I mumble, moving my eyes to look back at him. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you back to Las Noches.” Ulquiorra states and before I have time to react, I am scooped into his arms and he is sonidoing back to Las Noches and away from the fight.

“Ulquiorra, take me back!” I shout, pounding on his chest.

“No.” Ulquiorra states. “You are not to interfere.”

“Stupid jerk! Put me down!” I scream, pounding his chest harder. Ulquiorra grunts and puts me down. I nod happily and start running back to the fight when I am knocked to the ground.

My hand automatically jolts up to my chest and clutches it. What’s going on? It takes a couple seconds before realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

No it couldn’t be. He couldn’t be dead. It wasn’t possible. He was stronger than him, but what if it was true? He promised me that he would come back, but he’s not coming back.

“Grimmjow, you promised me.” I whisper to myself, a silent tear sliding down my face. “You promised.”

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