Capture My Soul: A Lucifer Fa...

נכתב על ידי poptastic749

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Lorelai Thomas is the poster child for being a Good Girl. Well mannered, outstanding grades and a need to suc... עוד

Chapter Two: Thoughts About You
Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused
Chapter Four: Wining and Dining
Chapter Five: Desire Unto Thee
Chapter Six: Foot Fetish
Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions
Chapter Eight: Dark Haze
Chapter Nine: Dont Stop
Chapter Ten: Field Trip
Chapter Eleven: Distractions
Chapter Twelve: Interruptions
Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation
Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Horrors
Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella
Chapter Seventeen: The Gala
Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away
Chapter Nineteen: First Time
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Attack
Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances
Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable
Chapter Twenty Six: Please, Sir
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Truth Shall Set Me Free
Chapter Twenty Eight: Torture of the Soul
Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope and Fear
Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice
Authors Note

Chapter One: First Encounter

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נכתב על ידי poptastic749

A/N: Just a quick note to readers. First off, hello! Thank you for choosing to read my book.

The actual note is that this story will be loosely based off the tv show. I started writing it back when season one had aired but never published it. Now that season three is finished and season four just aired its kind of hard to balance the shows story lines in with the book. That being said I will try my best to keep plot lines from the show, however certain characters may be left out if I dont feel a need for them to be there.

Also, if you hadnt read the description, this book is not rated mature but there will be some sexual content. Please feel free to message me with any questions/comments/concerns regarding this. This book will not go into graphic detail but readers discretion is advised.

Thanks yall! Enjoy :)

"Jade no! I cant sneak into a club! Youre going to get us arrested!" I desperately tried not to trip on the sidewalk as my best friend dragged me along in my heels. It was a dark Friday night in Los Angeles, the city streets bustling with party-goers. Jade had decided to drag me out to get us into a club, to my dismay of course. I wasnt exactly known for my rule breaking habits and I never intended to acquire a record at the young age of 20. "Come on, Lorelai dont be such a wuss! This'll be fun I promise!" I groaned as she dragged me into the end of the line at the new club of LA.

Its not that I was opposed to spending a night drinking and dancing and watching attractive
guys, pretending that one would be interested in me, it was just the idea of doing something illegal that had me shaking to my core. Supposedly this club was notorious for allowing underage kids in but it still scared the bejesus out of me to be actually doing it. I was more the good kid than bad, although my best friend Jade and her rebellious streak had rubbed off on me a little. I looked around the dark street, hearing the base pumping from inside the club; the line to get in wasnt too long, thank god. But that only had my heart pounding even harder. A loud roar suddenly filled my ears and I turned my head to see a sleek, long black vintage car pull into the clubs driveway.

My eyes widened slightly as the driver got out. He was the definition of tall, dark and handsome. He wore all black and a devilish grin as he tossed his keys to the valet. The women in line screamed their affections as I was left completely dumbstruck by his good looks. "Who's that?" I whispered to Jade, pressing down on her shoulders to try and see more of him. "I dont know, but I have to find out." A small spark of obscene jealousy bloomed up inside of me and I scowled as the line moved forward.

We reached the bouncer and I watched as Jade flipped her strawberry-golden locks and put on her flirty smile to get us in. She gripped my hand tightly as we walked through the darkened hallway. The music blared loudly and I bit my lip as my nerves buzzed beneath the surface of my skin. My eyes roamed around the club, taking in the dancers and guests. There were skimpily dressed dancers dancing upon stages and plenty of girls grinding on each other on the dance floor. Waiters and waitresses walked around carrying trays of drinks, moving through the hoards of sweaty bodies. We made our way down the stairs and towards the bar. Behind it stood a tall, mocha skinned brunette with a wicked smirk upon her features. Jade walked straight up and began ordering us drinks. I tapped on her shoulder "Im gonna find us a table!" I yelled over the blaring music. Jade nodded and I walked off, the clicking of my heels being lost to the sound of the club. I looked around until I finally spotted an empty booth. I pushed my way through the crowd until finally stumbling into the upholstered seats.

I bit my lip and looked around, my heart jumping every time someone eyed me. Lets face it, Lor, youre just terrible at breaking the rules. I thought to myself. Here I was, sitting in one of the most exclusive clubs in LA and all I could think about was getting caught, when Im sure half the people here were underage. "I need that fucking drink." I sighed, finally spotting Jade walking towards me with two martinis in her hand. I grinned as she plopped down beside me. Unlike me, she wore a scarlet red dress that showed a lot of cleavage and to any of the men there, not enough ass. I wore a modest black dress, something that didnt show too much and that I could still breathe in.

"Cheers, girl!" Jade yelled and clinked her glass to mine. I grinned and took a breath before knocking my own drink back. "Do you wanna dance?" I leaned over to ask Jade. She never answered though as I watched her flirt from across the room. Her eyes were locked on a blonde hottie leaning against the bar and before I knew it, Jade was up and sauntering into his arms. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Great, just great. This was her idea and not ten minutes in she decides to ditch me."

"Well that wasnt very kind of her." I jumped as the smooth voice spoke from close behind
me. I turned my head and came face to face with the man I first saw walking into the bar. My jaw popped open slightly as I watched him saunter around the booth and slide into the empty seat next to me. My eyes took in his rugged features; the slight stubble on his cheeks, the dark twinkle in his eye, the mischievous smirk upon his face. I felt my cheeks go red as his eyes looked me over. "Now whats a gorgeous thing like you, sitting all alone in a place like this?" He gestured around the club and I shrugged, tucking some of my curly brown locks behind my ear.

"My friend left me to go flirt with that guy over there." I said, my tone faltering slightly as I spoke. The man glanced over to where Jade was at the bar and then leaned in closer to me until his scent filled my nose. "Well, its her loss then, isnt it?" He smirked and offered me his hand. "Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar." I grinned and placed my hand in his, feeling a buzz of excitement wash over me as I did so. "Oh really? As in the devil?"

"The one and only, darling. Now, come along, dont keep your name hidden away from me forever." He leaned in and smiled and I felt myself almost falling over myself to please this man. Everything about him drew me in; his voice, his accent, his charm, his good looks, even his smell seemed to reach down and touch a part of my soul. "Im Lorelai Thomas."

"Lorelai? Well what a beautiful name to match a beautiful woman, can I get you a refill on your drink?"

"Umm sure." He picked up the empty glass and without breaking our locked gaze handed it off to a waitress with an empty tray. He snapped his fingers and almost instantly two glasses filled with scotch were brought over. He handed me one and raised his. "To you." He said and knocked his glass to mine. A small smile touched my lips as I blushed and took a tiny sip, breaking our gaze and looking towards Jade, who was now nowhere to be seen. My brows knit together and my eyes wandered around the room in an attempts to find her. I didnt want to lose her; the one rule we had when we went out was that we came together and left together.

I guess the look of utter fear that had stretched itself across my features had become concerning enough to the man next to me as his hand suddenly touched my chin and tilted my head back to face his. "Dont worry, darling, shes over there." He jerked his chin towards a secluded booth a few feet away from the bar where Jade and her new toy were talking. I sighed in relief and shook my head, my brown curls bouncing slightly. "Im sorry, I just worry about her sometimes." I chuckled. Lucifer smirked and leaned in closer to me. "Why dont you just focus on me right now," he started, his rich voice entrapping me, "now tell me, what is it that you desire?"

Desire? My mind drew a blank, what do I desire? I dont think I ever desired anything, nothing of substance at least. I knit my brows together and shrugged. "I-I dont know. Nothing really."

"Oh come now, darling, just tell me. What is it that you desire more than anything? Something that you havent told anyone else?" His gaze seemed to intensify and I frowned, looking down at my hands. There had never really been a time where I wanted something and if I was reading this man correctly, I believed he spoke of more sexual desires than anything else. In which case there was again nothing for me to share. I didnt know what I desired because I had never had sex, something that I wasnt about to tell this guy. I looked up to meet his now frowning gaze and smiled slightly, feeling that insane need to please him. "How about you tell me what you desire instead?"

My question seemed to do the trick as his frown was soon replaced with an amused smile. He lifted his arm to rest on the back of the booth, taking another sip of his drink. "My desire? Well right now, darling," his arm moved so that it wrapped around my shoulders. He pulled me into his chest and leaned in to whisper in my ear, causing my breath to catch in my throat as his nose lightly skimmed the sensitive skin. "I desire you." I inhaled his sweet scent, my eyes closing as something deep within me yearned to have this man. I could feel that need within me stirring, growing stronger as his lips brushed against the sensitive spot beneath my ear. I drew in a ragged breath and opened my eyes once I felt him shift slightly away from me. He looked at me with an expression that seemed to be waiting and yet confused as to why he had to wait.

I bit my lip, trying to decide how to handle this. I wasnt that girl that had one night stands, that met random guys in bars and spent the night with them. Hell, I had never had a real boyfriend! So as he stared intently at me I was confused as to what to do; give in to that part of me that wanted to comply with what he wanted or change the subject and try to walk away from this persona of temptation? I shook my head, opting for option two and cleared my throat. "So, how does one obtain a name like Lucifer? Did your parents hate you or something?" I tried to joke, chuckling slightly as I took another sip of the bitter liquid.

Lucifer frowned, not speaking for a moment, but watching me. Then, as if there was a sudden shift in his mood, looked around the bar. "Oh my father hated me, so much so he banished me to rule hell for eternity. I guess dear-old-dad didnt want to deal with me anymore." His dark eyes met mine again, smiling in a way that I knew he used to mask his pain. I raised a brow, "hell?"

"Why yes, darling, Ive already told you Im the devil."

"The devil? For real?" He spread his arms in a proud gesture, "in the flesh!" I smiled and shook my head with a shocked chuckle. Although his words seemed impossible, there was something about him and what he seemed to do to me that felt as if he was telling the truth. I had always believed in all things supernatural, so it didnt seem to be much of a stretch that the devil would actually exist. But how could it be true? He looked so...human. At the moment I had no idea if he was telling the truth or not and drinking didnt help my thought process either "Alright, so if youre the devil, tell me, whats hell like? Is it where all the fun people go?" I leaned into him and gave him a mischievous smirk, the alcohol seeming to take over as I sipped my drink once more. He grinned and shook his head, "oh no, darling, its only fun for me. I have a thing for punishment."

"Punishment? That sounds really...dirty." I giggled slightly as his eyes widened slightly in shock. "So does little Lorelai have a darker side I dont know about? Is this innocent thing you have going on just an act?" He gestured up and down with his index finger as he poke. I finished the rest of my drink, reaching over and stealing Lucifer's right from his hand and reveling in his shocked yet amused looked. I shook my head, "oh no, Im a good girl."

"Oh really? Do good girls sneak into clubs then?" I froze. Fuck, he knows! Im screwed! "Um well, I...its not what you think!"

"Relax, darling I couldnt care less about that. However, I would like to know what other little things youre hiding from me." I bit my lip and smiled coyly. It was easier to pretend that I was this sexual goddess he seemed to peg me as then tell him about how shy and inexperienced I actually was. Plus the notion of drinking on an empty stomach wasnt a bad thing either. "Im not hiding anything." I murmured.

Lucifer shifted, turning his body so it completely faced mine. He was much taller than he appeared to be and I had to tilt my head up slightly to look into his eyes. "I beg to differ, darling, why dont you tell me? Or do I have to persuade you?" As he spoke he leaned in slowly, finally closing the distance between us and brushing his lips against mine. Fire seemed to explode on my tongue as I was abruptly en-captured in his heated embrace. My hands went up to grip the sides of his face, his stubble gently scratching the skin beneath my fingertips. I moaned slightly as his tongue worked its way into my mouth, his arms winding around me. His hard, passionate kisses had my head spinning and all too soon did I find that dark part of myself opening up to this man; a part of myself I had never experienced before and that scared me a little bit.

That fear bloomed up, replacing all notions of heat and passion that had begun to grow within me and had me pushing back from this man. I pushed his chest away, breaking our hot embrace to see his eyes wide and shock on his face. I drew in a ragged breath, mouth slightly agape and shook my head. "I-I" I couldnt speak, only tear my gaze from his and move as quickly as I could out of the booth.

I stumbled slightly as I made my way towards Jade, desperately trying to run as fast as possible in my heels until I finally grabbed her arm and yanked her out of her own booth. "We're going!" I shouted at her, continuing to pull her along as we both made our way up the grand staircase. "Lorelai what the hell is going on?" I barely listened as my eyes darted back one last time to see the man claiming to be the devil staring up at me in utter confusion. Our eyes met for a brief second before I once again turned my back on him an dragging Jade and myself from the club.

As we burst through the front doors of Lux, the cool night air hit my face, leaving the heat of the club behind me. I tilted my head to the sky, inhaling deeply and feeling a wave of sorrow wash over me as my eyes closed. "Lorelai what is going on?" Jade yanked on my arm, turning me around to face her. I opened my eyes, seeing her confused hazel ones staring back at me and felt tears well in my eyes. "I-I didnt-" I couldnt say anymore as heavy sobs started to rock my core. Jades expression changed from annoyed to empathetic as her arms wrapped around me as my knees finally gave out.

She held onto me as I cried softly, the music from Lux blaring around us.

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