Fake It For Me (Rewriting)

By Paranilla

4.3K 154 38

(Undergoing another rewrite [even the rewrite is. Going to try and publish this]) What would you do if someon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

172 8 5
By Paranilla

-Chapter 7

I tossed my bags onto the floor of the apartment and Jason stared at me with a questioning look. I smirked and I closed the door behind me. He shook his head and he picked up my bags from the ground. He turned away from me and started walking down the hallway.

“Do I make you feel strange at all?” I asked and he stopped. “My parents aren’t happy that I’m suddenly moving out of the house just to live with you.”

Jason turned to me. “You don’t make me feel strange. It’s just strange knowing that I’m sharing an entire apartment with a girl I barely even know. This is pretty exciting. Also, I opened up a twitter account for you. I have also paid for a new cell phone for you just for this, okay? You can make personal calls and what not as long as you don’t give it to people. I want you to tweet about things we do together and what you do, what you enjoy, and random fun things you think people will like. Please just be yourself.” He turned away again. “Yeah, I know that about your parents. Lindsey told me everything about how they feel about this.”

“At least we won’t be sharing the bed together. I want to make sure we have this clear between us got it? I want to sleep in my own bed away from your body and your personality.”

“I feel the exact same way.”

Jason started walking towards my room and he placed my bags inside the doorway. He walked back over to me and he looked over at the kitchen. He pointed to it and then to the couch.

“You’re hungry?” I tilted my head and he nodded. “Well, I’m not going to make you anything. I’m no house wife. You should learn how to make yourself some food.” I laughed and I walked over to the couch and sat on it. “This is nice! You should join me once you have your food done.”

“I am not going to make my own food. You have to learn how to cook for me so you can feed my family when they come to visit me here soon. They want me to have a great cook for a girlfriend so I suggest you learn some cooking.” Jason placed a hand into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. “This is for you so you can read it and learn how to start making it.”

“I don’t want to cook anything!” I whined.

He laughed. “Sometimes you have to do things you don’t like.” He tossed the piece of paper at me and it fell to the floor, no it floated to the floor, and landed at my feet. “I’ll help you out with the cooking. I have no idea if you’ll mess it up or not so I rather make sure it doesn’t happen before it happens. Am I even making sense?”

“You rarely make sense.” I bent down and grabbed the paper and unfolded it. “I have never heard of this recipe before. What the heck is this?”

“It’s a dish my parents taught me when I was in Taiwan with them. It’s very tasty. It’s called Taiwanese Pineapple Tarts also known as Taiwanese Pineapple Shortcakes,” he explained and he smiled. “I hope you like tasty treats made with pineapples because my parents love them just as much as I do so you have to love it too.”

“I don’t mind pineapples.”

“Do you like them?”

“I’m not getting a choice right?”

He smiled. “You know me so well.”

“I just know that you want me to like some things you like in order to fit this mold you are making of me,” I replied. “Anyways, you have to teach me how to make this since I have no idea on what to do. The only kinds of food I can make without any issues are scrambled eggs, frozen dinners, and popcorn. I can also make myself a bowl of cereal.”

“And for all of that you can have a gold star,” he said with a chuckle and he pulled out some golden stickers. He picked one off the sheet of stickers and extended a hand towards my head, gently placing a sticker on my forehead.

“Thank you I guess?” I looked away as my cheeks started heating up a bit. “Let’s get making some food.”


Jason placed a tray of the pineapple tarts into the refrigerator and I placed some of the dishes in the sink. I looked over at him and he smiled at me. He leaned against the refrigerator and stared at me softly. I smiled back at him and looked over at the clock on the wall.

“We wasted some much time making all of those. When are your parents coming to town?” I asked him and I looked back at him.

“They will be here in a few days,” he answered. “They are a bit behind schedule since they were planning on coming tomorrow but I guess things happen for a reason.”

I nodded my head slowly and sighed. “I miss being at my house. I had a butler and my sister to help me with things. Jake is one heck of a butler,” I muttered out.

“Do you dislike living with me already? I didn’t think I was that bad to live with. Sure, I am a bit strange and unique but that doesn’t make me bad to live with.”

“No, it’s not that at all. I guess I’m a bit homesick.” I looked down. “I should visit my family later or maybe tomorrow. What do you think?”

“I think we should visit them as much as we can. As soon as my parents get to know you enough, I can arrange for one big family dinner.”

I looked at him in shock. “You want your parents to meet my parents? Isn’t that a bit of a stretch for our relationship?”

“There is nothing in the contract that says we can’t have one big dinner together with each other’s family,” Jason told me and I nodded, giving into his idea. “We will have a lot of fun as long as none of our parents have a fight with each other. That would be a bad thing to have happen.”

“That would be a bad thing to have happen. I think our parents will get along just fine. After all, my entire family is pretty classy during things.”

Jason’s phone started going off and he picked it up off the counter. He looked down at it and he groaned a bit. He placed the phone back down but upside down so he couldn’t see it glow and show who is calling him. He looked at me and smiled.

“Do you want to hang out somewhere today? I don’t feel like staying in here all day long,” he asked crossing his arms and I nodded. “Great. Please get ready and I’ll be waiting right here.”

“I’m ready enough don’t you think?”

He shrugged.

“Okay, I’ll just go and change my outfit.” I walked out of the kitchen and looked at him before turning down the hallway. I went into my room and opened a bag up. I pulled out some clothes and looked over them. I don’t remember how I got half of the clothes I own.

“Oh, I got you some new clothes in the room. Just open the closet up and look through them.”

I jumped up and looked behind me. “Jason!” I shouted loudly and he laughed. “You scared the crap out of me. Please don’t do that ever again, alright? The last thing I want to do is be getting ready for a shower or something and then get scared by you.”

He laughed a bit more. “Sorry about that. You don’t have to change but at least carry your purse. You’re going to need to carry since I know you have some cash in your purse right now and we are going to buy some gifts. I want to have some stuff for my parents, your parents, your sister, and a lot more. I will also need your help buying some stuff for this apartment and room. Also, my parents might stay the night so I want you to share my room with me if they do.”

“Fine, I’ll take my purse with us,” I mumbled out and I picked up my purse from the ground. “I’m assuming we are going shopping?”

“We are going to the nearest mall,” he told me and he held up his car keys. “I am ready for you to go with me. Also, my CD is coming out soon so you might see some promotional stuff hanging around. My music video is out right now so you might see that. It’s an older video though. I shot it in South Korea since I was on my way here. Promoting stuff is pretty rough but at least I’m relaxing right now.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care for your video. I bet it’s full of ladies all over you or something.” I am sounding pretty jealous right now. Am I jealous?

“It’s actually not totally like that. It’s more of me dancing in a club with ladies near me,” he told me and I glared at him. “What? It’s not the same thing!”

“It’s almost the same thing!” I exclaimed and he laughed. “Let’s get go now.”

He nodded and he took me outside and he locked the apartment door. I looked at him in confusion and he looked at me with the same looking. Well, he is looking at me with more of a questioning expression.

“What is it?”

“Why are you leaving your cell phone here?”

He licked his lips and looked away. “I’m leaving it here because I can,” he said harshly and he started walking towards the parking lot and I followed.

Once we got to the car, he unlocked the doors and I got in on my side. I buckled my seatbelt and placed my purse next to my feet. I looked out the window as he got into the car and he closed his door at the same time as I closed mine.

“I’m sorry for being so rude,” he said and I looked at him. “I’m just a bit stressed out from things. I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

“It’s alright,” I replied. I looked back out the window as he started the car up and he turned on the radio. “I understand stress causing sudden bursts of anger.”

“You do?”

I nodded. “Everyone gets stressed out here and there and some burst from all that stress. It happens and it’s going to keep happening until the stress is gone.”

He pulled out of the parking lot and he started driving on the hallway. I looked at him and studied him for a few moments before he pulled into a parking lot for a mall. He parked in the parking lot in the best spot he could find and he looked at me.

“You can get out now.”

I nodded and got out of the car after unbuckling my seatbelt. I grabbed my purse and he appeared next to me and he placed his hand on the door. I moved out of the way and he closed it gently. He smiled and I smiled back at him.

“Let’s get inside.”

We went inside the mall and he walked me over to a clothing store. He laughed as he pointed to some sexy lingerie and I glared at him. What kind of guy finds lingerie funny? Well, I guess it’s sort of funny.

“Hey, you should get some of those and twerk in it in front of my parents,” he told me and I smacked him on the arm. “Ouch! I was just joking! I don’t want to see anyone twerk. I don’t even think it should even be considered as dancing.”

“I know but the thought of someone doing that just entered my head.”

“Umm…excuse me,” a soft voice said from behind me and I turned to see a girl with short brown hair standing next to a tall boy with brown hair. “Are you the girl who is dating Jason Chae? I’m a huge fan of yours and his. My name is Miu Sho and this is my brother Ryouta Sho.”

I looked at Jason and he looked at the girl coldly. “Is something wrong Jason?” I asked and he shook his head. “Oh, okay.” I smiled and looked at the girl. “Yes, I am his girlfriend and it’s a pleasure to meet someone who is a fan of mine. I can’t believe that I actually have a fan.”

Miu grinned. “You should believe that you do. You’re beautiful and you show the rest of us Jason fan girls that we can get any guy we want no matter how rich they are,” she replied.

Ryouta looked away and nodded his head. “You are so hopeless sister if you are going to be a fan of that girl. She isn’t anything special.”

“What was that?” Jason hissed out and Ryouta looked over at us with a smirk.

“You heard me,” Ryouta said and he crossed his arms. “You are dating a worthless girl. She isn’t anything special. I can find a girl like her any day. She is mocking rich people by acting like one and even dressing like one. How sad. That’s also pretty sick of her to do.”

“I’m not pretending to be anything!” I shouted and Ryouta chuckled. “Stop that! I didn’t say anything funny! You’re just creepy.”

“Ryouta just stop it!” Miu ordered. “You shouldn’t be causing a fight here. You are being ridiculous right now. You should leave my idol alone.”

Ryouta looked at Miu harshly. “I don’t need to listen to you,” he responded and he looked at me. “I am watching you Amy. I know something is up with you.”

“Nothing is up with my girlfriend.” Jason wrapped an arm around me.

Ryouta looked at Miu. “You need to stop fooling around like the silly little girl you aren’t. I know you feel young inside but that doesn’t mean you should waste your time on little pathetic people like them. You should be wasting your time on more important things like work and family.”

Miu shook her head. “You don’t understand what these people mean to me brother!” she shouted, catching some attention from nearby shoppers. “I wish you could be more understanding. You’re so cold. What happened to the old you? You used to be so sweet and so kind.”

“You need to keep that to yourself sister,” he replied and he looked at me and he grabbed my arm. He pushed me against a wall and he leaned in a bit. “I am going to be watching you Amy. I will be studying you and making sure I know each and every little detail of your life. I will find out what you are doing and what is going on.” He looked over at Jason and smirked.  He leaned in closer and pressed his lips against mine.

“Get your hands off of her!” Jason ordered and he pushed the Ryouta away from me. “You will never do that again understand?”

Ryouta laughed and he looked at Miu. “We should get going. I’ll be out in the car.”

He turned and walked away, leaving Miu in front of us. I wiped off my lips and Jason pulled me close to his body. He looked at Miu and I sighed.

“I am very sorry that he did that,” Miu said and Jason glared at her.

“Leave,” Jason muttered out and Miu gasped.


“Jason you don’t have to be like this. It wasn’t here fault!” I said, trying to reason with him.

“Just get out of my face now,” Jason said and Miu nodded and she walked away, tears appearing in her eyes. I looked at Jason and he looked at me. “I’m sorry that I had to be like that but I don’t like how she did nothing. It’s like she knew that he would do that to you.”

I sighed. “We will never find out now.”

“They would have lied about it anyways. I wanna shop now. Let’s hurry up and buy things and get going back to the apartment. We shouldn’t have to waste time on such low people.”

“We don’t know anything about them.”

“We know enough about the guy,” Jason said. “He kissed you right in front of me and clearly, he doesn’t understand his boundaries.” What’s Jason so worked up about? We just have a contract. Sure, we’re supposed to take it seriously in front of people but that doesn’t explain why he is so worked up about it.

“Yeah, he did kiss me in front of you. I’m sorry that I didn’t react in time to stop him. It’s my fault I let it happen,” I apologized and Jason stopped. “What? Did I say something that makes you feel upset?” I tilted my head in confusion and he shook his head at me.

“You didn’t do anything wrong and so you have nothing to feel bad about. It wasn’t your fault he kissed you.”

I nodded. “I understand.”

“Do you?”

I nodded my head again.

“I don’t think you do. Amy, you shouldn’t feel bad about anything unless you do something you regret. I have done things I have regret so I would know what it feels like. Sometimes things happen and that makes us feel bad. We don’t have to blame ourselves for every little thing that happens against our wills. We should only blame ourselves when we make a choice that is wrong and that is regrettable. I know right now you feel like you did wrong by letting him get to you but you had no choice. He did that himself.”


He looked at me and then away from me. “I want to check out the CD store here.”

“Okay, we can do that.”

A/n: A little bit of drama in this chapter. I know things are going a little slow/fast/etc to some of you guys reading this story but I’m starting to get the drama going. This story is going to be about 18-20 chapters long so I have to get it going now and let it work out by chapter 15 or so if I’m aiming for 18 chapters. We’ll see how many chapters this story will be. Yes, it will have a sequel once it is done but with different characters and a different type of story/plot/etc. Anyways, what does Miu and Ryouta have to do with this story? Well, we’ll find out later. It’s going to be an interesting ride for this story. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you like this chapter! 

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