Anything But Cliche

Oleh ilysmxiu

6.3K 368 329

**Discontuined, please read last update** **also half of this isn't edited and I wrote this three years ago s... Lebih Banyak



313 20 21
Oleh ilysmxiu

"How many times do I have to tell you Ms.Shore to not sleep on the job!" Damon's yelling wakes me up from my peaceful slumber. Well, it was peaceful till this troll had to wake me up. I rub the sleep from my eyes with the knuckles of my fingers and look up to him.

"I don't know. I'm sorry I fell asleep but you can't blame me for this 'cause someone had to come over at two in the morning. If you haven't realized the first two times I told you, but it's your fault." I yawn and stretch my arms over my head. My shirt slips up showing my tanned stomach.

"Ms.Shore how many times are you going to bring that up?" I feel Damon's eyes on my stomach so I pull my shirt down from my insecurity.

"Until you apologize and let me sleep." My eyes start to droop down as I struggle to stay awake. Yes, I know ice slept a lot today but who cares.

Damon struggles to reply so he just walks out while mumbling a 'you can go home now.' I smile with my progress of getting on his nerves and pack my stuff to make my leave. Once I get out of the elevator I'm bombarded by Ariana. Don't get me wrong she's like my best friend, but God she can me so annoying.

"You want me to help you with your packing? I'm sure I can help!" I nodded my head to Ariana and went to my car. I clicked the button on my key thing and opened the door. Ariana also came in and sat down. You could practically see her jumping up and down in her seat. She started talking again so I reached over to my stereo and turned the music up.

Currently, it was playing Christmas songs hints it was getting close to the holidays. I'm really bummed that we have to leave before the holidays because I really wanted to spend time with my family and to visit my mum and dad.

I shake the thoughts from my head and focus on driving.


About half and hour later I pull up into the drive way that leads to my apartment. Who's waiting out side my apartment is surprising. Its Garret, he's standing right in front of my door. Ariana turns a to me and smirks at me before she leaves and stands in front of my apartment. I smile and wave at him though my windshield then get out and lock the doors behind me. He smiles and waves back as I walk towards him. It's pretty cold out here so I'm surprised he isn't an ice cube yet.

"Hey Autumn." He gives me a little hug then pulls away.

"Hey, Garret. So what brought you here?" I shove my keys into the lock and open the door. Inside its nice and toasty with a sweet smell of my cinnamon vanilla cookie candle. I hold the door open for Garret and Ariana then shut right after they come in so the warn air won't go away. I walk towards the fridge and pull out some grapes, then I hop on the counter and start eating them. Ariana disappears into my bedroom and I'm pretty sure she's packing for me. I really didn't need help but she insisted.

"So Autumn, I was wondering since we have been hanging out alot if you would like to have dinner with me." I look over at garret and smirk.

"Oh is Mr.Garret asking me on a date?!" I point at my self and continue to smirk at him. He blushes and starts to squirm in place. I giggle and hop off the counter.

"Well I'm leaving early in the morning for England and need to pack tonight so I don't know. If I didn't have this I would have said Yes." As if Ariana was eavesdropping on us she came out at the right moment.

"No it's ok I got it Auty, you can go on your date." She smiles and heads back towards my bedroom. I turn and look at Garret, who's already looking at me.


"Yea, I'll go. But I need to be back early so I can be not so grumpy." He smiles and nods at every word that I'm saying and I can't help but smile.

"Yes ok. I promise ill bring you back early!" He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. I smile and hug him back before we pull apart.

"Where are we going?" I'm curious to where we're going since its freezing out side and there's really nothing open.

"Ice skating then dinner!" If my smile could get any bigger, it would have grown a few more inches.

"YAY!" I jump up and down while squealing like a teen girl that got touched accidentally by her crush.

"Ok give me about 15 minutes give or take." I run back towards my room where Ariana is just sitting on my bed with all things packed. Wow. This girl has skills.

"So!?" She asks with a tilt of her head. I giggle then run and plop right on top of her.

"I'm going ice skating with a hot guy," I whisper in her ear. She giggles and leans into my ear.

"But I thought Mr.Greyson was hot?" I lean back and blush but scurry away to my closet. I pull out my brown coat, brown infinity scarf, jeans, my black beanie, gloves, and some boot socks, along with my brown skates.

I put my skates into my little backpack and slip my black boots on, then walkout right after Ariana sends me a wink. I laugh and walk out the door. Garret's waiting by the door on his phone. When he looks up at me I can see his eyes widen.

"Wow Autumn you look....good." I laugh and head out the door with Garret behind me.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad your self." He scoffs and acts hurt.

"Oh, I see now. I give you a nice compliment and you give me that. I guess I'll have to step up my game." I laugh out loud at this and send him a smile. He smiles and shakes his head back at me and continues to walk towards his car. Honestly, his car isn't really a car. More like a truck. Have I ever told you how much I fantasize trucks?

After I practically eye rape his truck he opens the door for me to get in. I try my hardest to get in and act graceful but I'm short and that stupid truck is like 2ft off the ground. So me being my height I have to crawl in earning a laugh from Garret. Once I finally get in I send one of my playful glares at him. He holds up his hands in surrender and starts the truck. We drive off in silence until I reach over and turn up the stereo.

Baby lock the doors and turn the lights down low.

"No fucking way." I look over at Garret and he's mumbling the lyrics. "Are you a cowboy in disguise? You have the truck, the music, what's next? A horse and cowboy hat?" He laughs and gives me a quick glance.

Put some music on soft and slow
Baby, we ain't got no place to go

I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long

Never had a feeling quite this strong

We continue to sing the song in funny voices till we reach the end.

"Recalling what you said about having a horse and cowboy hat, I have a horse named biscuit at my grandpaps ranch down in Pennsylvania not to long from here." I start to laugh and have to hug my stomach from the pain all from this laughter.

"Oh my gosh!" I wipe a tear away and huff out some air. Laughing is fun but damn, it hurts some times.

"We're here!" Garret exclaims and hops out the car. I reach over to the handle and right when I'm about to open it Garret opens it and pulls me out.

"Whoa there tiger. Take it easy." I stumble around until I regain my balance.

"Yea sorry. Just excited." He takes my hand and leads me in. Surprisingly, there's only about a handful of people left. It's a pretty big rink so there is more than enough room for all of us. I go over to the railing and lean over it. I remember faint memories of me and my family skating at an ice rink down in Montana. I feel a tap on my shoulder and pull my self back out of my thoughts. Garret takes my hand again and brings me towards the benches to put our skates on. Garret didn't have any so he had to rent a pair. His were big and black with some grey designs on the heels.

I lean down and lace up my skates and slip on my gloves after putting my boots in my bag. I stand up and make my way over to the ice. Once I'm on it I wait by the entrance for Garret. He has trouble standing up but eventually, he manages to get a hold of it.

"Wow, how do you do so well like this?" He asks when he steps on the ice and I skate backwards just a little to put some room between us.

"Well before I lost my memories I was a figure skater for a while. I don't remember much but I remember how to do all this." I spin around and skate in front of Garret. He tries to skate but ends up falling on his butt. I laughter and stand in front of him and offer a hand. He takes it but instead of using it to help him up he pulls me on top of him. I look up and see him smiling at me and I smile back. I start to giggle which leads to laughter which then leads up to break out in fits laughter. More people start to pile in till the place is packed.

"Ok let's get up off here cause my bass is getting cold." He gets up, which wasn't easy for him, and lends me a hand. I take unlit and pull my self up. We both start skating our hearts outs. It's really easy to spend time like this because I'm not nervous or scared, I'm just enjoying the moment. Snow starts to fall from the sky and I spread my arms out and twirl around. I start to giggle, but a flash interrupts my thoughts. I look around and see garret with a disposable camera taking a picture. One of which was me just a moment ago.

"Are you taking pictures of me?" I put a hand on my hip and act sassy. Garret laughs and skates towards me.

"I couldn't help it. You looked so cute and peaceful." He starts to lean closer to me. He's going to kiss me. Oh, God. I lean toward inch by inch till we're centimeters apart. He leans closer but instead of kissing my lips he kisses my cheek. I pull back and blush. I mean someone just kissed me, cheek or not, of course, I'm going to blush.

"Now show me what you can do. I want to see your talent." He pushes me further away and waits for me to start.

I mumble an 'ok' and skate to the middle of the ice. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I start my old routine that I used to do with my adoptive parents. I start with a figure eight, then skate into a twirl. I put out my leg and place my arms out. I slowly start to close them in making me spin faster and faster. Once I get all my limbs into their position I push off the ice and do a jump. While in the air I'm still spinning, and I land with a spin. I then put my leg out and my arms as I do one more spin. After that, I stand up and skate towards Garret.

"So?" I ask as I wipe a bead of sweat off my forehead. He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"That was amazing. Everyone was watching you." I pull back and look around. Everyone is still looking at me.

"Garret I think it's time for us to go. If you want to have dinner we better make a move on it." He nods and takes my hand as we make our way out of the ice rink to take our skates off


"Autumn wake up! You have to get ready!" Ariana shakes me awake from my deep slumber. I swear her hands away and sit up.

"Yea yea I'm awake. Don't get your panties in a bunch." I stretch a yawn then get off my bed. I plant my feet on the floor and instantly pain shoots up my legs. I sit back down on my bed to ease the pain.

"Holy Shit I'm sore." I stand back up and walk toward my vanity. Clothes are sitting there and I look over at Ariana. She's looking at me tapping her foot. Uh oh, what did I do?

"Autumn you better get ready or I'll kick you out and go myself." I sigh and pick up the clothes. I put on my white lace bra and matching underwear when Ariana finally leaves my bedroom to make breakfast. I then slip on a white sleeveless shirt, then a white blazer with some dark blue jeans and brown boots with gold embellishments on the heels. I put on my gold necklace then add a little makeup. Once I satisfied with how I look I grab my suitcases and walk out to the kitchen.

"Mm smells good. What are you making?" I roll the suitcases right by me when I sit down on the bar stool.

"I'm making cinnamon rolls with an egg, a lot of bacon bits, and cheese burrito." My mouth waters just think of it.

"Wow. I'm starving. Almost done?" I pull out my phone and check for any notifications, which is one from Garret which sent all the photos, and one from John asking me back. I delete John's and save the pictures that Garret took.

"Ok here." She slides a plate in front of me and I begin to eat. Its taste is beyond what I can describe. I eat the cinnamon rolls fast then rap my burrito in a paper towel. I grab my luggage and my carry on then begin to pull it behind me.

"Bye Ariana! Ill miss you! Have a marry Christmas!" I give her a quick hug and walk out the front door. I start toward the stair and try my hardest to roll the luggage down but it slips and ends up falling down the steps. I curse out some profanities and start walking down the steps. Well, my luck is amazing and j end up slipping and falling on my ass from the ice on the stairs.

"Need help?" I look up and see Damon standing by my suitcases. I try and stand up again but fail miserably and end up on the ice. Again. Damon chuckles and I send him a death glare. He shakes his head and comes up in front of me. He holds out his hand, asking for me to take it which I gladly do.

Once I finally get up on my feet I walk over to my luggage and take them in my hand. I start to walk toward my car but Damon grabs my arm, turning me towards his Lamborghini. Of course.

"We are taking my car straight to the airport. That's why I came over." He takes my suitcases out of my hand and puts them in the trunk. I slip inside the car and buckle up, and Damon does the same.

"That was fu-" Damon begins but I cut him off.

"If you say another word about that, I will gouge your eyes out with nothing more than a spoon and feed them to jeepers creepers." Some might say I'm crazy. And I totally agree. Damon chuckles and pulls out of the parking lot and we begin our ride toward the airport.

This is going to be one long day



2764 WORDS! That's to make up for my non updating.

I'm so sorry about that. This chapter might be poop but eh.


Don't forget that I do follow back all my followers

-Taylor <3 ฯฯฯ

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