Cuts and Romance

By BorisAsi

225 0 50

This is the first i wrote, so judgement is appreciated and tips welcomed. Simple description: cliche in a way... More

Chapter 1: Cuts and Coffee
Chapter 2: Lies Over Breakfast
Chapter 3: The Reason
Chapter 4: The Theraphist
Chapter 5: Accidents Happen
Chapter 6: The First Session
Chapter 7: Midnight Thoughts
Chapter 8: Sunday Date
Chapter 9: Trust is a Big Word
Chapter 10: Reasons and Revelations
Chapter 11: The Choice
Chapter 12: Complications and an Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 14: Confessions and a Song
Chapter 15: Life is Never Simple
Chapter 16: Dinner for Three
Chapter 17: Midnight Stories, Goodbyes, and Bad Dreams
Chapter 18: Falling
Chapter 19: The Announcement of Doom
Chapter 20: Torture of Waiting
Chapter 21: Preparations
Chapter 22: Game Changer
Chapter 23: Cosmic Jokes
Chapter 24: Love and Loyalty so Rare
Chapter 25: Christmas Eve
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: A New Chapter
Chapter 28: The Wedding
Chapter 29: Children
Chapter 30: The Last Letter
Author's Note

Chapter 13: Friends

8 0 1
By BorisAsi

I wake up to the my alarm clock. But for the first time in years im excited. I was going to see Nathan again. I felt my fingers curl around something soft. It was his long sleeves. I sat up and lifted it to my nose. Roses and soap. It smelled exactly like him. I saw a note and read it.

It said "Its yours. Wear it."

I smiled and took a bath. I wore a white tank top under the violet longsleeves he gave me. It slipped over my shoulder giving me well a cute and sexy look. So i ate breakfast brushed my teeth said goodbye to my mom and started walking to school. I know. Why am i walking? I just like to. It wasnt far really and i do this every fall to winter since its cold. From my house to the school.. I would say about 6 songs away. So that would be 24-30 min away. What i play depends on my mood so right now im playing Aint It Fun by Paramore. So soon enough i reached the school grounds still 10 minutes early. I decided to kill time by reading a book by the playground. I know very cliche but it was nice there the rides were rusty from the rain and  worn from use. A few trees grew around them making a maze making me feel lost in time. I read a few chapters of The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schnieder.

"I thought I'd find you here" a familiar voice said. I jumped and saw Nathan smilinh at me.

"Hmmm I'm starting to think you're stalking me Nathan." I said teasingly.

He smirked and said "Well you do have a habit of dwelling in places were time seems to have no meaning."

I simply raise an eyebrow and asked "How did you know?"

He moved closer and held out his hand and just said "Come on I'll explain later lunch. We'll be late for class."

I scowled and muttered "Stupid timing." He just smiled and helped me up and together we both went to class.

He went with me to my room and sat beside me. He notice my startled and questioning look. "I'm your classmate Mary. I always sat beside you every day. You just seemed to be in your own world. Trusting no one." He said sadly.

His brown eyes looked dark. "I'm sorry Nathan. I really am i guess I'm just like the others trapped in our own worlds." I said with my voice cracking.

As Nathan opened his mouth the professor came in an started his lecture about something that happened long ago in history bla bla. Usually I listened to him but not today. I was to preoccupied with guilt. Just then i felt Nathan give me something it was a note.

It said "Im sorry if I upset you. I didnt mean it like that. Well maybe i did a bit but at least you showed concern when its needed. I hoped that maybe you would notice me in the past i mean i knew you wanted to avoid me after our little incident on the first day. You were this awesome girl who fought hard for yourself. Youre endearingly stubborn. I guess after what happened between your parents caused you to clam up and build walls around yourself. I just want you to trust me. Not just as your theraphist but as your friend. Maybe if you would like i can be more i could be your best friend or a brother. I'll do anything for you. Trust me okay? I'll tell you more later lunch."

Then there was a space for me to write a reply. I just wrote "Okay." And looked at him. I knew that he saw everything i couldn't write, my fears, doubts, thanks, and confusion. He nodded and kept the paper and looked forward. My chest felt lighter but my mind was somewhere far away from this room. Far from the boring professor teaching boring history. Far from the school. My mind was in the little paradise that Nathan showed me, and called it ours.

Soon enough the class ended and a new teacher took the first's place. Usually i would have listened to all the teachers for the whole day but i was too anxious to talk to Nathan at lunch. The hours ticked by and i was growing impatient. Finally it was lunch i kept my books and rose up. Nathan followed me to the canteen. As soon as we got there we got our food i led him to my favorite spot. Outside in the lawn of the school. Students were streaming out to enjoy the autumn breeze and i led Nathan to my favorite tree. An enormous oak tree. Its leaves turning from green to orange to yellow.

As we settled i immediately asked him "What do you mean Nathan? What do you mean when you said you would do anything for me? Why are you like this with me? Im just a plain girl depressed and screwed. Why Nathan? I dont think i deserve this. What did i do? I ignored you before as you said i was in my own world." I asked all this while looking into his eyes. Pleading. He just looked put his arm around me  an i let him and i leaned into him.

"Mary. I would do anything for you because when i look at you i dont see someone broken. I see you. I see a crazy beautiful rocker with a big heart. I guess im drawn to you. Im attracte to you. Yes you did ignore me but you had good reason. And i forgive you for it. Is that good enough?" He said slowly as if he were shy.

"Yes Nathan thank you. It really means a lot to me. I like you Nathan i really do. I like the way you're always there for me and the way you make me feel safe and happy. You're my first friend here Nathan and yes Nathan i do trust you. I trust you more than myself or more than my parents. I dont know why but you seem so ideal. You're handsome in your own way. You're rich but not arrogant. And well in my opinion you're perfect." I said.

He suddenly lifted his arm and faced me.  "You know if we're really going to be friends i think we should learn more about each other." He said while smiling and grabbing a slice of pizza from his tray.

I smiled and asked "What do you want to know?"

He grinned and said "Well i guess everything about you just basic stuff."

"Okay" i said " well my birthday is August 5. Im a 16 year old rocker. Major nerd and occassional anime addict. And my favorite color is red."

"Nice thats a winning combo. Very sexy." He said.

My eyes narrowed and said "Are you mocking me?"

He just laughed and said "No im serious. I really find it sexy and attractive."

I blushed and asked "How about you?"

"Hmm well my birthday is July 16 im 18. Im a guitarist sometimes a song writer and a complete bookworm and nerd. I love music and my fave is Twenty-One Pilots. My fave color is ocean blue." He said.

I looked at him and asked "What song did you sing to me last night?" "Oh that. Well i sort of made it on the spot." He said shyly.

I looked at him in surprise and said "Really thats cool. It was beautiful, the song. Can you sing it again to me sometime?"

He smiled and nodded. Our playful banter continued in between bites. Hey a person has got to eat. Soon enough the bell rang and we head towards class. I felt closer to him than before.

As we were walking i asked "Nathan how did you find me in the playground?"

He looked forward thoughtful and said "well i guess most people want to escape reality. And i actually spent time there so i knew the feeling. Also i have an uncanny ability to guess a persons personality by simply knowing whats in their playlists."

I looked at him puzzled he just smiled and pushed opened the door for me to our room.

We head to our desks and i asked him "Is it one of your thearphy techniques?" He shook his head "Nah its my own trick. Im a musician i know the power of music so yeah i can guess their personality."

I just nodded and didnt say anything, but it wasnt uncomfortable. Nathan was the type of person you can sit with in silence and never feel uncomfortable. Soon enough classes started again and finally with all my doubts cleared i listened.

The bell rang. We puled out of the door and i braced myself because i knew soon enough Angela and her gang will make my life hell well my life is already hell so i guess they'll just make it worse. And i was right Angela just appeared like the unholy thought of her summoned her to torture me.

"Hi Mary dear. Nice longsleeves there. Where did you get it? A thrift shop? Or the dump?" Angela said in a honey coated voice. Her eyes glittering with malice. I felt Nathan tense at my side. He looked murderous.

"Actually i gave to her. I bought that in Italy." Nathan said politely. But his eyes were dark and angry. Angela looke at him and i saw attraction in her eyes.

"Ahh. Sorry about that. You are?" She asked this while opening her jacket up a bit exposing a bit more of her cleavage than what was publicly proper luckily it was just us in the hallway. Me and Nathan and Angela and her gang.

"Im Nathan" Nathan said coldly.

Angela didnt seem to notice. She said "Nathan i think you should know better than to be close to trash like her. Come with me and I'll show you that some people are better."

I just stood there defiant and worried about Nathan. He looked so angry. "I guess your parents are CEOs." He said.

"Yeah they are. Top of the class in fact. They work in the state's biggest company." Angela said boastfully. Directing her words at me. I felt rage boul inside me and i clenched my fist ready to give her another broken nose.

"Excellent." Nathan said.

Angela smiled and offered her hand. "Im angela by the way" Nathan swatted her hand aside shocking all of us.

"You better stop messing with Mary if you want your parents to keep their jobs." He said coldly fury evident in his voice.

"Who do you think you are?" Angela asked standing her ground.

Nathan planted his hands in both sides on the wall behind Angela's head and said "I am the son of the founder and owner of the company your parents are working. Soon enough that company will be mine. And after what i did for my family my parents will listen to anything i say. And i could say that you're bothering me and then your parents will be fired and lets see how you like that. So if i were you i'll BACK OFF." He said those two words with such force Angela cowered to the floor as i was just standing there watching Nathan... Defend me.

"Do you understand?" Nathan said.

"Yes" Angela said.

"You better now SCRAM!" He said and Angela ran as fast as those high heels could take her.

"Don't.... Dont do that again. Dont make yourself angry for me." I said softly.

He just wrapped me in his arms and said "She was hurting you. And i cant help but feel i shoul do something about it. Come on I'll drive you home." I just nodded to his chest and he let go of me and we made our way to the parking lot.

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