Rain Only Postpones Desolatio...

By AuroraLights

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Stevie Erickson is a 16 year old white girl with black hair, and radiant green eyes who is a mix between bein... More

Rain Only Postpones Desolation (GirlXGirl)
Chapter two - Waking up with him :p
Chapter three - Regained!
Chapter four - Stupid Kindergarten Crush
Chapter five - Amazing . . . Only For A Moment
Chapter six - And then I knew (Contains Some Sexual Content)
Chapter seven - Can't Believe I'm Losing Him
Chapter eight - What The Hell Happened?
Chapter nine - Back To The Begging
Chapter ten - Playing Games with Death
Chapter eleven - . . . Perfect timing
Chapter twelve - Can't Lose Her Too!
Chapter fourteen - Damnit Justine!!!
Chapter fifteen - How Didn't I know!?
Chapter sixteen - Glad You Understand
Chapter seventeen - It's Party Time!!!

Chapter thirteen - Why all at once?

4.2K 46 2
By AuroraLights

Author's note: Hope you guys liked chapter 12. I made it kinda longer to make up for that long time of me not uploading. I think that is the first chapter I didin't end at a dramatic part. Let me know which ending you liked better in a comment. So once this story comes close to it's final chapters I'm going to start a new story, comment and let me know if you want a sneak peak. Well that's all for this note!

P.S. for my friend - Ohh my gosh just wanted to say I really care about you and I'm learning a song on my guitar I wanna play for you once I fully learn it, girl you know who you are!!!

Vote if you've ever wanted to live on a cloud or be a transformer!

So even though it's been a few years I'm adding this update to all my chapters :) I started a fundraising campaign for 'I just want to be me. (Top surgery)  the link will take you to my page. Just reading it means a lot to me as well as spreading the link around. Don't feel the need to donate just trying to get it out there -




"Stevie are you awake?" I herd a whisper coming from the direction of my door but didn't look. I had my faced buried in my pillow. I turned my head to the clock and realized I had been sleeping for almost 8 hours. It was ten till 11. I turned the other way to see Miyabi had walked up to my bed.

"Miya I'm not awake yet," I said muffled putting my face back into the pillow.

"Come on Steves we still need to talk and plus you've been asleep for a million hours and a day," She said all dramatic ripping my blankets off. I wasn't wearing a shirt and so it was extra cold. She looked at me and laughed flirtatiously and had a seductive look in her eye. She climbed onto my bed, made me sit up and hugged me while saying, "Ohh you must be cold here let me warm you." Which was a complete lie. My room was the warmest in the house. I was glad when she took the blankets off me.

I wasn't going to deny her attempt to get closer to me so I played along. "Yeah I'm freezing hold me tighter," I said slightly giggling. I guess I was the one that was going to have to start this conversation, "Miya?"

"Yeah what's up?" She asked smiling with her arms tightly around my body.

"I'm really confused about everything," I paused to gather my thoughts for a moment. "I have no idea how I feel right now," which was a lie. I knew exactly how I felt. I knew that I was in love with two people at once and I felt horrible. How was I supposed to find out who I loved more. Or who I wanted to be with?

I began to see the sadness build up in her. She tried to hide it, but it wasn't working very well. "That's fine," Is all she could manage to say.

"Miya, Please don't be upset. I can't stand to see you sad. How about tomorrow after school just you and me hand out? You know like we used to everyday of fourth fifth, sixth, and seventh grade."

I saw a tear run down her cheek before she smiled slightly, "But Wallace was always there too. Should we invite him?"

"Nope it's just going to be me and you ok? And we can do anything you want," I smiled.

Excitement devoured her, "Ohh Ohh can we go to our old tree house that Micheal and Jaclyn showed us that one time and it became yours mine and Wallace's?" Micheal and Jaclyn were part of this group involving me, Miya, them two, and like two other kids, and Wallace joined us after school because he wasn't in the same grade as us, that we had in school during fifth grade that we hung out with almost every day.

I smiled just because of all the memories I had in that tree house, "of course now you need to go to bed we have school tomorrow." She nodded, gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Somehow even after sleeping for so long I manage to still be tired and feel right back to sleep.

Change In POV - Miya's Point Of View

I felt happier with every second that passed by. I couldn't wait till tomorrow. Maybe then I could finally make my move. I don't even get why she won't be mine. She said she liked me and I could see in her eyes the way she feels about me. I know she feels the same way about me that I do about her. Hopefully it will all change tomorrow. I've practically gone insane over the past three years without her waiting for the chance to just be able to talk to her in person again. I still can't believe I might have a chance with her. There lies the only thing I'm worried about 'Might have a chance'. I don't want this to be on chance. I want her to be mine.

Anyways I am so excited and can't wait till tomorrow. I won't be able to sleep which is going to suck because then it's going to take longer for me to see her after school and just spend alone time with her. Right before I was about to go into my room I herd the door close. It was Tanya getting off from work. I can't say I liked her much anymore because of that one day but I can't hate her. She is just doing the same as me. She just got to it before I had the chance.

One thought popped into my mind at that moment 'Just try and be nice to her', "Hey Tanya, how was work."

I could tell by the way she looked at me she wasn't that fond of me either, but she had the same realization that I loved Stevie just as much as she did and I was only fighting for what I wanted so she couldn't hate me, "Ohh hey Miya. It was just kinda tiring."

"So wait where do you work again?" I wanted to try and get to know her and see if she was even good for Stevie. I know I'm being a bit hostile, but Stevie is my best friend and I want to make sure who ever she ends up with is good to her.

"Ohh I actually am just starting this job. I work at spencer's now with Damien." Damn it. Now she is going to get close to him to. But on the other hand I might be able to have him keep an eye on her to make sure she is ok for Stevie if she can't be mine. Don't take this as a sign of me giving in or giving up, Ohh hell no, I'm just saying it's Stevie's choice and I want to make sure she doesn't choose someone who is no good.

"Hey that's awesome, but I think I'm going to bed now and you should too cus you know we got school," Then all of the sudden I got really jealous. A thought came to my mind 'What are they going to be doing. I mean she sleeps in the same room as her. Ok ok I need to get this thought out of my head and just go to sleep.' I was definitely the jealous type, but I was trying to control it for Stevie.

"Alright sounds good," She replied, "See you in the morning."

So after that Awkward conversation I went to bed and luckily was able to fall asleep.

Change In POV - Tanya's Point Of View

'Damn that was an Awkward conversation,' I thought to myself. Still I couldn't totally despise Miyabi though. She's only going after the person she loves just like what I'm doing. The only difference is, I'm going to see how Stevie exactly feels tomorrow. She told me yesterday that the day after tomorrow which is tomorrow, we would get to talk. I know for a fact I want her to be my girlfriend, but I need to make sure she feels the same way.

After standing there thinking for a bit, I finally made my way to Stevies room. I loved being able to sleep in the same bed as her every night and getting to cuddle with her. I opened the door to see she was asleep. I climbed into the bed after putting on just a big T-shirt. Wrapping my arms around her I kinda hoped she would wake so I would get to say goodnight to her but, she didn't. Ohh well I'll just wait until tomorrow.

Soon enough I drifted to sleep.

5:00 A.M.

I woke after Stevie had hit the alarm. Damn she looked cute with her bed head and shirt all messed up. For some reason, every morning I wake up and see her, the sun comes perfectly through the window and makes her skin glow and turns her eyes a dark more blue with a bit of green. At that point I realized she was looking at me smiling waiting for me to come out of my thoughts to greet her in reality.

"Well good morning Tan. . ." I couldn't help myself, I cut her words off with a kiss. Thank God she didn't deny me like I thought she was going to. Instead she kissed me back gently.

I broke the kiss to see her smiling at me, her eyes still stunning in this lighting. I wanted to end this moment like this, "I'm going to go take a shower, be out in like 15. And hey are we still going to talk after school today?" I didn't want her to forget. I wanted to be able to know how she felt so I could make my move today.

Still looking half asleep, "Ohh yeah of course," she responded in a yawn.

"Mk so I'll see you when I am all squeaky clean." I hopped into the shower and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about her and how I wanted to know how she truly felt about me.

Change In POV - Miyabi's Point Of View

Being awake for an hour alone got me thinking. I couldn't help, but to keep wondering how Stevie really felt for me. Well I guess I was going to find out. I got up and headed to the kitchen to eat some cereal. A few moments later Stevie walked out. I couldn't help, but to smile with how adorable she looked with her hair all messed up with bed head.

"Hey you want some Frosted Flakes?" I asked already pulling out a second bowl knowing she couldn't say know because Frosted Flakes were here favorite.

"Yesh please," She said rubbing her eye while smiling. When she walked into the kitchen, I put my arms out for a morning hug and I went for it. I kissed her and she kissed me back. I pulled away to see what her reaction would be and she smiled brightly. Then all of the sudden she looked fully awake, "Can I use your bathroom to take a shower?"

"Yeah sure go ahead," I said still grinning from that kiss.

Change In POV - Stevies's Point Of View

I went into my room, grabbed my dark purple ripped skinny jeans, a white T, clean undies and a bra, and a towel and headed to the shower. It was the room to the hall on the right of Miyabi's room. I went in got undressed and got into the shower. It was fine because when I went into my room Tanya was dressed and brushing her hair.

I can't believe I let my sleepiness get the best of me. Finally I was awake and aware of what had just happened. I needed to stop doing this. No more kissing either of them or anything until I have this all figured out. I thought I already told myself this. Grrr well this time, I'm not going back on it no matter how much I want to. Ohh and to make things worse, I told both of them I would be hanging out with them today. Shit I guess I'll just let this blow up in my face after school. After my shower I noticed both Miyabi and Tanya could not stop smiling. If only I knew what they were thinking about right now.

That morning everyone went to school in different cars. Wallace picked me up with Damien in the passenger seat. I guess they felt lik kidnapping me today.

After School

After seventh period, like usual Miyabi helped me with my books and we met up with Tanya and Damien who were waiting in the parking lot with Wallace. Once thing I always loved about Wallace was how much he cared for Damien. I noticed that with Damien as well. Both the boys seemed to be in a rather good mood today. They looked as if they were up to something but I didn't know what. Then I thought about it. Ohh no, my birthday is in a two weeks. Well no use trying to understand them right now.

On a random note, good news. The Doctors called me during lunch today and told me I could get my cast off in a week. They took a second look at my X-Rays and told me it wasn't as serious as they had thought. So yay no cast for my birthday. Alright anyway, once Miyabi and I got up to Tanya and the boys I herd Wallace say, "Well hey there missies."

"Hey there Wally! Hey Damien," Wallace would have usually let me have it for that. He hated being called Wally. Maybe he had sympethy for me because of my broken leg. Or maybe it was just his mood. He was unusually ecstatic about something, but was trying to hide it.

Miya gave Wallace a hug and stared Damien down with an sinister smile. Apparently they were having a bet to see who would hug who first. You could tell she was winning, but he stayed strong. "Alright guys well me and Stevie are gunna catch up with you later."

"Wait wait hold up, Stevie I thought you said we were gunna talk today," Tanya butted in.

"I . . ."

Miyabi immediately cut me off, "No she promised me we would spend the day together."

I tried to get in a word before one of them cut me off again, "guys I'm sorry I've been really tired lately and I know it's a lame excuse but sometimes I forget." They both looked at me with sad faces with a bit of betrayal. They were almost making the same little pouty face at me.

Before any of us could get another word out, I herd a car pull up behind me, "Alexis get in the car now. It's urgent!" I herd Jess yell from behind. I knew it was her and I knew something was wrong because she only called me by my middle name when there was something wrong.

"Jess?" I turned around making sure it was her, "Why what's wrong?"

"Just hurry up and get in the car it's really important," She looked a bit worried, frantic, and upset as she said those words. So I got in the car and she drove off.

"Justine, where are we going?" I asked nervously hoping nothing was wrong with Jordan, or, and then I thought for a moment, my aunt Roni.

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