Days well spent

By groovy_mutant

7.5K 505 44

After I hit Charles, paralyzing him from the waist down, I felt obligated ask if wanted to stay at my house t... More



84 9 2
By groovy_mutant

••I feel this story drawing to an end. Enjoy!••

Charles POV
It was about an hour before the doctor got to us, Mary was still warm but had stopped spitting up. I was holding her at the moment the doctor walked in.

"Marybeth Xavier?" He asked.

We both nodded.

"What seems to be going on?"

"She's spitting up a lot and running a fever."

He examined the child after I handed her to him.

"It looks like she has a bad cold, nothing serious, but with vomiting in babies, you can never be too careful, so I'm glad you brought her in. I'm going to prescribe antibiotics for a week." Erik accepted the child this time.

The doctor wrote the script, handing it to me as Erik's arms were occupied. I held the note between my fingers, bending but not wrinkling the paper as I followed Erik out the door. Erik drove to the pharmacy drive through, handing the script to them. It would be ready in an hour.
We picked up the kids and drove back to the pharmacy an hour later.

"Come on, just take the medicine, Mary!"

I held her as Erik was crouched down in front of me, trying to get her to open her mouth. Eventually, she did and Erik was able to get the medication in her mouth. Erik left to go make dinner, leaving me with Mary. I ruffled her short hair, changing her before sliding her into a plain yellow onesie. She giggled, blue eyes glowing. She could actually pass for our child, she had Erik's hair color and my eyes. It was kind of strange, how much she resembled us.
She cooed, looking back into my eyes. I braided a small French braid around the side of her head that joined the rest of her hair, cuddling her.

"You look like you could be a duckling." I giggled at her bright yellow onesie. "That's it, you're my little duckling. Can you say 'quack'?" I tickled her lightly, and she giggled, squirming.

"Quack." I looked over to see Erik leaning against the doorway.

Chuckling, I set her back into the crib. "To be continued?" Erik kissed me.

"Wait till the children are in bed." I reminded. He sighed.

He laid down on top of me, seductively kissing down my chest. I curled my hand in his hair as he slipped off both our clothes. We fiercely made out, hungry like starving animals.


"Shit." We both cursed, pulling the covers over our naked bodies.

Peter's eyes were wide as he stood, frozen, in the doorway. I felt Erik slip on his pants under the covers, and he stood.

"I am so, so sorry Peter. Um what do you want? Anything at all? We can go for ice-cream tomorrow if you want?" I tried to cover.

Peter just shook his head, eyes still wide, jaw still slacked. He backed away, shaking his head.

"What were you doing?" He looked shocked and confused.

"Um..." Erik looked at me for help.

I shrugged nervously. Truth? I mouthed.

"We'll have a nice talk about this in the morning, Petrio. Go back to bed."

Peter sped out of the room.

"Well, that went well."


We picked up right where we left off.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, straightening my collar so it covered Erik's mark from last night. After combing my hair, I roused Erik and we were off to have an awkward discussion with Peter.

Peter sat at the table, reading his comic book. He looked up at us, and his eyes told me he remembered what happened. Wanda wasn't awake yet, so we settled this. Erik sat down in a chair next to me, across from Peter.

"So, Peter..." Erik folded his hands.

"What happened and what were you doing naked?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ehem, how do I explain this..." He swore in German, a very sexy thing might I add. "Sex, Peter." He finished.

"What's sex?" The innocence of the eight year old was beautiful.

"It's what you do when you married someone, and if it's a boy girl couple, a baby can happen." Peter's face contorted in confusion.

"So..." He looked slightly afraid. "You do that with your clothes off? Ew." He giggled a bit.

I nodded.

Peter lost interest, going back to his comic.

Erik and I looked at each other in relief.

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