Prince of Pride (Hetalia USUK)

Par Kaelri

4.4K 175 72

Prince Alfred Jones is 18 years old, which his father deems is old enough to marry. When Alfred finds out abo... Plus

Chapter One - Arranged Marriage
Chapter Two - Help Me Out
Chapter Three - About as Straight as a Bendy Straw
Chapter Five - Sunsets
Chapter Six - I think your Brother ships us
Chapter Seven - I'm Getting Mixed Signals
Chapter Eight - Agonized British Screaming
Chapter Nine - Panicked
Chapter Ten - Awkward Conversations
Chapter Eleven - Beach Date
Chapter Twelve - Can I ask you a Question?
Chapter Thirteen - Dreaming
Chapter Fourteen - Preparation
Chapter Fifteen - Marriage
Chapter Sixteen - A Happily Ever After

Chapter Four - Is this a Date?

294 11 2
Par Kaelri

"I may have been your butler for three years, but I still don't know a lot about who you are." Arthur pointed out.
"Hey, maybe we could go down to the market." Alfred said. "I used to go there a lot when I was younger, and it's a nice place to hang out."
"Won't you get swarmed by your adoring public or something like that?"
"Nah. They respect my privacy. That's the great thing about town."

Arthur scoffed. He highly doubted they'd be left alone, but the Prince seemed determined, so he agreed.


The market was a large area in the town, filled with small shops. Alfred seemed to have no intentions of shopping, but rather enjoying the sights and talking.

Arthur watched as the Prince talked, the way his deep ocean blue eyes shone when he talked.
Arthur told Alfred about his childhood, how he grew up in Great Britain with his brothers, the way he went through a slight punk phase and how when he was learning how to cook, accidentally set the kitchen on fire.

They stopped at a local ice cream stop, where Alfred ordered them both a cone and they sat in a park to eat.

The two talked and laughed in the park, getting a few stares from onlookers, but they both ignored them.
As they got up to leave, Alfred grabbed Arthur's hand, causing Arthur to go full panic mode and blush like crazy, in which Alfred gave a genuine smile and whispered "For the act, remember?"
Arthur gulped and tried to bear it, trying to avoid eye contact with any passerby. Alfred chuckled, and gently pecked Arthur on the cheek.

"You're overdoing it!" Arthur whispered. "Who kisses on the first date?"
"This is a date?" Alfred asked. He had a smirk on his face.
Arthur looked around, making sure they weren't in ear width of anyone. "You're not supposed to be enjoying this nearly as much as you are, your highness. You're supposed to be keeping an eye out for an actual partner, aren't you? That was the plan!" Arthur hissed.
"Call me Alfred. Everybody does. You're not my servant anymore, remember?"
"You're avoiding the subject."
Alfred just laughed.
"Wouldn't most people want an opportunity like this? It's not everyday you get to date a Prince."
"I am not most people, Prince Alfred. And you're not exactly the most regal of princes."
"Ouch. I'm so wounded."
"You're so stuck up."
"You're so Tsundere."
"The hell?"
Alfred laughed. "It's a Japanese word that Kiku taught me. But I'm not gonna tell you what it means."
Arthur scoffed as Alfred playfully stuck his tongue out at him. "You're so immature."


The young prince whipped around to see his father. Arthur had just gone to Alfred's bathroom to take a shower, and Alfred had snuck downstairs to grab something to eat.
"We need to talk, son."
Oh god.
"Um, about what?" Alfred gulped. He wasn't scared of his father per se, but more intimated.

"You understand my concerns, do you not Alfred?"
"Depends which concerns you're talking about."
"When your mother and I pass on, you will have to take over the throne. Will your boyfriend be content with being a Queen?"
"We just started dating, Dad. I'm not thinking about marriage anytime soon."
"You should be, Alfred. You're 18 and you're technically an adult. You should be married already, but you decided to make that difficult."

Alfred gave an exasperated sigh.

"You do know that you need an heir."
"Dad! I'm EIGHTEEN."
"Your mother had you when she was twenty."
"I'm not worried about that kinda stuff yet!"
"Alfred, you should be. What if something happened to you? Even if that was fifteen years into the future, you know you need a woman to-"
"DAD. I'm done with this conversation. If you're so worried about who's gonna take over when I die, make Mattie your heir. He's straight, you won't have any problems with him." Alfred huffed and walked away.

Alfred groaned and fell on his bed, making Arthur jump.
"Uh, are you okay?"
"My dad wants to talk about heirs."
"Oh. OH."
"Kill me please."
"I don't think that'd get me very high on the popularity list."
"Everybody in the kingdom would know who you are though."
"True enough."

Continuer la Lecture

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