Lady Alpha To You! Ok?

By LounyCamacho

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He is one of the most disgraceful Alphas in the continent. One who doesn't give mercy to nobody, one who's fa... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen (2)
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Fourteen

68 2 3
By LounyCamacho

(Another pick of Jennifer Lawrance)

Leslie's Point of View

Dayton was the first to react, running to the wave. As I looked at him running, his hands gave out a slight frost, his hands almost crystalline white, as he swinged his fists beside him.

His glance seemed determined.

As soon as he was near, the strange liquid, he gave out a shout mixed with a growl and with the impact of his hands to the ground, ice crystals, the size of wolfs, started to erupt from the ground.

Once it hit the wave, it froze in the blink of an eye. Everyone was perplexed and amazed by his power. Looking at my surroundings it gave me the confirmation that even though he used his powers in front of me, nobody knew about it. At least from our pack.

In that same moment he went running to the freezed liquid and with a punch of his left arm, it shattered completely. Giving out a cold blast of wind from it, practically leaving us shivering. His eyes were completely silver and black, fused in an hypnotic swirl of colors. More and more the silver taking his iris completely.

It ended quickly as I looked at the three in top of the hill with smirks and wanting eyes.

It drove me crazy and it blinded me with rage that I could feel my canines and claws elongating to its full potential. My vision was red, in killing mode.

My feet started working on their own as I began running to them three, growling as never before.

Suddenly my Wolf sprinted forward in the air, catching a surprised gasp from the three on top of the hill as I flew through the air at high speed.

As soon as I crashed into the ground, it shattered and broke. Sending debris out of the way, as I stood there growling to the three wolves in front of me. Suddenly at my sides they were Jack in his wolf and Dayton, still in his human form. He made a jump that high from the leveled ground. Well, show off.

Suddenly my dad also appeared behind me. His Alpha aura was strong and thick. He was still in his human form, and it already sent shivers throughout my body. Even though we had a fight, I was glad he was here.

'Leslie, get out of here they are after you', he said through our mind link and I just shook my head in denial.

'I can't. If they are here to get me, they won't succed in it. I can promise you that'.

At that moment when I looked at him, I could see the care in his eyes, the need to protect me fully. He just nodded. With a small smile in his lips. I returned the smile. He wasn't a tyrant, he just do this to protect me, I understand, but his methods are to much.

I just turned my face around and started growling while, walking very slowly to them.

"Now, now Leslie, you really wouldn't have a fight with us. Would you?" Norman said with his sickly joker grin. Making my insides twist in agony.

He beg to differ.

At that moment I sprinted forward at him with my werewolf speed, my jaws snapping at him.

He immediately jumped back, and in front of me was the girl they were with, jumping at me with opened arms. At that moment I leaped in the air, rolling till I was behind her. Using my weight in advantage, I tackled her from her back quickly, making her crash a few feet away with on her feet.

"Ha , you really have the same attitude as Alessandra. It's almost as if she was here. With us" she said as she stood up, her eyes black, meaning she was going to shift.

"Now Mason" and with that cue Mason, used his shadows around his hand and surrounded us both. The only thing I could hear was my dad and Dayton screaming my name.

In seconds we were in another place from where they were. I smelled the air, confirming that we were still in pack grounds, but the constant growling and battle screams were out of the way.

Dayton, Dayton was no where to be seen. It left me wondering if I could beat her alone. Norman, I still didn't knew if I battled his physical form or a shadow of himself, and with Mason I still didn't faced him head on to know about his abilities.

I just can't back down, this was my pack they were attacking after all. My eyes were pitch black and fixed on her neck.

I growled loudly. Her expression changed drastically as she ran to me, and in that moment she shifted to her copper brown wolf, clawing at me. I ducked low and in that same momentum I went to her neck with my jaws. She jumped to the side and went to tackled me.

I didn't gave her the satisfaction of doing it, so I also went with a tackle of myself, resulting in a great impact from both of us.

I could have hear the slight 'pang' of our heads as an intense headache went to me, earning a yelp from me and Tarina shaking her head. At that moment I took advantage and ran to her. Raising my right paw, I extended my claws and went to her face, satisfaction went it withdrew blood.

She whinned but quickly faced me, promising death in her eyes. What caught my attention to its fullest was that her damage to the face, even though the blood was there, it had a strange thickness to it. The same as the liquid she made earlier.

It took me by surprise as that same strange thickness went spreading from her paws, looking at me with a sick, derange, malicious, grin. Soon enough it was at her same height, which in comparison to mine it was short, still I couldn't keep my guard down.

In a blink of an eye, she started to make sphere like projectiles from her strange liquid, while it began spreading out even more.

I was in shock, definitely nervous now, but I won't give her the satisfaction. Running towards her at my top speed, she started blasting the sphere like projectiles as she growled. I dodge them easily. The floor was getting damped by the thickness of it, but that didn't stopped me.

Once I was near her, going to bite her neck, in a swift motion, the strange liquid raised up, trapping me in it. Anger and frustration hit me as I was elevated and couldn't move, but one emotion was definitely barricading my mind. Fear.

I tried to thrust my limbs away from the liquid, the more I tried, the more I got stick to it.

"You must be wondering what is this strange liquid that I caught you in" she said as she shifted back, her crisp blue eyes trained on me as she passed a hand through her hair. Her face bruise from my slash was still there but it began healing.

"It must feel desperate and crazy with the need to move but simply you can't" I went to growl at her, but with a mere move from her right hand, the liquid made a restraint around my snout, shutting me. My growling, my snapping, and my yelping.

As hard as I wanted to admit, I was trapped and I didn't had the strength to face this new enemy. Since her abilities were beyond mine. Well at least not werewolf like.

"Lovely Leslie, Alpha of Mountain Ash. Successor of Alessandra, The Flaming Princess. Tell me, since I can't kill you, but surely I can break your body till it's for no need and complete uselessness. Tell me, how does it feel, to be scared" she said as she walked to me, as her liquid was lowering to a good height in which she could touch my fur. I was looking at her with wide eyes, the need to kill her deep in my blood.

"Oh it must feel wonderful. In case you were wondering what is this stuff. I'll tell you. My blood feeds of the death energy of any living being coming to its final minute. When that happens, my blood can get itself black and thick like a snail's slime. It can be poisonous to those who aren't strong, take any formation I desire add to that, it can replicate and make more of it" she began walking back, my eyes trained on her back.

"And move as I want" she growled with a harsh scream, as she moved her right hand snappily to the side. Making the liquid, raise up, myself wanting to escape its grasp but it was inevitable. In a mere flash I was crushed to the ground forcefully, earning a high whine from my wolf.

Pain in my body, my bones crushed with the impact and limbs sore to the touch. I shifted back uncomfortably, as my wolf needed to heal, but it would take Gianna's Affinity healing to do it.

I couldn't move, as my body was covered with the liquid, my head still not used to it being blood. My body screamed as if thousand bricks crushed against each and every bone in my body.

Embarrassment was all that I had at the moment. Naked, in pain, not being able to control the situation and in the hands of the enemy. I opened my eyes, noticing my surroundings. We were in a secluded side of the forest, away from the main battle.

"How does it feel huh?" She growled as she grasped my chin forcefully with her hand, making me stare at her, with anger and madness in my eyes, but she knew what she saw once she smiled. She could see my fear.

"It brings me joy to see my prey with fear and scared for its life. Master would be filled with so much joy to having the second blood sample from who he never had guessed." she said as she harshly push my chin to the floor again, earning a smack of my skull. Earning a scream of pain from me. Closing my eyes not wanting the soon to escape tears.

I didn't want to show more weakness.

"Well you definitely didn't went soft with her" I heard a low, dangerous baritone voice from behind me. Mason was there, still with his black jeans and black shirt, his deep brown eyes lightly bright.

He lowered himself, and brushed his hand beside my cheek.

"Why did you left her in this state? It's not her death that we want and you know that" Mason accused Tarina, rasing himself as she just scoffed.

"Oh come on, Mason. You know very well if she started to use her abilities thanks to her connection with Alessandra, she could be a difficult task to take down. It's her blood that we need, but we also need the dagger. It's the only way to seal the four Lycans".

"That is what Mason is trying to say, but Mason. Once she uses the dagger, we can take it from her. Then we kill her, as the rest of her filthy and weak pack", said Norman, but I flinched as he said that my pack was weak. He didn't knew who he was messing with.

"Raise her, we need her blood" said Mason, as I could feel the liquid moving, restricting my hands together as the same as my feet. My back was still glued to the liquid, but there was nothing I could do.

Ashamed and worthless.

That was all I could feel.

"She looks hot to the touch and her body is so tempting" Norman began to say as he passed a hand, so sickly slow around my neck and collarbones.

"It's still useless, just as her Beta. Weak and pathetic, no wonder he was left in a puddle of blood" Norman said, as it was a laughable comment. Making me shake of anger. Jack wasn't dead, he couldn't.

"Just as the same as her father, weak" Mason, dismissively, finishing and in that, my heart stopped beating.

In that same moment, I couldn't wrap around the idea of them both being dead. The anger, rage, frustration and furiousness, filled my insides as a exploding volcano. It couldn't be real, they could not be dead. They could not.

"They. . are. . not dead" I whispered, lowly, but they still could hear it.

"What was that hun?" Tarina said as I slowly raised my eye lids, looking at them three.

"They. . are not dead" I said more positive and with a little more higher.

"Oh really, well you would love the scenery of seeing your father, in the ground, dead and covered in bruises. A deep pierce in his chest. You would love that" Mason lowly said, with a grin in his face.

I felt a untapped, and untamed energy deep in my spirit, body and soul. My body was growing hotter and the heat around me raised. My skin was begging to blister from the intense feeling of fire from my body.

"They are not dead" I growled more loudly as ever, as I could feel the thickness around me begging to thawe.

"What is happening?" Norman scurried away looking at me, as Mason and Tarina backed away with their eyes wide opened.

"THEY ARE NOT DEAD!!" and with that a blast of fire consumed me, instantly. Drowning me in fire, as the fire blast expanded as light, burning everything in its path. My soul was bubbling with furious raged energy. The flames getting more hotter and more dangerous to the touch.

Everything around me was getting burned. Even the ground below me was burning. I looked around and noticed that neither of the three were around.

The only thing I could remember from them was their feared, shocked and frightened expressions as my body exploded with flames. Mason doing an instant move, transporting them to another place.

My body screamed, not from pain but from release. Like it needed this finally.

After some time with the flames, not long enough than a minute, the flames started to wither away, blow away with the hot wind that appeared instantly. My feet hit the floor and looking at my arms they were with a soft shade of golden color. Not to strong but like if I got an intense tanning.

Looking around, I noticed the scorch and ashes, the dead and burned trees, the burned grass to the soil below, taking a wide area of the forest, in a perfectly circle.

In that exact moment, I heard paws thumping in the ground, running at my direction. Looking to me left I saw, Mimmi's and Marious wolves, in front of a ten to fifteen group of wolves.

The only wolf that I noticed even before seeing him was Dayton's black wolf.

His eyes once they were on me, they were filled with rage, surprise but most of all hurt and pain seeing me like this. He was concerned to the point he began running at top speed to me.

"Dayton" was the only thing I could say before my world turned black, heaviness in my head as I began falling face down as I closed my eyes. He ran to me I could feel it, but the impact of the hot ground, blasted me away from this world.

Away from my body, as if only darkness had me in its grasp.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My claws slashed face as Marina slumped to the ground exhausted and totally defeated. Her wolves body changing into her human form. Her crisp blue eyes, looking at me only her bruises in her body noticible, the same as mines, as she began to stand up.

I shifted back from exhaustion, my body sore and yelling of pain. It was a strong fight, she really was a strong warrior. Looking around me I could see Paolo uppercutting Martyll sending him flying high then crashing low into the ground. A grim and painful expression in his face.

Lucian's intense shook with his canines and paws, throwing Daul away a few feet, Daul standing in wobbly feet, lastly slumping into the ground breathing heavily. Elizabeth had Victoria by her neck, applying enough strength to knock her out of breath, but not enough to kill her. Her eyes closed as she dropped to the ground.

"Why won't you kill me?! Uhh?? I was one that helped Mateo kill your parents, I watched them suffer at his and my hands. I could see the desperate look into your father eyes as he begged me for mercy. The sad and grieving tears of your mother as we killed them together. So now you just leave me here in the ground as if nothing happened? Kill me, KILL ME YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH. KILL-".

I punched her.

I punched her with my fist fused with fire, as she went flying and crashing to the ground in the most ungraceful and painful way possible. My vision was clouded, I wanted blood. I began walking at her, limping. I looked at my surroundings, my partner's were concerned for me, but they knew better. Than in this state I wouldn't reason with nobody.

Marina began crawling, to me spitting blood from her mouth before I grabbed her by her nape earning a yelp from her.

"Listen here you bitch. I will love to watch you burn in hell, from all the sins you have committed. I would love to see you rot in the filthy mess of your disgrace. Because nothing will bring me such joy to see you die by my hands, your blood escaping your heart wound as you bleed that disgusting soul of your life", I growled as I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up, her feet not touching the ground.

My eyes were golden sun at the moment.

I wanted to kill her so much, but something crossed my thoughts.

I could feel my eyes returning to their normal hazel color as I lowered Marina to the ground again.

"No. I won't kill you".

She looked at me with a confused and strange expression.

"It's not my virtue to do it. My mother and father taught me that everything in this world, every individual, wether be evil or good, you can't decide to take his life away. It is not your choice and it's not commandment to do it" I dropped her hair. Walking past her, but she immediately grasped my leg, tears in her eyes. Tears of compassion and of plead.

"Why, why won't you? After all this" she cried, as she looked at her friends, who shared the same look as her looking at us, the same with my friends.

I gave her a sympathetic look.

"Cause I'm not the monster that you follow. Besides, your punishment would not be with me, but with yourself" I said as I used a spell curse to her, tapping her forehead and making her go to sleep. Making a link to her friends, the spell also gave them a comatose sleep until she wakes up. Which it won't be near soon though.

I began walking to the castle, as Paolo, Lucian and Elizabeth were by my side. Now that the rogue werewolves, the slaved lycans, the shadow wolves were in a sleep state thanks Paolo's curse and Mateo's trusted allies were out of the count, there was nothing stopping us from going at him.

At that moment I felt a strong grasp in my hand from my mate.

"I'm glad you took the right choice" I just look at him.

"They are not the ones I'm going to kill, it's not worth it" I said as he just nodded.

"Well, this is it at last" said Elizabeth as thunder broke from the skies, rain taking the heavy night into its chambers.

"Let's just finish this" Lucian said with a a scowl in his face. I wanted this to also be finished.

We entered the black and metal castle that was filled with a dark feeling of despair.


Was this really his destiny. Was it this cruel and violent.

As soon as we entered and faced a giant black stairway with a rug colored of a deep shade of red, there on top it stood.

His dark blonde hair, dropping to his shoulders while his yellow amber eyes shinned to everyone of us. He was covered in a satin red robe, only his hands in display apart from his face.

"Greetings, my friends" he said with a deep grin, that could have fooled millions. It didn't to us.

"Greetings Mateo" Paulo acknowledge, his voice deep and hiding strong power to its words.

Mateo's eyes shinned with a hue of black and red, promising destruction in its path.

I could feel it.

"Mateo, you have time to take back your actions. Release hold of the lycans and we will let you back into the castle" Lucian said, as he looked at Mateo, with pleading eyes.

They were best friends. It's understandable he was feeling like this.

The feeling of not being enough to save his friend and brother.

"The offer is quite tempting. . . but curse the witch who cursed me with this destiny which is rotten to the core" his canines started to grow, smearing at us.

It wasn't the witch's fault, it was ours. As hard it was to admit, we had the blame. Leaving him out of us, just because his powers were ment for 'darkness'. Now I realise, even though it was to late, that they weren't evil.

We were the ones to turn him this way.

"Mateo, you still have time. The blood moon hasn't raised yet. We can still save you before it's too late" I screamed as I advanced a little forward.

At that time, an earthquake shook the castle. Even though it was lightly, the castle screamed like a hollowed ghost. Screeching as the crystals around and inside the castle broke, as a dark wind surrounded Mateo.

"You're right Alessandra. I still have time. . . but what is time if your soul is rotten to the core? My love?", he closed his eyes.

"Now. . . The shadows shall consume me, and if I die," he opened his eyes and his eyes were deep black as space itself, his veins popping with a red color.

"You shall DIE WITH ME!" He growled and shifted into the most humongous wolf I have ever seen. A shadow wolf, with his body, naked, controlling the beast from the inside. Black with red copper blood lines, his veins, popping.

"The Hellish Wolf, has risen" , he whispered, before the gigantic wolf jumped at us. His howl blasting death at us.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My body was pushed down like if thousand weights were on top of me. Struggling to move, or even to raise a finger.

My sense of smell was off as the same as my hearing. I couldn't concentrate in my surroundings. I was in death, if you can call it like that.

That dream. Those dreams. They weren't dreams at all. I could understand that they were visions from the past. Centuries and centuries before mine.

This past vision though, told me something.

The Blood Moon.

It's the night were the moon turns red, and all wolves are more keen to their abilities and needs. A lunar eclipse.

Though something told me, it represented more than that. Something told me that werewolves only won't be active that night.

Shall it be that night that Mateo and the Rogue King made their sick plan? And if that was it, how many days till now was going to happen?

Luckily they need the blood of the four lycan predecessors, as they keep continuing to say, but, they already have one blood sample.

And what about the daggers?

Fuck, this all confused me till no end. Something inside myself told me that I wasn't prepared of what's to come.

And from the looks of it, I was weak. Scenes of what happened in that battle, continued to make me struggle. Shocks and shivers from her power were draining my mental state, but what amazed me was my intense outburst.

When Dayton said I had a great power, I didn't believe it would be that amazing. I felt alive, crazily alive, but I needed to wake up.

I used all the energy that I could have mustered in that moment, and began to sniff the air around me.

It smelled of Clorox and Pines, the floors sickly clean into that mix. I began extended my smell. I noticed the scents of Dustin, Gianna, Mimmi and Milan.

Something was not right. I could smell the stench of desperation in their bodies. Worried, for my health.

Next my hearing began to bright out.

"She needs to wake up, I know she will" Milan said as he sniffed, the tears in his eyes.

"She will, but you need to lend her more time to heal" Mimmi's sweet voice, but low in humility was noticible.

"But she hasn't, for four days she has not waken up, I can't stand if she becomes as dad. I won't" he cried as I could hear his chair scrapping to the floor and his running footsteps getting away until he bumped with the door.

"Milan, come back. Milan" Gianna, yelled behind him but I could tell that it was for no use.

"I'll go get him. He is just sad and broken" Mimmi huffed but as soon as she was going to go out, I could feel Dustin reaching out to her.

"It will be ok. Marius and Melanie will be fine".

What? No, they couldn't be harmed. They just couldn't.

In that moment I could hear Mimmi's whimpers and tears, as she cried in Dustin's hold. Gianna was also sniffing, her tears burning in her eyes.

I needed to wake up. Now.

And like a switch turning on, a warm desire erupt inside me. Even if it was little, it was there with a great intensity.

I opened my eyes, the light bilding me in seconds but I could adjust.

In front of me was Dustin with a gray shirt and black jeans, hugging Mimmi that was wearing a black jacket with blue jeans. Gianna was in the behind Mimmi with her medic outfit.

What it noticed from them were the black bags under their eyes.

I tried to speak, but a grutural voice raspy echoed.

They quickly turned their heads at my direction, and their joyous eyes filled with tears, shinned through the light.

"Leslie" Gianna, smiled as she walked to me, her mouth covered by her hands.

I smiled, as tears began flooding my eyes.

"Thank God, Leslie that you're ok" Dustin walked to me as he grasped my left hand, and I could feel his warm spreading to my body.

"I'll look for Milan and your mother, they will be so happy. I'm glad you're back Leslie" Mimmi sent me a warm grin as she immediately escaped through the doors.

"What happened? Are you guys ok?" I whispered, feeling my throat rasp every time I tried to speak.

"We're ok, don't worry. It was you who got us worried and sick for you. You had bones broken from every part of your body, had multiple limbs burned, and a great concussion. You were out for four days" Gianna said as she pour for me a glass of water. Handing it to me with some pills, drinking them instantly, as a strong pain in my head was starting to notice.

"We had the pack in lockdown. Since the attack we had one fourth of the warriors and trackers with bruises and in need of medical health. Luckily no one died, but. . ." Dustin left the words unspoken, and I began to notice that Jack was not here.

"Wait, what's going on? Where is Jack? Dayton, where is he?" At the mere mention of Dayton, Dustin stunned but he continued to have a calm expression.

"Dayton has taken control of the pack in your absence along with your mother and Jack's father" Gianna smiled concerned, clearly hidding something. Wait, but my dad would have taken control of the pack, or even Marius.

"Where is Marius? I heard he and Melanie were hurt" I said to them, as the same moment Milan, Mimmi and Marcus entered the room.

"Leslie, you're ok" Milan ran to me, hugging my sore state. Even though it hurt as hell, I didn't even gave a sign of it. He was crying for me, clearly happy that I was awake.

"I'm here, Milan, I'm here" I hugged him, as strong as I could.

"Alpha I'm glad you're ok", Marcus said as I grabbed his hand. Noticing his eyes red from crying.

"Marcus. . . Is everything ok Mimmi?" I asked them, which she nodded a little.

"We're getting there. Marcus was in surgery because he was clawed deeply in his abdomen, but he is fine now. Is Melanie, I'm worried" she said as her eyes dropped down.

"She is suffering from anxiety attacks".

"Why?" I could feel myself slapping myself for asking. Milan left my embrace and.was looking at the floor beside Marcus, who had tears running from his cheeks.

"She was taken hostage by the Rogues along with other wolves. They were rescued but. . . they tortured Melanie. Physically, emotionally but not sexually. But she keeps screaming in the nights, begging that something would let her go" she quickly shook her head as if not wanting to remember the vision.

I was broken. The guilt taking me in.

I was their Alpha, and I could not do a thing to stop them from doing this. The rage, and the incapacity of doing nothing to help, broke me.

"She is at my care, but my Affinity healing isn't working as much as I would like. Mom is also trying to ease her nightmares" Gianna said as she looked at me.

"Where is Jack?" I asked this time, and they couldn't answer me. None of them would.

"Where is Jack?" I said more ease, feeling my anger building inside. Dustin, even him couldn't look at me.

"WHERE IS HE?" I growled with my Alpha voice, making everyone jump from where they are.

That's it, I had it.

I ripped off every connection and wire I had with the medical equipments.

"Leslie stop, you're gonna get more hurt" Gianna said trying to restrain me, but my strength was more powerful than her, and she didn't stood a chance.

At that moment, Dustin also took hold of my shoulder, but as the same as Gianna, he couldn't contain me.

As the moment got me, the same heat in my skin was sent forth, burning Gia and Dustin's hands but not to let a mark.

At that I jumped, falling to the floor. Everyone gasped and tried to help me but I growled as strongly as I could.

"Leslie you're hurting yourself stop!" Milan screamed but I looked at him, black in my eyes

"I don't fucking care, I want to know how and where is Jack. Plus where the fucking damn is my father?" I used the bed as levarege and stood up, quickly taking force on my legs, moving almost robotically.

I escaped the room, to the hall outside. Every pack member looked at me with wide eyes, but as soon as they saw my eyes, their look was left somewhere else.

As I looked at his mother, beside a door. Her hands covering his face, as she cried.

No. It can't be.

I ran at her. She quickly looked back to me, her cheeks tear stained, eyes as glassy as the floor.

"My Moon Goddess, you're ok" she hugged me instantly, her tears staining my medic robes.

"Is Jack ok? Please tell me" I pleaded as she looked at me.

"I wish he was, Leslie. They hurt him badly this time, he could not-" I cut her off as I entered the room. The sight in front of me shattering my body and soul.

Jack had a tube in his throat helping him breath, and had multiple wires to his head.

I took glance of Brice and Tommy inside the room too. Brice with cuts and gashes in his body, Tommy with a bandaged arm, but Jack's destroyed state, was eating me alive.

His eyes were closed and his skin was pale, and I could see he was getting thinner within passing days.

"Oh Jack" I walked inside, grasping his cold hands.

"He is in a coma state, Gianna and the doctors say he won't wake up soon" Tommy said as he noticed my tears fall to the floor.

"This was my fault" I whispered, Tommy and Jack's mother shaking their heads in denial.

"No it's not Leslie, he was jus-".

"Where is my dad?", I cut Brice short. Mason and Norman. What they told me it wasn't true, it was just coincidence. My father wasn't dead either. He couldn't be.

My dad was strong, powerful and ruthless when it came to protect his pack. He just couldn't.

"Leslie, please just" Tommy tried to ease me but I escaped the room. Using my smell I walked a few rooms right side of Jack's. My dad's scent near it.

I twisted the knob and opened the door. I saw my father inside. He was resting.

I listened to his heart beat.

It was still and unmoving.

No, no, no. I couldn't.

"Dad" I slowly walked to his form. Noticing now his chapped lips, his pale and closed eyes. Touching his hand, I couldn't feel no warmth. Only coldness.

"Dad, please. . . wake up" my tears streamed as rivers from my eyes, the sobs escaping me. This was not happening.

"Please, dad. Wake up!! PLEASE" I shouted into the air as I dropped to my knees in front of his form.

"PLEASE DAD, YOU CAN'T BE DEAD, FATHER!!" I cried, as the my voice broken, empty, blank with just the emotion of grief.

"DADDY, NOOO. YOU JUST CAN'T" I began to cry hugging his form. Again, not feeling his heart beat.

The pack, Melanie, Marius, Jack, dad. I couldn't face it, it was to much. I failed them, I failed them.

As a leader, as an Alpha, as a friend.

And now, I lost someone so precious to me.

I failed myself.

"Daddy please, wake up" I hiccupped crying, deeply.

"Leslie" I heard my mother's voice. I looked around noticing her crushed state, pain so huge and wide in her eyes as she struggled to keep herself straight looking at me, but the pain of loosing her mate, I could now see that it was as painful as they say.

Still it hurted me. It hurts me to see her like this. All thanks to me.

"I'm sorry mom" I ran at her, as she hugged me and we dropped to the floor. Dustin, Gianna, Mimmi and Tommy were outside, seeing me. My pathetic, stupid excuse of an Alpha.

"It's my fault he is dead, MY FAULT" I cried and screamed as the pain strangled my heart, feeling it rip apart and apart.

"It is not your fault, he did it protecting you" she sobbed, still I couldn't realise it. If only, if only I didn't acted so rashly about it.

He would be still be here. With me. Telling me how much he loves me. I would have begged him for my forgiveness of acting so childlike and not reasoning with him.

I hated myself. I couldn't stand it no more.

Then his smell hit me, his wonderful smell. And all I could think of was the anger boiling inside of me as fire consuming a complete town.

"You" I growled as my eyes became black and filled with so much hate and darkness, I was scared that it wasn't me who was talking right at the moment. I stood up as my mother began crying in the floor, knees up, her head beant down on it.

His face demonstrated pain, guilt, and sorrow for me. His bright brown eyes, clear with no tears, but I could feel his emotion of wanting to cry in this instant. He didn't though.

It angered me. How calm and cool he was at the moment. How at moment like this, he could still be dammed perfect. Sane, in a way.

"Leslie, what are you-".

The sharp slap echoed through the hall, shutting everyone in the hall. Everyone looking at me. Tadeo that was beside him, flinched. Every warrior, tracker, and medical wolf that were at the hall, turned their faces towards us.

Gasped filled faces, and lowly whispers.

Dayton's face was marked by my hand, as I grimace and growled. My claw marks marked in three sharp cuts in hus cheek. He turned to me with black eyes at the moment, but once a look at me, all of that crumbled into thin air.

"You brought this to me".

"Leslie, calm down", he turned around but I just began punching his chest with as much strength I could muster in the moment.

"Did you knew all of this was going to happen? You brought this to my life, you brought damnation to me, YOU RUINED ME" I screamed as hard as I could as more tears escaped me.

"Leslie. Calm DOWN" he began restraining my hands turning them behind my back. I struggled still, even though he moved them flawlessly.


"Leslie I didn't took them from you. I am just trying to help, just calm yourself" he turned me around and I just loose it. Crying, as if I was dying from torture.

Dayton let me drop with him behind me. Calming me and shushing me next to my left ear, but it didn't worked.

"They took him from me. My dad, THEY TOOK HIM FROM ME".

And I cried, until my world became black again. The bitter taste of grief and salty tears in my mouth.

And my hollow soul, howling in agony.

And my wolf, dead from the pain of loosing her father.

And even, in the mist of pain, and the guilt I threw at him, Dayton was still telling me to calm down.

"I failed you, Leslie" he said as Gianna's drug shut me down completely.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

You guys must be hating me right now, but sadly this had to come for Leslie to realise what she is facing with.

Even though I had lightly put the enemies at the moment, they are quite deadly when they want to.

And I'm sorry. Tears actually were spilled while writing this. 😢

Will Leslie forgive Dayton for something he didn't obviously do? Will now Leslie accept what she is facing now more strongly?

Or will she succumb to the pain and darkness?

Next chapter is Dayton's POV, from when Leslie disappeared in the battle, to him finding Leslie in the hall.

Please comment, vote or share with your friends 😊

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