Tongue Tied

By EverleighAshcroft

1.9M 55.3K 3.3K

Featured on Cosmopolitan as an "exceptional fiction story," Tongue Tied is the second highly-praised novel fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
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Tongue Tied
About the Author
Preview of The Assignment

Chapter 10

43.2K 1.3K 128
By EverleighAshcroft

Before leaving my office the previous day, Mr. Hilliard had given me strict instructions for approaching Sean Ashworth at the fundraiser. Michelle had burned a disc for me to give to Sean which had both my slideshows along with the poster board images on it. I was supposed to flag him down and get a few minutes of his time to show him the pitch before he had a chance to speak to the media. In the meantime, Michelle and Renee continued attempting contact with Sean, trying to bypass Margaret - which wasn't working out so well - while the afternoon hours ticked away until it was time for me to head for Raleigh.

I skipped out on work early to go home and get ready. Carlie came over and did my hair in a fancy style that I was absolutely in awe of. I had planned on going with my hair in a bun or just down but she'd insisted that I couldn't attend an event like this not looking completely flawless. Of course, I didn't feel flawless. Every dress I pulled out of my closet didn't feel like the right one, but I settled for a long, floor-length gold gown that complimented my hair color and skin tone.

While Carlie worked on my makeup, which she also said had to be perfect, I complained about the Rutherford Laurence issue and how much I hated having to go to the fundraiser. Carlie was sympathetic and gave me a pep talk, trying to convince me that I'd easily earn back Sean's business, ninety-percent based on my appearance. I disagreed, but if looking like one of the rich, stunning women who often attended these events would get me any extra points with Sean, I figured it was worth sitting through Carlie throwing mascara and foundation on my face.

The drive to Raleigh felt longer than usual. I'd driven this highway multiple times but the apprehension of having to try to make a last minute pitch to Sean in a very inappropriate setting was grinding my gears. I was sure I was about to waste my time and leave feeling like I'd made a complete fool of myself.

I pulled in beside a parking meter and sat in my car for an extra ten minutes trying to gather my wits and come up with a plan of action. The problem was I'd never been to this particular annual charity fundraiser before. I wasn't familiar with the layout of everything and I had no idea what time Sean was supposed to address the media or where to find him. Upon entry into the hotel ballroom, my eyes scanned the crowd for Sean but all I could see were rich executives clad in literally flawless attire and mountains of gold and diamonds, and the group of reporters taking pictures and filming the scene. I spotted Mike Arthur and made a beeline for the opposite side of the room. If I never heard about boiled egg soup again, it would be too soon.

I decided to ask around and find out if anyone had seen Sean or knew where I could find him but before I could interrupt anyone's conversations, my phone started buzzing in my clutch. I ignored it the first time but then it began ringing again immediately after the missed call notification. Much to my surprise, it was Alec calling me.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Shaffers?" I yelled in a hushed tone so no one would hear. "I've been calling you for a week and you have horrible timing!"

I was pissed. Of all the chances he had to call me back or even just shoot me a text saying he was okay, he had to pick now to call as the unknown number of minutes I had left to flag down Sean were quickly ticking away.

He sighed, sounding like he really regretted making me wait so long to hear from him. "Hey. Hey. I'm sorry, okay? Can we-"

"Alec, I don't have time right now," I cut him off. "I've got to go track down Sean Ashworth and try to convince him to give Corbin and Hilliard's pitch a last minute chance and I don't know how long I have to do that."

Alec's tone shifted dramatically. "Stay where you are. Hang on."


He hung up. I frowned at my phone, briefly considering calling him back but I knew I didn't have the time. The feeling of a hand on my shoulder nearly startled the daylights out of me. I jumped and turned around to face a very well-dressed Alec, tie and all.

"I need to talk to you." His words were hushed as he gently grabbed my upper arm, leading me away from the ballroom and into a vacant hallway.

A tornado of emotions was spinning through me and I didn't know if I was more pissed at Alec for ignoring me and then showing up at the worst possible time, or more worried about finding Sean before he made his speech.

"Where the hell have you been? And why have you been ignoring me?" My questions came out in a jumbled mess.

I crossed my arms and begun to tap my foot in expectation, constantly glancing back toward the ballroom doors every time I heard the crowd clap or someone say something into the microphone.

Alec shifted his weight to his left side, his hands sliding into the pockets of his freshly ironed slacks. "Look, I'm sorry, Bree," he said sincerely, looking down at the carpet. It was a pattern of blue and red that didn't look right together. "Something unexpected came up and I had to go to Los Angeles for a few days. It wasn't even short notice. It was literally like I heard about it and ten minutes later I was heading to the airport. I'm so sorry."

For days I had been running the scenario through my head of how I was going to rip Alec a new one once I saw him again, but I hadn't expected him to be sweet about it. He wasn't following the script I'd come up with and it didn't seem fair to start screaming at him - no matter how much I wanted to. Although he looked mouth-wateringly attractive in his suit and tie, Alec's expression was as if he was attending a funeral. He was putting on a happy act to everyone at the event but his eyes told me he was miserable. It looked like he was dreading something, much like myself.

"You make it hard to yell at you when you're apologizing in a suit," I groaned, leaning back against the wall. "Why'd you have to go to LA?"

Alec mirrored my exasperated sigh, pressing his back against the wall beside me. We stared at a framed painting of horses running through a desert for a long time before he spoke up.

"I had to convince a potential client we were about to lose to work with Harper Media," he said vaguely. "It was a spur-of-the-moment thing."

I turned my head to look at him. He was still staring at the opposite wall but a complex frown was obscuring his handsome features.

"Why couldn't you have told me that?" I stepped in front of him, his gaze snapping back to me. "I thought you were ignoring me because I turned you down for sex that night."

Alec's frown morphed into confusion and a chuckle escaped his pouty lips. "You're joking right? I wouldn't do that, babe." He stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on my hip. I instinctively glanced up and down the hall to make sure no one could see us. "Relax. They're all in the ballroom."

"Why did you take so long to acknowledge all my texts and calls?" My brows drew inward. I didn't understand why he hadn't texted me that he was out of town. He always had before.

Alec shook his head, a few strands of his combed back bangs falling forward. "I don't know, Bree. I'm sorry, okay? It's just been a really rough week and I need a breather."

He looked regretful, as well as anxious. I decided there was no point to making a scene and brushed it off. I didn't understand his reasoning but it didn't sound like I was going to get a straight answer. I was also confused as to why he was at the fundraiser. Charity events had never been Alec's thing. Although Harper Media was always in attendance, it was usually just the big wigs who showed up.

"Why are you here?" I questioned. My eyes darted to his mouth where the tip of his tongue glided over his lower lip.

Alec sighed, his hand leaving my hip to push the loose strands of hair back. Watching him do it made me want to run my fingers through his hair. "Troy wants me here." He shrugged, sounding like he'd rather be home watching ESPN and throwing back a beer.

I wanted to stay and talk to Alec but I still had to go flag down Sean and I knew Mr. Hilliard would undoubtedly fire me if I didn't at least try to talk to him.

"Alec, have you seen Sean Ashworth anywhere? I need to find him before he makes his speech," I rolled my eyes.

Alec's eyes narrowed, his sparkling blue orbs suddenly becoming darker, almost angry. "No I haven't," he said quickly.

His demeanor bothered me but I didn't have the time to question it. "Well, do you know where I might be able to find him? Is there anyone I could ask that would know?" Maybe some of the media personnel would know. He was the main reason they were in attendance.

Alec shook his head, grabbing my arm again and attempting to walk us in the opposite direction of the ballroom. I could hear a man speaking into the microphone but I couldn't decipher what was being said over the sound of the audience clapping, talking, and laughing.

"Why are you trying to do a pitch tonight?" Alec frowned. "Didn't you hear that Sean's already found an agency for the campaign?"

I nodded, turning back toward the ballroom. Alec followed closely behind as I walked back to the entrance. "Yeah. I have. But Mr. Hilliard wants me to persuade him to change his mind at the last minute."

Alec's frown deepened and I thought he was going to say something but no words came. I took that as my cue to reenter the event and left him standing alone in the hallway. I hated that I had to focus my attention on Sean for the time being. If I didn't have anything important to do at the fundraiser, I'd probably already have Alec's slacks off in one of the hotel rooms upstairs. I was frustrated and I needed a stress reliever. A stress reliever named Alec Shaffers. And that's exactly what I intended to sink my teeth into as soon as I got a final decision from Sean.

My vexation only increased when I reentered the ballroom. Across the room at the microphone stood Sean Ashworth in the same suit he'd worn the day I met him. His toupee looked crooked and he was holding a long stem glass of champagne, making his address to the media. I was too late to catch him. Mr. Hilliard was going to be furious.

Rather than blow up at Alec for holding me up or interrupt Sean's speech and make a scene, I decided to stick around long enough to find out which one of our competitors he'd chosen to work with and then see if Alec wanted to steal a couple bottles of champagne and get a hotel room.

"I know you're all anxious to get back to drinking and dancing so I'll try to keep this short," Sean said. A few people laughed softly in response.

He went on to talk about how important Healthier Is Happier is to him and how difficult it had been to pick the advertising agency Rutherford Laurence would work with.

"And without further ado, I am very pleased to announce that Harper Media will be working with us to make this campaign the most successful yet!"

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