Stuck With Mr. Popular ( COMP...

By no_one_finds_me

2.2M 74.2K 5.4K

It took every ounce of my willpower not to reciprocate his kiss. Our lips moved in flawless synchrony. I trem... More

Chapter -3
Sequel:Stuck In Love (sneak peek)
Sequel: Stuck In Love
Sequel Squeal!


31.9K 1.2K 37
By no_one_finds_me

Raymond Reynolds' POV

It's been a week now since I've seen princess and I am craving for her touch. She's just like a lullaby to me. I've been too busy lately with my football practices our sessions are long and we all end up having a exhausting day. Well, most of them go for parties in the night but instead of accompanying them I find it better to just talk to Soaf. Her voice just works as alcohol to me. It eases the pain and it's addictive too. Maybe her lips are more addictive.

Yeah sure they are.

I saw the time.


It's already 12:10 a.m.

"Can you please stop driving like a turtle. See the time-" I told him showing my watch "It's already 12:10. You idiot."

"Ohh...if that's so....why don't you drive?" Daniel yelled clearly offended by what I just said to him.

"Okay then...let's switch it." I replied. I seriously cannot stand another minute of his driving. this man doesn't really knows what driving means.

I went to the driving seat while Daniel sat on the passenger's seat. I stepped on the gas and started driving within a few minutes my phone started ringing, I didn't have to think twice about who it was. I already know it is my princess but I cannot answer the call while driving. Daniel picks up my phone which is lying on the dashboard and shows the screen to me.

It's princess.

"Shall I answer this for you?" he asks clearly annoyed by the fact that she is calling me at this time. He doesn't know that we call at late night. He is one of the guys who go to that stupid dumbass parties.

"NO" I stated clearly in a high voice to make myself clear.

"As you wish" he mumbled under his breath with a sigh and I looked back towards the road.

"Bastard" I muttered. I know he heard this.

"Wait, what? I should be the one calling you this." Daniel replied with a frown on his face.

"Ohh really" i mocked an eyebrow at him.

"Man.. you're the one who stole my girl okay and now she doesn't see anyone besides you." Daniel replied.

"First and foremost she's my girl not yours. Second, it's her choice to make not yours and SHE.CHOSE.ME" I said the last few words boldly so that this prick can register them in his mind clearly.

"She will leave you and come to me if I tell her the truth." Daniel said in a 'duh' tone. I stiffened at this. I know he is right.

"I know that" I said with a defeated sigh.

"You know why I didn't tell her about you yet, that is because I saw it in her eyes. The truest she has in you, the way she loves you and if I will tell her about you, I know she cannot handle it. She'll be weak again. God knows I cannot see her like this but you know what i don't want to keep her in this illusion too."

"Thanks man. As much as I hate you, thank you for keeping it to yourself. i cannot lose her. Not now. Not ever."

"Stop thanking me moron, i did it because of her not you." Daniel said in a annoyed tone.

Finally we reached at our destination.

"Hey man! you're late." Chase was the first one to welcome us.

"Yeah, you're late....idiots, let's go fast." Claire said and started running as if her life depends on it. We all started to follow her.


Sophie Esinberg's POV

I protested once again but my body was too weak in comparison to this large built up guy standing in front of me.

His face nuzzled in the crook of my neck. Suddenly a familiar cologne engulfed me, my body started to respond to the cologne on it's own. It relaxed under his touch. From the corner of my eye I saw a familiar pair of blue orbs. I sighed, relieved.

These were the pair of eyes which calmed my senses, most beautiful and expressive eyes I've ever seen.

But what is he doing here?

He started placing sloppy kisses on my neck making his way up to my jaw line and finally kissing my cheeks and then his face just rested centimeters away from mine. We started at each other for few seconds. My breathing was short and deep. It looked like as if I am out of breath.

Everything was silent, the only noise that came was of my shallow breathing.

Then Raymond said "Happy Birthday, Sweetcheeks" and with that he smashed his lips on mine.

In no time my body started responding to his actions. On it's own. It's like we were doing this for ages.

The door of my room burst open and I pushed Raymond aside, at least I tries but of course his built was strong he didn't budge from his spot. On the door of my room, stood all my friends. They all shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOAF in unison while Raymond and I stood there silent.

Claire and Lavy are standing in front while chase is standing behind Claire and Dany is standing behind Lavy. Lavy is standing with a cake in her hand. But when they all see the position in which me and Raymond were standing all their actions came to a halt, with hardly any distance between us while Raymond's hands on my neck and another around my waist and mine were wrapped around his neck now loosely.

They all stared at us as is seen some ghost.

And then Raymond's last words register in my mind.

Happy Birthday Sweetcheeks


It's my birthday and I didn't even remember.

Ughh...I seriously have to stop overloading myself with studies.

But I have to win the Award, I have to surprise him.

Lavy soon started coughing loud enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

Next to speak was Claire.

"Raymond we sent you through the window to distract her, not to start making babies." As soon as these words left her mouth she clasped her mouth with both of her hands while I stared at her. Glaring. Or more preferably I started throwing daggers at her. While Lavy and Chase burst into fits of laughter, Dany had a small frown on his face. One wouldn't be able to see his frown if they would see him from where I stand. But I can see that the corner of his lips were tugged down little bit.

"Well, that's the only thing I'm good at." Replied Raymond with a mischievous grin on his lips, eyes amused.

This whole time I could feel Raymond's gaze piercing through my temples but I knew that I was blushing hard, I decided not to look at him. But we were still in the same position and that was embarrassing, especially in front of my sister.

"Now you two can have some distance atleast or I'm gonna puke." This time it was Dany.

Raymond took a back finally allowing some space between us.

Everyone started making their way inside my bedroom which was still full of crumbled and scratched papers, I quickly started collecting all the papers and throw them in the dustbin.

While Chase and Claire made comments like ' you study too much' and 'next freaking Einstien'. But I shrugged them and rolled my eyes. Lavy came and stood next to me with an unknown expression and then she whispered to me.

"You know mom is right downstairs, Right?"

I blushed hard at this. Again.

"If it makes you feel any worse, you have a hickey."



No freaking ways.

I started glaring at Raymond who stood beside me chuckling at what Lavy said.

Yeah he was eavesdropping.

I did a good job in hiding it with my hair as I withdrew the band from my pony and let my hair loose. Then Mom came with some candles and a small box wrapped in some golden and silver sheet. Mom placed the candle on the cake carefully after wishing me.

I did the cake cutting thing and then gave all of them a piece of it. But unfortunately instead of going into our esophagus cake ended up everywhere in my room. On my bed, study table, my mirror, floor and on the wood on my closet.

Thankfully the walls were fine. Yes, we had a cake fight and then all of us were drenched in chocolate cream.

"You know, instead of wasting it I can use it as a chocolate facial" yes these dumb words came out of Chase's mouth as he started scrubbing his whole face with the chocolate cream which was already present on his forehead due to our cake fight. He started massaging his cheeks and then his chin.

"Ewww" All replied in unison except Claire.

"NO. Instead you can eat it." Claire said while taking some on the cream on her nose in her index finger and licked it.

"Remind me never to go with your friends. They're too gross." Lavy said, she looked like she can puke any minute now.

"Stop it man" Raymond said while spatting on the back of Chase's head hard. While me and Lavy stopped Claire.

Yes, my friends are too gross. For the first time in my life I couldn't agree less with Lavy.

But no matter how they were. They are my friends. My life looked complete.

What else can you ask for, right?

I have a loving boyfriend, amazing yet idiotic group of friends, sweetest ever sister and a perfect mom.

It didn't take too long for everyone to leave because

1. Tomorrow we had school.

2. Raymond and Daniel came here driving and they had to be back before five in the morning, so they left in a hurry.

Daniel gave me tight hug and wished me last time before heading towards the passenger's seat while Raymond gave me a quick peck on my lips.

"I'm gonna miss you, sweet cheeks." Raymond whispered to me before sitting on the driver's seat. With a small yet genuine smile on Raymond's lips he stepped on gas and went in the other direction.

Chase left right after them. Claire was here for a sleep over, so we both headed to my bedroom.

The thought of Raymond being Mr. Xavier's son, practically my boss' son was quiet anxious. Claire was asleep on the bed and I was lying on the sofa as my laptop rested on my lap.

I was so intrigued by this new discovery that I couldn't keep myself from fishing for more information on Amanda Coprorations, so I accessed the easiest way of fissuring information. I googled it.

Amanda Corporations previously known as AMELL Corporations pvt. ltd., is a multibillion-dollar multinational corporation which promotes the work of scientist in the fields of Particle Physics, Solid Physics, Nuclear Phyics, Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceuticals.


It was created and run by two partners, Dr. Xavier Reynolds and Dr. David Esinberg. It is currently run by Dr. Xavier Reynolds. AMELL, now known as Amanda Corporations, was started in 2006 and soon it was awarded one of the most prestigious universities, the Stanford University as the Most Innovative Research Foundation. Later, it got affiliated to universities like MIT, Princeton University, Oxford, Yale University and Cornell University.

I couldn't believe it for a minute. Dr. david Esinberg! It was Dad. How could it be possible? Dad was a scientist, sure, but he never told us about starting a company or any company for that matter.

These words in this article cannot be incorrect, right?

This means that Amanda Corporation belongs to Dad. I need to contact him in any possible way. I mean, he cannot start a multibillion-dollar multinational company and disappear!

If this was true then, I will definitely try to win the award, I was hoping that maybe Dad would come to know about the award and maybe he will finally be proud of me, for once. Maybe he will even come to meet us, who knows?

As the day passed I was more and more dedicated towards winning the award. Especially after what Raymond did for me today. I can't believe they drove for three freaking hours just for my birthday.

Hey guys.
Another update. Well this author's note is written only because I want to dedicate this chapter to , you can convey this to Aashi di. Right?

Congratulations Aashi di for your achievement.
Just so you all know Aashi di has got this amazing job with mind blowing salary. She really worked hard for this. Finally she got what she deserves.

Thanks everyone. :-)

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