Chapter 10: Suprises and Shocks

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Chapter 10: Surprises and Shocks

*Grimmjow's P.o.V*

"Seems like I am." The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them. Kira just stares at me, her face blank.

'Did I just admit I'm in love with her?' I ask myself.

'Yes I think you did.' My panther replies.

'Why isn't she saying anything?'

'Shock maybe?' My panther says it more like a question than a statement.

We stare at each other for a few seconds but it feels like hours.

"I think I am to." Kira whispers.

A smile creeps onto my face. I lean down and kiss her lightly on the lips, savouring every moment.

I feel Kira sink into my arms as she kisses me back. I break away and rest my chin on Kira's head.

Kira looks up at me and give me a peck on the lips. "I better get back to Nnoitra. I've been gone half the day."

"Ok fine." I pretend to pout. "But later, I'm coming to get you." I wink at her which makes her blush.

"Ok, bye Grimm-Kitty!" Kira smiles, pecks me on the lips and runs out the door.

Now there's no doubt in my mind.

I'm falling for this girl.



*Kira's P.o.V.

I race down the empty hallways, a smile still on my face as I try to find Nnoitra.

'How many halls does this fucking place have?' I ask in annoyance.

'Must be lots. This place is huge.' Fiera giggles.

It was true. I have been running through this place, taking left and right turns, for a very long time and I still haven't found Nnoitra.

I turn a sharp left and run right into someone, making me fall on my ass.

"Ow, that didn't feel to good." I mumble.

“Hey are you okay?” I look up to see Dyan kneeling in front of me.

I nod. “Yup, A-ok. Just my ass is a little sore.” A small grin finds it’s way onto my face.

“You shouldn’t fall down then.” Dyan smiles at me. “Where are you headed?”

“Um, I’m trying to find Nnoitra but I got kinda lost.” I give a sheepish smile and run a hand through my hair.

“Nice job. Come on, I’ll take you to Nnoitra.” Dyan turns around and motions for me to hop on his back. I climb up off the floor and onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck so I wont fall on my ass again.

“Thanks Dyan.”

“No problem. So how do you like it here so far?” Dyan asks as we run down the hallways.

“Well, considering I’ve only been here a couple hours, it’s been good. I miss the human world but if I have to stay here I better get used to it.” I shrug which makes me almost fall off Dyan’s back. I wrap my arms around his neck tighter and hold on for dear life.

“Don’t worry. It’s actually pretty good here. By the way, I like your outfit.” Dyan compliments and I smile.

“Thanks. Wait, does that mean you’ve been checking me out?” I gasp. “Pervert!” I punch Dyan in his right shoulder making us stumble forward.

“Ow! Hey, it’s not my fault you look hot! Sheesh, you’ve got one good punch.” Dyan defends himself so I won’t punch him again.

“Thank you.” I smile a little bit. I always was known for having good punches and kicks.

“We’re here.” Dyan says as we stop at the end of a hallway. I slip off his back and knock on the door.

“Go away!” Nnoitra’s voice yells through the door.

“Excuse me! That is no way to talk to me!” I scream back as I barge into his room and immediately regret it.

Laying on the bed was Nnoitra and some girl I didn’t know. And they were…getting pretty close. “EWWW!” I scream and cover my eyes before running out of the room to hide behind Dyan.

“See something you shouldn’t have?” Dyan lets out a laugh.

I just nod, my hands still covering my eyes. “I am scared for life.” I mutter and start walking down the hall.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Dyan runs to catch up with me.

Taking my hands away from my eyes I look at him. “I am going to see Aizen and ask him for a new Espada. I so don’t wanna see that every time I come into the room.” I shudder at the memory.

“Hah, true that.” Dyan laughs. “Don’t worry, when I first became an Espada I had to go see Szayel and I found him and Nnoitra doing some stuff in Szayel’s lab. Since then, I haven’t went near Szayel’s lab.” Dyan shudders much like I had.

We keep walking and talking about memories, some funny and happy, some sad and weird but it was still fun. A few minutes later we come to the two large doors of Aizen’s throne room. Waiting outside was the man with the silver hair.

“Ah, Kira. We’ve been waiting for you.” The man says, a big grin still on his face.

“Um, who are you?” I raise an eyebrow at the guy.

“My name is Gin. Now please come with me. Dyan, thank you for escorting Kira.” Gin smiles at Dyan and me before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the throne room and shutting the door in Dyan’s face.

“Kira, how lovely to see you again.” Aizen’s voice says from the far end of the room.

I turn and smile. “Same to you Aizen.” This guys actually pretty cool. He’s chill but still has that ‘mess with me and I’ll kill you’ vibe. I liked it.

“Please come here.” Aizen motions for me to come to him.

I nod and walk over to him, looking up to him from my position on the floor.

“Yes Aizen?” I ask casually.

“I would like for you to join me and my Espada, for dinner tonight.” Aizen smirks.

Oh shit. Dinner with the Espada’s doesn’t sound like it’s gonna turn out well. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

“I would be glad to.” I smile. This is gonna be fun.

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