Bella Notte

By Jesse_KimmelFreeman

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Vampires? Check. Werewolves? Check. Death prophecy to hang over your head? Double check. Seventeen year old E... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
If you...

Chapter Fifteen

110K 969 283
By Jesse_KimmelFreeman

Chapter Fifteen

It was funny how quickly time moved when you were busy doing other things. Prom was the starting point for everything.

I decided that I would move to Italy, after graduation, and had to start making arrangements. Thus, Dominic had to inform the Italian school that he had decided to accept the position there. There were many things to negotiate because I wanted to stay at Dom's instead of the school, and also the little details of our relationship.

Once all the fine details were taken care of, we found other things to be involved with.

I helped Kelly with her studying for every one of her tests- even if I didn't have the class; I studied the information before hand and helped her struggle through it all. I also made sure that all the arrangements were taken care of for her and her modeling career.

Chris had been true to his word and sent the contract to my lawyers. They reviewed it, made some corrections, and then sent it to Chris' lawyers … then the ping ponging started. Eventually, they got everything straightened out and Kelly had the best modeling contract that was ever created- and she signed, willingly. The photo shoot date was set up for after the finals were all finished. That way she wouldn't get too distracted.

Finals came and everyone was stressed out- well, except for Dominic and me. Kelly had lost her gloss and her little pack of friends were extra snarly. Our schedule was changed to give each class a three hour window to torture its students. Those three hours became the most tiring hours of my life because I was always done with my tests within an hour- and even that hour was a stretch of my time limits.

After I finished, I check and rechecked everything. I tried desperately to look like I was still working on my tests- it was so hard.

You done too? Dom was bored.

Yup. I yawned.

How are you doing? He laughed.

I've checked my test like a million times. I don't understand how it takes so long. I sighed.

Try to remember back to before you were a vampire, Emma. It took you that long and, sometimes, even longer if the teacher would let you. He chuckled.

I stopped to remember the past, a time that felt so long ago. I saw myself struggling to keep my pencil sharpened and fill in all the answers that I knew. Three hours was barely enough time even on my fastest day. Yes, I understand.

So, now you're going to be a little more forgiving to those around you? I could see his face in my mind with his brow lifted.

Yes, I will. I nodded to myself and gave a forgiving glance to the rest of the room- after all, it wasn't their fault they didn't have photographic memories and could remember everything a teacher said. I sighed.

Dominic and I passed every test session like this. He would finish, generally after me, and then he would start talking to me. We talked about everything we could think of. He was going to take another trip to Italy before the end of the year- thus meaning he'd be gone soon for a few days. I told him all about the photo shoot for Kelly and how I'd set it up for his trip time. He thanked me for sparing him from the experience. I laughed.

We discussed graduation and how things would change and when we'd leave for school. There was a lot of information passed. I enjoyed it greatly though.

By the time our final came in Art, Dominic and I presented Miss Ashley with our master pieces; his was a painting of the most beautiful monastery I had ever seen, and mine was a pencil sketching of my entire family- and then we were excused from the classroom.

We went and had lunch in town before we went home. Dominic was leaving that evening for Italy and the next day Kelly would be over for her photos. I suddenly felt like everything was slipping away too quickly and I wanted to hold on to it.

Concern crossed Dom's face. What's wrong?

Nothing. I'm thinking about how it's all going to change. I sighed.

He hugged me. Don't worry so much, you'll enjoy the changes that come. He kissed me gently on the cheek.

The day ended with me feeling sorry for myself. I really missed Dom from the moment that he left. I was alone in the house because my parents were away, yet again, and my grandparents were visiting friends a few towns over- they wouldn't answer when I asked if these friends were vampires as well.

I stayed in my room all night as I sipped on my new favorite nutritious drink- of a red nature- and watched the monster movies I had memorized. God, I hate being completely alone. Yeah, it's cool to have my moments of thought without everyone being able to hear them, but it's too lonely and quiet.

And so I sat, staring at my television screen as Bella Lugosi and Lon Chaney, Jr. acted out my lifelong friends. I decided that I was a strange, strange girl.

I fell asleep as the sun was dawning. My dreams were blank and my thoughts empty. It was a restful sleep.

When the alarm went off two hours later, I was tired, but not as tired as I should have been for only getting two hours of sleep.

I quickly got dressed in an oversized black sweater and black leggings. I brushed my hair and teeth and then pulled my hair into a pony tail. I ran downstairs and got rid of the evidence of any blood and hid the pitcher full of it in the secret compartment in the fridge. I really didn't want to have to explain to Kelly why there was blood in my kitchen, let alone my room. My mini fridge was currently pretending to be a table, so it was clearly hidden and locked with the old fashioned key worn around my neck like a necklace.

Just as I had finished hiding all existence of vampires in the house, the doorbell rang.

“Coming!” I shouted as I walked to the door. I pulled it open and found Kelly standing there. “Hey, girlie. Come in.” I smiled at her.

“It's so cold out there.” She gestured to the door. I hadn't realized the weather so I didn't bother to turn on the heat.

“Let me get the heat going in the room where we'll be having the shoot. I'll bring in some food too.” I smiled at her and dragged her to the back of the house and out to the sun room.

Since it was now overcast, the entire room looked gray- not a good light for a photo shoot. Damn. I really had wanted this to go smoothly, but it looked like the gods were against us.

I put Kelly in a squashy chair and wrapped a blanket around her. I turned on the heat so the room would warm up to a nice seventy degrees, and then I walked off to the kitchen.

The phone rang.

“Hello,” I said into the receiver.

“Hi, Emma. This is Chris. I'm running late. Is Kelly there already? Has the overcast landed by you guys as well?” He threw the questions at me so quickly I barely blinked as I listened.

“Hi, Chris. Yeah, Kelly's here. Unfortunately, the overcast is here as well. How late do you think you're gonna be? I setup in the sun room- like we had discussed, do you want me to move it?” I asked him.

“I should be there in about an hour. I'm bringing hair and makeup with me, so they couldn't be late. The clothing should be arriving any minute with my assistant. No, keep the sun room … if the sun decides to break through, then we won't have to move again. Okay, bye honey.” Click. The line was dead. Artists! Such odd ducks.

I got some breakfast ready for Kelly. I was sure she was going to be the only human here today, so I didn't make a lot of extra for everyone else. I brewed a huge pot of coffee and put the kettle on for tea and cocoa. I brought her the nice hot meal- which she ate thankfully and then I conveyed what Chris had told me.

“You don't think the weather will ruin it all?” Her face contorted with worry.

“No. That's what artificial lighting is for.” I smiled at her as she relaxed a bit.

“Okay.” She slid down further into the chair.

“Why don't you take a little nap and I'll wake you when everyone gets here, although I'm sure the commotion will do fine.” I laughed.

She nodded and closed her eyes.

About twenty minutes later, Chris's assistant- Kris- arrived. I helped her get all the outfits out into the sun room as quietly as possible. They had all been numbered- there were about thirty of them. I really hoped that Kelly would not have to go through thirty different wardrobe changes today.

I think it is so he can have a variety of things to choose from. I've never known anyone to go through that many in one shoot let alone a human. Kris said to me, her voice was very even, which made me wonder what she would sound like when angry.

I can only hope so, for poor Kelly's sake. I smiled at sleeping Kelly.

Kris and I set up everything around Kelly that would be needed for the shoot. Apparently, all Chris had with him was the makeup person, the hairstylist, and all their gear. His camera was here. I was highly tempted to take a shot of Kelly sleeping, but I had never seen a vampire get upset, and I didn't know his temperament.

So, what happens if someone touches his camera? I asked Kris.

Oh, he kills them right there. She laughed.

I so didn't think that was funny.

Just kidding. I doubt anything. Why?

I think this angle of Kelly sleeping would make an awesome shot. It's very natural. I looked at Kris to see what she thought and she handed me Chris's camera.

Go for it. It's digital, so, if he hates it, he can get rid of it. Easy peasy. Her smile was so natural that it took the vampire chill away from her and made her quite warming.

While Kelly silently slumbered, I shot numerous shots of her, from varying angles, in the hope that Chris would in fact like one. I was an artist as well, and I knew that he would appreciate the gesture. I was surprised that she didn't wake up from the flashes, but she slept on happily.

We're here. Chris's gentle voice drifted into my thoughts.

I'll get the door, Kris said and gestured for me to wake Kelly up.

I gently shook her and she mumbled at me. “Hey, girlie, it's time to shake the lead out.” I shook her again.

“Kay. I'm coming.” She rolled out of the chair and right onto the floor.

I started giggling. “Um, what happened there, hun?” I giggled some more.

“Guess I forgot where I was.” She smiled as she got up and rubbed her bum.

“Well, they're all here now.” I poured her out a cup of hot chocolate from the thermos I had put in the room for her. “Here, some chocolate to wake you up.”

“Thanks!” She beamed at me as she sipped the warm liquid.

“Ah, there's my model,” Chris said as he walked into the room.

“Emma, you and Kris did a fabulous job out here.” His compliment strangely didn't sound as flamboyant as it should have.

“Eh, thanks,” I said as Kelly yawned and waved at Chris.

“Okay, Kelly, I need to take some of your measurements. That's when I take your height, bust, hips, and waist size. That way, when I make you a comp card, your information will be on the back along with the agency's information.” He pulled out a measuring tape and got to work.

Afterwards, he jotted everything down.

I watched as Chris walked around the room and Kris followed him about, awaiting instruction. It was quite entertaining to watch. I only wished that I had thought to record the entire event to later play for Kelly when she was famous. Oh well.

“Okay. Kris, set up some lights and flood every corner we are using. I don't want any odd shadows unless I put them there. Now, Kelly, you need to come with me and we'll decide on a couple of looks for you from my racks. Afterwards we can talk about my visions for the shots and so forth. To work.” He clapped his hands and I giggled.

Kelly stood in front of a mirror as Chris held up dress after dress. I watched the small frame of Kris scurrying about, carrying lights that were bigger than her, and flooding the entire sun room with a white light. I immediately hated it.

Is that necessary? I asked with my eyes squinting shut.

Unfortunately, it is. It's something you adjust to, if you decide to stay in this business. Kris answered as she lit yet another one.

Can we put a filter on it, to soften it or something? I was thinking about crying to get my way.

We'll see what Chris wants to do for Kelly's look. Maybe it will all be gentle lighting. She smiled at me.

We can only hope. I looked over at Chris, who had missed everything that had happened.

Chris was holding a short black dress that was very simple, a replica of Kelly's prom dress, a replica of my prom dress, and a sun dress done in yellow plaid. He was explaining to Kelly how her feet wouldn't show in the long dress, but, in the sun dress, he wanted bare feet. For the black dress he produced a pair of electric blue stilettos and for my dress he pulled out a pair of shoes similar to mine. I felt slighted because it was my dress and shoes that she was going to be wearing. Logic decided to intercede and explained to me that my dress and shoes were upstairs, so I needed to take a freakin' chill pill.

After they decided on the clothes, then they decided on the makeup. A lot of it was really dramatic- except the sun dress, he didn't want any makeup for that.

I watched Chris figure out in which sequence to shoot the photos and where he wanted to shoot them. The sun dress was going to be outside, and if it started raining, then all for the better. The short black dress was to be on a white background. Kelly's prom dress would need the use of a chaise and would be shot on a black background. My dress was going to be shot from an above angle and with a checkered floor something we had in the kitchen.

I pulled the chaise in for them and watched Kris get the backdrops ready; they consisted of two metal poles holding large rolls of paper on them. The paper could be pulled down and then was taped to the floor. For the white paper it was important not to have anything on the bottom of your shoes- as to not have shoe prints in the shot. I decided that if I had been a photographer, I would love to have the prints in all my photos- it would be my signature.

After Kris got the shot ready, I helped her position the chaise in the right spot. Then we sat and waited for them to finish with Kelly. She was in her prom dress and her hair was turned into a river of cascading curls. Her makeup was done so her eyes were surrounded by deep blues, thus making her natural color more vivid. Her lips were barely colored. She could have easily been a corpse, but it looked way too cool.

“Kris, put a blue filter on that light, please!” Chris called as he positioned Kelly on the chaise, in a draping position. Kris rushed off to place a piece of blue plastic over the front of one light and Kelly was instantly tinted blue.

Her position was beautiful. She was laying across the chaise with her curls spread all around her, her knees were bent and angled to the left as her dress was pulled to the right. Chris climbed up a ladder and started snapping shots of her. She changed her facial expressions without being asked and he smiled joyously at her.

Kris was getting the photos instantly, on a laptop that she monitored, to make sure there were no technical difficulties going on. I watched as my childhood friend was turned into a Gothic pop star. Any singer would kill to have these shots done. And then Chris called for a position change. They sat Kelly up, curled her legs under her and handed her a book, but they left the blue tint on. It was sad to me and when I watched the images pop up, I realized that was what it was- lonely. She was all dressed up with nowhere to go- alone.

Chris had Kelly do various positions in the dress and used the chaise as a prop as needed.

After an hour, he decided it was time for a wardrobe change.

Next was the simple black dress. They pulled Kelly's luscious curls into a tight bun on her head. Cleared away all the blue makeup and did a gentle black eye liner, with a slight pink eyeshadow and lip gloss to match. She was placed on the white back drop this time and was told how to stand and look.

The pictures made her look more like a lawyer or something. I liked the ones before better, but I knew it was important to get different looks.

I watched Kelly closely, in case she needed a break or anything. I couldn't read her thoughts but I could see her body language, even under all the direction. She was holding up well.

After another hour, Chris decided it was time for the last inside shot and directed Kris to move the gear that would be needed into the kitchen. I helped her as I felt it was unjust for any one person to get stuck doing all the slave labor.

Kris tested the lighting with the kitchen lights on and the shutters open on the windows. After some great internal debate, she decided that two lights would be good enough. She went about setting up an area that Kelly could sit in and still have the right angles. I watched in amazement as she set everything up … then did some more light testing.

Kelly came in the room and she looked very Gothic. She had red streaks in her hair. Her eyeliner was thick and her shadow was bright red, as were her lips. It looked very fierce.

She looked at me like she finally understood who I was, and it made me want to laugh because I was no longer that girl.

Chris came in and sat Kelly on the floor with her legs tucked under her. He climbed up the ladder once more and called for her to look up at him. She did. The shot was perfect.

He had her do various leg placements, but all the shots were from above, it was all really interesting.

The final shot was of her crying and looking up once more- the makeup guy came and spritzed her eye makeup, in just the right place, so that it ran in two perfect lines down her face. Her eyes looked filled with pain and I wanted to cry.

After that shot I didn't think that Chris would want to do the outside shot, but I was wrong. Soon I was helping Kris get my backyard set up for another shoot.

Chris had demanded that a tree needed to be in the background, but only one. This didn't seem like an impossible request until I realized that all our trees were part of the forest and there weren't any singular trees sitting about. Damn him!

I walked up and down my property trying to find the perfect place to have Kelly's last shoot done.

What if the tree is so big that you can't see the other trees? I asked Chris.

I suppose that will have to do. He huffed.

I shook my head and called Kris over. “This is the right spot.” I declared. It was at the very edge of my backyard and the tree was huge. I knew it would take most of the shot and what was along the sides could be cropped out. Kris and I set up for the shot. There wasn't any electricity this far from the house so the shot would be done with the natural light- the clouds had gotten thicker and I wasn't sure if Chris wouldn't get his wish about rain.

Kelly strolled out in the thin sun dress and shivered. It was cold outside and I knew without her shoes, she was feeling it one hundred percent. I held her shoulders tight and rubbed up and down in hopes of making her warmer.

“You know …” Her teeth chattered together. “ … your hands are pretty cold.”

“Oh, sorry.” I pulled my hands away and remembered my chilly nature.

Chris came out and declared that it would rain. He had Kris go get an umbrella for when it started and began to shoot Kelly and the tree. It was hard for Kelly not to chatter her teeth together throughout the entire shoot, but as soon as the rain began to fall I was concerned for her health. The dress went almost see through and Kelly's hair turned into long strings of wetness.

After about half an hour, I told Chris that enough was enough. I grabbed the umbrella from him and hung it over Kelly as I walked her into the house.

She pulled off the dress where it made a plop sound as it hit the floor. I wrapped her in the wool blanket she had snuggled up with in the morning. I found the sweats she had come in and had her slip them on and drink some hot chocolate.

Chris came in and he was enthusiastic. He told Kelly that he would easily have jobs lined up for her after graduation. She blushed and thanked him for his help. Then, as quickly as they had appeared Chris, hair, and make up, all left.

I helped Kris load everything into the large white van she was driving. I offered her something warm to drink- she looked at Kelly and then shook her head. I waved to her as she left.

“So, you hungry?” I asked Kelly.

“Starving!” she cried.

“Then let's eat something. I know, I'll make you a dish I learned from Dominic. It's Italian and yummy.” I smiled and she nodded as we made our way into the kitchen.

I made the artichoke frittata that I had watched Dom make for me. Kelly enjoyed it and declared that she hoped one day she'd be able to go to Italy and eat their delicious food all the time. I laughed at her.

After we ate, she left and I was once again all alone. Dominic would be back later in the day, but I was alone right then. I went back upstairs and continued my monster movie marathon.

Dom found me asleep later as some Japanese movie with a Godzilla like creature in it terrorized the local town. I had fallen asleep in the beginning- it was way too cheesy for me.

He tucked me into my bed and then disappeared behind my eyelids.

Dom and I spent all of Sunday together as we worked out more of the details for the move. I wasn't sure what I should take with me and I was all nervous. Graduation was coming up quickly and then I'd be packed and gone. I got all stressed out and Dom suggested that we see a movie. I agreed as long as it wasn't a monster flick. He laughed at me.

When we got to the theater, they were playing Pirates of the Caribbean and Pin Up Girl. I readily went for Pin Up Girl- it had no monsters whatsoever in it.

I watched the old film in fascination as I thought about how Betty Grable's legs were insured for a million dollars. She really could say she had million dollar legs. I loved the old black and whites where everyone sung and danced about everything. This was no different and I wished for a time and place where I could walk about singing and dancing all the time. I'd love to live in a musical. I laughed to myself about the thought of it.

We left the theater and the day ended slowly.

Monday was filled with excitement because the valedictorian was going to be announced. I still secretly wanted it even though I had received my ticket out.

I sat in first period and listen to Mr. Fitzgerald talk about stuff that didn't matter anymore- the tests were down and classes, as well as school, would be over shortly.

About halfway through the class a junior came in to announce the year's valedictorian. And the winner is …

“Emma Hutchinson,” the small girl said, and then left the room.

I was congratulated by everyone. Mr. Fitzgerald mentioned the speech that I'd have to give and I shuddered. I really hated giving large public speeches.

Congrats. Dom's voice whispered in my head.

Thanks. But now I have to give a farewell speech for our class. UGH! I wanted to be struck by lightning.

Don't be so dramatic. It's a small enough town that it can't be bigger than the town. He laughed.

Just so you know, I am shooting you with death stares! I huffed at him.

The rest of the day flew by with many congratulations and me fretting about what to say. I got home and sat down with a piece of paper and started to write.

Welcome parents, students, and.No, no. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our graduation. It has been a year of great a many things. Ugh. accomplishments. We have grown from the children that our parents raised, into the young grownups. Grr. adults that are about to leave this fine school. Deep breath. establishment, and take on the world. Our long awaited future is calling us into action to take up arms. What is this an army recruiter's speech? to us. Our futures seem a little brighter and definitely scarier. The unknown for us is if we will make it. I believe that we will. I've grown up with every one of these students and I have seen all the awkward phases and interesting choices we have all made throughout the years. Now we are going to put our current knowledge to the test and go out there into the real world. This sounds so stupid. We are all going places in our lives, whether it is to college, or modeling, or work, we are going on to the next phase of our lives. Gah. step on this road. Our futures are bright with the hopes of our dreams and nothing is impossible for us. I believe that we will follow these dreams and turn them into reality, but this is the starting point for that. I realized that, where I stand right now, someone else stood not that long ago and they went off and began on the road to their dreams and there was someone before them. Great, I'm going to ramble on like a crazy old person. It is a long line of people that we follow out of these high school grounds into the waiting world. We welcome the future with open arms and open minds. And could someone please just shoot me for having to do this speech?Right like I'd get away with this speech if that was in it. I would also like to issue a challenge to the classes that will come after us; reach for the stars, if you fail, you'll land on the moon. Never give up on your dreams, even if they seem impossible. Once again, welcome to our graduation.

Seems good enough to me. Dom?

Yes? He sounded like he would easily start laughing at me.

Will you come and read this? I needed a second opinion.

Do you trust me? I thought it an odd response.

Of course I do. Otherwise you so wouldn't be in my life. Why? He had gotten to my curiosity.

Because your speech is fine. Especially the part about someone shooting you. I could feel his tongue sticking out.

I took that part out, you butt. You don't think it rambles or is too short? I felt nervous talking about it.

Emma, you ramble. If you stick to this maybe you won't as much and it isn't the inauguration speech. Just take a deep breath and relax. I am positive that the principal will approve it and everything will be fine. He smiled.

I'm glad you're so calm about it all. I felt really stressed out.

Let's watch another movie together. Graduation is in a few days. Please come and relax with me. I could see his puppy dog eyes, and it was too hard to resist.

Fine. I'm coming downstairs. We can watch whatever you want as long as it isn't a monster movie, I'm still monstered out. I put the paper in my backpack. I'd rewrite it before I turned it in for review.

Dominic and I snuggled on the couch in the living room and watched some movie off the television. I never caught the name, but it was in Spanish and was about a civil war of some sort and had fairies in it. It was weird and I enjoyed it.

“How will I be able to understand everyone in Italy?” I thought of my ability to pick up languages quickly, but I hadn't thought to learn Italian yet.

“If they are a vampire- like at the school- they will talk to you mentally and we understand everything that way. We hear it in our native tongue. But, if you are really worried about it, we can buy you an Italian book and you can teach yourself- like you did with Kelly's French book.” He was gently stroking my hair.

“Will I be the only American there?” I really didn't want to be alone.

“Of course not. Sometimes you come up with the most outrageous questions. Our kind travel everywhere and anywhere they want to study. So, in Italy, the Italians generally leave to go somewhere else, and other people go there. But there are some who stay to be close to their famiglie.” He smiled at me.

“Oh. Okay.” I snuggled against him again and went back to watching the television.

The next day I wrote out my speech and handed it in. Principal Taylor read it quickly and approved it right there. And that was the big event before our graduation.

We had the day before off to get ready and all of the seniors were at home pressing suits or finding the perfect shoes.

I had the outfit picked out – black, business knee-length skirt, red, button-up blouse, and my red peek-a-boo pumps. I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out the best hairstyle to go with because of the stupid graduation hat. I decided to put a few gentle curls in my straight black locks and leave it down.

While I was sorting everything out for tomorrow- I had to be there early to do a practice round- Dominic kept popping into my room to ask me opinions about what to wear, how to style his hair, and what shoes to have on. I was going to go mad.

Dom, are you all set? I asked to find out if I'd see his head pop back into my doorway.

I was actually coming up to see you. I have the entire look together with the robe and such on too; I wanted to know what you thought. He sounded nervous.

Fine. I don't understand why you're so worked up. I sighed.

My family is coming, and Abner. It's the first official thing I've completed. He was excited now.

Oh. Okay. Don't worry, everything will be fine.

He walked into my room and looked like his usual stunning self.

“I don't know how you make that cap and gown look good, but you do.” I kissed his cheek.

He smiled.

“Stop fretting and leave me to finish getting ready. I have to be there an extra two hours earlier. That actually means I need to be there at six o'clock in the morning,” I grumbled.

“Hey, I offered to come, mia bella.” He shot back.

“I know, but they said the people that were needed were to be there that early,” I pouted.

“It will go quickly.” He smiled and left.

I went back to getting everything ready. I had decided on classic makeup- nothing too Gothic- so I had my fine black eyeliner pencil out, my slightly tan eyeshadow, and my reddish lip gloss.

By the end of the day I was a ball of nerves and I went to bed early. My alarm was set for four in the morning and the thought of getting up that early made me exhausted. I fell asleep quickly.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

“What the devil is that?” I asked to my room as I tried to pry open my eye.

I finally succeed in the task and looked around my room. Beep. It mocked me as I turned my head. Beep. The digital number glowed a bright four in the morning. Beep. I growled at it and then slammed my hand into the top. It stopped beeping; unfortunately, it would probably never beep again, or tell time for that matter.

“Stupid clock. Stupider alarm. Stupidest graduation.” I was secretly damning it.

I went in the bathroom and turned on the water. I grumbled back out into my room and grabbed my clothes and shoes. I stomped back into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. I was secretly wishing death on the person that decided that graduations should be so dang early in the stupid day. A pox on them all!

I turned the water off and felt no more awake, but my reflection showed that I didn't look as tired as I felt- thank God.

I blew dry my hair and then put some curls in it. I got dressed and did my makeup.

I sleepily walked down to the kitchen and made myself a mocha. The caffeine barely jolted my system- another perk to being a vampire. Why is the world against me? I grumbled and got in my Jeep.

The drive to school was a little sad; it was the last time I would be making this drive as a student of my bland little high school. I decided I should've joined a team, and vowed to join one at vampire school, if they had one. I wondered for a minute what kind of sports they could possibly have at such a school and only came up with ridiculous ones.

When my school came into sight, I felt a pang in my chest for what I was about to do. I was really nervous too about my stupid speech.

I parked in the lot and found the principal. He told me to sit tight and we would practice my speech shortly, so I did, on the stage where a post-it had been placed with my name on it. Wow, this is really unorganized.

I watched the principal running about like a chicken with his head cut off and I had to fight the urge to cluck at him.

By the time he had finished whatever he was doing, or fixing, it was about thirty minutes until everyone else was about to arrive.

“Emma. I am sorry to leave you waiting here. I don't think we have time for you to do your actual speech, but let me explain to you how things will happen. You will stand up here with the senior class president, myself, and an office aid. We will walk up to this platform in order to where we will be seated. The order is the aid, then me, then you, then the class president. The graduating students will file in, all will remain standing until I say, 'Please be seated,' and then I will launch into the welcoming speech. After that speech, you will give your speech. The class president will say something and then we will begin handing out diplomas. At the end, we will all stand once more and then everyone throws their caps into the air … and that's it.” He sped through his description and then he rushed off to take care of some other problem.

I hopped off the platform and went to stand in the line I was supposed to be in. The class president came and stood near me. He looked a little green.

“What's wrong?” I asked in fear of him hurling everywhere.

“Oh. Nuffin. I'm just really nervous,” he said. His brown eyes were hugely dilated with nerves, and his shaggy brown hair was sticking to the nape of his neck.

“Hey, it will be fine. I have to give the valedictorian speech.” I smiled with sympathy.

He simply smiled back and then went back to being silent and green.

How you holding up, mia bella? Dom's voice was music to my ears.

I'm bored and annoyed because I so shouldn't have gotten up at four this morning, I grumbled at him.

Why not? He yawned.

They didn't go over anything really until about twenty minutes ago. Then it was like in fast forward … anyways. Gah. I felt jipped.

You can sleep after. So logical.

By then I won't be tired. Aren't we having dinner? All of us, as a big family, or something to celebrate this event? I wasn't sure since I hadn't heard anything yet.

No one is sure yet. Both sets of parents are trying to cancel their evening plans. If they do, then we're going to New York for dinner. If they don't, we're eating with your grandparents. He shrugged.

The way the parents could easily dismiss the event angered me to no end. But I had little time to be upset because the guests were showing up, and the lines were being formed.

In a few minutes everyone was moving. I watched as everything slowed down and the moment of truth got closer. Our group of four people walked up onto the stage and stood there. I watched all the people I've known since I was a little girl, file into the awaiting rows of seats.

Kelly looked like she was going to cry, I knew everything was changing for her- her entire life was going to be something different. I saw Dominic saunter in and I knew that he had changed my life more than anyone could have. He looked satisfied to be there, but not stressed out. I saw all of Kelly's clique sit together, and they all had hope in their eyes for their break. I smiled at the ever growing group of students and guests.

“Please be seated,” our overly stressed principal said. He waited for everyone to be sitting down and then he began his speech about how wonderful the class was, and how he was sure we'd all go and do great things and contribute to this world. It was really long winded and I could see the audience had the same thought because the bodies began to slump in their chairs- I started to see yawns circulating. It made me want to giggle, I didn't though.

He finished on a note about dreams and the audience woke up to give him a round of applause. “Next, please welcome our valedictorian, Emma Hutchinson.” There was a swell of applause from both the students and guests.

I stood up and walked to the podium. I felt my nerves coming and pushed them back- my voice would not shake while I gave this speech.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our graduation. It has been a year of great accomplishments. We have grown from the children that our parents raised, into the young adults that are about to leave this fine establishment and take on the world. Our long awaited future is calling to us. Our futures seem a little brighter, and definitely scarier. The unknown for us now, is if we will make it. I believe that we will. I've grown up with every one of these students, and I have seen all the awkward phases, and interesting choices, we have all made throughout the years. Now we are going to put our current knowledge to the test and go out there into the real world. We are all going places in our lives, whether it is to college, or modeling, or work, we are going on to the next step on this road. Our futures are bright with the hopes of our dreams and nothing is impossible for us. I believe that we will follow these dreams and turn them into reality, but this is the starting point for that. I realize that where I stand right now, someone else stood not that long ago, and they went off and began on the road to their dreams, and there was someone before them also. It is a long line of people that we follow out of these high school grounds into the waiting world. We welcome the future with open arms and open minds. I would also like to issue a challenge to the classes that will come after us; reach for the stars, if you fail, you'll land on the moon. Never give up on your dreams, even if they seem impossible. Once again, welcome to our graduation.”

It was short and sweet and was greeted with tons of applause. I bowed slightly and sat back down.

The class president was still a green hue and now had a sweat sheen across his forehead. He walked shakily up to the microphone, then began his speech about what a great year the senior class had had and all the wonderful things he knew we'd all be doing after graduation.

His voice shook through the entire thing and I began to wonder how he had been elected president- to be quite honest, I didn't even know we had one.

At the end of the speech he thanked both my family and Dominic's for their generous contributions and then he sat down as quickly as possible.

“You did fine,” I beamed at him.

“Thank you,” he said and then went back to calming down.

Next our names were called and we shook hands with our principal and the cheery office aid handed us our diplomas. It took about fifteen minutes for the entire process to happen. I thought it would have taken longer, or felt more important … or something.

Our principal welcomed us as a graduated class and we threw our caps in the air. Somehow it didn't have the same umph I thought it should have. Once again I felt cheated.

I wandered off the stage and found Dom. He found our families sitting together. After a little debating it was said that, unfortunately, the parents both had to leave right away for business arrangements. I could've spit. It was okay though because I would get to spend the evening with my grandpa- someone that I didn't get to see as often as I used to, and I missed him.

Our parents disappeared shortly after we arrived home. Once again, Dom and I both were annoyed at this factor. Grandma had to go into the city because of an emergency with a human friend, so Grandpa ate with us.

It was silent for a while and I was afraid that maybe I had offended him by not having as much time for him, like I used to.

“Don't even think it, my dear,” his warm and wise voice said to me.

“But I know I've not been there a lot.” I looked down at my plate.

“Yes, but you've had things to plan and you are coming to know yourself again. It is understandable.” His smile crinkled around his eyes.

“What will you do when I move to Italy?” I was afraid to leave him all alone with just my parents and my grandmother, without my sanity to calm it all down.

“I was thinking that your grandma and I would travel over there for a bit and make sure that you've gotten settled.” He looked away.

“That would be awesome! Then Dom can have some time to do professor stuff without worrying about me.” I beamed at the most important men in my life, well minus one that wouldn't be mentioned.

“Do not worry about me, Em. I will always make time for you and work. But I am very glad that they decided to join you. My family will, of course, be much obliged if you stay with us for as long, or as short a time, as you like.” Dom was being very polite.

“Actually … we'll be temporarily renting a villa close to the school. That way if you two ever have a late evening on shore, you don't have to find a neighbor to ferry you over to your house.” Grandpa's eyes were lit with excitement.

“You are so brilliant, Grandpa!” I ran swiftly over to his side of the table and kissed him on the cheek. “I'm so glad you're going to be there. I'd miss you too much.” I clung to his neck.

“Ah, no need for this. We'll be there a few days after you.” He smiled again.

“Yeah! Isn't that great Dom?” I squealed at him.

“Yes, it's wonderful, Emma. I am so glad that you won't have to worry about being away from your family too much.” He smiled at me.

“So, on to another subject,” I giggled. “Chris told me that Kelly's first location shoot will be in Italy! She, of course, will have other stuff before that, but it's her first one out of the country! She'll be able to visit about middle semester I think.” I giggled with delight.

“Oh, Emma dear, that is wonderful.” Grandpa was pleased.

“Then we can show her around and maybe she'll fall in love with a nice Italian.” Dom winked at me.

I laughed.

The evening turned into a rather wonderful affair. I was really happy because the future was looking brighter and I would have my awesome Grandpa with me in Italy. I couldn't think of anything better.

And so I went to bed dreaming about the school term to come, the new setting for both Dom and I, and the adventures I might have with my grandpa.

The next day was filled with packing. I wanted to pack my entire room up and ship it to Italy, but it was illogical since I already had some of the stuff there.

I stuffed all my clothes and shoes into one huge box. In the next box went all of my books and movies- even though I was sure Dominic had every movie I had, plus about a million more.

I packed two other boxes- the first contained all of my memory stuff and the second held all of my stuff that made me feel better and comfortable. I felt a little silly packing my childhood stuffed bear, but he couldn't be left behind and he was the only thing that could always make me feel better.

It took me all day and, by the time I was done, my room looked pretty bare. My bed and furniture were still present, but all the junk that made it feel lived in was packed into the four boxes that sat by my bedroom door. It was really weird seeing my room like that. I was tempted not to sleep in it, but I decided that since I was leaving the following evening, this would be my last night in my own bed.

I knew that when I left for Italy, I wouldn't be alone because my parents were flying with us and then a few days later my grandparents would arrive at their villa. Somehow though, I had a feeling that no one else would understand what tomorrow was for me- the biggest change in my life; being fully immersed in the vampire world. I was scared to say the least and I had no idea what to expect.

I fell asleep thinking about what my new life would be like and, as a result, I had really freaky dreams.

The day dawned bright and cheery. I got up early and lugged my boxes down to my Jeep- yes; it was being shipped to me. It was strange to see everything that was important to me being packed into my new monster. I tried not to let the feeling get to me too much.

I went inside and sipped on some hot chocolate, spiked with blood, and ate a cinnamon roll.

When I was finished, I walked about the house, memorized everything, and relived different memories from each place.

Dominic got up at noon and packed his suitcase and a small box of items he had amassed while he was staying with us. Grandpa let me play chess with him and I was positive that he let me win. I informed him that it didn't taste as sweet when it was given to you. He laughed and played me again- I was slaughtered, but happy.

My parents came home around four and switched the contents of their suitcases for appropriate and clean clothes. Everything was set, and we were going to leave. I decided I needed to see my room one last time before I walked out of my house for an unknown amount of time.

I climbed the stairs and counted each step, memorizing the look of each one. There were sixty-two and the middle one had a crack in it. I wasn't going to tell anyone so that it would be exactly the same when I came back.

I opened my bedroom door and closed my eyes. I thought of how it usually looked, and I knew that when I opened them, there would be nothing familiar to me.

A breeze from the window I thought I had closed caught my attention. It carried a smell that was familiar to me.

“It couldn't be.” My eyes opened instantly as I pushed my door open further … but what I thought I had smelled wasn't there.

I turned about my room and felt a pang for what was. There would always be some holes in my heart- for him, and for my life before.

I shut the window firmly and latched it. I turned to leave when something cream colored, on my pillow, caught my eye. I went to my bed and found a thick cream envelope atop the book I had written to Mike in.

On the envelope was one simple word; “Emma.”




Your local storyteller,

Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

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