Chapter 17: Get ready

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Chapter 17: Get ready

*Grimmjow’s P.o.V.*

I shift on the bed and feel something warm on my chest. Opening my eyes, I look down to see Kira sleeping soundly on my chest with her right arm clutching at my chest. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

"Why are you staring at me?” Kira mumbles, her eyes still closed.

"Hm?” My hand reaches up and starts to stroke her hair lightly.

"I can feel you staring at me. And your thoughts were all about me.” Kira looks up at me and grins, a yawn escaping her lips. “Time to get up.” Kira sits up and stretches her arms above her head.

"Guess so.” I say as I crawl out of bed.

"I gotta fight today.” Kira states as she walks over to her wardrobe.

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. “I know and you’ll kick ass.” I lean down and kiss the top of her head. Kira turns around and faces me, wrapping her arms around me. Quickly, she stands on her tip-toes and pecks me on the lips before disappearing into the washroom.

*Kira’s P.o.V*

I slip into the bathroom and close the door behind me before turning on the shower. I undress and hop in the shower, the hot water feeling amazing. After washing my hair and body I get out, wrapping a white silk towel around me.

I open the bathroom door and walk out. I look around the room to see it’s empty. Guess Grimmjow left. Oh whatever, I’ll see him later. Dropping my towel, I quickly got dressed and ready.

A knock sounds at my door. I fix my shirt before walking over to the door and opening it to see Grimmjow standing there with two plates of food. “I thought you left.” I say, eyeing the food.

"I went to get us food.” Grimmjow walks into the room and gives me a plate of food before sitting down on my couch. “Thanks.” I mumble as I sit down and dig in.

"Oh yeah, Lord Aizen wants to see you after your done eating. He’s in his throne room.” Grimmjow says, shoving a piece ham into his mouth.

"M-kay.” I mumble with food still in my mouth. “Guess I better get going.” Swallowing my food, I get up and through my plate in the garbage and grab my jacket. “Don’t stay in my room to long Grimmjow.” I wink as I slip on my jacket and out the door, closing it softly behind me.

I sonido to the throne room and see Gin standing there. “Morning Kira.” Gin smiles at me.

I return his smile and walk over to him. “Hey Gin. Aizen in there?” I ask casually.

"Yes ma’am. Come on in.” Gin opens the door and we walk in. “He’s waitin’ my dear.” Gin motions to the front of the room.

“Thanks Gin.” I smile to him before walking towards Aizen. “Hello Aizen.”

“Kira my dear.” Aizen smiles at me. “Are you ready for today?”

I sigh and contemplate his question. Was I ready for today? I guess I am ready but I am still a little nervous. “Yes I am. Still nervous but ready.” I say, a big smile on my face.

“Good. Your first match will start in 15 minutes. Please be at the training grounds in fifteen minutes. Understood?” I nod and turn to walk out the room.

“See you soon Aizen.” I wave before disappearing.

I don’t know where I disappeared to, but I know I’ve never been there. I end up in a deserted hallway with one door at the end of it. Hmm, must be in an Espada’s tower. Time to explore.

I skip down the hallway towards the door, opening it when I reach it. The door slides open, allowing me to peek inside. The room was white and black with a green bedspread. Damn, I found Ulquiorra’s room.

“Kira, what are you doing?” Ulquiorra’s emotionless voice comes from behind me.

I slowly turn around, all the while thinking ‘I’m dead.’ “Um, I got lost?” I say more of a question than a statement.

“Right. Don’t you have a fight to get to?” Ulquiorra brushes past me and into his room.

“As a matter of fact, I do. I’ll be leaving now.” I say hastily and try to run away but Ulquiorra catches my arm.

“I need to talk to you.” Ulquiorra says before dragging me into his room and closing the door behind him.

“Well, spit it out.” I cross my arms and lean against the wall.

“Well, I don’t really know how to say this. I’ve never felt this emotion before. Whenever I see you, I get a weird feeling in my stomach and my chest aches. Whenever I think about you I always feel this warm sensation.” Ulquiorra stares at me the whole time he talks. Is he trying to tell me he likes me?

“So your saying you get nervous when your with me and when you think about me your happy?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes. Why am I feeling those things?” Ulquiorra ask, his body motionless.

“People usually feel those things when they like or love someone.” I say slowly.

“Does that mean I like you?” Ulquiorra asks. Man, he can be so clueless.

“Do you like me?” I ignore his question.

“I think so.” Ulquiorra looks me in the eye and I can see sincerity.

“I gotta get going. My fights gonna start soon. I’ll talk to you later okay?” I walk over to the door and open it.

“Of course Kira. Good luck.” Ulquiorra whispers as I close the door behind me.

So now I know Ulquiorra likes me. Wow, never would of guessed a guy as emotionless as him would have emotions. And Grimmjow also likes me. God this is complicated.

‘Oh well, I can think about it after my fight.’ I think as I sonido towards the training grounds.

‘Let’s kick some ass Kira.’ Fiera cheers as I reach the training grounds to see everyone standing around obviously waiting for me to show up.

“Ah, Kira. You’re here. Now we can decide who you will be fighting first. Please come over here.” Aizen’s voice carries through the large crowd. I push through the people towards Aizen to see Grimmjow, Dyan, Szayel, and Yammy but Zomarri. Hmm, wonder where he is.

“Where’s Zomarri?” I ask as I reach them.

“He did not want to participate in the fighting, so you will only be fighting these four. Is that okay?” Aizen walks over to me.

I just nod. “Who am I fighting first?” I ask curiously.

“Who would you like to fight first?” Aizen asks, taking my hand in his and leading me to the line of Espada.

“Umm, Yammy?” I pick randomly.

“No way. I’m not fighting her. I’ll kill her instantly!” Yammy booms.

“If you feel so Yammy. Pick again Kira. It seems Yammy is afraid of you and would be an unworthy opponent.” Aizen smirks.

“Fine! I’ll fight her!” Yammy shouts. “Come on honey, let’s see what you got.” Yammy smirks, his face twisting up in a sick smile.

“Wonderful.” I mutter under my breath.

“There is no rules. If you defeat Yammy, then he will be subjected to lose his position as the 10th Espada. Let the fight begin.” Aizen claps his hands and the crowd back a safe distance away.

“Bring it on.” This will be fun.



A/N: So Kira's fighting Yammy! Who do you thinks gonna win? Ulquiorra has admited he has feelings for KIra. Do you think she likes him back? So many questions, so many answers! Haha hope you guys like the chapter. Message me or leave a comment letting me know what you thinks gonna happen!

Dont forget to comment, vote and fan!


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