Chapter 27: Back in town

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Chapter 27: Back in town

I smirk and walk over to my desk, passing Ichigo’s on the way. I make it to him and lean down into his ear. “I hope you didn’t tell anyone about my little secret. If you did it wouldn’t be pretty.” I giggle and pull back up. “Hope ya didn’t miss me to much.” I wink at Ichigo and take my seat.

As soon as I sit down, I am swarmed with guys surrounding me. A blush creeps onto my face as they all try to talk to me. “Please, one at a time. There’s enough of me to share.” I wink at the nearest guy and he blushes a deep crimson.

"Where did you go Kira? We missed you.” One guy, Kohta Shima, smiles at me.

I sigh, closing my eyes for effect. “My uncle died.” I whisper, a fake tear sliding down my face. I open my eyes to see all the guys looking sad.

"We’re so sorry for your lose. We’re here if you ever need anything. Anything at all.” Another guy, Takashi Oota, smiles at me and I return it.

The bell rings and all the boys disperse sadly. God, these people are so easy to play with. I just sit in my classes not paying attention, waiting for the day to end. School is even more boring than before I left. Don’t know why I came back.

The final bell finally rang and I jumped up in joy, getting out of the school as fast as possible. Just as I am about to leave, a hand grabs my wrist, holding me back.

"Why are you here Kira?” Ichigo says, spinning me around to face him.

"I missed you Ichigo. Is that a crime? Didn’t you miss me?” I bat my eyelashes and make my voice sound innocent.

"Don’t play innocent with me. I’m not gonna fall for that crap. Just tell me why you’re here.” Ichigo demands, his voice hard.

"Oh, baby’s using big boy words now.” I laugh. “Let’s see, I can be here if I want to and there is nothing you can do about it. So don’t get in my way okay? Good, now goodbye Ichigo.” I hiss before turning and walking away.

"You really are gone aren’t you? You aren’t the same.” Ichigo calls after me. I stop and think about what he said. Was I really that different than before? I didn’t notice it, until he brought it up. I guess I was different.

I just shrug and continue home. I get about a quarter way home when my phone starts playing it’s ring tone. “The bitch came back, the very next day. Oh, the bitch came back. I thought she was a goner. But the bitch came back. She couldn’tstay away. Oh, don’t you know the bitch came back!” It sung as I fish it out of my pocket. I look at the caller ID before opening the phone.

"What Grimmjow?” I ask.

Laughing comes from the other end. “Meet me at the restaurant two blocks from the house. Be there at 7:00. See ya there babe.” Grimmjow says before hanging up. Static buzzes through the phone as I close it.

Why would he want to meet me there? Oh well, better get home and changed before going. I sonido home and into my room, into the walk in closet.

I scan the racks until I find my short little red dress with lace covering and my 3 ¾ inch black stiletto high heels. I grab the dress and shoes, slip them on and finish getting ready.

20 minutes later I was walking towards the restaurant. The sky was already getting dark and the streets were bare. I pull my jacket around me tighter, a big gust of wind blowing my hair around, nipping at my chest, face and legs.

I feel something watching me as I near the restaurant. Ignoring it, I quicken my pace, trying to get there faster. “Kira.” I hear someone whisper and warm breath on my neck. Spinning around, I see no one there.

The wind picks up and I try to get there faster, but it isn’t helping. Footsteps sound behind me, causing goose bumps to raise all over my skin.

'Kira run.’ Fiera says, her voice urgent. My legs move on there own, carrying me away. I get far away before I turn around and look to see if someone was following me, but no one was. It’s just like my dream.

Turning back around I see someone standing there. It was the same man as in my dream. A scream bubbles in my throat and this time it comes out just as I get a knife in my stomach.

"Goodbye Kira.” The guy whispers, taking his hood off. He looks up at me, revealing his face. Those eyes. They could only belong to one person.


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