The Originals's Sister (The V...

By YellowGemeni

236K 4.9K 785

This story was deleted by accident. -annoyed sigh right here- We all know the story of the Originals, how Es... More

1: The Return
2: Complicated
3: Answers
4: Oh Witch
5: Making Memories
6: Speak of the Devil
7: Go Away
8: Darkness
8-2: Darkness
8-3: Darkness
9: Homecoming
9-2: Homecoming
9-3: Homecoming
10: The New Deal
11: Our Town
12: The Ties That Bind
13: Brining Out The Dead
14: Dangerous Liaisons
14-2: Dangerous Liaisons
14-3: Dangerous Liaisons

15-1: All My Children

8.4K 208 122
By YellowGemeni

How dare he? How dare he accuse her of being the problem? Maddie hadn't been the one to start a fight on the front patio, was she? Maddie hadn't been the one to bring the originals back to town in the first place. Maddie was going through enough shit without adding a pile of crap like that on tops of everything! Letting out a growl of anger, Maddie lashed out and kicked the ground as she walked.

By now she had realized how stupid it was to walk away. At the time she had been pleased that no one had tried to stop her, but by now she was just wondering how long it was going to take to walk home. At least she had changed back into her own clothing, walking back in heels would not have been good for her poor feet. She contemplated calling her brother again, but brushed off the idea as soon as she pulled her phone out of the duffle slung over her shoulder. She missed the days when she could look at her mobile without having a dozen missed calls.

"I need a break."


"Can you fix it?"

Maddie kept her eyes on the bruises blossoming under her blonde brother's skin. A frown puckered her brow, but she nodded none the less. "Yeah, I can." She finally admitted, albeit reluctantly. "But this would be a whole lot faster if you would just take some vampire blood."

"No." Matt refused, pulling his wrist away from the teen before hastily added, "thank you. I'd prefer it if you would do it... I don't want to deal with any more vampires."

Can't argue with that logic. The witch acknowledged with a sigh. "Alright, Matty." She relented. "I need a distraction anyway." Getting to her feet, Maddie stuffed her hands in her back pockets and looked back at the battered wrist. "I'll get the spell ready, go change and then meet me in the kitchen."

Healing his hand was quick work and soon the two siblings were left in silence. Maddie busied herself with closing her grimoire and then fiddling with her necklace while Matt flexed his newly unbroken fingers. The unease was like a physical barrier between the two, the distraction gone, leaving them with nothing but tonight to talk about.

"So..." Matt started, holding back a sigh when his sister immediately tensioned. This was going to be a rough conversation. "Maddie, I love ya, but you have to tell me what's going on with you." He finally decided to bite the bullet and just say what he needed to say. "All of this Original stuff, and then Damon says you've been hiding things... Plus you've been running off after school and no one knows where you are- I- I'm worried about you, Mads." He explained, speeding up as he spoke and his worry and anxiety started to nip at his heels. "I just wish you would tell me what's going on. I should have to learn all this through my ex-girlfriend!"

Maddie stood up and took a step back, panic shining in her eyes. "Matty... I don't know what you want me to say." She murmured guiltily, her stomach rolling at the sight of her brother's big eyed kicked puppy look.

"Well the truth would help, for starters."

The truth. It sounded so simple. The reality of this was nothing was simple anymore- absolutely nothing. "Well... Um," She stuttered, forcing herself to travel back towards her chair. Each step feel harder to take, there were so many different ways for this to end, and all but one were horrid. She was tempted to refuse, to tell Matt she was trying to keep him out of it or something, but after learning about the Mikaelsons through someone else Maddie just didn't have the heart to do it. "The original stuff- I'm a Mikaelson, technically, but I'm not a descendent like I thought. They're my siblings." She murmured, glancing up at him through her lashes to keep watch on his expressions.

There was confusion, sadness, and that heart crushing disappointment. "So you lied to me." Matt concluded, puffing out a breath that seemed to radiate just as much stress as he did.

"No! I mean, sort of, but not really." Maddie was quick to refute, shaking her head urgently and waving her hands around. "We all thought I was up until, like, literally a week ago. I hadn't told anyone- I knew what Damon would think, and- and I'm not on the best terms with Bonnie or Elena right now. I wanted to find a way to tell you, everyone, but I wasn't sure what to think." She stammered, cursing herself for her stumbling and stuttering.

Matt leaned back in his chair and Maddie took a minute to calm her thrumming heart before continuing. "But Rebekah spilled the beans to Elena and Caroline, and I didn't have time to explain everything." Matt remained in his own little world, raking a hand through his pale hair as he tried to process the fact that his sister was born before most of the trees in this town. "I'm remembering slowly, bits and pieces from that time. I think another witch sent me here when she realized Esther was trying to make vampires. There had to have been something wrong with the spell and I went through time instead of through space.

I was angry and confused, and I just needed- need- some time to process before I said anything." The air hung heavy with silence as Maddie waited for her brother to say something- anything. He didn't. He just needs time to process, it'll be alright. She told herself. Just keep going- rip it off like a bandaid. "I got my powers from Esther, and Bonnie's Grams helped me learn how to contain them, or most of them anyway. She blocked off some of it, because my body couldn't handle so much- it's, um, magic is like wine, it gets better- stronger really- as it ages. I was going to be a powerful witch on my own, but when I suddenly jumped from being seven years old to 1,000 without ever being restrained to the otherside, there were unheard of reactions. It gave me abilities, powers that are amazing even by supernatural standards." As she spoke, Maddie went back to twirling her pendant between her thumb and forefinger, not wanting to look over at the poor boy who sat silently in front of her.

"When I finally got them under control with Gram's help, I wanted to go explore the world, and not just the normal one. That's where Damon's accusations come in. I got into some trouble in Europe, testing my abilities, learning..." As her words faded she found herself thinking back to her trip. This was where things got a little more complicated, she needed to choose her words carefully. "Grams hated vampires, always has. That was the only thing I had been exposed too, so I agreed with her. So, while I was away I got rid of as many as I could. I wasn't really looking for them, per say, but I wasn't avoiding them either. A few months into the trip I was hunting one and she got the drop on me..."

She had been watching the brunette vampire for the last hour or so. She had come across the woman on her way out of an apothecary when she went to restock her stores. Naturally she had followed shortly after the woman, hoping to find her chance at ridding her from the world and saving some poor soul from getting drained dry. Finally she thought she had her chance as the vampiress strode down a little alley. That should have been the first clue that something was up.

Instead of listening to her instincts, the teenage witch hastened her steps and wrapped her fingers around the vervain in her pocket, already feeling pride at a successful job. Her glowing smirk was pushed aside when she turned the corner to find not a soul on the street. Brows puckered in a frown, Maddie squared her shoulders and eyed the shadows, resolving to take a look around before abandoning her quest.

"Why are you following me?"

Spitting out a curse in surprise, the blonde whirled around only to find the woman she had been tracking standing casually near the entrance to the alley. Maddie could feel her heart hammering against her rib cage as the woman narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms abrasively. After a moment she realized the vampire was waiting for an answer. "I-um," Screw it. She threw a hand up, magically sending a nearby sewer grate flying towards her opponent.

She caught the vampire off guard, not with the attack, but with her powers. Even as the woman scrambled to catch the lid, she dared towards her attacker and with minimal struggle had the girl pressed against the alley floor. Maddie nearly caught her with the vervain she had been clutching, but the unknown vampire caught sight of the movement and smacked it away with a quick kick to the wrist before pressing her foot back to the girl's chest.

Maddie's mind blurred with fear, eyes widening marginally as she realized that this was her last moment. She was going to die in an dank alley millions of miles from her friends and family, her body likely hidden for the rest of time by her murderer. "You're a strong one, aren't you?" Wait, what? Maddie's fear ebbed at the swell of confusion that suddenly rushed toward her. Either the vampire didn't notice or, more likely, she didn't care. "So, why are you following me?"

"You're a vampire." The witch stated, eyes narrowing in silent accusation. If she was going to die anyway, she saw little wrong with angering the vamp or admitting her intentions... But the woman wasn't angry, she just raised a brow in question as if to say 'so?'. When Maddie offered no other explanation, the woman narrowed her eyes appraisingly at the girl. Maddie closed her eyes and forced herself to accept her fate, fully expecting two elongated canines to pierce her neck at any moment. "You're an abomination."

"You're one of those witches, aren't you?" She finally murmured, before seemingly making up her mind about something. "Get up." Maddie's eyes snapped open, surprise clear in her blue gaze. The pressure on her chest was gone, and the vampire was standing a few feet away gazing down at her once more. For more then a brief moment the young witch considered making a run for it or launching herself towards her vervain. "I really don't want to have to compel you." Risking another glance at the vamp, Maddie froze when she spotted her vervain ring being twisted between the woman's fingers almost playfully. With a teasing but pointed look the woman motioned for the girl to get up "Come on, get up."

Slowly the teen obliged, crawling to her feet. Acting more out of confusion then logic, she put words to her thoughts. "You aren't going to kill me..."

"Nope." The woman replied, scooping up Maddie's messenger bag and turning to walk out onto the street again.

"Then what do you want?" Maddie asked, keeping her feet firmly planted on the ground where they were.

"If you would get walking, I would show you." Instinct and teachings told the blonde to let the vampire walk off, but for some unknown reason- she found herself trailing the vamp for the second time that night. She pointedly ignored the satisfied smirk on the older woman's lips, instead watching for any sudden movements- not that it had helped earlier. Unperturbed by the distrust wafting from her newest acquaintance, the vampire started up conversation. "What's your name?" When she got no answer, yet again, the brunette sighed in annoyance and cast her gaze upon the girl, pupils widening in silent threat.

"Maddie. Now where are we going?"

Humming in approval, the woman faced forward once again. "Nicolette." She introduced herself, ignoring the obvious frustration oozing from the girl at the mere thought of staying with the vampire. "And we're going to work on getting that broomstick out of your ass."

Shaking herself from the memory, Maddie smiled to herself. "She helped to show me a different path... She had kept in touch with her descendants over the years, and she brought me to meet a woman named Theresa and her son. Both were magical, and thanks on no small part to Tess's determination, they convinced me that vampires weren't the awful creatures I had imagined them to be."

Matt who had been sitting silent and still for the better part of 30 minutes, suddenly shifted to take his sister's hand in his own. Tears glistened in Maddie's eyes as she grasped it firmly in return, knowing the silent show of support for what it was. Matt may not be happy with her right now, but he would get over it- and he would keep her secrets. He would always be her brother, he would always love her, even when her friends and the witches raged at her.

The pair sat their kitchen until the early hours of the morning, listening and sharing stories of the last year. Maddie explained everything she had been keeping inside, leaving out no detail. Matt would admit to not understanding everything that was said, and to being some combination of worried and angry at what he did understand- especially when Katherine Pierce was mentioned. But he kept his thoughts mostly to himself, knowing he would need to save his fears for a latter time if he wanted to keep Maddie from shutting down. BY the time all had been told, Maddie was practically asleep where she sat. Matt carried his sister to her room that night, tucking her in and placing a kiss on her cheek as if she were still the girl she had been two years ago- still someone he could protect.


Something was amiss. Between the occurrences last night between the Salvatores and his younger siblings and Elena's blatant lie, Elijah had been put on high alert. He, just like all of the other Mikaelsons longed for the reuniting of their fractured family, but after looking after his siblings for the better part of a thousand years he knew to be cautious. Too many times before he trusted without first proving loyalty and been struck down for his efforts.

Taking a quick moment to look inside Esther's meeting room, he had found unfortunate evidence against her. Sage, while it had many uses, was only bundled and burnt for one reason. A privacy spell. He dreamed that his mother would be different, but even he could not dismiss something so peculiar outright.

Nothing more of interest was found on sight, so Elijah traveled downstairs to enact the next step in his search- consulting. He could hear his sister and brothers bickering in the foyer. To his fortune both Kol and Klaus decided to stop harassing their sister for her promiscuous tendencies in favor of a trip into town. The situation had drawn itself out rather nicely, Rebekah was the one with whom he needed to speak with and now they had the privacy to do so.

When Elijah first called to the blonde, she assumed he would continue scolding her as her other siblings had. Naturally Elijah was inclined to do just had- but his inner turmoil about Esther's intentions kept those petty ridicules away. "I need to speak to Madelyn." He grumbled, rolling the packet of herbs in his palm as if there was something he could still learn from them.

A loud sigh flew through Rebekah's lips as she massaged her temples, mention of her sister driving guilt back into her heart. In her heartbroken, liquor filled state, she had convinced herself that bedding the vampire who had accused her poor sister so harshly was nothing but a conquest. She just hoped Maddie would not be too cross with her when she found out. "I'm not her keeper, Elijah. The telephone was invented for things like this."

"I have already attempted to call her, she hadn't picked up." The eldest Mikaelsons was quick to respond, knowing Rebekah would make her escape if he wasn't quick enough to deter her.

"Well perhaps she doesn't want to be disturbed. Poor dear had quite a night yesterday." Rebekah mentally winced at the truth in her words. They did nothing to elevate her guilt, only setting her into a worse mood. "What urgent matter has you worked up, anyhow?" Sarcasm and jabs always seemed to accompany her unfavorable emotions, and now as no exception.

Fortunately, Elijah's reasons seemed to catch her attention well enough. "I'm worried about mother." Immediately the blonde's attitude faltered, and one might even have perceived concern twinkling in her eyes if they found the right light to look. "Have you not noticed her strange behavior?"

As quickly as it had dissipated, Rebekah's peevishness returned. The look she sent Elijah could clearly be described as exasperated. "She's been dead for a thousand years, what's strange to her?"

"Burned sage." A thousand years of knowing someone will eventually help to alleviate the burn of their temper, and Elijah was tempered towards his sister's far flung ire. His answer was crisp and decisive as he handed over his proof for the blonde to observe. "She was doing a privacy spell."

Rebekah gazed down at the remanence of Esther's spell, doubt floating to the surface of her mind before a great wave was sent to sink it once more. "You know she fancies such things." Esther had always valued her privacy, even in her own home. Coming back to reality after a thousand years of being alone may have strengthened the need for her peace. "Besides, what use would Madelyn be at confirming your theory? Her memories are returning quicker now that Esther has returned, but even so she was hardly six Summer's old when she last saw mother." Elijah almost shook his head at his sister, but held his tongue. He had his suspicions, but it would do Rebekah no good to have such things put into her head before all the facts were unveiled. "And as for mother... She returned for one reason- to make her family whole." Here Elijah did raise his brows in a semi-challenging manner, and naturally he was ignored. "She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?"

Rebekah's heart was still as large as it had been when it still beat, and moments of naïvety such as this reminded him of that. For now he would spare her from his pessimistic thoughts, in hopes that he might be proved wrong and she would never need to hear them.


"Clock's ticking." Damon called as he rounded the corner into the Salvatore's basement to confront his bother. Elijah had made himself very clear, they only had so much time to figure this out. "Are you going to help me brainstorm a plan or are you too busy fixing a snack?"

Looking down at the blood bag in his hands, Stefan licked his lips but closed the cooler either way. He couldn't afford to go off the rails when Elena's life was at stake. He needed to keep himself under control. "We need to call Bonnie." He decided, turning to pace across the room. "There's got to be a way for her to stop Esther from channeling all that power." After all, witch problems were usually easily solved by other witches- well, not easily solved, but solvable.

Damon wasn't as convinced. "A- What if she's with Esther? B- What if she can't cut her off? C- I don't know any of this works. D- Neither do you." Stefan cast an unamused look Damon's way, clearly not appreciating his brother's dramatic flare. Both settled into a moment of thoughtful silence, faces drawn and grim until a sudden idea came to Stefan. "What?" Damon asked, taking his brother's raised eyebrows and parted lips to mean something had come to him.

"You aren't going to like it." Stefan admitted, raising a brow in challenge. Never the less Damon didn't seem to care, shaking his head and giving Stefan a look that clearly expressed his frustration with the waste of time. So begrudgingly, Stefan folded his arms across his chest and explained. "Maddie. She's their sister, she'll want them alive and Bonnie said she was powerful. She's our best option."

Damon's answer was immediate. "Donovan? No. I'd rather bring Emily Bennett back from the dead and have her cast the damn spell. Besides, Esther's her mother, she has just as much reason to be working with her as she does us." Stefan just looked down, sighing at his brother's anticipated reaction. "Plus, even if I wanted to ask Sabrina the teenage witch, she'd never talk to me after yesterday."

"Yeah, you messed that one up" He muttered, recalling Damon and Maddie's shouting match from the night before. "Well, do you have a better idea?"

"Worse case scenario, simple mechanics. Can't draw power from a dead battery..."


The moon was nearing it's apex, Bonnie could feel it getting closer to full with each passing minute. Esther had already set nearly everything up for the ritual, and Finn was in the process of lighting the torches set up at each corner of the pentagram. As she watched, Bonnie couldn't help the shiver that ran up her spine. She pulled her jacket tighter around herself and took a deep breath to steady her nerves and returned her attention to Esther.

"The pentagram is a symbol of our magic. The salt represents the earth." Abby had asked what the ceremony entailed, and the ancient witch was in the process of explaining. Admittedly, Bonnie hadn't been focusing on the explanation- or most of what Esther had said this afternoon. It was hard to think about learning when speaking to not only the mother of a previously orphaned friend, but the 1,000 year old mother of her orphan friend, who just happened to be trying to murder most of her family. Bonnie just couldn't get over what this woman was trying to do. Bonnie understood that it was the right thing to do, the originals were a burden on the world and had lived long enough, but there was a nagging voice in the back of her head that kept reminding her that this was Maddie's family that she was killing.

Never the less, when she saw Esther looking at her she shook the thoughts from her mind. What's done is done. She reminded herself, even if you wanted to stop Esther, she has the strength of my whole bloodline helping her. "And the torches?"

"Five torches, one for each of my children." It was hard to miss the way Finn and Esther looked at each other, like there was something else going on here. "My vampiric children, that is."

"What is this spell you're doing?" Bonnie demanded, cocking her head in a confused manner. Once again Esther's brown gaze turned to the young Bennett witch as she started to explain.

"As the witch that made them vampires, I can also reverse it." Bonnie and Abby both blinked in surprise, exchanging glances of confusion. They had, after all, always thought Vampirism was forever. "Once they are human again, they can be killed."

The sound of cracking fire filled Bonnie's mind as she sorted through the information that was just thrown at her. "So Maddie won't be harmed?" She asked, the question coming to her not for the first time. Esther merely shook her head and turned to stare at her circle once more before another question was brought her way. "Wait, didn't Maddie help you make them vampires?" She asked, "If the creators need to be here, how will the spell work without her?"

Esther let a small smile slip onto her lips for the first time that night, and shivers raced up Bonnie's spine once more. "It won't, but don't fret. We have what we need from her." Pulling her hand from her pocket Esther revealed something Bonnie never thought she would see without the pale background of Maddie's skin behind it. Her necklace. "Enough of her magic is present in this pendant that I wouldn't need Madelyn to be here at all."

Bonnie thought back to the story Maddie had told her about that pendant, how Grams had put her magic inside to keep it from shocking her system as a child. Then she recalled how protective the other witch was of it and instantly dread pooled in her stomach. "How did you get that?"

The blonde woman cocked her head curiously at the sudden change in demeanor. Finn tensioned at the hostile body language, but Esther kept him at bay with a single raising hand in his direction in a calming manner. "I believe she's safe and sound at her house, Bonnie, there is no need to be worried." She soothed, glancing over at Finn for an affirmative nod before trying to move the conversation forward, not that Bonnie would allow it.

"She would never let you take that." The young witch insisted, taking a step towards the older woman only to be blocked by Finn on the way.

Again Esther called her son back to his work, this time with a hand on his shoulder. Once the original had moved back towards the circle Esther addressed Bonnie one last time. "I spoke to her this morning, Bonnie. It was Madelyn's idea to use the pendant, she gave it to me herself."


Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuunnnnn!

Sorry for the wait, I have no excuses, only apologies :(

Hope you liked this chapter, I know it's a little on the shorter side.

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