Golden Days {Springtrap X Gol...

By CrazyMofo_x3

34.1K 1.1K 293

Ever since then I hadn't seen him anywhere, it was as if he had disappeared. His phone was off and I couldn't... More

☼ Prologue ☼
☼ O N E ~ M E M O R I E S ☼
☼ T W O ~ H O U S E ☼
☼ T H R E E ~ S H O P P I N G ☼
☼ F I V E ~ F R E D D Y ☼
☼ S I X ~ C H A I N S ☼
☼ S E V E N ~ L O S T ☼
☼ E I G H T ~ L O S T A N D F O U N D ☼
☼ N I N E ~ M U M ☼
☼ T E N ~ E S C A L A T I O N ☼
☼ E L E V E N ~ R E A L I T Y ☼
☼ T W E L V E ~ P L A N S ☼
☼ T H I R T E E N ~ D E C O R A T I O N ☼
☼ F O U R T E E N ~ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ☼
☼ F I F T E E N ~ C H R I S T M A S ☼
☼ S I X T E E N ~ C O N F E S S I O N ☼
☼ S E N V E N T E E N ~ M O V I N G ☼
☼ E I G H T E E N ~ F E E L I N G S ☼
☼ N I N E T E E N ~ B A B Y ☼
☼ T W E N T Y ~ F I N D I N G O U T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y O N E ~ R E S T A U R A N T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T W O ~ T H E F I R S T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T H R E E ~ H E A R D A N D B A C K ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F O U R ~ J E A L O U S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F I V E ~ P H O N E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S I X ~ C L Y D E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S E V E N ~ C H A N G E S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ S A V E M E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y N I N E ~ M E E T I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y ~ L O N G T I M E N O S E E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y O N E ~ T R U T H O U T ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T W O ~ R E D ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T H R E E ~ T I M E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F O U R ~ C A L L ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F I V E ~ P A R K ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S I X ~ N E W B E G I N N I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S E V E N ~ T W O ☼

☼ F O U R ~ T A L L M A N ☼

1.2K 32 20
By CrazyMofo_x3

Goldie had driven to a chip shop where he had got chicken nuggets and chips. He had drives to a quiet area the two would go to before the accident.

Goldie passes Spring his and watched him open them up, "I remember this..."

"We came here a lot,"Goldie replied. Spring smiled and ate his food as if he had just came straight out of Auschwitz. In other words: he was hungry as hell.

Goldie tilted his head and leaned back, fascinated for some odd reason. Spring glances at him with a mouth full of chicken biggest.

The elder couldn't help but let out a girly giggle and cover his mouth. Spring continued eating, he finished way before Goldie so he ended up talking with him.

"You were hungry, huh?", Goldie asked, Spring agreed and leaned back, finally a bit more relaxed.

"Do you remember anything...about home?", Spring twitched and his ears lowered slightly.

"H-home?", Spring stuttered, not being able to look at him.

Goldie had never talked about home with him before, nor family or anything. All he knew was Plush and he was a lot to handle.

"You never told me about them...You don't have to...", Goldie mumbled.

"I remember far back memories...But I don't want to say...Now...", He whispered and curled up.

"Oh...That's fine, I understand."

Goldie continued stuffing his face with food as Spring watched the crystal lake flow elegantly.

The younger was in his own world, fascinated by the outside and Goldie being intrigued by his fascination. He still had that childish glow about him, Goldie couldn't put his fingers on it.

Spring suddenly jumped up, as if he's just seen a dead body floating in the lake.

"Spring? Are you okay..?"

"G-Goldie! I swear I just saw Plush with an older man! He was wearing all black and had a ponytail!", Spring panicked in a stressed out tone.


"R-right by the lake!"

"I know it's a lot to take in but it's probably your mind playing tricks...", Goldie sighs, Spring still looked panicked.

Goldie hugged him and pat his back, this made Goldie lose his appetite completely.

"Here, eat the rest of th-"

"LOOK!", Spring pointed to the car leaving behind them with a person who looked identical to plush in the car next to a tall man, the one Spring had seen earlier.


Goldie gave Spring the food and shoved the key in the ignition, quickly racing out of the car park but by then, the car was way out of sight. Spring was holding the food as if his life depended on it, he was shaking slightly. Goldie frowned and watched the car blend in with the others.


Spring shook his head and calmed down slightly.

"No, it's fine...You tried...And at least I know he's alive!", Spring pointed out, Goldie nodded slowly, he decided to start heading home since he was driving the car already. He still felt a bit stupid not to have listened to Spring before. What if he loses Plush? That wouldn't be good...At all...

The two sat in silence for a good 10 minutes until Spring spoke up.

"H-How long am I staying with you..?"

"As long as you please."

Spring didn't like the sound of that, it just made him feel as if he were intruding, he didn't like to be in the way. Yet, he still didn't want to sound ungrateful.

"I'd like you to stay long though, I think it's better that way but if you don't like it then that's okay...", Goldie added on.

"What? Why would I not like it?", Spring asked.

"You may prefer somewhere else?"

"I doubt that highly...", Spring mumbled.

"I don't mind you staying...It's nice not being lonely...", Goldie mumbled back.

"You get lonely..?", Spring asked, turning to him and listening.

"Of course...I live alone...I just sometimes have to look after my brother so that's how I get paid," Goldie explained.

"Oh...So you're getting carer's allowance and he's on DLA?", Spring asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I remember things like that," Spring explained, leaning back a bit.

"I don't believe I told you-"

"You didn't," Spring interrupted, "But my parents had it for my family.."

"Hm? You remember that?"

"Yep...B-But let's not get into it...", Spring stuttered.

Goldie nodded and let the subject go. The good thing about today was that they had got a lot of new clothes for Spring, in which he was extremely grateful for. Goldie only saw Spring clothes with holes and rips normally, maybe they weren't intended...?

The bad thing is that they had let Plush get away- or at least what was believed to be Plush. This meant he was alive...but how long for...?


Spring lay in bed, still only wearing boxers as he felt better that way. Goldie was sat on the end of the bed. Neither of them could sleep so they ended up chatting.

"So, do you remember much about yourself?", Goldie questioned, Spring nodded in response.

"I remember quite a bit," Spring Added.

"Such as..?"

"Name...Think I know my age...remember my family, past, my gender if that's not self explanatory and sexual orientation if that isn't again, self explanatory..."

"Oh, quite a good bit then..", Goldie smiled.

"Yeah..", Spring mumbled, picking at one of his scabs nervously.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh...Yeah...Yeah, sorry, I just don't talk to many people...", Spring sighed and glanced at Goldie.

"It's alright, I don't like people either...Socialising is something we both have problems with...I remember us talking about it...You might not though," Goldie remembered, Spring tried to as well but it was too hard.

"I don't....But I guess that's good to know," Spring smiled and Goldie smiled back.

"Hey, what time is it...?", Spring asked, Goldie glanced at his phone.

"Oh, half past one...Wow we're up late...", Goldie yawned, "Well...I'm kinda tired...Think I may go back downstairs.."

"Wait..", Spring whispered under his breath, Goldie turned to him, "Well...I don't feel good letting you sleep don't like sleeping up here while I sleep what if we went top and tail? Or just in the same went the same direction? I can put some clothes on..?"

Goldie blushed and searched around the room nervously, "Well...I-I guess we could...You'll be fine without the extra clothes, I'm clothed so...U-Um..."

Spring budged up and glanced at him and then closed his eyes. Goldie lifted up the covers and got in by Spring. Goldie stared at Spring in silence and laid his hand under the pillow.

"Night Spring..."

"Night," Spring mumbled back.

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